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STAT / Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110012-9 11RTICL= 1PP?iI{]? 0),I PAaY,~~_ WASHINGTON POST 22 July 1985 In '40s and 'SOs, Nuclear Arms Still Seen Second of four articles to be published this week By Walter Pincus Washington Post Staf(Writer In the years that followed the explosion of atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, conventional military thinking was turned on its head. Often unbeknownst to its citizens, the U.S. government in the late 1940s and 1950s re- peatedly considered using nuclear weapons. The three American military services com- peted fiercely to come up with possible ways to exploit the newly discovered power of the atom. The postwar years also saw the beginning of arms control discussions (they were unsuc- cessful) and of what was subsequently called "nuclear diplomacy," the threat to use- atomic weapons as a means of ending aU.S.-Soviet crisis. Perhaps the greatest difference, at least in. attitudes, between that era and the present was the then common assumption that use of nuclear weapons again was virtually inevita- ble. The enemy against which they would be used, of course; was the Soviet Union. Imme- diately after Hiroshima, the Soviets embarked THE BOMB DAWNING OF NUCLEAR DIPLOMACY on a scientific crusade to build a bomb of their own. At the United Nations, the United States made an effort to persuade the Soviets to get along without their own bomb, but that "Ba- ruch Plan" got nowhere. Joseph Stalin was apparently bent on matching the Americans in this new category of weaponry, which seemed to promise so much power-diplomatic as well as military-to the countries that possessed it. McGeorge Bundy, national security affairs adviser under President John F. Kennedy, said in a recent interview that his research in writ- ing ahistory of the atomic age showed that Stalin was "absolutely determined" to get the bomb because he believed that "the Americans have upset the equilibrium" and that he needed an "equalizer:' In the United States, military men and Usable many scientists who had worked on the Man- hattan Project fully expected the next war to be nuclear, and set to-work preparing for it. Hans Bethe, for example, said in a 1979 interview that he and other scientists who worked on the bomb in 1945 at Los Alamos, N.M., thought atomic weapons would be used -again .within 10 years. Like some others; 13ethe disliked the idea of the bomb, but he turned from private life in 1950 to help develop the Hydrogen bomb, because he was fearful that Soviet de- velopment of such a weapon would put the United States at a disadvantage. ~; The first atomic bombs were based on the principle -rof fission, creating explosive energy by splitting atoms apart. In the much more powerful hydrogen bomb;, the =explosion is created by fusion, in which atoms are forced together, triggered by a small fission explosion. ~~forecast Eerily on Target It would be wrong to suggest that the early years of the nuclear era were dominated by ignorance. In fact, many officials. and military men did understand the im- plications of the new weapons. . Even before the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshi- ma, some-Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, for . example-forecast many of the diplomatic problems with the Soviet Union that nuclear weapons would cre- ate, and that we are living with today. One striking example was a paper delivered in Jan- uary 1946, five months after Japan surrendered, by the Army chief of staff, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, to the joint chiefs. Buried until recently in the National Archives, the formerly "top secret" document outlined the Army's views on the "effect of atomic weapons on national se- curity." It eerily. predicted almost all that has occurred in the succeeding 39 years. Eisenhower's Army staff reasoned: If within five years there were no international agreement to prevent other nations from, getting the bomb, including unlimited on-site inspections, "the v~iorid would head directly into an atomic weapons ar- Itiaments race with the assurance of supremacy ...for tQe nation winning that race." The United States, which at that time had a nuclear monopoly, faced "true peril" in "a world of unrestricted atomic bombs." "With atomic weapons, a nation must be ready to strike the first blow if needed. The first blow or series of first blows may be the last " (In today's parlance, that marked the birth of the "first strike" doctrine.) Continued Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110012-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110012-9 0(~ . An "atomic war will very likely be a war of surprise and surely one of national survival," but not "a pro- longed one." "Two disciplined nations each using the bomb can destroy each other's entire national life, yet neither could invade the other with large armed forces in the face of atomic bombs used on the convoys, beachheads or airheads. It makes war unendurable. Its very exis- tence should make war unthinkable." ' "Defense against the atomic bomb will always be in- ~dequate .... [T]he only defense which we can yet foresee is to stop the carrying vehicle." "If we were ruthlessly realistic" we would not permit any foreign power, other than an ally, "to make or pos- less atomic weapons." ' "If such a country started to make atomic weapons, ~e would destroy its capacity to make them before it had progressed far enough to threaten us." (But that vYas a course that, Eisenhower's staff acknowledged, tfie U.S. government would not pursue.) The paper concluded, "If there are to be atomic weapons in the world, we must have the best, the big- gest and the most ...." "All possible methods of delivery of atomic weapons, including aircraft, guided missiles, rockets and subma- r~nes should be studied and developed." Sending Nuclear Signals n The first excursions into nuclear diplomacy were donducted~by Harry S Truman. In 1948, the Soviet Union closed down land access to Berlin and Truman instituted an airlift. Faced with the prospect that Allied planes could be harassed, Truman briefly considered the use of nuclear weapons-al- though the United States then had fewer than five op- erational bombs, according to official records. On July 15, 1948, Truman's National Security Coun- cil (NSC) decided to send 60 B29s to Great Britain. The decision to send "atomic bombers" was given wide pub- licity, creating the impression that Truman was prepar- ~g to use nuclear weapons. However, no nuclear bombs were sent, and it has since been learned that the planes were not equipped to Earry them. ? A year later, however, after the crisis eased, nuclear- capable bombers were sent to Britain. And in 1950, at the request of the Pentagon, Truman agreed to send tihe first non-nuclear components for the bombs to Brit- ain and later to bases in the Pacific, so they would be ready for use on short notice. The superpower situation changed sharply in 1949. On~ept. 3, a . '. RB29 airplane, fl in from Ja an to as a on a regu ar mte igence ig t. picked up radio- ~ active ebr~s m the air off the Soviet Kamchatka Peninsula. When matched with later samples it con- #irmed that the Soviets had ex loded an atomic device. ne immediate consequence was Truman's decision ~o proceed with the hydrogen bomb. After the Korean War began on June 25, 1950, Tru- man had one more fling with nuclear diplomacy. According to declassified NSC papers, the president agreed that nuclear. weapons would be used only if the dotal defeat of the United States and other U.N: forces were imminent. And although the Chinese almost drove the Americans into the sea, Truman never turned to nuclear bombs. One reason, according to Paul H. Nitze, who was on the State Department's policy planning staff then, was the paucity of available bombs. If nuclear weapons had been used in Korea, Nitze said recently, the United States would have been left with too few nuclear bombs to deter the Soviet Union in Europe. In the fall of 1952 however, Truman a proved a Central Intelligence Agency 'disc ormation program j to s rea t o rumor t at ecause o t e rest enUa campai n can i ate isen ower rom~se to o to o- res to-sett e t e war t o ruman administration was going to a orce to use atomic ombs not 'ust in Ko- rea ut m ma, accor mg to a ootnote to notes from a ept. meetm . s a new y inaugurate president in 1953, Eisenhow- er was frustrated by the lack of progress in the Korean peace negotiations. He pressed his military advisers to come up with ways to use nuclear weapons if the talks ended and fighting resumed against a large Chinese- North Korean force. During a Feb. 3, 1953, NSC meeting, Eisenhower said, "We should consider using tactical atomic eapons on the Kaesong area, which provided a good target for this type ofiweapon," according to published notes from the meeting. When Gen. Hot .Vandenber ,Air Force chief of staff, su este usin nuc ear om s a amst air bases in ma,.t en- Greta o tale o n otter u es and his brother, IA irector Allen W Dulles ob- jected. They feared that this could brink the Soviets into the war and that U.S. forces would make a better target or a ov~et nuc ear attac A mont ater, en. Lawton Collins, Army chief of staff, reported that he was "very skeptical about the value of using atomic weapons tactically in Korea. The communists are dug into positions in depth over a front of 150 miles," he said. He pointed out that a nuclear test "last week proved that men could be very close to the explosion and not be hurt if they are well dug in . " After a presentation by the joint chiefs in May, which reported "no good strategic targets within Korea," notes from a May 13, 1953, NSC session said,. "the mil- itary were most anxious to make use of atomic weapons ...outside Korea." I In a recent interview, former president Richard M. Nixon, who attended those sessions as vice president, said Eisenhower was sending private messages to the North Koreans through John Foster Dulles, threatening use of nuclear weapons. That type of nuclear diploma- cy, Nixon contended, brought a satisfactory end to the Korean War. Bundy said he believed that Eisenhower had led his military commanders to think they would get approval to use nuclear weapons. "He didn't mind conveying the message that it could happen," Bundy said, "but he nev- er came anywhere near facing the judgment in Korea, or indeed anywhere else, that this was something he was prepared to order." ~Slttlt9d Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110012-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110012-9 s 'More Cavalier' Attitude Army soldiers who took part in at least one of those ~. The Eisenhower years saw the biggest growth ever in the nation's stockpile of nuclear weapons, from roughly ? 1,000 warheads when Eisenhower arrived at the White House to 18,000 when he left. It was a time when the three services fought each other for more of the annual production of nuclear ma- terials and encouraged scientists to develop weapons suitable for their respective use. It was also a period when the United States started putting nuclear-capable weapons and their warheads around the world-particularly in countries near the Soviet Union-and undertook regular exercises of nu- clear-capable forces, such as airborne bomber alerts, that would seem frightening and provocative today. Dr. Harold Agnew, a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project and later headed the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said recently that nuclear scien- tists and military planners "were much more cavalier about the use of weapons then. Fortunately, they were never used." When Eisenhower became president, he believed that atomic bombs were a major advance over earlier weapons and had to be integrated into the military forces. He also felt that their deployment could save money hY providing defense without the need for the United States to maintain large standing forces. Eisenhower translated his belief into a national se- curity directive that declared that, for budgetary and contingency planning, the military services were to con- sider nuclear weapons to be like conventional weapons. This led to the purchase of so-called dual-capable sys- tems, such as artillery pieces that could fire convention- al and nuclear shells. Thus, nuclear versions of conventional weapons be- came available for use in a crisis, albeit with a require- ment of presidential approval in each case. Some weap- ons acquired under that authority-such as nuclear warheads for antiaircraft weapons-were deployed during Eisenhower's administration with "predelegated authority." That meant theater commanders could authorize their use without specific presidential approval. The Korean War sent the Army rushing to develop tactical nuclear weapons-small devices that troops could use on the battlefield. When the Army engineers asked for a weapon, for example, Los Alamos $cientists took aHiroshima-type bomb and "put it in a can,' ac- cording to Agnew, thus producing the first atomic de- molition mine. The device, which, on paper, could have closed off the three possible invasion routes from east- ern to central Europe, has never been accepted by the Western Europeans for use on their territory. Nonetheless, hundreds were built, and the Army to- day is attempting to develop a lightweight model that could be carried by an individual soldier. Artillerymen pushed development of a nuclear shell and the so-called atomic cannon. When sent to Europe, they were so unwieldy that they regularly got stuck in the narrow streets of Western European towns. Lack- ing treads, however, they could not be used off main roadways. ~~ To prove that they could operate on a nuclear bat- tlefield;'the Army successfully pushed the Atomic En- ergy Commission (AEC) to allow it to hold exercises at the Nevada nuclear test site in conjunction with weap- ons tests at a time when the long-term effects of radi- ation on humans were not known. abnormally high number of cases of leukemia. Services' Own Nuclear Race Interservice rivalry was intense during the 1950s. One of its victims was Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, for- mer director of the Manahattan Project. In the fall of 1951, Oppenheimer took part in Project Vista, atop-secret study of the defense of Western Eu- ropeand possible uses of nuclear weapons there. In that capacity, he and other scientists met for several days in France with Eisenhower, who was then supreme Allied commander of the NATO forces. At a later government hearing, Oppenheimer said that they discussed "anti-air use of atomic weapons, [andJ their use to put out enemy airfields." He. added that Eisenhower urged the scientists "to make atomic weapons available." With the help of Oppenheimer's chapter in the final report on the use of nuclear weapons in a NATO war, the Army was able to win Pentagon and later congres- sional support for the development of a large number of battlefield nuclear weapons. Later, according to other testimony at government hearings, Air Force officials were critical of Oppenhei- mer's assistance to the Army. According to Dr. Her- bert York, a physicist who headed the Lawrence Liver- more Laboratory in California and later worked at the Pentagon, the Air Force told its civilian scientists not to use Oppenheimer as a consultant and to keep classified information from him because of the help he had given the Army. The Air Force also forced a reopening, of charges that Oppenheimer's earlier associations with American. Communist officials and sympathizers represented a "security risk." (Those associations had been investi- gafed prior to the Manhattan Project.) The Eisenhower administration ordered a security hearing in 1954, which resulted in the withdrawal of Oppenheimer's se- curity clearance. The Navy, too, was eager to join the competition. For example, after learning in 1953 that President Ei-: senhower was searching for a way to use nuclear weap-. ons in Korea should the truce break, the Navy trained four pilots to fly nuclear-equipped fighter bombers off the USS Lake Champlain. With specially designed nuclear vaults, the carrier sailed across the Pacific and waited off Korea for the order that never came, according to one of the four pilots, who recently resigned from the Navy as a flag-- ranked officer. In 1958, when Eisenhower again asked about using: atomic weapons in case the United States had to defend; the islands of Quemoy and Matsu from aCommunist= Chinese invasion, the three services developed compet- ing plans. '_ The whole idea was killed when then-Secretary of:_ State Dulles finally got estimates from the AEC that, if: executed, the military's plans could kill 8 million Chin- ese on the mainland. U.S. nuclear Matador missiles, capable of dotting then mainland, were subsequently stationed on Taiwan. In the late 1950s, the Strategic Air Command kept~? some of its large, B36 bombers on airborne alert, a few carrying the Mark 1? hydrogen bomb with an explosive: force of 20 megatons, 1,000 times more powerful than: the Hiroshima bomb. Continued Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110012-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110012-~ Not to be outdone,. the Navy flew fighter-bombersF armed with nuclear weapons off its carriers in the Pam c~ is towar ma, or enn t em to veer rom t eF coastline at the last moment so avy mte Bence co lectors could read how the Chinese radar reacted. R During the mid-1950s, .America's NATO allied wanted more control 'over the U.S. nuclear weapons: .within their borders-only the British had their own': weapons then.. The Western European allies and they United States. discussed ancY eventually rejected the2 idea of having multinational crews serve on vessels carte rying nuclear weapons.- After that, the United States: began selling nuclear-capable artillery pieces, missilesM and bombs to its allies. " By the end of the decade, West German fighter bombers carrying American nuclear weapons remained on alert on West German runways. Only a U.S. guard"` prevented them from being used without the required;' authori2ation from a U.S. president. In the late 1950s, the Eisenhower administration also sold 15 Jupiter intermediate-range missiles, which car-? ried a nuclear warhead, to Turkey. Beginning in 1960; the missiles were installed near the Soviet border, with,; U.S. troops at those sites controlling the warheads. Bromley Smith, who worked ? for the NSC at than time, said recently, "They were there for the purpose of reassuring the Turks that the Russians would not come across their border." Smith said he also had been told that the Jupiters were installed "because we had so many of them that they were coming out of our ears and this was a good place to get rid of them:' Walter Pincus works part time as a reporter for-The Washington Past and part time as a producer/writer for CBS News Much ~f the reporting for this series was done in preparing a CBS documentary on the history of nuclear weapons, "Hiroshima.Plus 40 Years and Still Counting," to be broadcast nationally on July 31. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110012-9