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July 11, 1985
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ST Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA- Y LRTICL>i JAPEAM 9 PAGE ? WASHINGTON POST 11 July 1985 House votes to End Ban on Aid to Angola Rebels By Margaret Shapiro Waahrngton Poet staff writer The Democratic-controlled House voted yesterday to end a decade-old prohibition on U.S. mil- itary assistance to guerrillas fight- ing the Marxist government of An- gola. The Senate took similar action last month. As recently as 1981 the House opposed repealing the ban, known as the Clark amendment, and open- ing the door to possible new U.S. involvement in Angola. However, lawmakers now appear to be in a more hard-line mood regarding de- fense and foreign-policy issues and more eager to assist anticommunist insurgency groups around the world. Earlier this week the House voted overwhelmingly to provide overt assistance for the first time to noncommunist groups fighting Viet- namese troops in Cambodia. And last month the House reversed it- self and agreed to provide aid to counterrevolutionaries fighting the leftist government in Nicaragua. Yesterday's vote on Angola was 236 to 185, with 176 Republicans and 60 Democrats voting in favor of lifting the ban on aid, and six Re- publicans and 179 Democrats op- posed. The amendment, sponsored by Rep. Samuel S. Stratton (D- N.Y.) and attached to the 1986 for- eign-aid bill, does not provide mil- itary aid to any group; but gives the Reagan administration the author- ity to request it. The Clark amendment, named af- ter former senator Dick Clark .Iowa), has been in place since 19W. The Senate voted to repeal it in 1981, but the House balked. The amendment was adopted after the Vietnam war in LeRM to revelations that the Central In- telligence Agency had provided co- vert militar aid to pro-western Qrouos i? tins Marxist nationalist forces during 1975 and 1976 in the midst of a civil warm n o a. The administration favored re- peal of the amendment but White House officials have said there are no immediate plans to request mil- itary or other aid for the pro-west- ern National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), led by Jonas Savimbi, which contin- ues to fight Angola's Cuban-backed government. The United States has no diplo- matic relations with Angola but has been seeking its cooperation for a peace plan that would couple the withdrawal of 25,000 to 30,000 Cuban troops from Angola with in- dependence for its neighbor, the South African-administered terri- tory of Namibia. Talks to accomplish this stalled in May when South Africa launched a commando raid on a Gulf Oil facility in Angola. Lawmakers favoring repeal of the Clark amendment said yesterday that the legislation is out of date now that Congress is willing to pro- vide aid to other anticommunist insurgency groups and that a peace- ful settlement in southern Africa is not possible so long as Cuban forces remain in Angola. "As long as those Cubans stay in Angola there will never be any peace there" and the Angolan peo- ple will "never be able to remove the yoke of communism," Stratton said. "We are providing help to those who are fighting the forces of communism in every area of the world ... even Cambodia," so why not Angola, he asked. Opponents argued that repealing the amendment would hurt the peace process at a time when the Cubans have indicated that they have a timetable for withdrawing their troops, and would further align the United States with the repressive South African regime. Rep. Ted Weiss (D-N.Y.) said that repeal would show that "our obsession with communism is such that we will do anything and every- thing, even if it hurts the people we want to help." Earlier yesterday, the House voted to deny federal aid to private international organizations that per- form or actively promote abortion as a family-planning method. It also adopted an amendment accusing China of "crimes against humanity" because of the coerced abortion and sterilization aspects of its of its pop- ulation-control practices. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706040004-4