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\ ~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605070023-2 ~ ~ ,~ ~~~~~~~ WASHINGTON POST 5 rune 1986 Ex-Anal st Pollard Pleads Guilt to S i for Israel y,, ~ py ~ y Joe P~ic'liiralla ~ . Washuigion-Post `Slaff-Writer .~ Jonathan Jay Pollard, a former civilian Navy counterintelligence analyst, pleaded guilty yesterday to participating in an espionage con- spiracy directed by Israeli officials in.which Pollard was promised more than $300,000 for delivering suit- cases full of U.S. military secrets, according to federal prosecutors. Pollard routinely obtained secret documents from the Navy and U.S. intelligence agencies for more than a year and dropped the data off at a Washington apartment that his Is- raeli contacts had equipped with photocopying machines, according to documents filed by prosecutors in U.5. District Court. The operation, prosecutors said, was managed in this country first by an Israeli Air Force colonel and lat- er by a science consul at Israel's New York consulate, and was direc- ted from Israel by. Rafael fRafi) Eitan, a former terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers. At yesterday's court proceeding before U.S. District Court Judge Aubrey E. Robinson, Pollard and his wife, Anne Henderson-Pollard, pleaded guilty as part of an agree- ment worked out in extensive ne- gotiations between their lawyers and federal prosecutors. Pollard, who has been in custody without bond since his arrest Nov. 21, and his wife, who was released on bond in late February, are .cooperating with federal officials in the continu- ing investigation. Pollard, 31, pleaded guilty to con- spiring to provide U.S. military se- crets to Israel, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of life in prison and a $250,000 tine. Prosecutors said that they have agreed not to ask for a life sentence~but that they will ask Robinson to impose a "sub- stantial" prison sentence. No sen- tencing date has been set. Henderson-Pollard, ~26, pleaded guilty to two felony charges: con- spiring to receive embezzled gov- ernment property and being an ac- cessory after the fact to possessing secret U.S, military documents. She could receive up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $500,000. Her attorney, James Hibey, told report- ers yesterday that the charges against her show that she did not provide any U.S. secrets to Israel or any other foreign country. The Israeli government has re- peatedly said that top Israeli offi- cials were unaware of the Pollard operation and have described it as a "renegade" unit that functioned out- side normal Israeli intelligence channels. Named as unindicted coconspir- ators in the indictment of Pollard were four Israelis: Eitan; Israeli Air Force Col. Aviem (Avi) Sella, alleg- edly Pollard's initial contact; Joseph (Yossi) Yagur, a former science consul at Israel's New York City consulate who allegedly replaced Sella as Pollard's control agent, and Irit Erb, a former secretary in the Israeli Embassy in Washington. A U.S. official said that the Jus- tice Department is considering whether formal charges will be filed against Eitan and the other unin- dicted coconspirators. Richard Hibey, Pollard's attor- ney, told reporters after yester- day's court proceeding that his cli- ent "is a person who is totally com- mitted to America. He also believes in the Israeli state." The arrest of Pollard, who was taken into custody outside the Is- raeli Embassy in Upper Northwest after he and his wife unsuccessfully sought asylum there, provoked an uproar both here and in Israel and temporarily strained U.S. relations with the Jewish state, a close ally in the Middle East. The incident proved embarrass- ing for the government of Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres be- cause Israel and the United States have, an agreement not to conduct espionage operations against each other. >;.p Jerusalem yesterday, a spokes- man for the Foreign Ministry de- clined to comment on the details brought out in-court yesterday, say- ing, that "we cannot comment on [the) contents because the matter is sub judice [before the court] and sentences are awaited." The spokesman repeated earlier statements that Israel continues "to cooperate fully" with the United States. U.S. officials familiar with the Pollard case said the new informa- tion developed by investigators, much of it resulting from details pronrjded by Pollard, raises ques- tion8 about whether Israel has in fac>;-fully cooperated or whether it tried to cover up crucial facts about the Cittent of the Pollard operation. bite U.S. law enforcement official said yesterday that the account that Eitan and other Israeli officials im- plicated in the spying operation pro- vided when they were interviewed by U.S. Investigators in Israel last Year was significantly different from facts subsequently established bY. prosecutors and the FBI and made public in court yesterday. "There were a substantial num- ber of differences," the official said. It was like night and day." For example, two U.S. officials said that Eitan and the other Is- raelis interviewed never disclosed Sella's role or the fact that a bank account had been set up for Pollard in Switzerland. Prosecutors said that Eitan and others promised to pay Pollard $30,000 a year for 10 years in addition to giving him monthly cash payments, which started out at $1,500 and were lat- er increased to $2,500 a month. Pollard received , more than $45,000, prosecutors said. A senior Israeli official said in Jeruualem late yesterday that the government would make Sella avail- able for questioning by U.S. law enforcement officials The Israeli official also sought to minimize the significance of Sella's role as a liaison with Pollard. "The fact that a liaison was iden- tified-and, of course [Pollard) had to have aliaison-doesn't make it a widespread network," the official said. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605070023-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605070023-2 ``~ ~.S. Attorney Joseph E. di- Gei-ova, in a news conference after y+esterday's plea, declined to re- spond to repeated questions about whether investigators believe the Pollard operation was officially au- thorized by the Israeli government. ? "We are not rendering an assess- ment as to ultimate responsibility," dif enova said. "The investigation is continuing as to those named [in the court documents] as well as others unnamed or unknown at this time." According to sources, there has been a debate throughout the case between Justice Department offi- cials, who were eager to make pub- lic the full extent of the operation, and State Department officials con- cerned about the case's impact on the crucial relationship between the United States and Israel. Yesterday, diGenova said "the fi- nal judgment" on charges and the information contained in the public court documents was made by bis office and Justice Department offi- cials. Sources familiar with the case said a major reason the case was able to be fully developed was that FBI agents moved in and arrested Pollard at the Israeli Embassy after he attempted to flee. Said one law enforcement official: "Once the arrest occurred, there was no stopping [the investigation]. It was public." Sources said that U.S. officials are still .conducting an internal re- view to assess fully the damage caused by the reams of information ~ to introduce him to Sella, then a Pollard-provided the Israelis. graduate student at New York Uni- The court documents provide versity. Pollard told Sella he wanted only~yague clues as to the informs- to spy for Israel and Sella agreed to tion provided by Pollard and in gen- set up the operation after he asked eral described the data as "scien- and received from Pollard examples tific, technical, and military infor- of the classified information Pollard mation." The items turned over in- could obtain. eluded unspecified intelligence pub- Sella told Pollard he would ar- ~ lications and satellite photos, pros- range for Pollard.. to be .paid for the ecutors said. data, coached Pollard on a "cover" Foreign diplomatic sources said story to explain how he could- have last year that the classified infor- money above his government sala- mation the Israelis received includ- ry-about $33,000 a year-and ed technical assessments of radar taught him other intelligence tech- and other electronic equipment niques, including a code system used by Egypt, Saudi Arabia and based on the Hebrew al habet that possibly Jordan to monitor Middle Sella used to contact Pop rd at pay East military activities, telephones. Ina 1984 meeting in which Eitan In the fall of 1984, at Sella's di- and others explained to Pollard the rection, Pollard and his wife went to type of information they were seek- Paris where Pollard met Eitan and ing, according to prosecutors, Eitan Yagur, who. was to take over as Pol- told Pollard that "the government of lard's control agent. ~' Israel sought this specific classified In a subsequent trip to Israel in information in order to identify and the fall of 1985, Yagur told Pollard of assess threats to Israel's security." the.bank account that was opened on In a separate meeting, according his behalf in the name of "Danny to prosecutors, science consul Cohen." Yagur also showed Pollard Yagur told Pollard that secret doe- an Israeli passport, with Pollard's uments Pollard already had deliv- picture, in the name of "Danny ered "had been utilized by various Cohen." Yagur told Pollard that when branches of the Israeli military." Pollard settled in Israel he would live Pollard, who was employed at the there under that name. Naval Investigative Service's Anti- In the United States, Pollard Terrorist Alert Center in 5uitland would deliver classified documents while he was spying, had a top se- every two weeks to the apartment cret security clearance and had ac- of Erb, the former Israeli Embassy cess not only to confidential Navy secretary, and. the information intelligence data but also informs- would be photocopied in another tion compiled by the Defense Intel- ligence Agency and other U.S. gov- apartment in her building. ernment agencies, prosecutors said. Pollard made his last delivery to Also, they said, Pollard vas able to Erb on N~v. 15. Three days later, walk out of his Navy office complex the FBI a ents and Navy investiga- with documents he was not author- tors confronted him at work. ized to have because he had a "cou- On Nov. 21, after being advised rier card" that enabled him to leave by the Israeli Embassy's security his office without being searched. officer to shake his FBI surveil- [t has not been disclosed how lance, Pollard and his wife drove to Pollard's activities were uncovered. the embassy to seek asylum. But According to the indictment and they were turned away, and Pollard outline of evidence filed b was arrested by FBI agents who y prose- had followed him to the embassy. cutors, the espionage operation de- veloped this way: Correspondent William Claiborne In the spring of 1984, Pollard contributed to this report from asked an unidentified acquaintance Israel. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605070023-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605070023-2 POLLARD SPY CASE CHRONOLOGY ^ Sept. 19, 1979: Jonathan Jay Pollard is hired as irrtelligence ' research specialist by U.S. Navy Field Operations Intelligence Office. He holds that position within various Navy divisions until June 1984. ^ Early 1984: Pollard tells an unidentified associate. that he is interested in meeting an Israeli military officer with whom the associate is acquainted. ^ Summer 1984: Pollard meets the officer, Aviem (Avi) Sella, and agrees to pass classified documents to Sella and other Israeli representatives. During the summer they have further meetings at which Pollard passes documents to Sella. ^ June 1984: Pollard is assigned as watch officer for Anti?Terrorist Alert Center, Threat Analysis Division, Naval Investigative Service (NIS): ^ late summer 1984: Sella tells Pollard he is returning to Israel and that Pollard wilt be assigned a new "handler." ^ October 1984: Pollard becomes an intelligence research specialist in the Anti?Terrorist Alert Center. He holds ahigh-level security clearance and analyzes intelligence data about potential terrorist threats in the Caribbean and continental United States. ^ November 1984: Pollard and his wife Anne Henderson?Pollard travel to Paris at Sella's direction for two days of meetings with Rafi Eitan, identified as the head of the operation; Joseph (Yossi) Yagur, science consul at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, and Sella. ^ After November 1984: Pollard removes documents from his office about three times weekly using a "courier card" that permits him to avoid being searched. He delivers the documents to Yagur or Irit Erb, an Israeli citizen who worked at the Israeli Embassy, at an apartment in .Washington every two weeks. ^ Spring 1985: Pollard's "handlers" give him a raise, from $1,500 monthly to $2,500. ^ Summer 1985: Pollard gives his wife five documents, marked "secret," about the Chinese Embassy's structure and key diplomats, to help her prepare a presentation to embassy officials for her public relations firm. ^ Nov. 15: Pollard delivers suitcase of classified documents to Erb's apartment for copying. ^ Nov. 17: When Pollard returns to retrieve the documents, Erb does not come to the door, "an unusual occurrence which made Pollard nervous," ^ Nov. 18: F81 and NIS agents stop Pollard in the parking lot of the NIS facility at Suitland and question him. During the interview, Pollard .telephones his wife and mentions a code word, "cactus," to alert her to remove classified documents from their apartment. Anne Henderson?Pollard removes a suitcase containing classified documents from their apartment and meets with Sella, with whom they had previously arranged to have dinner, She tells him Pollard is in trouble. ^ Nov. 19: Pollard, at Sella's instruction, calls Yagur, seeking help. Yagur tells Pollard to stall for time. ^ Nov. 20: Irit Erb leaves the United States. ^ Nov. 21: The Pollards unsuccessfully seek asylum at the Israeli Embassy. Jonathan Pollard is arrested. ^ Nov. 22: Anne Henderson?Pollard is arrested, Yagur leaves the United States. ^ June 4, 1986: Jonathan Pollard pleads guilty to conspiring to provide U.S. military secrets to the Israelis, and Anne Henderson?Pollard pleads guilty to conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret military documents. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605070023-2