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March 6, 1986
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900051-0 WASHINGTON POST 6 March 1986 Senators Get Assurances on Angola Rebels Effective' Arms Aid Set, Shultz Says. By Patrick E. Tyler T_ and'DtV_ - ttawaX + LWa~lycan-- ex_Wri;II Secretary of State George P. Shultz succeeded yesterday in as- suring a group of senators led by Majority Leader Robert J. Dole (R- Kan.) that the administration has decided to send "effective" weapons to the anticommunist guerrilla movement fighting the Marxist government in Angola, according to several participants. After a 70-minute meeting be- tween Shultz and a dozen senators, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kan.) said he was satisfied by the secretary's briefing on administration plans for aid to Jonas Savimbi's forces. "I told Secretary Shultz ... that I'm reasonably convinced that ef- fective assistance can be provided to Jonas Savimbi and that it can be done without affirmative action by the Congress," McConnell said. Several senator sources said they_ n s on t e outh African propos- for a '111!1103 twn a pprovmg i cove - al. But a State Department source ai p or vun was no onger said Wisner still had no definite appropriate, v use oppo- plans for talks with Angolan offi- Uon to it in the Select Committee cials. on me Higence ha diminished. Meanwhile, Assistant Secretary hey also said there was some of State Chester A. Crocker yester- uncertamt wh th h e er t e resolurlon cou rear the Senate oreign Re - lations Committee, r the ad ministration is battlin to save its r uest for $100 n in covert ml Lary and humanitarian ai for the rebels fighting the Sandinista government _o icaragua. "One option is to simply discon- tinue public discussion and let the administration make the decision unilaterally of going ahead with the covert program [in Angola]. Frank- ly, I think they should go ahead and do it," McConnell said. The United States called upon the Angolan government yesterday to seize the offer made Tuesday by South Africa to begin steps Aug. 1 for the holding of independence elections in neighboring Namibia provided Angola agrees to a time- table for the withdraw..: of Cuban troops from its territory. Calling the South African an- nouncement "a significant and pos- itive step," State Department spokesman Bernard Kalb said an "enormous opportunity" had been created for a breakthrough in the long-stalled, U.S.-sponsored nego- tiations between Angola and South Africa over the intertwined issues of a Cuban troop withdrawal and Namibian independence. Some con essional sources ex- pre skepticism at the a nums- tration's claim that the o rtunit exists or ra movement" toward a settlement and some were con- ce that the State Department mig using t e ut Aican announcement as a pretext for de- laying covert aid for Savimbi. -Mlb said the administration was sending Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Frank G. Wisner to the re- gion to consult with various govern- me t h S day began a new round of regional talks with Soviet counterpart Vladilin Vasev in Geneva. The meeting is one in a series of ex- changes on regional disputes Wash- ington and Moscow agreed to hold. V Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900051-0