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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000807560016-2 WASHINGTON POST 23 November 1986 CIA Covert Action To Continue in Iran . after Arms .Gales, Influence Sought By Bob Woodward Wn.hgUm Pn.t st,at Wr t, r President Reagan has left in place a sensitive CIA covert oper- ation designed to increase U.S. in- fluence in Iran despite his decision not to sell more arms to the Iran- ians. Several sources in the adminis- tration and on Capitol Hill said last week that this ongoing operation is diplomatically risky and is likely to aggravate turf struggles within the administration. But the president and some of his senior White House staff see the continuing covert Iran operation as a bold initiative that has yielded positive results-the release of three American hostages-and has a chance to achieve other foreign policy aims, according to official sources. The covert action authorized by Reagan's Jan. 17 secret intelligence "finding" allows the Central Intel- ligence Agency to interfere in the affairs of a foreign government. The operation is an extension of one initiated by Israel, and accord- ing to senior Reagan administration officials, it is designed to gather in- telligence and shape the behavior of the regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his successor. As administration officials have said, the covert operation is not a paramilitary support plan and is not intended to seek the overthrow of Khomeini. The administration want,, to keep the program as se- cret as possible-one reason the White House has left in force the covert finding that allows it to keep more details of the policy out of public and congressional view. "The agency has got its hooks into some people in Iran and is em- barked on a pipe dream that they can kick open the door to Tehran," said one middle-level administration source knowledgeable about Iran and opposed to the operation. A source said Khomeini has not been able to determine the identi- ties of the U.S. contacts in his gov- ernment or has for some reason sanctioned their dealing with the United States. Two U.S. sources raised the possibility that the Iran- ians have engaged in an elaborate "sting" operation to obtain arms and embarrass the United States. The president said Wednesday night in his televised news confer- ence, "We are hopeful that we're going to be able to continue our meetings with these people, these individuals." Secretary of State George P. Shultz and other senior State De- partment officials have opposed the project not only because of the arms sales but because the covert oper- ation gives the CIA and the Nation- al Security Council in the White House primary roles in attempting to manage and develop new U.S. foreign policies toward Iran, the sources said. Informed sources described the CIA's director, William J. Casey, as a strong supporter of the covert plan. Covert operations, even those in- volving paramilitary action such as CIA support to the contras oppos- ing the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, are traditionally man- aged by interagency groups chaired by a senior State Department of- ficial. But the [ran project was run by the White House and the CIA. One well-placed source said part of the controversy over the secret Iran policy is a turf battle, but an- other source familiar with Shultz's thinking said the secretary of state simply wants to regain authority over this interagency machinery and what he thinks should be large- ly a diplomatic initiative to Iran, not an intelligence operation. Intelligence agencies have played roles in the Iran project since its in- ception, although the CIA's active involvement began only last Janu- ary-after the operation became too complicated to he run entirely out of the White House, according to a knowledgeable source. The first contact setting the pro- ject in motion was in late July 1985, between Robert C. ,McFarlane, then the president's national secu- rity adviser, and David Kimche, then director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, according to U.S. sources. Kiniche, a 30-year veteran of Is- rael's Mossad intelligence service and a former Most deputy direc- tor, has been a key tigure in devel- oping Israel's antiterrorism policy over the years, according to in- formed U.S. and Israeli sources. The Mossad's technique against Palestinian terrorists has always been to penetrate the groups with agents. And sources said that one of Kimche's favorite expressions was, "In order to catch a fish, you have to think like a fish." But after the Iranian revolution, a new wave of terrorist attacks and bombings by Shiite fundamentalists loyal to and supported by the Kho- meini government presented both Israel and the U.S. intelligence agencies with a new problem of gathering intelligence. In the words of one source, "We had to learn to think like different fish." The 1983 terrorist attacks against U.S. installations in Beirut, including the devastating bombing of the Marine barracks that killed 241 U.S. servicemen, highlighted the problem. Both Israeli and U.S. intelligence agencies developed information that the Iranian government was a chief supporter of the terrorist groups responsible. For example, Iranian diplomatic communications were used to order terrorists in Lebanon to conduct some operations, accord- ing to informed sources. U.S. and Israeli sources said that by 1985 the Mossad had developed a high-level source in the Khomeini government through channels that had been opened with secret Israeli arms shipments to Iran. In the July 1985 meeting with McFarlane, Kimche effectively passed along an Israeli intelligence asset to the United States, accord- ing to one source. It was "natural" that this contact eventually be taken up by the CIA, the source said, especially when Shultz and Defense Secretary Cas- par W. Weinberger voiced opposi- tion to a new opening to Iran that would include arms shipments. The New York Times yesterday quoted an unidentified senior Israeli official who described the intelli. gence asset Israel had cultivated in Tehran in these terms: "We are talking about a source among the most senior ayatollahs. It would have been criminal for us not to fol- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000807560016-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0807560016-2 terrific intelligence through this channel . . . . We were at the heart of the government. There was no Western government that had ac- cess to the kind of information we had. "Through these contacts, we learned a great deal about what was going on in the ruling circles. It be- came clear to us that there were different groups, some less zealous than others." Covert CIA relationships with senior officials in foreign govern- ments have been among the most sensitive and controversial in the U.S. government. Diplomats often oppose them. For example, for 20 years the CIA had a secret relation- ship with King Hussein of Jordan and paid him millions of dollars. Un- til the operation was disclosed pub- licly in 1977 and discontinued by President Jimmy Carter, the CIA station chief in Amman had more in- fluence and access to the Jordanian head of state than did the U.S. am- bassador. The Jan. 17 order was issued un- der the 1980 Intelligence Oversight Act, which requires the president to "find" that a new covert action is "important to the national security of the United States." Thus this formal written presidential approval for co- vert action is called a "finding." A source said that CIA Director Casey and his general counsel were involved in drafting the finding. Poindexter has said publicly that the only copy of the finding was kept in his White [louse safe. According to sources, Poindexter thinks that a new generation of Iranian officials, so-called "moder- ates," have less of a phobia about the West than some of the elders who staged the Iranian revolution, and believe that the greatest threat to the Iranian revolution is posed not by the United States but by the Soviet Union, which shares a 1,100-mile border with Iran. One official said, "All you have to do is point out to them what's hap- pened to Afghanistan, which is also on the Soviet border. These mod- erates in Iran know ... that the So- viets are a threat." The Soviets in- vaded Afghanistan in 1979 and have kept about 100,000 regular troops there in a continuing war against the Afghan resistance. Sources said that one'of the goals the president listed in the secret in- telligence order he signed Jan. 17 was to prevent the Soviets from ob- taining a foothold or increased in- fluence in Iran. troversial arms shipments to Iran not only helped win the release of American hostages but were a means of rewarding and giving lev- erage to key Iranians who are the high-level U.S. connections into the Iranian government. The sources said these U.S. con- nections are the "individuals" and "people" Reagan mentioned but did not identify in his news conference Wednesday. The president said the arms sales were to give "prestige and muscle" to "the people that we were doing business with." Normally, CIA sources or con- tacts in foreign governments are paid with money, intelligence assist- ance or physical protection, but the Iranian contacts wanted arms, the sources said. "In the Middle Fast, whether we like it or not, arms are a currency, in the broad sense of the word," Po- indexter said in an interview last week with USA Today. A senior official said: "We had to establish our bona fides. And we frankly didn't trust them, didn't trust Iran, didn't trust the channels we were dealing with. They didn't trust us. There was no mutual trust. We're the Great Satan. So how do you establish your bona fides? Do you try powdered milk? Do you try bandages? That's some- thing they can get at the local drug store. You have to try arms." Administration officials argue that Reagan did not see the Iran policy as a modification of his strong stand against terrorism and coun- tries that support it. Said one well-placed official; "Reagan believes in his heart that we didn't deal with terrorists in Iran but dealt with those channels that are moderate, and moderate is a term that is relevant to Iran"-a contention that some experts on Iran have disputed. Administration officials listed these positive developments as fruits of the [ran initiative: ^ The Iranian government has not sponsored a terrorist act against Americans or U.S. interests since secret Reagan administration con- tacts began in 1985. The three Americans kidnaped in Beirut this September and October had all converted to Islam and were either longtime residents of Beirut or had married Arab women. "It's not as if they're picking off Amer- ican tourists or American govern- ment people like they have in the past," said one official, who claimed that the kidnaping of Joseph James Cicippio, Frank Reed and Edward Austin Tracy were not necessarily anti-American acts. ^ Iran has issued government statements against terrorism. ^ Three American hostages in Bei- rut were released-the Rev. Ben- jamin Weir on Sept. 14, 1985, the Rev. Lawrence M. Jenco on July 26 and David P. Jacobsen on Nov. 2. ^ Iran assisted in obtaining the re- lease of several of the hostages of TWA flight 847 in June 1985; Teh- ran also refused to provide landing rights for the Pan Am jet hijacked in Karachi, Pakistan, this September. Staff researcher Barbara Feinman contributed to this report. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0807560016-2