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Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706870034-0 ti DIA Alone In Optimism For Savimbi CIA, State Dept. Fear UNITA Failure By David B. ttawa S Two of the three U.S. intelli- gence agencies have concluded that the pro-Western guerrilla move- ment led by Jonas Savimbi has no chance of winning on the battlefield against the Marxist Angolan gov- ernment and little prospect of join- ing a coalition, according to con- gressional and intelligence sources. Nevertheless, the sole agency that predicts a possible military and political victory by Savimbi--the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency-has for several months shared intelligence information with him and provided communications support to his guerrillas, according to Pentagon and other sources. One source said the intelligence- sharing and other nonlethal aid, which reportedly began in Decem- ber, was the first part of a two- stage covert assistance program approved by President Reagan and his national security advisers last November. Savimbi, who has been lobbying for U.S. military aid here since early last week, has met with Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger and held three ses- sions-two of them hastily squeezed into-his hectic lobbying schedule this week-with DIA of- ficials to receive fresh intelligence reports and discuss his specific mil- itary needs, these sources say. Contrary to the DIA's optimistic assessment of Savimbi's prospects, the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research have con- cluded that he "can't win and can't force a coalition government" on the Marxist leaders in Luanda, ac- cording to two sources familiar with the evaluations of all three intelli- gence agencies. an atrick Tvler_ ~j WASHINGTON POST 7 February 1986 The DIA holds the view that Savimbi could prevail if he holds on long enough to provoke dissension within the Luanda government and triggers a military coup that would favor his cause, one source said. The conflicting assessments of Savimbi's prospects by analysts of the CIA, DIA and Bureau of Intel- ligence have come in the midst of an intense debate within the admin- istration and Congress over wheth- 'er the United States should resume its involvement, after a decade of abstinence, in the Angolan civil war. One intelligence source said the three agencies were not only divid- ed among themselves in their as- sessments but in some cases "the lower level was not agreeing with the top" within individual agencies. Some judgments at the top on these issues appeared to reflect "political wishful thinking" rather than "hard- nosed, on-the-ground assessments," the source said. CIA Director William J. Casey. was previously reported those in the administration most supportive of proposals to provide Savimbi with assistance in his struggle. Savimbi lunched with Casey last week and also met with CIA officials who are involved in planning U.S. covert support for his guerrilla forces, according to one informed source. CIA analysts, however, believe the proposed level of U.S. military aid for Savimbi's struggle is insuf- ficient to make a difference in the military equation on the ground or force any change in the Marxist government's refusal to discuss a coalition with the rebels. The Reagan administration has approved an initial $10 million to $15 million covert military aid pro- gram, but congressional conserva- tives want a much larger U.S. com- mitment of either covert or overt aid. A major administration objec- tive in helping Savimbi is to urge the Angolan government to accept reconciliation with Savimbi and give his National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) a place in the government. Savimbi was one of two pro- Western leaders aided by the Unit- ed States at the start of the An- golan civil war in 1975, when the CIA spent $32 million trying to pre- vent the Marxist faction from seiz- ing power. However, in January 1976, Congress passed legislation ending CIA involvement in the war. As in the mid-1970s, the admin- istration, Congress and the intelli- gence community are again deeply divided over the wisdom of entan- glement in the Angolan conflict. Conservatives have cast the Savimbi aid issue in terms of an ul- timate test of the so-called "Reagan Doctrine," the administration's de- clared objective of aiding anticom- munist "freedom fighters" in their struggles against Soviet- and Cuban-backed governments. "The Reagan Doctrine pretty much hinges on Angola," remarked a House conservative staffer in- volved in the campaign to help Savimbi. "It will also set a precedent for the contras," he added, referring to the administration's recently an- nounced plan to ask Congress for up to $100 million in military and other aid for the U.S.-backed anticommu- nist forces fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Opponents of U.S. involvement in Angola, who include 500 academic specialists on Africa who have pe- titioned Congress to block aid to Savimbi, are warning that the Unit- ed States is heading for an entan- gling, and inevitably damaging, al- liance with South Africa that will have repercussions for American foreign policy in black Africa. The debate within the intelli- gence community has centered on a number of interrelated issues, in- cluding Soviet intentions in Angola, Savimbi's military and political prospects, and his strategy in seek- ing to battle the military pressure on his forces. Savimbi and his conservative backers here have made much of the growing Soviet and Cuban in- volvement in the war on behalf of the Angolan government. The pro- UNITA voices point to the arrival of $2 billion in Soviet arms, the in- crease in the number of Cuban troops to 35,000 and the peril of annihilation that UNITA forces face Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706870034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706870034-0 from an expected large government offensive this spring. CIA Director Casey reportedly believes Soviet leader Mikhail Gor- bachev was personally responsible for upping the Soviet-bloc ante in Angola, according to intelligence sources. U.S. analysts say, howev- er, that the Soviet arms buildup and increase in Cuban troops began in early 1984 and was mostly coin- pleted by the time Gorbachev came to power last March. Savimbi and his backers here also argue that the Soviets and Angola's Marxist rulers are responsible for the recent escalation. But U.S. in- telligence sources say there is strong evidence that the Angolan government has been responding to an initial UNITA escalation that began in 1983. That UNITA esca- lation was supported by consider- able South African military and lo- gistical aid, and was launched with the publicly declared intent of mass- ing 20,000 guerrillas in Luanda Province by the end of 1984 for a major attack on the capital. Savimbi made such good prog- ress in spreading his guerrilla war from his stronghold in southeast Angola to the northeast and north- ern parts of the country that South Africa's military intelligence had concluded that his forces stood a good chance of achieving a military victory, according to one U.S. in- telligence source. One well-informed source said that the recent DIA support for Savimbi has included upgraded communications equipment as part of the nonlethal phase of covert as- sistance. Details of that equipment were unavailable, although Savimbi's geographically dispersed forces are believed to need radio equipment to link them together. The DIA, which reportedly has tics to South African military intel- ligence, adopted this view, the source said. The Pentagon agency still holds that UNITA has the po- tential, if sufficiently aided by the United States and others, to fight government forces to a stalemate. The argument being made by some DIA and other intelligence analysts is that there is "a very strong likelihood" of such a stale- mate and a "fairly strong" prospect for a coalition government including UNITA, the source added. Other CIA analysts have con- cluded, however, that UNITA does not have the military strength to create such a stalemate, particular- ly with the Soviets and Cubans in- creasingly committed to the Marx- ist central Angolan government. They believe Savimbi is being drawn intoa conventional-style war of defending fixed positions, espe- cially his headquarters in Jamba, and that such battle tactics may be catastrophic to his forces. These analysts say Savimbi should give up this strategy and return to a more mobile style of warfare in which U.S. antiaircraft missiles and antitank guns-the main two items he is seeking from the United States-would not be so crucial to UNITA's survival. UNRED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Vice President Bush talking with UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi last week. Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706870034-0