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STAT ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110011-0 11RTI CLE ON PAGE Stan ' at the Brunk of l~~.clear War U.S. Planned to Attach Soviet Targets in Cuba,. Then to Invacde By Walter Pincus Washington Post Stall Writer On Saturday, Oct. 27, 1962, one day before Nikita Khrushchev of- fered to withdraw Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba, President John F. Kennedy approved plans for air strikes on Soviet nuclear missile sites, air bases and Cuban-Soviet antiaircraft installations on the is- land, all to take place the following. Monday. Kennedy and his col- leagues on the "Executive Commit . tee" (Excom) of top officials con- vened to hap~le the ~igis decided that an invasion of Cam would fol- low, according to participants in the decision and notes from meetings in the White House. In other words, the Cuban missile crisis-long re- garded as the most dangerous mo- ment in the nuclear age-brought the two superpowers considerably closer to the brink of war than has WASHINGTON POST 25 July 1985 duffing one of the first White House meetings on the crisis. viet air defer es on Cuba t}rhtCh had shot down ~.. :: 2 to 'teconnaissance plane on . t. , 19G2, were growing stronger. daily, makin it increasin 1 more difficult to carry out a strike agamst a o- viet nuctear~orcez or even keep trac- o it. "The actions that we took on Sat- urday," McNamara said in a recent interview, "were actions that could have led, might have led to a Soviet . military response. "I recall leaving the White House that night," he added,, "walking through the gardens of the White House to my car to drive. back to the Pentagon and wondering_ ,~ ever see another Saturday,aigliG: _:~~! According to ~ the recently' rie~! leased notes of that White ..Horse Under the NATO treaty; a Soviet attack on Turkey would have led to "general war," according to Brom- ley Smith, who at the time was ex- ecutive director of the National Se- curity Council. Kenned also dela ed retaliation forte owmn o t ~e 2 des ite is previous order that the United a es wou estroy any uban- a~s~ antaircraft der that hrt a ..p are. Finally, Kennedy authorized his brother Robert to give his private assurance to the Soviet Union- through its ambassador in Washing- ton, Anatoliy Dobrynin-that if Khrushchev took the missiles out of Cuba, the United States would re- spond by removing its missiles from . Turkey, but that a commitment was . needed the next day.. The newly available notes of the Oct::.27 meet- . , ing provide the first `official. confir- mation thafi, a: deal of -,this type was.. . offered tiff .1Vloscow. ~ ' Some tpp,? officials objected to _ that. deal;' :. but Vice President " Lyndoq 13:-;Johnson asked (accord- ing to' the':nbtes of the meeting): meeting;Oct.:_27;: McNamara told ' ~s, rS~fss~~~(zi Turktay, the;5oviets THE Bo~6 THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS ,. .. . might attack ;Turkey:.,if the Soviets' ; do attack ~ahe' Turks; . we must _r~; spond in the NATO area."' '' __ ;i~'N previously been reported: For al- neat' also aur.nunzeu acu~us uc- most an entire day, the United signed to send peaceful signals to States was actively preparing for Khrushchev, who had started the military attacks on Soviet installs- ,Cuban crisis as an obvious gamble and was signaling that he wanted to tions in Cuba. end it without fighting. Some schol- ' At the time U.S, intelligence ars have concluded that both believed that 20 of 24 medrum- Khrushchev's decision to put the ran a Soviet nuclear-warhead mis- missiles in Cuba and his desire to sites on t e islan were operational, get out of the ensuing crisis had with more becomipg combat-read Provoked opposition inside the rul- ing Soviet politburo. .eac a . Kennedy ordered the immediate The Jomt Chiefs of Staff had told disarming of the 15 U.S. Jupiter the Excom that the planned bomb- nuclear-warhead missiles in Tur- ing raid could not be expected to key, a step designed to show the destroy all the operational Soviet Soviets that the United States missiles on Cuba, so the United would not use those missiles (each States faced the possibility that at with enough range to reach many least one missile could be launched, Soviet cities) and, at the same time, causing "almost certain ...chaos in to prevent their unintended use part of the East Coast" of the Unit- should the Soviets attempt to attack ed'States, as then-Defense Secre- and seize them. tart' Robert S. McNamara put it "Why we. are, not prepared to trade the withdrawal of U.S. missiles from Turkey for the withdrawal of the Soviet missiles from Cuba, if we were prepared to give up the use of U.S. missiles in Turkey?" Khrushchev accepted Kennedy's proposal; the planned U.S. attacks on Cuba did not take place. Imple- mentation of the U.S. side of the bargain depended on the Soviets "remaining silent on the deal," ac- cording to McGeorge Bundy, who was Kennedy's national security affairs adviser and a participant in the discussions. "They kept quiet, and the missiles came out," Bundy said during a recentinterview,the first time he has spoken publicly about the deal that was end the crisis. Brinksmanship Lessons The Cuban missile crisis brought the superpowers closer to nuclear Continued Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110011-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110011-0 ~ war than at any time in the 40 years since Hiroshima. In drawing back from the edge, Washington and Moscow learned lessons that ap- pear to have governed their mili- tary behavior since: ^ Neither side will allow the other to have an obvious nuclear advan- tage for very long. In the 1950s, the United States' under President Dwight D. Eisen- hower not only expanded its lead over the Soviet Union in numbers of nuclear weapons but began deploy- ing U.S. intermediate-range nuclear missiles in NATO countries. Jupiter missiles based in Turkey across from the Soviet Union were consid- ered by the Soviets as first-strike weapons just minutes away from key Soviet cities against which no defense was possible. U.S. officials had sent the mis- siles to Turkey as defensive weap- ons to deter.a Soviet invasion but without much thought as to how the Soviets would perceive them.. In the midst of the Cuban crisis, however, the Soviet point of view was recog- nized. In a White House meeting on Oct. 16, 1962, Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, then-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, described the U.S. missiles in Turkey as a "pistol point- ed at the head" of the Soviet Union, which would be imitated if Khrush- chev succeeded: irr putting his mss-.. siles in Cuba, which may well have been why Khrushchev wanted to put them there. The Cuban missile crisis gave both sides an opportunity to look seriously at the consequences of launching even some of the limited nuclear forces available at that time. What they saw convinced each side that any superpower nu- clear exchange had to be avoided. McNamara said recently that one Soviet missile in 1962 "directed at Miami or New York or even Wash- ington, might have killed a million or 2 million people. That was some- thing that a responsible president didn't wish to expose his nation to and was determined not to do." ^ Any direct military confrontation between the superpowers can. quickly escalate to a nuclear show- down.- That is what happened in Cuba; and it sobered both sides. Since the 1962 missile crisis the superpowers have repeatedly taken steps to -avoid situations that could lead to American and Soviet military forces confronting each other, even as the two nations have continued to com- pete, politically and militarily. In those areas where U.S. and Soviet forces_ both operate, private agreements are worked out to pre- vent any military attacks on each other. When they do occur, systems exist for preventing them from get- ting out of hand. For example, the two nations' navies have worked .out rules of the road so their sea forces that exercise near each other .cast avoid incidents. '? Sb the Cubar4 crisis was a turning point in the nuclear age. It also pro- vides the only detailed case of the type of crisis that, many fear, might lead to a nuclear war. Newly discov- ered documents and interviews with participants have provided im- portant details on the worst-and last-case of a major, direct nucle- ar confrontation between Moscow and Washington. Seeking a Naclear Balance Kennedy took office in 1961 de- termined to correct the "missile gap" between the United States and the Soviet Union. As McNamara said recently, however, after the Eisenhower mil- itary buildup "there wasn't any mis- sile gap .. ,rather there was a gap but it was the reverse of what had been thought." .The United States had 6,000 nuclear weapons, roughly 5,500 more weapons than the So- viet Union. Khrushchev and his military lead- ers were as determined as Stalin had been 15 years earlier to reach a nuclear balance between the Soviet Union and the United States. After Khrushchev's June 1961 meeting with Kennedy in Vienna-a meet- ing that apparently convinced Khrushchev that the young Amer- ican president could be pushed around-the Soviet leader decided to move more quickly. "After the Vienna meeting," Ar- kady Shevchenko,the highestrank- ing Soviet diplomat to defect to the United States, said in a recent in- terview, "I heard Khrushchev him- self telling that Kennedy is a weak president. He is not a strong man .. He will not dare to do some- thing ... to stop what the Soviets are doing." Shevchenko said it was cheaper and easier for the Soviets to deploy medium-range SS4 missiles in Cuba than to build and deploy new inter- continental-range missiles inside the Soviet Union. At the time of the missile crisis, the United States had 129 intercon- tinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) based on American soil; 144 mis- siles on Polaris submarines, and 1,300 strategic bombers. The So- viets had 44 ICBMs; 97 missiles on submarines and 155 strategic bombers, according to recently pub- lished documents. One month before the United States etermine t at t e oviets had installed missiles in u a, a entral me iRence Qency esti- mate ; continded that"" the' .Soviets wouid~ not undertake such'an action because it was too rest a risk. The nZ'I~~irector John Mc one, however, d~i_sa~r_ee~d with his a en- c s conclusion and to d the pres- s ent t at a e~eve rus c ev a een stren t emn i e as- tro s a~rcra t an an defenses so muc tat it meant a wou rmg m rmss es. ' ~u U~ ? hotos clearl show- ing tie' start o ~t-viet medium- . ran a m~ss~ a u[s bons m 'u a mar t e morntnA o ct. 16~ 1~ _. Kennedy .qufckly. called a meeting of his top aides, including Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon, Attorney General Robert F. Ken- nedy, Vice President John"son, McNamara, Bundy, Taylor and Bromley Smith of the NSC staff as note-taker. This group, the Exeom, bean the first of a series of session to deal with the crisis. The first day's meetings on Oct. 16 were secretly taped by Kennedy. The transcript of the discussions that day-more than three hours long-was recent- ly made public with some deletions for national security reasons. It has never before been publicized. It illustrates more than any single document the questions, doubts and conflicting ideas that run through the minds of public leaders in the nuclear age at a time of crisis. The first option seized upon was a surgical air strike to destroy the Soviet missiles in Cuba. Defense Secretary McNamara stressed initially that analysts had to find and target the nuclear stor- age sites and that "if we are to con- duct an air strike against these in- stallations, or against any part of Cuba, we must agree now that we will schedule that prior to the time these missile sites become oper- ational ...because if they become operational before the air strike, I do not believe we can state we can knock them out before they can be launched." Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110011-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110011-0 Gen. Taylor responded that it would be difficult to determine when the missiles were operational. Speaking for the joint chiefs, Taylor said his approach would be to have "an initial pause," to get the target picture correctly, while maintaining secrecy over the fact that the Unit- ed States knew the missiles were there. Then, "virtually concurrent- ly, an air strike against the sites that we know of. At the same time, naval blockade." These would be accompanied by reinforcement of the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and evacuation of U.S. dependents there. Taylor also wanted mobilisation of reserve military units but, as far as invading the island, he warned "that's the hardest question mili- tarily in the whole business-one - which we should look at very close- ly before, we get our feet in that deep mud in Cuba." The idea of a blockade, which ` ? became the first option, was not put forward strongly by McNamara un- til the end of the first day: That may have been because when the idea was first offered by Taylor, Pres- ident Kennedy said, "I don't see how we could prevent further [mis- siles) from coming in by submarine .. I mean if we let 'em blockade the thing, they come in by subma- rine." [In fact, large missiles could . not be transported by sub, but no one in the meeting brought that technical detail to 'the president's attention.] Secretary of State Rusk, not sur- prisingly stressed the international implications of a surgical strike. "There is no such thing, I think, as unilateral action by the United States ...any action we take will greatly increase the risks of direct action involving our other alliances and our other forces in other parts of the world." He went on to offer, as a first suggestion, that the .United States ' publicly announce the existence of i the.~niissiles "some time this week" and''build:up forcesao "deliver an?: overwhelming strike at any of these installations." In the interim Rusk wanted "to alert our allies and Mr. ? Khrushchev that there is utterly serious crisis in the making here and that Mr. Khrushchev may not himself really understand that or believe that at this point." "I think," Rusk added, "we'll be facing a situation that could ~ well lead td_general war" and that every- thing`ought to be done to. prevent that before the positions of the two superpowers got too firm. By the time the top officials. had made their presentations, it was clear there were some basic dis- agreements. One major difference among Ken- nedy's advisers appeared when Bundy asked "how gravely does this change the strategic balance?" McNamara responded that the joint chiefs "said substantially," and then added: "My own personal view is, not at all." Kennedy then noted that Khrush- chev was undertaking the deploy- ment in the face of Kennedy's own statement just?a few months earlier that the United States would op- pose such a move. "They've got enough to blow us up now anyway," the president said. "I think it's just a question of .. . this is a political struggle as much as military." Attorney General Robert Ken- nedy,-who later in the week became a forceful advocate for an initial blockade of Cuba, on the first day supported an air strike or even in- vasion. At one point he asked, "Could you stick planes over [the missiles in Cuba) until you made the announce- ment ... to make sure that they weren't taking any action or move- ment?" Gen. Tayloi ?quickly re- sponded, "I can't visualize doing it . successfully that way." . _ . Another early Robert Kennedy suggestion, was whether there was. some way to create an ibcident .ln ~ ~. Cuba to~ permit military. action "through Guantanamo Bay or some- thing or whether there's some ship. that, you know, sin)lc the Maine. again or something" in refei-ence~to _ the action that letl~ to the Spanish American waz. Several times during the day, President Kennedy questioned his aides on why Khrushchev was. ?try- ing to do something that clearly could lead to nucleaz war. At one point Taylor suggested that Cuba "malces_ the launching base for "short-range missiles .agains~thea}3suted States_to.supple- ment,::t~ir;~iathet decrepit ICBM? systemfor example," A~':aaother;?p'oint, when discus-: r sign-turned`to what Robert:';Kesi- ~.:. Wady shouldsay to Ambassador Do- ;:` brynin: about; the missiles;: the pies= ' ident mused: "hdon't kno~t+,?whether [Khrushchev] is aware of -what I said .... I can't understand their viewpoint, if they're aware of what we said .... I don't think there's any record of the Soviets ever mak- ing this direct a challenge, ever, re- ally ...since the Berlin blockade." National security adviser Bundy attempted to soothe him by saying that "they made this decision, in all probability, before you made your statements," to which Treasury Secretary Dillon? coldy added, they "didn't change it" after Kennedy's press conference. Rusk said CIA Director McCone ha su este some wee s ado t t, on~t~~ r, rus ~c ev. may . nave m? tmrta. is that he o rcl-i ws we ~ave a~ substantial nuclear superi; " or~ty ut . e a so ows t at we don't really hve under fear of bis nuclear wea ons to the extent that ' ~.: e_ s to lroe under fear bf ours. so? at we ave.- nuclear wea ons nearby, in Tu kev and .paces ike that. Rusk went on that "Khrushchev may feel that it's important for us to learn about living under medium- range missiles, and he's doing that to sort of balance that." At the afternoon- session, when Bundy agreed with a State Depart- ment idea that perhaps Khrushchev might be putting the missiles in Cuba as a ploy to later trade for "something in Berlin, saying he'll disarm Cuba ... if we yield some of our interests in Berlin," President Kennedy burst out saying: "It's just as if we suddenly began to put a ma- jor number of MRBMs [medium- range ballistic missiles] in Turkey. Now that'd be goddam dangerous, I would think." To which Bundy replied, "Well we did, Mr. President," and Ken- nedy responded, "Yeah, but that was five years ago." [In fact, instal- lation of the U S. Jupiters in Turkey began in 1960, and was continuing at the time of the Cuban crisis.] By the end of the day, the pres- idettt listed three options: "We're going to take out these, uh, mis- siles" but questions remained as to whether there would be "a general air strike" and "general invasion." As the week went on, however, the notes show that the Excom let the air strike, which Kennedy ten- tatively .set for Oct. 20, slip, and moved up the blockade, which was oublicly announced Oct. 22. 1962. COatiwled Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110011-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110011-0~ along with disclosure of the Soviet missiles in Cuba.. As the crisis unfolded over the next five days;:.. McCone tokl...the . xcom at t rrst::cni- es were.,:.; ,o~erationa ;; a e .pies' ent ,and;`,his ' .ships ? "; to .stop . and, , _~aliich r.: toto ~'leE ? r~,ahe end;;; if~;was determined`' '.chat a>'nuh~ry,,confrontation with the Soviets would be better in Cuba than on the high seas. But when Khrushchev accepted the deal Ken- nedy proffered-dismantling his missiles in return for the withdraws al of .U.S. Jupiters from Turkey- no confrontation was required. In retrospect, McNamara and Bundy said recently, it was secrecy that made possible the final reso- lution: secrecy allowed days of dis= cussion and analysis, and then a back-channel offer of a confidential deal to end'the crisis. ".We avoided tremendous brow haha of selling out our European friends" by withdrawing the sup= posedly Turkish-owned Jupiter mis= siles, Bundy said recently, "but we did i!L keeping it' secret. Not alto- gether a' happy thing to do. It has costs, playing secret diplomacy." McNamara observed in a recent interview that in today's world, it_ would be difficult to maintain the kind of secrecy that worked so well in 1962, when the world really did go to the nuclear brink. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605110011-0