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STAT } Declassified in_Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/11: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402810001-9 P,,,4~~'~ WASHINGTON POST 2 May 1986 Civifian Satellites Pe~etiiSOi~t Secrecy, Photograph Plant Space Competition dikes New Direction By Nell Henderson r t-ir P..t SS Wr st A new kind of space competition was latched this week as the west- ern world turned to two civilian sat- ellites to-pmetrate the Soviet cloak of secrecy 1104 produce Photographs of the. I di gid nuclear reactor at Unable to obtain aerial photos of the sits wdt the Soviet union, their western np 0 - overhead gagandes 1ipee gained r eac- tor overhead tor Tuesday front Landsat, the U.S. government-owned remote sensing satellite that has solo space photos of the Earth since 1972. Then yesterday a new French satellite produced a more detailed view of the reactor, showing dam- age to the ground next to the re- actor and breaking Landsat's 14- year monopoly on such service . Computer analysis of the photo, taken from 500 miles above the earth by the French Spot satellite and released in Sweden, showed that smoke had stopped billowing from the reactor and revealed a long dark scorch mark on the ground next to the reactor, said Robert Lees, an image analyst for Spot Image Corp., of Reston, the. wholly owned subsidiary of the French company created to market spot s services. The mark, at least 600 feet long, is believed to be "the probable re- sult of a blast," Lees said. Damage to the building cannot be discerned from the photo, but it is clear that the smoille visible on the earlier Landsat photo is gone, he said. Lees cautioned, however, that the lack of smoke does not mean the fire at the reactor is out. The Landsat photo revealed less detail of the plant itself, but covered a larger area and used. infrared viewing to show, vegetatioq sur- rounding the concrete facility. While feeding an information- hungry world with images of an in- accessible site, the two photos il- lustrated the strengths and weak- nesses of. the only two non-military satellites that sell their services to anyone who will pay the price. landeat, the old war horse. of ci- vilian space photography, provided the first photo. Spot, only launched - in FebrgaM was slower because the satellite is Aso new, but provided a .level of detail previously available only to the military. Technically not yet open for business, Spot'a capa- bilities have already thrown earth- bound, news agencies, lawyers and diplomats into a spin over the pos- sibilities of a new era in civilian space-based photography. new-Soteeboology v .. not entirely military sat- ellitea are said to be capable of reading license plates and newspa- per headlines from space. What 1.. new is the detail now available to the public, and the two local com- panies now competing to sell it, Since 1972, farmers, oil compa- nies, geologists, foresters, foreign governments and others interested in land resource management have bought satellite photos taken by Landsat. The photos covered broad expanses of the Earth, showing ero- sion and vegetation patterns, broad coastlines and mountain ranges. The smallest discernible object is 98 by 98 feet. Spot, by contrast, covers a smaller area, but offers black and white photos of 10 meter resolu- tion, which means an object 33 feet by 33 feet in size, or about half the size of a tennis court, can be iden- tified. The photos show clearly dis- cernible reed, bridges, airlines, ' t*l and ablps.. Spot represent, a ON million . investment by the French govern- ment. Neither satellite actually takes photographs: Their electronic sensors record energy reflected off the Earth', surface. The data is col- lected on computer tape that can be used to create a photograph or even by tranderred onto a floppy disk. Spot's prices range from $155 for a blackcVid white print to $2,550 for a top-of-the-line comput- er-compatible tape. Landsat's data is marketed by the Earth Observa- tion. Satellite Co. (Eosat), based in Lanham, a joint venture of Hughes Aircraft Co. and RCA Corp. Eosat's Prices vary from $50 to $3,300. Eosat says I.andsat has the ad- vantage of being able to record im- ages in a wider range of spectral bands than Spot. Photographs in some infrared bands are able to identify certain mJ=* that Spot images cannot detect, Eosat Pres- ident Charles P. Williams said. Spot, however, has the advan- tages of being able to view the same site more frequently than Landsat. Both Landsat and Spot circle the globe in near polar orbits. Landsat covers nearly every. location , on earth in 16 days, while Spot takes 26. But while Lsndsat'a sensors "took" straight down, Spot's mirrors allow the sensors to "look" to either side-thus Landsat can catch a par- ticular -site once every 16 days, while Spot can view the same loca- tion about twice a week. By viewing a site from two angles, the satellite also can generate a stereoscopic image. Thus, Landsat, by luck, obtained the first photo of the Chernobyl re. actor but will not be able to get an- other for almost a month, while Spot may obtain another glimpse within a week. Individuals, companies, U.S. gov- ernment agencies or anybody else can buy Spot's services from the Reston-based subsidiary, while th.1. rest of the world can turn to the.. parent company in Toulouse, .'. France. That company, Spot Image. S.A., is owned primarily by the French space agency, but also re- flects investments by French banks and aerospace concerns, the Bel- gian and Swedish governments, and the Belgian telecommunications and ;t aerospace industries. Spot expects most of its business' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/11: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402810001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/11 'in sac~~ as theii amft, -obgiata Me1dnR. E mineral depoeita and ene rg lases parties searching for oil and gas. But -ns some time . tee gaenscammht might start to wonder if. 1W. re veaied things they don't want re- veal d," said Robert Aamoth, a com raunications attorney representing RTNDA. "To impose restrictions on the company acknowledges that new uses are possible-that Iraq could buy photos of Iran, while Lib- ya could buy photos of downtown Washington. If buyers-want a photo of Pres- ident Reagan's ranch, all they have to do is provide the hitituds and Ion- gitude, said David S. Julysn.4irec. for of sales and marketing for the... U.S. Spot Image subsidiary. "We will apquire an image of any place is - the world and make it available to any and all interested parties ... I plan to open, up every market I can." While opening new windows on the world, the prospect of advanced satellites for hire also stretches space law beyond its current limits. Nears executives have begun asking whether the First Amendment will float In space if they buy photos of U.S. or Soviet military movements. Foreign countries have expressed concern about other governments having access to satellite photos of their territories. Others foresee satellites as potential tools for cor- porate spying. "It's so new-the constitutional issues are just being raised by the technology," said Robert A. Destro, a member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and an expert on con- stitutional law. "It's going to be tricky, but Spot is going to go a long way toward bringing First Amend- ment issues into the 21st century." Ollie of the keys to news agency interest is the prospect of obtaining overhead looks at territory where aerial' photgraphy is not allowed. ABC News has used Landsat photos of the Iran-Iraq border, a Libyan mil- itary airfield and Soviet naval bases. "We will have access to the world we wouldn't have otherwise," said Mark Brender, an ABC News editor and chairman of the media in space committee of the Radio-Television News - Directors Association (RTNDA). "The time does not ap. pear to be too far distant when pri- vately held satellites and other or- bital facilities will be as indispensible. as the printing press and the camera... to a free society." News executives and their attop net's already have eapre sed concern about the possible dub between fl tional security and space-based news gathering. press use of remote sensing satel- Ines would constitute prior restraint and would have to be justified by de- monstrating a clear and present dan- ger to national security. - RTNDA also has argued that the 1984 Landsat Act, which began the process of transferring Landset to the private sector, grants "unbri- dled discreton" to the government to suspend, revoke or withold li- censes on the basis of national se- curity. "These provisions would be unconstitutional under the, First Amendment for being unduly vague and overbroad, for allowing untjus. tifed prior restraints to be imposed on the press, and for dulling con- stitutionally protected activities without an adequate justification," RTNDA's attorneys wrote the Transportation Department, whidr~ currently is developing rules to im- plement the act. Spot, however, is owned by the French and therefore is "beyond U.S. jurisdiction," Aamoth said. "There would be no justification for preventing U.S. news agencies from getting pictures that are avail- able to the rest of the world." CIA Director William Case , commenting on Spot at a -recent meeting of newspaper executives. sand the a nc does not plan to restrict media use o the sateh ate: we can do about it Anybody can ao out and get whatever information can anybody else in any other country I ex- pect that large news organizations will have one those satellites am Q1 Casey added however that "the press has a lity to listen and consider" the government when it argues that ^hMild be witheld on national security pun s an note at such co oration occurs reousn y. Destro, an avant law profes- sor at Catholic ~mveratty, said that foreign governments may prove more difficult than our own, and that the pressure could be indirect. "What if Mikhail Gorbachev- calls Ronald Reagan and says, 'Put a lid on ABC or no summit'?" "If ABC got a U2 to fly over the Soviet Union, it probably would be shot down," Destro said. "Foreign men b might - retaliate against Spot], or might consider shooting down the satellite." 9 CIA-RDP90-00965R000402810001-9 A State Depa>rh ^a'.dk al is, miliar with remotelsoode _4 powy. said the a ~sb prejhft with S~3 38 long an it makes the data open, equal, nondie. criminatory basis. Spot has vowed to stick with this poky, called,. "open skies," which was adopted by the U.S. government when foreign v governments about dsat. expressed ner? The e Verl foreign approach is cur- rent U.S. law gn policy, but no in- requires other coun- tries to follow it, they launch remote sensing satellites. Some observers have argued that it would make business sense to offer exclu- sive rights to satellite photos, and,;, news organisations have argued that they cannot consider investing in the technology unless they can have at least temporary rights to such photos so they can beat their competition. Developing natiogs, however, are "not thrilled with open skies," said Ann Florini, a research director for the U.N. Aseodati n, a private, based in New research York. ~ ~ cern is lack of access to information about their own territory. They are worried they won't know what pic- tures are being taken by whom for what purpose." Corporations might use Spot pho- tos of their competitors' facilities much as they now use aerial photos, said Leila Kight, president of Wash- ington Researchers Ltd, which in- vestigates companies for other firms. "There is no reason not to use it for learning about competi. tors or acquiaitiQ& targets. As awn as the knowledge is made available, there will be companies using it for that purpose." Eosat sees the heavenly compe- tition as a boost for both busi- nessess. Both satellite -companies plan to spend millions to educate new customers about the availabil- ity and quality of their products. Spot Image foresees a potential worldwide market of about $100 million for its services, and expects sales to U.S. customers to generate almost half of total revenue. Eosat's sales were $20 million last year. Canadian and Japanese satellites are expected to heighten the com- petition within the next decade. "The big deal is when you add together the different attributes of these systems," said Timothy Al- exander, a partner in Satellite De- velopment Services, based in the District. "We can only barely dis- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/11: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402810001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/11: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402810001-9 '3 At left, the Chernobyl nuclear plant as photographed by the Landsat 5 satellite at 945 a.m. local Kiev time on Tuesday. The plant is boated at the upper left edge of the cooling pond. Below left, an enlargement of the plt UNRED PRESS INKRINTSO LIREUIE)1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/11: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402810001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/11: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402810001-9 THE SPOT SATELLITE T he Spot sa tars orbit and adjustable mirrors enable it produce photos of virhmIy place an Earth, and to view the same location as often as twice week The sat. elute orbits the Earth mowing from pose to pole as the Earth buns genes h it, Wong 26 days to cover the globe. The minors allow Spot to view at an anft anabNng it to photograph locations directly beneath it and to the~s. Viewing at an angle. Spot can We two images of the same location within sionsal" picture a few days and can produce a starV.&;Jpic, or ynae.dimen- . I/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/11: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402810001-9