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May 5, 1986
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90-00965R000503820019-7 Anthony Lewis ARTICLE APP Rga, N-W YORK TIMES ON PAGE ~,j?`~, 5 May 1986 `I Am the Law N ick and Sam are in a violent feud. Nick goes to court to settle who is the aggressor, who the victim. After the court says it is ready to decide, Sam denounces the proceedings and walks out. He goes on shooting at Nick's house, saying he has a legal right to do so because Nick is an aggressor. That is the concept of law advanced 'by the legal adviser to the State De- partment, Abraham Sofaer. Of coifrse he does not put it so simply. Bui that is what he means in his state- ments justifying American policy in Nicaragua. He means that the United States, one party to the dispute, can decide on its own that it has a legal right to use force. In March, after Nicaraguan troops followed "contras" to their bases in Honduras, Mr. Sofaer said Nicaragua could not justify the incursion under To justify the use of U.S. force in Nicaragua international law as an act of self-de- fense. It could not, he said, because N,icaragua was "an aggressor state." "An aggressor state does not have the right of self-defense," he said. "You cannot develop a right of self- defense when you started the fight. It's as simple as that." In a column I described that state- ment as an example of legal "reason- ing" distorted by ideology. I said that Mr. Sofaer, a learned former judge, really knew better. Mr. Sofaer then reasserted his position in a letter to the editor. "I have described Nicaragua as guilty of aggression against its neigh- bors," he wrote. "No objective per- son believes otherwise." To support that proposition the letter cited charges that Nicaragua has armed the left-wing forces fighting against the Government of El Salvador. When a lawyer says in a brief that "no objective person believes other- wise," an experienced judge is likely to smile. For that kind of language often covers up a lack of evidence to support a claim. The Reagan Administration has re- pettedly described Nicaragua as a supplier of arms to the Salvadoran repels. But it has produced no con- vincing evidence of any significant arms flow since early 1981. A former C.I.A. sialist on the subject. David ac pecel, said in 1984 that there had been "no verified report of movie from Nicaragua to El Salva- snce Gor Lion' has solid evi- dence, the place to produce it would have been the World Court. When Nicaragua sued there in an attempt to stop American support of the contras, the U.S. said that support was a legiti- mate response to Nicaraguan aggres- sion in El Salvador. But then the United States walked out of the case - and out of the World Court's jurisdiction. Why did it, if the facts were so obvious? Even if there were good evidence of Nicaraguan aid to the Salvadoran rebels, it would not follow that the United States could justify its support of the contras' war on Nicaragua as an act of self-defense under interna- tional law. That is so for several rea- sons. The United Nations Charter basi- cally outlaws the use of force by na- tions. It makes an exception for the inherent right of self-defense against armed attack, but only on condition that the nation attacked ask the U.N. Security Council to act. The United States never went to the Security Council to complain of Nica- raguan "armed attack" or "aggres- sion" in El Salvador. Rather, Nicara- gua went to the Security Council in 1984 to complain about the mining of its harbors, and the Council voted 13 to 1 to condemn the mining - the negative vote being a U.S. veto. International law, in allowing self- defense, requires that it be propor. tionate to the attack. If what the United States has done in Nicaragua were a response, it would be gro- tesquely disproportionate: the crea- tion of a contra army, 10,000 to 20,000 strong, that carries out terrorist at- tacks with the aim of overthrowing the Nicaraguan Government. What Mr. Sofaer wants us to be- lieve is that the United States has a legal right to do what it wants to Nica- ragua, without producing evidence in court or following the rules, but that Nicaragua has no right under interna- tional law to defend itself against a large army attacking from privileged sanctuaries. That is supposed to be law. The real point is evident. The Rea- gan Administration wants to use force whenever it pleases, and it looks to its lawyers to provide a cover. In fact, Mr. Sofaer candidly told the American* Society. of r International Law that we withdrew from the World Court so we could decide on our own when to use force in "self-de- fense." Thus do Mr. Sofaer and his colleagues mock the ideal of law that the United States has for so long sought to promote in international life. 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90-00965R000503820019-7