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STAT ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504010004-1 WASHINGTON POST 11 March i986 Ex-U.S. Employe Alleges Torture Salvadoran Was Turned Over to Police as Rebel Collaborator By Robert J. McCartney W.nhmgtun Po,t Foreign Service SAN SALVADOR-The U.S. Embassy had considered her a mod- el employe. Her salary of $14,024 a year was among the highest paid to a Salvadoran citizen at the mission, and she received a "superior per- formance" award in 1984 for her work as an agriculture specialist for the Agency for International Devel- opment. But everything changed for Graciela Menendez de Iglesias on Sept. 16, when two embassy secu- rity agents appeared at her office to talk to her. The embassy accused Iglesias of slipping information to left-wing guerrillas that could have helped them to track and assassinate U.S. military and diplomatic personnel. It handed her over to El Salvador's Treasury Police, just outside the embassy gate. That was the start, Iglesias now says, of a 15-day ordeal that still gives her nightmares "every night." During her detention at Treasury Police headquarters, she says, she was raped "numerous times," was kept nude and blindfolded for most of her stay, and was forced to stand for hours, holding her arms in the air with a strong jet of cold water running down on her. "I can still feel it [the water]," she said, pointing to the top of her head during a 21/2-hour interview in Mex- ico City during which she repeat- edly broke down and sobbed. A military judge released Iglesias on Oct. 8, saying there was not enough evidence to hold her, and she flew to Mexico two days later. Now she plans to emigrate to Swe- den with her husband and their two sons. Iglesias' account of her time with the Treasury Police is a particularly dramatic example of persistent al- legations that El Salvador's military security forces continue to mistreat prisoners in their effort to obtain confessions. As is frequently the case in alle- gations of torture, there were no known witnesses to corroborate Iglesias' story. Her account was considered credible by diplomats of iwo West European countries that have taken an interest in the case and by two other reliable sources who are familiar with it. The Treasury Police and the U.S. government say that they remain convinced that Iglesias was a left- wing guerrilla collaborator and that she made up the story about being mistreated to embarrass the U.S. and Salvadoran governments. The Treasury Police director, Col. Rinaldo Golcher, said Iglesias was identified as a soy by two guer- rilla intelligence chiefs, Carlos Ze eda and Amadeo Cortes, who were capture in September nn had become informers. Both said they had a source, code- named "Veronica," in the rural de- velopment section of the embassy, Golcher said. He added that Cortes had met her several times and had identified her as Iglesias when shown a set of photographs of em- bassy personnel. The two captured guerrillas said "Veronica" had provided them with unclassified documents, including copies of the embassy's chatty inter- nal newsletter, lists of home phone numbers and addresses of embassy personnel, and photos taken at em- bassy parties, Golcher said. When asked about Iglesias' alle- gations of being abused at police headquarters, Golcher said, "This is the kind of statement that any im- portant terrorist makes. They thus have an excuse, that they were tor- tured, if they said anything that com- promises their comrades." He said prisoners sometimes are blindfolded or questioned for up to 24 hours without sleep to press for a confes sion. But he denied that interroga- tion methods went beyond that. Elliott Abrams, U.S. assistant secretary of state for inter-Amer- ican affairs, called Iglesias a woman who was "believed to have lived a lie over the last several years .... I believe her story to be a fabrica- tion." But Abrams, like other U.S. officials, was careful to say only that he "believed" that the Treasury Po- lice did not abuse Iglesias. Another U.S. official said, Tnete, was not some member of the U.S. ,government watching her 24 hours a day. I can't swear to you that that [the mistreatment] didn't happen, but I don't believe it happened." The account b Iglesias, who de- nied all charges that she was a spy, was similar to t at o others Who have charged mistreatment y -Sal- va oran security forces. he ate Department said tnts annual hu- man rights report issued Feb. 13 that "there are still credible reports of prisoners being subjected to abuse by government officials" in El Salvador. It emphasized, though, that the situation has improved since President Jose Napoleon Duarte came to power in 1984. "What I can't understand is, knowing what the Treasury Police are like, how could the embassy hand her over?" one of the West European diplomats asked. "Nobody should be treated like that, regard- less of what she had been doing," he added. The embassy said that it could not have prevented the ?Treasury Police from arresting Iglesias even if it wanted to As a Salvadoran cit- izen, she did not enjoy diplomatic protection. Iglesias said she was not physi- cally abused (luring her first two days at the Treasury Police's sprawling barracks in San Sal- vador's eastern outskirts. But her jailers warned her that things would get worse if she did not cooperate. "They said if I didn't collaborate with them, thgn my treatment was going to change. They said they were going to bring in my husband, but they would only bring his head. They repeated this over and over," she said. The police changed tactics on her second night, Iglesias said. She was blindfolded, put in a vehicle, and driven around for several hours. "They said they were going to throw me out. One would say, 'Where are we going to throw her?' and the other would say, 'No, not here.' The terror I felt then was the worst," she said. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504010004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504010004-1 4k 0 Iglesias said they returned to the barracks, she was placed in a less comfortable cell, and the police took all of her clothes and left her blind- folded. She said that was the night that the rapes began. Iglesias said she was interrogated repeatedly while being forced to stand under the water jet. "If I let down my arms, there was always somebody to say, lift them up again," she said. "They told me my father and mother were going to die, but everything could be differ- ent if I collaborated." Embassy rep- resentatives questioned Iglesias three times while she was at the Treasury Police barracks, and gave her a lie detector test that a U.S. official said she flunked. Abrams and other U.S. officials noted that Iglesias did not complain of mistreatment in those talks, nor to a representative of the govern- ment's human rights commission, who also visited her at the barracks. "How can you say it if you're still there inside?" she replies. She did talk to a representative of the In- ternational Committee of the Red Cross, but said she asked him not to publicize her protests because of fears for her family. Iglesias signed an unofficial con- fession while at the Treasury Police barracks. She says now that it was written for her, and that she was forced to sign it while blindfolded. After 15 days at the barracks, the maximum amount of time that a suspect legally can be held there, Iglesias was transferred to the Ilo- pango jail for women, accused of politically related crimes. Eight days later, a military judge freed her on grounds that the two Treas- ury policemen who were witnesses to her confession had not actually heard her make the statements at- tributed to her. The two West European diplo- mats said they believed Iglesias's story because she seemed credible in conversations and because of two factors: ^ Iglesias did not seek to publicize her story after she was released, as one would expect if she were inter- ested in a public relations coup. She refused to speak to any reporter until December and declined to be. quoted until this interview. The diplomats helped persuade Iglesias to speak to the press, and she said that she had become willing to do so in part because weekly psy- chiatric treatments in Mexico City gradually are helping her. ^ The military judge ruled unusu- ally quickly that there was insuffi- cient evidence to hold Iglesias. The diplomats said they thus doubted that the evidence against her could have been very strong. Golcher said he believes that the judge either had been bribed or had received death threats, although he offered no evidence of that. The West European diplomats said they did not want to be identified be- cause their relations with their U.S. counterparts could be damaged. The embassy is said not to believe that Iglesias provided information that helped a guerrilla attack on a sidewalk restaurant last June that left four U.S. Marine embassy guards, two private U.S. citizens, and seven other persons dead. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504010004-1