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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403710029-9 .1 5 December 1985 Morison Given 2 Years For Leaking Spy Photos Prison a Necessary Deterrent, Judge Says 6 BY George Lardner Jr. w. on F" s?r BALTIMORE, Dec, 4-A federal judge sentenced former Navy intel- ligence analyst Samuel Loring Mor- ison today to two years in prison for leaking secret U.S. spy satellite photographs to a British magazine. U.S. District Judge Joseph H. Young, disregarding Morison's at- torneys' contention that their client has been unfairly categorized as a spy along with a number of others recently arrested for espionage, said he felt a prison sentence was necessary as a deterrent. "You knew, Mr. Morison, what [information] was protected and what was not," the judge said. "I'm satisfied that you've been punished by what has happened to you." But, the judge added, "deterrence is not to you, but to others." The first person ever convicted of leaking classified government in- formation to the press, Morison, who worked at the Naval Intelli- gence Support Center in Suitland, was released on $100,000 bond pending appeal. His attorneys had pleaded for probation, saying they feared for his safety "in a prison set- ting." Suppressing a nervous stutter that sometimes afflicts him, Mor- ison, the 41-year-old grandson of the late famed naval historian Sam- uel Eliot Morison, haltingly ac- knowledged to the court that he had made a mistake in sending three KH-11 satellite photos, an classified secret, to Jane's Defence Weekly last year. For that, Morison said, "I apolo- gize to the court and I apologize to the country .... I knew I was breaking the rules. I thought at the time I had a good reason for it." But he said he did not think that what he was doing was criminal. "I'm not that type of person," he told the judge. "I'd just as soon stay home and write books." At several points today the judge indicated that he thought the fed- eral government classifies too much information. But in Morison's case, he said, he was struck by Morison's initial denial of the leaks, Morison's suggestions that co-workers might "You knew, Mr. Morison, what [information] was protected and what was not." - Judge Joseph H. Young be responsible, and finally his crop- ping of the "secret" markings from the photos he sent to Jane's. "He knew it was wrong to send them," Young concluded before handing down two-year sentences on each of the four counts, all to run concurrently. "It was wrong and he did not want to get caught." Government prosecutors argued that Morison deserved still more prison time in light of what they called his "arrogance" and unre- penting attitude. The chief prose- cutor, Assistant U.S. Attorney Mi- chael Schatzow, was especially crit- ical of defense invocations of Mor- ison's grandfather as "the dominant influence in his life" and of Mori- son's claims of having had patriotic motives for doing what he did. Samuel Eliot Morison "would be spinning in his grave" if he knew what his grandson had done, Schat- zow declared in recommending a four-year prison term and a $10,000 fine. What Samuel Loring Morison did, the prosecutor said, "was venal. It was petty. It was ar- rogant. And it was criminal." Morison could have been sen- teneed to 10 years in prison and fined $10,000 on each of four counts. He was found guilty Oct. 17 of espionage and theft for sending the three photos to Jane's. He was also convicted of separate espio- nage and theft charges for taking portions of two other Navy docu- ments, both classified secret, and keeping them in an envelope at his Crofton apartment. Morison's attorneys argued that their client, a hawkish advocate of bigger defense budgets and a strong supporter of President Reagan, sent Jane's the photos of the first Soviet nuclear aircraft carrier under con- struction at a Black Sea shipyard, "primarily because he was interested in publicizing the Soviet threat." "He felt that the ship represented a serious threat to the security of the United States and that if the American people recognized this threat, they would be more willing to support the president's plans for strengthening the U.S. Navy," the attorneys, Robert F. Muse and Mark H. Lynch of Washington, said in a presentence report. The defense also argued that the photographs, though classified se- cret, did not give the Soviets any in- formation they did not already have. They said Morison sent the pho- tos to Jane's, a British publishing house for which he had moonlighted for years as a yearbook editor, rath- er than to a U.S. publication be- cause "the people at Jane's were the only journalists he knew. As events developed, Jane's distributed the photographs widely and they ap- peared in major newspapers news programs in this country .... Mr. Morison never believed that disclo- sure of the satellite photos would harm the United States or give aid to any foreign country." Morison's prosecution, sparked particular controversy because un- der the government's theory of the case, any leaker, and any unautho- rized recipient, of classified infor- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403710029-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403710029-9 SAMUEL LORING MORISON mation could be convicted of a crime, "no matter how laudable" the motives for the leak. Young said this morning that he did not regard the Morison prosecu. tion "as a First Amendment case." And Schatzow emphasized to report- ers that none of the publications that printed the KH-11 photos, including The Washington Post and CBS, was indicted. But Justice Department of- ficials also have made clear that nei- ther government officials who leak such information nor receiving pub- lications should consider themselves exempt from prosecution. "Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis," Schatzow said. In seeking probation, Lynch and Muse proposed that Morison, who has an epileptic condition, be re- quired to work as a volunteer at a Veterans Administration hospital. In prison, they said, "individuals convicted of 'espionage' are sub- jected to unusually hard and mer- ciless treatment from other inmates . As counsel, we have grave doubts about Mr. Morison's ability to function-or indeed survive-in a prison setting." K Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403710029-9