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March 18, 1986
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504870029-0 AL? AM= `4 WASHINGTON POST 18 March 1986 Claims on Contras in Dispute Reagan's Campaign for Aid Draws on Contested Statistics, Charges By Joanne Omang woo" Poet staff writer In his weekend pleas for military aid to rebels in Nicaragua, Presi- dent Reagan drew on the bywords of 40 years of staunch anticommu- nism to paint a dark and ominous picture of the Marxist government of Nicaragua and the threat it poses to the United States. To make his grim portrait, the president invoked some disputed statistics and accusations and a pan- oply of devil figures, from Italy's Red Brigades to [ran's Ayatollah Khomeini. In the end, Reagan sug- gested that Congress' upcoming votes on the $100 million aid re- quest will determine the course of the entire East-West conflict. Grimmer versions of the appeal were drafted, according to White House officials. Those drafts includ- ed two grisly examples of alleged atrocities by the Sandinista rulers of Nicaragua in addition to the two Reagan used, the officials said. On Saturday, Reagan charged in his re ular nationwide radio ad- dress that Nicaraguan operatives "dress in freedom fighter irebell uniforms, go into the countryside, then murder and mutilate ordinary 1 ra uans. Asked for evidence, a _ senior official briefing reporters said it came from "sensitive mte~- ligence sources. that I'm not going nt to get io." One of those is presumably a San- dinista defector, Alvaro Baldizon, who made the charge at a news con- ference two weeks ago but provided no evidence. On many other points in his radio talk and in a nationally televised speech Sunday, Reagan used dis- puted information to draw a stark, black-and-white image of the Ni- caraguan situation. For example: ^ His portrait of the counterrev- olutionaries, or contras: "When the Sandinistas betrayed the revolution, many.who had fought the old So- moza dictatorship literally took to the hills .... [Today they have) more than 20,000 volunteers, and more come every day." A 1982 Defense Intelligence Agency summary described the NEWS ANALYSIS early contra groups as mainly remnants of Anastasio Somoza's National Guard, one of which, the "15 of September Legion," had car- ried out "terrorist" acts, the DIA said. Provided with Central Intelli- ence Agency tan mg and a vice ginning m , the contras be- gan to grow, recruiting an army of peasants unhappy with a an r nistas. Their political leaders, held together in uneasy unity by CIA prodding, are civilian critics of the Saiidjiistas or disaffected Sandi- nista officials, but their military leadership still consists predomi- nant y o 0 oraoza oya ists. 1e cent intelligence summaries provid- ed to Congress put contra troop strength between 15,000 and 18,000, of whom a small fraction are inside Nicaragua. ^ The military threat: Nicaragua's "first target is Nicaragua's neigh- bors ... the Nicaraguan military machine is more powerful than all its neighbors combined," Reagan said. That careful wording seemed to suggest a Sandinista military inva- sion without flatly declaring it. Rea- gan also made skillful use of the lan- guage of possibility to describe a reddening Western Hemisphere. With Nicaragua as a base, the So- viets and Cubans "can become" the region's dominant power, and then "will be in a position to" threaten U.S. interests and "ultimately" Mexico. "Should that happen," mil- lions of people would flee north, he said. However, none of Nicaragua's neighbors has expressed concern over any Sandinista invasion, nor have administration officials called that a threat. They worry instead about infiltration of guerrilla train- ers but admit that guerrillas move freely worldwide and do not require Nicaragua as a base. On other occasions, Reagan has displayed pictures of a hemisphere glowing blue with the spread of democratically elected govern- ments. ? The global netwoik of commu- nism: Reagan placed "thousands of Cuban military advisers, contin- gents of Soviets and East Germans and all the elements of international terror-from the Palestine Liber- ation Organization to Italy's Red Brigades" in Nicaragua. He warned not only against "a second Cuba" but "a second Libya" in the region, and evoked Yasser Arafat, Muam- mar Qaddafi and the Ayatollah Ru- hollah Khomeini in addition to the Warsaw Pact as enemies of the contra aid package. "Now, we must make our deci- sion," he said. Estimates of the number of Cuban military advisers range from the Sandinistas' count of 200 to the administration's charge that all the Cuban construction workers, teach- ers and agricultural workers in Nic- aragua are also military trainers. While the PLO has an office in Nic- aragua and international criminals have been seen in Managua, the ad- ministration has cited only secret sources for its allegations that "ter- rorist training camps" exist in Nic- aragua. ^ The drug connection: A 1982 photograph of Federico Vaughn, an aide to Sandinista Interior Minister Tomas Borge, "loading an aircraft with illegal narcotics, bound for the United States," means that "top Ni- caraguan officials are deeply in- volved in drug trafficking," Reagan said. But Drug Enforcement Admin- istration spokesman Cornelius Dou- gherty said earlier this year that "no evidence was developed to im- plicate the minister of the interior or other Nicaraguan officials." ^ The church connection: Reagan said "the entire Jewish community [wasi forced to flee Nicaragua," while the Roman Catholic Church "has been singled out" for persecu- tion, evangelical pastors have been tortured and people cannot "wor- ship freely." Nicaragua's few Jews closed their synagogue for lack of use, and most who left had backed Somoza. A 1983 State Department inquiry found no evidence of anti-Semitism. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504870029-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504870029-0 g While some Protestants have been harassed or their churches closed, mostly in contested Miskito Indian areas, others operate freely. The tortured pastor Reagan cited was working in the contested zone. Nicaraguan Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo is the leading op- position voice, but Catholics are split on the Sandinistas. U.S. Ro- man Catholic Church leaders crit- ical of Nicaragua's internal policies are still among the sharpest oppo- nents of aiding the contras. ^ The history of negotiations: "Ten times we have met and tried to rea- son with the Sandinistas. Ten times we were rebuffed," Reagan said. Special negotiator Philip C. Habib's recent trip was the 49th U.S. dip- lomatic mission to the region, Rea- gan said Saturday. Habib did not go to Nicaragua, nor did those on many of the other trips. After bilateral discussions be- gan in mid-1984, the Sandinistas complained that U.S. positions amounted to demands that they leave office, and U.S. officials broke off the talks. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504870029-0