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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302640024-4 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE n---/ ROUSE COMMITTEE, ECHOING SENATE, OPPOSES MINING REAGAN IS FACING REVOLT But Officials Assert Operation Ended Last Weekend and Is Unlikely to Resume By BERNARD GWERTZMAN Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, April 11 ? The House Foreign Affairs Committee today approved a resolution opposing the use of Government funds for the mining of Nicaraguan harbors as an impasse appeared to be developing be- tween Congress and the Administra- tion over continuation of covert activity in Nicaragua. The resolution approved by the com- mittee, in a vote of 32 to 3 with 2 absten- tions, was identical to one passed by the Senate on Tuesday. At the same time, Administration of- ficials, suddenly faced with a revolt even by Republicans over their Central American policy, said that the latest phase of the mining of Nicaraguan har- bors ceased last weekend. This was be- fore the outcry in Congress against the mining had raised questions about the ability of the Administration to obtain financing for its key Central American programs. There was no explanation why this was not made known earlier Financing Is in Trouble The officials, who privately acknowl- edged the mining_was directed by the Central _Intelligence _Agency,._still re- fiised publicly_ to confirm that the agency was involved. Kenneth W. Darn, Deputy Secretary of State, suggested that the United States would be justified in assisting the mining of Nicaraguan harbors as an act of collective self-defense. But in testifying before the House Foreign Af- fairs Committee, he too declined to ac- knowledge that the United States was involved in the mining. NEW YORK TIMES 12 April 1984 1 In Honduras, the largest anti-Sandin- ista insurgent group decided at a meet- ing to continue the mining, a top offi- cial of the group said. But he denied that Americans were involved in it. The Senate voted overwhelmingly last week to approve =1 million to con- tinue the covert program in Nicaragua and $62 million for emergency military aid to El Salvador. But with Congress due to begin a 10-day Easter holiday by the end of the week, the House is un- likely to vote on either measure, rais- ing serious questions about their pas- sage. Reagan Move Is Hinted The full House was expected to ap- prove the resolution passed by the For- ' eign Affairs Committee either later today or on Thursday. The resolution is not binding on the President, but an ex- pression of the sentiment of the Con- gress. A State Department spokesman, John Hughes, hinted strongly that if Congress recesses without approving the money for El Salvador, Pt ebident Reagan might invoke emergency powers to provide the military aid for El Salvador on an interim basis. Such action, however, would be resented by many members of Congress and could lead to further confrontation with the Administration. There is no legal authority for the Central Intelligence Agency to use ' other funds if the $21 million for covert aid is not approved by Congress, C.I.A. iihin?t money for the insurgents in Nicaragua runs out and it could within a matter of weeks ? the operation there would have to cease. House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. vowed today that no new funds would be authorized. The officials who divulged that the mining of Nicaraguan waters had ended-declined to say whether it would be resumed. A senior, State Depart- ment official said that given the ad- verse publicity overseas and the strong. Congressional opposition, it was "very, very unlikely" there would be addi- tional mining financed or supported by the United States. They said the ship that carried the mines and the Americans involved in directing the mining had left Nicara- guan tearsculai. theButcental waters. ehsourcaad es saidsi thoe_pyph,oad not. ly been mfiirmed by_Williiria J. Caseth y,e r.jrkaor_of _c_eiltrit intelligence. aat He met privately with senators on TOT- Clayand repeatedly refilled to tell_thetp the status of the mining, senators said today. 1 Reaction Stuns Administration The Administration seemed stunned by the vehemence of the sentiment on Capitol Hill against the mining. Many senators, including those on the Intelli- gence Committee, which is supposed to be kept informed of all covert actions, asserted they knew nothing about the American involvement. But officials of the Central Intelli- gence Agency, the State DeLiartment and-ffe White House all insisted that the appropriate intelligence commit- lhad beerririfoi--thQ. a bolitWa7Miri- iiig.as_well as calaci_clindesiiiii_wem- tons in Nicaragua last fall and subse- quently. Last November, Congress ap- proved $24 million for Nicaraguan rebel activities. The officials said President Reagan fpy approved the mining last De?ber. C.I.A. officials said they figid transcripts of testimony before the intelligence committees to document that they were informed. ?One State Department official said he had heard that some officials were considering seeking private financing for the Nicaraguan rebels if Congress does not act, but a senior State Depart- ment official said that was "off-the- wall thinking" and was "out of the question." Senator Barry Goldwater, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a letter Monday to Mr. Casey that Mr. Reagan had given his consent to the mining last February, but offi- cials said this was incorrect. The letter was made public by Senate sources on Tuesday. The officials noted that the Nicara- guan Democratic Force, the leading Nicaraguan rebel group, publicly an- nounced on Jan. 8 that it had mined Nicaraguan ports and was declaring all Nicaraguan ports to be "danger zones." Reservations by Shultz "The money Congress approved has been used to help the contras in many ways, and the mining is only one aspect of it," a State Department official said, using the name by which the Nicara- guan rebels are commonly known. Secretary of State George P. Shultz . was said by his aides today to have had SOIDe reservations about the mining be- cause of possible international criti- cism, but not about the overall harass- ment campaign against the Nicara- guan Government. They said that he did not register formal objections to the Waite House at the time. One aide said Mr. Shultz felt that the C.I.A. had _primary responsibility for the rebel activity and that the mining was not regardecra7s a particularly big _step. Continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302640024-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302640024-4 The thinking at the time the decision i was made late last year to go ahead with the mining was that 10,000 tons of military materiel had been shipped to Nicaraguan ports in 1983, with a value of 1:90 million, mostly from Cuba and the Soviet Union. The mines were viewed as a nicans of causing some dis- ruption to economy of Nicaragua and, with some luck, at its military supply line. said to be manufactured by .2777.1.-ATI-n a gaqigt,-matbtilidirit _ . in lionouras were I as a vey. e _ 1. I. _ for stopping trie, flow of munns_tp_EL Salvador. They.were mea.pitosletoriate_ altinst large cargo ships, not -the smaller coastal craft used to carry materiel across the Bay of Fonseca. The were carried in a Cargo I ship that stayed outside the 12-mile Nicaraguan waters and were placed in speedboats that actually planted them. Foreign Vessels Damaged The mining became an issue only after foreign vessels, including one from the Soviet Union, reported in re- cent weeks that they had been dam- aged as a result of striking mines. Last lweekend there were press re + arts of, C.I.A. p?onflbemg mvolved m the operations. On Sunday, the! tate D-ipartment announced that it would not submit to World Court juris- ? diction for two years on any disputes concerning Central America. The department said it was doing so to block Nicaragua from bringing ac- tion against the United States over the mining and other rebel actions. This announcement, coupled with the_press reports on producedan ouetcryC . If. A.m involvyemeennatz,_ bers of the Congresjat the mining was an act of war of which they _had no advance knowledge. Union and Cuba want to see Commu- nism spread further in Central Amer- ica," the statement said. "The question is: Will the United States support those countries that want democracy and are ' willing to fight for their own freedom?" The statement specifically denied that there was consideration or plans for American military forces to invade I Nicaragua or any other Central Ameri- can country. It also denied there was ' i planning for "a post-election military . ' enterprise" in the region ? a reference to the elections scheduled for Novem? ber in Nicaragua. The Administration insists that it I wants a region-wide diplomatic solu- tion in Central America. It says it sup- ports the efforts of the so-called Conde- tom group ? Mexico, Venezuela, Co- lombia and Panama ? to obtain the agreement of Nicaragua, El Salvador and other Central American countries to an accord that would prohibit the ex- port of subversion, reduce the size of military forces, and end the presence of foreign military advisers in those countries. The Contadora group is seeking to present formal language on April 30 for such an accord, which would imple- ment 21 broadly worded objectives agreed to last year by the Central American nations. But the White House statement said that "Nicaragua's re- sponse throughout has been fraudulent and cynical. A State Department official said that Mr. Shultz recommended to Mr. Rea- gan the decision to inform the World Court that the United States would not accept its jurisdiction over a complaint from Nicaragua. He said that the court might seek a temporary injunction to block all activity against Nicaragua, but if a similar case were brought against Nicaragua by El Salvador, the Nicaraguans would insist they had done nothing and would not abide by an injunction. The Administration has expressed concern over what the White House on Tuesday called "a shrill and often con- fusing debate" over its goals, plans and activities in Central America. A statement issued Tuesday afte_r- op_or_Lty the White House, in which Mr?, Shultz, Mr. Casey, Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger and Robert ? McFarlane, the national security ad- viser, concurred, said "it is critical That the Amencan peopTe ithderstiffd Na'hat is at stale in the Central Amen- can reglQn." "The real issues are whether we in the United States want to stand by and let a Communist Government in Nica- ragua export violence and terrorism in . this hemisphere," the statement said, "and whether we will allow the power of the ballot box to be overcome by the power of the gun." "There is no doubt that the Soviet Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302640024-4