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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900038-5 A" VAP Q WASHINGTON POST \ 1 Jun 1986 Syrian Connection To Terrorism Probed `New and Very Disturbing' Evidence By David-B. Ottaway) Washington Post Staff Write[ The presence of a high-ranking Syrian intelligence officer in West Ber in ear y this year and a ege Syrian involvement in an attempt last month to blow up an El air- _ liner have touched o a sweeping reexamination by western intelli- gence agencies of Syria's role in supporting terrorism. Allied investigations into terror- ist incidents in Britain. Italy and _ West Germany are leading Euro- pean authorities to the conclusion that Syrian intelligence has been far more involved than previously sus- pect in abetting Arab terrorists in .urooe. their operations in Western But most western governments still seem to believe that Syrian President Hafez Assad did not di- rectly order or approve of either the recent attempt to blow up an El Al jumbo jet or the bombing of a discotheque filled with American servicemen in West Berlin. This tentative conclusion about the Syrian role in terrorist incidents in Western Europe is not totally shared, however, by all Reagan ad- ministration officials, who seem to be sharply divided in their evalua- tion of the "Syrian connection" to terrorism in Western Europe. The El Al incident, widely viewed as a probable trigger for a massive Israeli strike against Syria or Libya had it succeeded, has nonetheless served as a powerful catalyst for a total reevaluation by western intel- ligence services and antiterrorist experts of the current Syrian role in terrorism. Even those U.S. officials most reluctant to pin responsibility for the El Al bombing plot on Assad regard the extensive evidence of Syrian links to the aborted attempt as "new and very disturbine" evi- The Washington Post's bureaus in London, Paris, Rome, Bonn and Jerusalem contributed to this report. dence of Syrian support for terror- ism in Europe. That evidence includes a close relationship between Syrian intel- ligence and the Jordanian arrested in London for attempting to blow up El Al Flight 016 on April 17 as well as with his brother, who has con- fessed to bombing an Arab-German club id West Berlin llflarch'29 With explosives provided by Syria's em- bassy in East Berlin. One Pentagon source noted, that the El Al plot came close to suc- ceeding, the bomb having been found only on the Israeli. security officials' third search of the luggage of the Irish woman who was.unwit- tingly carrying it. Had the, 10 pounds of explosive gone off in mid- air; almost ever clue to those re- sponsible most likely would have vanished in the wreckage, he said. This source, familiar with the details of the British investigation, said he was convinced that Assad mt t.bave known about the El Al play beforehand and believed it was so well conceived that the risk of its be#ig discovered or linked to Syria was minimal. The Pentagon source did not, however, provide any de- tails to corroborate this impression, and refused to be identified. Western European officials and a Pentagon source also suspect that Syrian Air Force intelligence offi- cers with close ties to Assad were the masterminds behind the at- tempt to place a bomb aboard the El Al plane. Syrian "Handling?" Some U.S. and Western Euro- pean antiterrorism experts believe that Syrian Air Force intelligence was directly involved in "handling" both brothers, Nezar Nawaf Man- sour Hindawi, 31, in London, and Ahmed Nawaf Mansour Hasi, 36, in West Berlin. Hasi, who uses a dif- ferent last name but is a full brother of Hindawi, has vehemently denied any role in the bombing of the La Belle discotheque in' West Berlin App 5, in which an American sol- di i ;'and a Turkish woman were ki ' and 230 wounded. 'ed intelligence sources di vexed that a top Syrian Air Fo intelligence officer, Lt. Col. Ism Saeed , repeatedly passed thrvnbest t Berlin earlier this yeO Some U.S. and extern Tu- r en antiterrorist exerts believe he. rsona su rvise the bomb- in the friendship club. st to es erman in- vdstigators that the explosive used in the rien s ip society bombing cane from the Syrian Embassy in East Berlin. Saeed is believes tO hive played a key role in making sate the attack on the friendship society, twice botched ear, ier, wouldbe.a success on Marc according to -Allied intelligence sources. ie possible involvement of Seed, the number two man in Syr- iatt Air Forre gene, titular interest to western antiter- rt ist experts because his oosss, h m~>io i, is extremely-56-se t ssa and has served as it Force intelligence director sorts Assa a ormer Air Force f, seized ower in 1970, a it Force -intelligence unit has re- mained the small, elite y of yr- ia s complex web ot to a igence services ever since. `The assumption of western intel- ligence services is that Saeed could not be involved without the knowl- edge and express approval of Khouli, and that Khouli, in turn, would not act without clearing any risky operations with Assad. No evidence has yet emerged linking Saeed, or any other Syrian intelligence operative, to the La Belle discotheque bombing, how- ever. West Berlin police chief Man- fred Ganschow has said there are ''till very, very few clues" linking tote three men involved in the friendship society bombing to that at the discotheque. The bombing of the friendship society's building was in keeping with the already established and Well-known pattern of the Syrian Else of terrorism to deal with its Arab enemies abroad. Direct Syrian involvement in either the La Belle discotheque or El Al bombings, with Israeli and American civilians as targets, would represent a new trend far more disturbing to west- ern governments. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900038-5_ftd Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900038-5 Sophisticated technology One confusing element for Allied ovestigators searching for the Syr- Jpn connection has been the sophis- ticated technology used in the El Al bombing plot. The plastid explo- dive-which could not be, spotted by regular metal detectors or X-ray devices-was hidden in the bottom fining of a piece of hand luggage and the detonator concealed in a hand calculator. : Similar technology was used in another attempt to blow up an El Al airliner in December 1983 and a variation of it in the bombing April 2 of a TWA plane over Greece in which four Americans were killed. As in the latest El Al bombing at- tempt, the one in 1983 involved a woman who did not realize she was carrying an explosive in her suit- ease. The suitcase went through airport security checks in both Ath- 4ns and Tel Aviv, but the bomb failed to explode. It was finally.d-. covered by British security in Lon- don. The use of this kind of technology has been most closely associated yvith the May 15 Organization head- ed by Abu Ibrahim, known as the "master suitcase bomber." It is un- clear where his base of operations is today. French intelligence officials, working on the basis of confessions obtained from a recently appre- hended Tunisian terrorist, Habib Maamar, say Abu Ibrahim is work- ing out of Baghdad, but some.U.S. antiterrorist experts believe he moved to Libya after pressure from Washington on the Iraqi govern- ment. Exerts familiar with the murky world of Middle East terrorism, where operatives often have ties with multiple Arab intelligence ser- vices at the same time, do not ex- clude the possibility that MnZawt could have been working on behalf of u Ibrahim. So faras is known, however, those terrorists arrested in London and West ermany have spoken only of Syria's acing or their ooeerations and have not men- tioned Abu Ibrahim. Within the Reagan administra- tion, CIA Director William J. Casey has taken a particularly hard line in public against Syria. In a speech here May 15 to the American Jew- ish Committee, Casey openly cas- tigat yria, toget er wit ran and Libya, for using its embassies, di matte pouc es, communica- tiQaa_channels an territory to ai various terrorist groups in their operations. On the other hand, White House and State Department spokesmen have been far more reluctant to blame Assad publicly. This, they say, is because many "hard facts" are still missing and because the Syrian leader is regarded as too important a player in Middle East politics and in efforts for the release of Americans kidnaped in Beirut to dismiss as a wild-eyed terrorist fa- natic. The prevailing administration line has been to await the results of British and West German investi- gations before reaching. any final judgment. The British, West German, French and Italian governments have all taken the same public dip- lomatic stance. But together with the United States, they have been pressing hard on Assad in private to crack down on the activities of known terrorist groups. One administration official said Assad has passed word to the Unit- ed States that he will curtail the operations of the Abu Nidal group and has expelled one or more of its members from Syria recently. Abu Nidal's Fatah-Revolutionary Com- mand asserted responsibility for the attacks at the Rome and Vienna airports Dec. 27 that killed nearly a score of passengers and wounded more than 100. There are also re- ports that Assad is on the verge of a showdown with Iranian-backed Is- lamic fundamentalist groups in Leb- anon who hold a dozen French and American hostages. Intelligence officials of four West- ern European governments, Israel and the United States do not ques- tion Assad's deliberate and finely honed use of terrorism as an instru- ment of Syrian foreign policy to get his way in Lebanon, the Arab world and elsewhere. Assad's Syria is generally held responsible, directly or indirectly, for the assassinations of Lebanese Druze leader Kamal Jumblatt in 1977 and Lebanese president-elect Bashir Gemayel in 1982 and for abetting Shiites who blew up the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983, killing 241 soldiers. But most officials continue to doubt that Assad himself played a direct role in ordering the bombing of La Belle discotheque or that he approved, or knew beforehand, of Hindawi's decision to attempt to bomb the El Al plane, which carried 340 passengers, including more than 200 Americans. The main reason for these doubts is both Assad's cautious character when it comes to matters of war and peace with Israel and the po- tential for a violent Israeli retali- ation against Syria had the El Al airliner blown up. Assad is not be- lieved ready to risk provoking a war with Israel at this time. The El Al bombing attempt was a "mishap," according to a senior Is- raeli military official. "Someone took Assad's general guidelines, which are 'we have to do some- thing,' and went too far." The official was referring to Assad's presumed desire to retal- iate in some fashion for the Israeli interception over the Mediterra- nean Feb. 4 of a Libyan executive jet carrying a top Syrian party of- fical. The Israelis mistakenly thought Palestinian terrorists were aboard. "It's not like Assad or for that matter Syrian intelligence to con- duct an operation without adequate deniability," the srae i sai . T e theory of a "rogue" Syrian intelligence officer possibly acting on his own is share v many of er western intelligence and govern ment officials. It has already been dubbed by some Middle East spe- cialists as the "'Thomas a Becket Syndrome." Becket was the arc - bishop of Canterbury murdered at the vague suggestion ot Henry ("Will no one revenge me of the injuries I have sustained from one turbulent priest?"). I he view oFTY-iian intelligence acting on its own implies that yna today is ruled by a physically an politically weakened . ssa , w ose state of health has been a subject o coot.nuaTS ecula n since Tie suf- fered a heart attack in late Complex Network During his 16 years in power, Assad has built up an enormously, comp ex intelligence several secret services and agen- cies-es ima where from five to nine-working with a score o known terr-o-n-s-1- gro u s, The question now is wheth- er the Syrian leader's once tig t grip on their Uay-to:Ua-y`--ac-f1-vitaS has loosened. "It as inevitable that this net- work would get out of hand and turn some of its activities elsewhere," the senior Israeli military source said. b" Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900038-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900038-5 Anal analysis circulating in U.S. and Western European in e i ence circles, however, asserts t t Assad's control over his highly cen- tralized intelligence network Sys- tem has not slackened. Those hold- en this view note that various yr- ian intelligence services have lone been actively involved in providing logistical support, explosives and various orms o m irec asses nce to Middle East terrorists active in Western Europe. Middle experts note three types of distinctly different relation- ships between Syria's secret ser- vices an terrorist rou s and three different Syrian methods o using "cutouts," or agents whose actions cannot easily be trace to Damas- cus. One method has been the cre- ation of Palestinian factions such as aiga, w hich are virtually an m e- rated part of the Syrian Army an n Iigence system and irec agents of the Syrians. Another is collaboration with, and lo support, for radical Palestinian Le anese groups t at remain arge- ly their own masters and ecision- makers but are often sent on ter- rorist operations by Syrian intelli- ence. According to Iraqi and Lebanese sources, -Syrian intelligence agents usually work with these groups by setting down guidelines on the kinds of targets to be attacked selecting which countries t ey should operate in and which are to remain off limits. But the choice of specific targets most often is letup to the groups themselves, these sources say. Best Known Group The best known of such groups in the West today is Abu Nidal's, which has taken responsibility for a number of attacks on Israeli targets in Western Europe and on Palestin- ians associated with his number one Arab enemy, Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat. Abu Nidal's terrorist organiza- tion, which is small (200 to 300 members) but highly professional, is perhaps most famous for its near- ly successful assassination attempt on the Israeli ambassador in Lon- don, Shlomo Argov, in June 1982 that served as the pretext for the start of the Israeli invasion of Leb- anon. To this day, it has never been clear whether Abu Nidal himself selected Argov as a target or was acting for the Iraqi government, his host at the time. Iraq has since bro- ken all ties to Nidal's group and ex- pelled him from Baghdad. Both Iraq and Abu Nidal spokesmen in Da- mascus maintain that the decision to try to kill Argov was made by Nidal on his own. Nidal, whose real name is Sabri Banna, now operates out of both Damascus and Tripoli, Libya. He is allowed by the Syrians to run an office in the Syrian capital and to train terrorists in camps located in the Syrian-controlled part of Leb- anon's Bekaa Valley. Assad said in a recent interview with The Washington Post that he has never met Abu Nidal but that he would continue allowing him to run "a cultural and political" office in Damascus and could not close his camp in the Bekaa. The third and most complicated "cutout" system used by the Syrians is the selection of lone terrorists, "freelancers" or "sleepers," to ac- complish a specific action. The con- victed Lebanese assassin of pres- ident-elect Gemayel was such a case. Hindawi and Hasi also appear to fit into this category. So far as is known to date, nei- ther belonged to any well estab- lished Palestinian or Lebanese po- litical group, though Hindawi is re- ported to have been a member of the Jordanian branch of the Syrian- backed, pan-Arab Baath Party. Hin-' dawi was a sometime journalist in London and Jordan who was re- garded as unstable by many of his closest friends and past employers. An Unstable Relationship Typical of his instability was his relationship to the Irish woman, Anne Marion Murphy, whom he tried to use to smuggle a bomb hid- den in the bottom of a piece of her luggage onto the El Al flight. After a stormy six-year marriage to a Pol- ish wife, Barbara, Hindawi broke up with her and began dating Murphy, a hotel chambermaid, in the spring of 1985. According to British police sources, Hindawi's relationship with Murphy, like the one with his Polish wife, was "not very stable," with the Jordanian coming and going away, sometimes for weeks. Hindawi left Murphy-pregnant, as it turned out-about six months ago and only returned and offered to marry her about one week before the El Al incident. The timing suggests that Hin- dawi had not originally intended to use Murphy as a bomb carrier and only came up with the idea a short time before the El Al bombing at- tempt. It also suggests his plot was hatched before the U.S. bombed Libya April 15 and thus not origi- nally meant as retaliation for it. Just whose idea it was to place a bomb aboard the El Al plane is far from clear. The Pentagon source familiar with the British interrogation of Hindawi said the Jordanian and his brother had "offered" their services to yrian rote igence mo s ago and were recruited and trained in Syria before returning to England an Germany to be etas "s eep- ers. Subsequently, the brothers were "activate by Syrian intelligence in East Berlin to carry out the bomb- ing o the riendship society But that act involved an in ra Arah squabble in which Syrian use of ter- rorist means is regarded as typical. However, Syrian involvement in bombing La Belle discotheque or lowing up t e J Al King wo , highly atypical. Syrian aid for Hindawi in London apparently was considerable and included giving him a false Syrian passport to enter Britain and a let- ter from the Syrian Foreign Min- istry in Damascus to obtain a visa. Hindawi also has said that he used a Syrian safe house in London and had extensive contacts with Syrian Embassy officials before and after the El Al incident. These allegations were enough to convince British authorities of the need to interrogate three Syrian diplomats. When they refused to waive diplomatic immunity and would agree to questioning only within the Syrian Embassy, the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900038-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900038-5 British government expelled all three. Unlike the British police, who have consistently given more cre- dence to Hindawi's claims of Syrian involvement in the El Al incident, the British Foreign Office has been more doubtful While Hindawi cer- tainly had ties to Syria, Foreign Of- fice officials remain skeptical the Syrian government helped to plan the operation or ordered it done because of the potentially far-reach- ing repercussions for Assad. According to one Reagan admin- istration source, Assad has admit- ted to Jordan s King Hussein tTFa-t Syrian intelligence had contacts with Hin awe ut regar a im as too unstable and unreliable to deal with. The Syrian leader told Hus- sein that when Hindawi came to the Syrian Embassy in London after his ait^bom ?g attempt, officials there reuse to-take him in, e source said. Even if Syria was involved, For- eign Office officials are doubtful the proof will ever be found. Unlike the Libyans, one official noted, - the Syrians are very careful to observe the proprieties. They have some concern for their international im- age." That the "Syrian connection" to terrorism is extremely difficult to pin down was demonstrated last week in Italy. Italian judicial author- ities issued arrest warrants for 14 Arabs implicated in a series of ter- rorist incidents last year. Abu Nidal was among the 14, but no Syrian official was named. Italian officials said this was be- cause no evidence.had been discov- ered linking Syria directly to any of the incidents. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900038-5