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July 9, 1985
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807260023-7
9 July 1OSS
PRESIDENT ACCOSEF law states." sorship and knowledge and authority of
"The American people are not - I the Syrian Government."
5 `OUTLAW STATES' lotion, terror and outright acts of war "rep to its list nations that have
this nation and its people," Mr. "repeatedly provided support for acts
against Reagan told the lawyers' group, eight of international
the current list terrorism." includes Besides
days after 39 hostages from a hijacked Southern Yemen, Libya and Cuba. The
OF WORLD TERROR Trans World Airlines plane were re- list, which is maintained in compliance
leased from captivity in Lebanon. with an act of Congress, does not in-
"And we are especially not going to elude North Korea or Nicaragua.
tolerate these attacks from outlaw In his speech today, Mr. Reagan
SYRIA OMITTED FROM LIST states run by the strangest collection of made an apparent allusion to SSyna and
misfits, Looney Tunes and squalid other, nations when he said: "The coun-
criminals since the advent of the Third tries I have mentioned today are not
Reich," the President added. The com- necessarily the only ones that support
Iran, Libya, North Korea, Cuba ment drew loud applause and laughter. terrorism against the United States
`No Sanctuary` for Terrorists and its allies. Those which I have de-
and Nicaragua Blamed for scribed are simply ones that can be
Mr. Reagan left open the possibility most directly implicated."
'Outright Acts of War' of military retaliation against terror- Responding to questions about
ists. He said that "we must act togeth. Syria's omission from the list, Larry
er, or unilaterally if necessary, to in- Speakes, the White House spokesman,
in tlist of
said that terrorists have no sanctuary d' "This is not all-inclusive
By BERNARD WEINRAUB - anywhere." countries s that are e involved d in error-
svsaar to The Now Y?t T1ma. ism, but it is an example of some of the
At another point, Mr. Reagan said: more recent occurrences."
WASHINGTON, July 8 - President "These terrorist states are now en- In his speech, Mr. Reagan deplored
Reagan today characterized Iran, gaged in acts of war against the Gov- Soviet press comments about the hos-
Libya, North Korea, Cuba and Nicara- ernment and people of the United tage episode in Beirut, including sug-
gua as "a confederation of terrorist States. And under international law, gestions that the United States was in
states" that had carried out "outright any state which is the victim of acts of the grip of "hysteria" and was seeking
acts of war" against the United States. war has the right to defend itself." to use the hostage situation as a pretext
The President said the five nations - But Mr. Reagan also stressed to the for an invasion of Lebanon. .
were "a new, international version of bar association the need for "civilized "There is a non-Soviet word for that
Murder Inc." nations" to seek to respond to terrorists kind of talk," Mr. Reagan said, "an ex.
But Mr. Reagan, in an address to the through the law. tremely useful, time-tested original
American Bar Association, pointedly American word, agricultural deep aroots rms in
omitted S "We must act against the criminal our rich a agricultural and farming
yria from his list of nations menace of terrorism with the full tradition." Mr. Reagan smiled as the
abetting terrorism despite past com- weight of the law, both domestic and in- audience laughed and applauded.
ments deploring Syrian "terrorism and ternational," he said. "We will act to The Nicaraguan Embassy
intimidation." Syria has been cited by indict, apprehend and prosecute those ington later issed a,stateent in re-
the State Department in its list of na- who commit the kind of atrocities the spouse to Mr. R
tions that " eagafl s speech, saying,
have repeatedly supported world has witnessed in recent weeks." `The Nicaraguan Gov tnent con-
acts of international te
A Gesture of Gratitude Cuba and Nicara8s ors of ter- 41a'..a v suffering th scour a of
re a sco e o U
White House officials termed Mr. rorism, Mr. Reagan said: state terrorii;97openly promoted Reagan 's omission of Syria a gesture of "I submit to you that the growth in t e muustration. anexecut
gratitude to President Hafez al-Assad, terrorism in recent years results from through the c'.I.A. and contra grouts."
who played a pivotal role in the release the increasing involvement of these In Havana, Fidel Castro ridiculed
last week of 39 American hostages in states in terrorism in every region of Mr. Reagan's charge that Cuba was Lebanon. the world. This is terrorism that is part part of a group of terrorist nations. "It
of a pattern - the work of a confedera- is an attempt to frighten Cuba," the
"Our relations weren't very good," a tion.of terrorist states." Cuban leader said. "This Reagan is a
ranking White House aide said of madman, an imbecile, a bum."
American-S In the past, Administration officials, yrian ties. He said Mr.
sad' As- including Mr. Reagan, have accused Mr. Reagan said today that Vice
s handling of the hostage situation President Bush, who returned to Wash-
had "improved relations somewhat." Syria of ties to international terrorism, ington last week after discussions with
"Obvious! On Feb. 6. 1984, when he ordered the European leaders, would head a Gov-
t' you don't return a favor use of American air and naval forces ernment task force to recommend im-
with harsh language," the official said. against anti-Government positions in provements in efforts to halt terrorism.
In another development, Adminis- Lebanon, Mr. Reagan blamed Syria for In detailing his charges against the
tration sources said today that Justice the fighting that engulfed West Beirut five nations, the President accused
and State Department lawyers were and said Syria "facilitates and supplies Iran of promoting terrorism in Leba_
preparing the legal groundwork for instruments for terrorist attacks on the non and throughout Europe, and he
charging and extraditing the hijackers people of Lebanon." said Libya had established a "pattern
who killed an American hostage in Bei- Syria was further assailed by high- of state-approved assassination and
rut. ranking American officials after the terrorism.
Beyond Previous Statements bombing of the Marine barracks in Bei- Mr. Reagan said North Korea was
Mr. Rea an's s rut in which 241 American servicemen
8 peach today in Consti- were killed. On Nov. 23, 1983, a month guilty of supporting terrorism in Asian
tution Hall, before several thousand after the bombing, Defense Secretary countries, including Sri Lanka, and in
delegates of the bar association, went Caspar W. Weinberger linked Syria to Central America. He said Nicaragua
beyond previous presidential state- the attack. Of the bombers, Mr. Wain- provided "one of the world's principal
ments on international terrorism in berger said, "We have a pretty good re Cuba, he said, has"oopenly armed,
specifically citing five nations as "out- idea of the general group from which
they came and, as I said the first day, !rained and directed terrorists operat-
they are basically Iranians with spon. ng on at least three continents.-
in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807260023-7