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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 ARTICLE AP:DEARED ON PAGE ck8 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 4 November 1985 Race for the high ground By Peter Grier and Scott Armstrong Series design and graphics by Robin Jaren= Boston n the name of defending the nation, re- searchers in New Mexico have destroyed a missile carcass with a beam of light. In New Jersey, they have built an electric cannon that uses in a single burst as much current as the city of Newark. At a New York Air Force base, they are trying to develop electronic eyes sensitive enough to spot nicks on warheads in the vast dark of space. It's all part of what one re- searcher calls "splendid defense" ? President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), his vi- sion of developing a screen to protect the United States from nuclear missile attack. Critics say it is a pipe dream, one that might precipitate, not pre- vent, Armageddon. This series will not try to decide between the judgments of "splendid defense" and "pipe dream." But it will explore the current state of technology of SDI and the options this now gives the US in designing its multibillion-dollar program. What began as a seemingly offhand remark by Mr. Reagan in a 1983 speech is evolving into one of the key global issues of our time. It pro- poses nothing less than a complete change in the way superpowers think about nuclear weapons. It is a central force shaping relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. It perplexes, and at times peeves, America's European allies. It baffles Congress, divides scientists, and stirs the kind of passion in public more often associated with theological disputes. "I think this offers more ho world than anything else," say tary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger Scoffs IBM 5(...ientisi, Richard Garwin: It will require "a kind of magic spell that will turn warheads to dust." The SDI, popularly known as "star wars," is not a search for a perfect de- fense. Disinvention of nuclear weapons is not possible. Neither can the United States turn itself into a giant domed sta- dium, the population safely inside. SDI is instead a multibillion-dollar in- quiry into the relative merits of imper- fection. While a leakproof defense looks improbable, even critics concede that a screen could be built to stop some Soviet missiles. Thus the key questions related to technology and feasibility are: How well would such a system work? Could the US afford it? What are the specific options? A close look at the President's SDI program reveals these points: ? The next 18 months will be pivotal in determining SDI's future. Members of Congress and lobbyists say they will devote full attention to the system for the first time. The Geneva arms talks may determine whether SDI research proceeds full-speed. ? Official SDI plans initially involve rockets, high-speed guns, and other ki- netic-energy weapons, which depend on the energy of motion for their destruc- tiveness. Lasers, particle beams, and other exotic weapons aren't figured to be available until the year 2005 or 2010. ? Weapons will not be the most diffi- cult technical problem of star wars. That distinction will go to the computers, to the communications, and to other sup- port tecimologies needed to knit Lhe weapons into an effective system. ? If SDI's goal is 5orncthirig less than perfection, it is also something more than mere protection of individual US missile fields, the goal of earlier ballistic- missile defense programs. ? Technology alone can't make mis- siles obsolete. An effective defense of the US population would probably require some cuts in Soviet offensive arms, say a number of SDI officials. This brings arms control into the picture. ? Cost is emerging as a major point of contention in the SDI debate. Admin- istration officials concede they must be able to build a shield more cheaply than the Soviets can add offensive weapons i to overwhelm it. Critics and supporters Mal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 2. may travel too slowly for use in the all- critical boost phase, when missiles are easy to find and warheads and decoys are wrapped in one neat package. Beam weapons can suffer similar limitations. For instance, some particle beams ? which use streams of atoms or atomic particles accelerated to near the speed of light ? can't penetrate the atmosphere. So they may not work for boost-phase duty. Certain lasers could eat down into the atmosphere, given much more brightness than they have now. Under current SDI thinking, an ini- tial missile screen would consist of "ki- netic kill" weapons, such as quick rock- ets. If deployed at all, such a space-based defense would likely not come about before the mid-1990s. Exotic beam weapons would not be ready until the turn of the century Of course, it is not a fore,gone conclu- sion that these weapons will work. Most are now only lab experiments. And any weapon, however powerful, is useless if it cannot be plugged into a working system. More than anything else, this is the requirement that makes star wars perhaps the most complex military undertaking ever. The star-wars system first must find its targets. This would be particularly hard in the midcourse phase, when war- heads and decoys may number a quarter of a million objects. Picking out warheads from the radar- spoofing chaff, Mylar balloons, and other decoys will require new ways of getting different types sensors to work together. "I think boost-phase intercept and midcourse discrimination are the key issues for a cost-effective defense," says Cornelius (Cory) Coll III, head of an SDI study group at Lawrence Liver- more National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif. Once targets are identified, weapons must be aimed and fired, and kills as- sessed. This requires ultra-fast commu- nications and perhaps the most "intelli- gent" computers ever made. Computer hardware can probably be made to crunch numbers fast enough, though this will take plenty of work. "It'll be like putting a Cray supercomputer on a sugar cube," says John Bosma, editor of the newsletter Military Space. The computer he refers to can perform up to 1.2 billion calcula- tions a second. But writing the software ? the instructions behind the number-crunch- ing ? may be the single most difficult task of the program. SDI officials say aLke agree that this will be one of the program's toughest challenges. Mr. Reagan's vision of a world bris- tling with defenses against nuclear weapons is not a novel idea. It is the lat- est event in an on-again, off-again effort by the US to build barricades against nuclear weapons ? a process stretching back to the dawn of the Atomic Age. "There's such a sense of d? vu to all this," says Gregg Herken, author of "Counsels of War," a history of the nu- clear age. Early defense concepts As early as the 1940s, atomic bomb pioneer J. Robert Oppenheimer urged the world to work on defense against his own creation, arguing it was a moral as well as strategic imperative. In 1958, startled by the Soviet launch of Sputnik, Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy or- dered development of systems for shoot- ing down incoming missiles. This led to Project Defender, a wide-ranging pro- gram that some analysts think was more ambitious for its time than SDI is today. Many of Defender's ideas never went much beyond the chalkboard. One, Project HELMET, proposed planting gi- ant howitzers near US cities to shoot clouds of debris at incoming warheads. Another, SAMBO, called for orbiting a ring of pellets ? in effect, an artificial asteroid belt ? over known Soviet mis- sile fields. Other Defender work proved more en- during. Some of the earliest research on beam weapons occurred under the pro- gram, as did development of nuclear- tipped interceptor missiles. The inter- ceptors became part of the only US defense against nuclear weapons ever deployed. It was installed in the 1970s to protect missile silos in North Dakota, but later it was scrapped as too costly and ineffective. In the end the US decided that no de- fense against nuclear missiles was possi- ble with the technology of the 1960s and '70s. The destructive force of nuclear weapons was so great that only some- thing approaching a 100 percent defense ? a historically unprecedented achieve- ment ? would have any meaning. Even a few nuclear warheads that got through a screen would spell disaster. Offensive weapons had unchallenged technological primacy. In 1972, the US and the Soviet Union codified this mutual vulnerability in the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, which prohibited development and de- ployment of nationwide ballistic-missile defenses. The US, however, continued low-level research into missile-defense technologies. This work went almost unnoticed for years until March 23, 1983, when Reagan's star-wars speech pulled it back into prominence. On the surface, Reagan's speech seemed impulsive. In fact, it caught many of his closest aides by surprise. Underneath, however, it appears to have reflected a variety of forces: technologi- cal advances that suggested an effective shield might for the first time be possi- ble; Reagan's dissatisfaction, like presi- dents before him, with today's uneasy balance of terror based on offensive ar- senals; and personal appeals from advis- ers such as physicist Edward Teller, the father of the US hydrogen bomb. "The Soviets have a monopoly on de- fense," claims Dr. Teller, rocking back in a chair in his office at Stanford Uni- versity's Hoover Institute, stabbing the air with a finger for emphasis. He is re- ferring to the antiballistic-missile system the Soviets have around Moscow. The layers of defense What sets the President's initiative apart from earlier thrusts is its stress on space components and a "layered" de- fense system. Previous efforts were mainly concerned with attacking war- heads during their terminal phase, when the warheads reenter the atmosphere and dive toward targets. Star-wars weapons would attack nu- clear warheads at four phases of their 30-minute trip from silos to US territory First is the so-called boost phase, when a rocket rises through the atmosphere tor ,three to- five minutes. Next is post-boost. the 3- to 5-minute period when the war- head bus, which carries the guidance system, warheads, and decoys, sepa- rates from the booster and begins to cast off its warheads and decoys. Then comes midcourse, when warheads and thousands of decoys float through space for 15 to 20 minutes, before reentering the atmosphere en route to their destruc- tive destinations ? the terminal phase. In theory, each defensive layer could be somewhat leaky and still contribute to an effective shield. If each layer de- stroyed 75 percent of the warheads leak- ing though the preceeding layer, 4 out of every 1,000 Soviet warheads launched would actually detonate on US territory. To accomplish this task, a varied ar- senal would probably be used because not all weapons may be good for all uses. For example, kinetic-energy weapons Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 yet-unknown technological edvances will help write the 10 million to 100 mil- lion lines of software needed. Critics contend that software bugs could never be worked out of the sys- tem. "You'd have to have a real nuclear war to have operational testing," says David Redell, a Digital Equipment Corporation engineer. Some critics also complain that so many lightning-quick decisions would have to be made that humans could not run the system. SDI officials say a top military officer would watch over the shield. But they concede star wars will impose new challenges on how to bring political and military leaders into the decisionmaking process. ? Countering a missile defense An even bigger concern: While the US is developing defensive weapons, the Soviets will undoubtedly try to de- vise ways to counter them. "Technology today is capable of shooting down offensive missiles. The question is: Can you do it in face of what the Soviets do in reaction?" says former Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara. Tlie Ki'Orllin might build more of- fensive missiles and warheat-is try to saturate a defense. They might try dis- guises ? balloons imitating warheads or warheads hiding in balloons. They might try to skirt a defense al- together by aiming submarine- launched ballistic missiles so they leave the atmosphere only briefly, if at all, or by developing legions of ground- hugging cruise missiles and strategic bombers. These would be difficult to zap from space. But SDI advocates argue that some star-wars weapons may work against this threat, and that, in any case, it is important to blunt the accurate land- based ballistic missiles, the heart of the Soviet strategic arsenal. Moscow could also design ways to foil specific defensive weapons. They could spin boosters like drill bits so that lasers can't dwell on one spot, or devise thick-skinned missiles to resist attack. Perhaps most worrisome, they could build fast-burn boosters that would complete their work while still in the atmosphere, hampering the ability of some weapons to reach them. Fast-burn boosters would be costly, both in reducing the performance of a missile and on the Soviet economy ? prohibitively so, SDI advocates say This type of measure-countermeas- ure gamesmanship will be expensive for both sides. "You want to make the Soviets spend a lot of money" says one SDI scientist. Finally, the Soviets could simply punch a hole in a defense system. They might orbit "space mines" that would blow up on command and shower satel- lites with shrapnel. One SDI scientist worries about three other antidefense weapons: ground-based lasers; nuclear- tipped interceptor rockets; and X-ray lasers, beam weapons powered by small nuclear bombs. The US is devel- oping the X-ray laser as a possible de- fensive weapon, and the Soviets are known to be working on it as well. "Many of these defensive technol- ogies are the key to the destruction of the defense itself," Dr. Garwin says. ? But battle stations may be able to defend themselves or have special "guard" satellites to do the job. They may be armored, or able to bob and weave when attackers approach. "I worry about survivability. Along with cost, I see it as a major constraint to SDI," says Stephen Rockwood, head of SDI research at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Weapons in space might be used of- fensively to destroy an adversary's sat- ellites. In theory they might also be able to destroy aircraft or hit "soft" So- viet targets, such as factories. But SDI officials counter that star wars is only a defensive program and that soft targets can be more easily destroyed by exist- ing weapons, such as bombers. Whatever its final capabilities, any defensive shield would be expensive ? equal to adding another Navy to the budget, according to critic John Pike of the Federation of American Scientists. Estimates of a star-wars system's cost run to $800 billion or more, but until the system takes shape such figures are guesswork at best. What is known is that expenses would not stop with deployment. "Even in the absence of hostile action, there will h?-lw to be constant activity in space. . . to maintain a working sys- tem," notes a report by Congress's Of- fice of Technology Assessment. Star wars, after all, would be un- precedented in scope. It requires ad- vances in basic science and engineer- ing, and must take into account a cunning adversary who can shoot back. Work on the program may span 20 to 30 years. By comparison, during World War II the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb took four years; landing on the moon took eight. Even if it turns out that a defensive shield can be built, and for something less than a year's gross national prod- uct, there's the more fundamental question of whether it should be built. According to President Reagan, star wars is a way out of today's nuclear balance of terror, in which the super- powers refrain from war because each is able to retaliate against the other. The balance of terror resulting from the primacy of offensive nuclear weapons has dominated the four decades of the nuclear era; and the specific American doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD) has dominated US military strategy for more than two decades. SDI enthusiasts envision a world of "assured survival," in which the US would once again control its own des- tiny. Under the most prevalent sce- nario, initial deployment of a defensive screen would deter the Soviets from launching a first strike, because they would have doubts about how many of their missiles might get through. In ef- fect, this would strengthen MAD, though not replace it. Over time, the Soviets would come to see the futility of investing in offen- sive forces and would begin to reduce their arsenals, relying more on defense. The world would never become free of nuclear weapons. But their role would be greatly reduced. They would be unusable and hence obsolete, in the words of one Reagan official. "Obso- lete and unusable, what's the differ- ence?" asks George A. Keyworth II, Reagan's science adviser. "This idea of needing an umbrella of perfection is misleading, because your real objective is to make nuclear weapons unusable." Critics see more dangerous endings to this script. They are concerned that development of a US shield will violate the 1972 ABM Treaty, unraveling the fragile fabric of arms control pacts. The response to US defenses will be a Soviet arms buildup, they claim. arm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 --Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Even if the Soviets decide to set up their own version of SDI, the transition to a defense-oriented world would be tricky. If one side developed a superior defense, it might be able to strike first with its nuclear missiles, knowing that its shield was good enough to handle any retaliation. Thus defenses might heighten, rather than lessen, the chances of nuclear holocaust. Another conundrum .is what a de- fense-dominated world would mean for America's European allies. At present, Europe remains safe from the Soviet Union's massive con- ventional forces because of US nuclear might. If a Soviet defense shield neu- tralized this strength, Europe might once again be exposed to conventional war. To the Reagan administration, SDI is an example of technology leading di- plomacy toward a safer world. To crit- ics, this vision could do more harm than good. "It deludes the public into thinking that the solution to the dual problem of nuclear weapons and a troublesome ad- versary can be resolved by new weap- ons systems, rather than by political means," write MIT professors George Rathjens and Jack Ruina. First of six articles. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Baristic-missile path and hypothetic-a! detentes I BOOST PHASE: 3 to 5 minutes. Lasts from launch to burnout of ICBM booster's final stage. The missile ? most vulnerable during this phase. Its exhaust makes it easy to spot and track, the warheads and decoys are still in one package, and it is experiencing the greatest structural stress. Potential defenses: Space-based chemical lasers, land-based free- electron and excimer lasers, pop-up X-ray lasers, and space-based neutral particle beams. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 b. The BUS holds warheads, decoys, the missile's guidance system, and warhead arming devices. At end of boost phase, a signal from the guidanct system TI warheads and the bus separates from the missile. The bus uses small jets to change its position as it releases its independent warheads. Bus Warhead POST-BOOST PHASE: 3 to 5 minutPc Warhead bus (see inset) separates from booster. The nose cone is jettisoned and the bus begins dispensing its warheads, decoys, and other penetration aids. This phase presents the last opportunity to knock out more than one warhead with one shot. Potential defenses: Space-based electro- magnetic railguns, satellites armed with high- speed missiles, space- based chemical lasers, land-based free-electron and excimer lasers, pop-up X-ray lasers, and space-based neutral particle beams. Pop-up X-ray laser Ground-based tree-electron or excimer laser semi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 7. TERMINAL PHASE: 2 minutes or less Final part of trajectory. At 75 miles up, lighter decoys begin to burn. At 20 miles, reentry destroys the heavier decoys. At this point, warheads are less than a minute from exploding. Potential defenses: Rai[guns, high-speed missiles, electron beams. MIDCOURSE PHASE: 20 minutes Warheads continue their trajectory through space. A defense now must cope with thousands df objects and be able to tell the warheads from decoys, spent warhead buses, and other debris. Potential defenses: Space-based electro- magnetic railguns, satellites armed with high-speed missiles, space-based chemical lasers, land-based free- electron and excimer lasers, pop-up X-ray lasers, and space-based neutral particle beams. Ground- launched rocket interceptor Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 ARTICLE AP?EARED ON PAGE ? CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR FILE ONLY 5 November 1985 STAR WARS WILL IT WORK? 2 Cannons in space By Peter Grier and Scott Armstrong Series design and graphics by Robin Jareaux Dow, N.J. t is the most powerful railgun in the world, and it now lies in pieces in a New Jersey Army lab. Using bursts of electricity instead of gunpowder, it shoots plastic cubes so fast that they carry the wallop of a Mack truck traveling 60 miles an hour. Someday, its descendants might blast missiles and warheads from the sky as if they were shooting skeet. "We're talking about something that's really quite revolutionary" says Dr. Ted Gora, chief of railgun research at the Army's weapon design facility here. Of the weapons the Pentagon is studying for use in ballistic- missile defense, lasers and other exotica have received the most public attention. But a "star wars" system, at least at first, would likely rely on railgun projectiles and warheads on fast rockets. They get their destructiveness from kinetic - energy, the energy of motion. This kinetic-energy firepower is in es- sence high-technology artillery. It could lie hosed (in Earth or on platforms in space. In theory it, could attack enemy iiii'ilus:it every stage from the boost phase. w ben a missile is cosiest to spot and all its warheads and decoys are in one III it package. to the terminal phase, \\hen \\Ai-heads :ire reentering the atmo- sphere. In practice. it might be difficult tor projectiles to reach missiles (luring the all-(?rucial first Iew minutes of flight. Some kinetic-energy weapons are technologically well developed. I ligh-ac- cetera( ion rockets. fired from the ground and intended to protect missile silos, are perhaps ready for deployment today. )t hers are still experimental. Railguns and other electromagnetic . . launchers excite many weapons design- ers. but power supplies kir these devices pose problems. and the projectiles they shoot move so fast they tend to rip up the inside of the barrel. All of our experiments have not been raging successes," concedes the Army's Ted ( ;Ora. In 'Washington the Strategic Defense Initiative (S1 )11 is an abstraction. budget figures on a page. The program's nick- name - - star wars ? emphasizes its fu- turistic aura. Rut to 1)r. (;ora and others working on its technology it, is as real as the metal and wire in their labs. Dr. (ora has been working on railguns for seven years in a shed-like building of the Army's Armament Re- search and Development Center. The Army has not always been wild about the project. finding it hard to believe in something that had no trigger, didn?t go boom. and shot plastic shells. liut ;ora and cohorts among them physicist I larry Fair. and William Weldon. now at the Iniversity of Texas perservere(1. Now with the coining of l'resident Reagan's 51)1 program. A bullet for an M-16 rifle travels just over 3,000 feet per second. In tests. the Army's New Jersey railgun has sent an 11-ounce plastic cubes winging along at 2.6 miles per second. Other labs have shot small, thimble-sized objects at greater velocities (more than 6 miles per second). But the Army's railgun has hurled the largest projectile at high ve- locities. SDI officials envision a railgun that would shoot yet larger objects to up to 12 miles per second. The Army railgun, never before seen by reporters, does not look like some- thing that might spawn a powerful space rifle. It looks instead like 12 feet of large drainpipe with a cement mixer on one end. Inside the gun's barrel stretch two parallel copper rails. When the gun is fired, a powerful electric current surges up one rail, hits the projectile, leaps across it to the other rail, and surges back toward the gun's breech. Contained by its own magnetic field, the electric force explodes forward. pushing the projectile as it goes. Such brute force may have applica- tions more terrestrial than shooting Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 down missiles. The Army is interested in high-speed railgun artillery, which might be able to blast apart tanks as if they were made of balsa wood. Harnessing the power te fire a railgun Electromagnetic launchers are not a new idea. At the turn of the century elec- trical engineers theorized that such guns were possible. During World War II, German scientists toyed with the tech- nology ? including using them to hurl cargo-laden gliders across battlefields. The Japanese tried to build an electric machine gun. These efforts, say researchers, all foundered on the same problem: power. You could briefly light Buffalo, N.Y., with the pulse of electricity today's railgun experiments require. "Power supplies right now are larger and heavier than we would like them to be," says Mr. Weldon, director of the University of Texas (UT) Center for Electromechanics. But new advances hold hope that the problem of producing space-transport- able, powerful generators can be solved, SDI officials say. For example, they point to a machine that Weldon per- fected over the last decade. Called a compulsator, the device is capable of loosing huge surges of current in quick succession. This winter, UT researchers hope to fire a 10-shot burst with a compulsator-driven railgun. Last year, they successfully fired four projectiles in a row Such machine-gun capability is crucial if railguns are to become viable missile-defense weapons. Projectiles are another railgun prob- lem. Electromagnetic launchers would be firing at targets hundreds of miles away At such distances, shells must have some sort of ability to guide them- selves to be accurate. They must be, in an oft-quoted phrase, smart rocks. But current guidance technology ? such as the heat-seeking sensors in air- to-air missiles ? would be turned into silicon junk by the acceleration forces that railgun shells experience. Tough new metal alloys and other materials would be needed for missile- defense railguns as well. Currently, railguns can be so scarred after one shot that their interiors must be rebuilt. If railguns are to be put in space, they must also be made a fraction of their cur- rent size. The Army's New Jersey railgun experiment, with its support equipment, takes up one-quarter of a room the size of a hangar SDI officials ultimately envision a space-based weapon being something over 30 feet long and weighing around 40 tons. "We need a jet aircraft to do the SDI job. We're at the propeller-plane stage now," says Gene McCall, a physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. While railguns and other electromag- netic launchers are still experiments, an- other type of kinetic-energy weapon is much more technologically mature: ga- zelle-quick rocket interceptors. The United States military now has a wide range of such rockets in its arsenal, from shoulder-fired, antiaircraft Stingers, to the Sidewinder, favored weapon of fighter pilots and the recently tested Air Force antisatellite missile. This technology could be taken off the shelf, modified for higher perfor- mance, and used to attack ballistic mis- siles and warheads in space, according to one vision now gaining favor among SDI officials. In this scenario, bundles of small rockets with explosive warheads would be mounted on satellites and sent into orbit. In times of political tension the satellite would be turned on alert and or- dered to fire on ballistic missiles rising from the Soviet Union. "The weapons could not kill people, because they would burn up before they got to the ground," claims Col. Malcolm O'Neill, head of SDI kinetic-energy weapon programs. "But they could kill anything flying in space, including mis- siles, reentry vehicles, or satellites." This proposal for "porcupine" satel- lites mirrors a little-remembered 1960 Pentagon study named Project SPAD (Space Patrol Active Defense). SPAD recommended orbiting hundreds of small satellites, each studded with six small missiles, for defense against the burgeoning Soviet intercontinental bal- listic missile (ICBM) force, according to John Bosma, editor of the newsletter Military Space. The technology of the times was not up to the task, however. and Pentagon interest passed to other forms of antimissile systems. Small space rockets must be cheap to build and orbit, SDI officials say, since they are in essence ammunition that will be fired in quantity at Soviet missiles. They must also be able to reach their targets. This will be particularly hard in the all-critical boost phase ? the 3- to 5- minute period between launch and the time when an ICBM's final booster stage burns out. Missiles are the most ; vulnerable during this phase: The engine exhaust is easy to spot and all the war- heads are in one package. If the Soviets adopted fast-burn boosters, which could take about 100 seconds to complete their work, the en- gines would burn out within the atmo- sphere. In either case, projectiles enter- ing the atmosphere from the vacuum of space might break apart or generate enough heat to destroy their guidance systems. Thus kinetic-energy weapons might not be quick enough to reach Soviet mis- sile boosters before they burn out and re- lease their warheads, a recent Congres- sional Office of Technology Assessment report points out. Outside the atmosphere, rocket inter- ceptors or railguns would have a rela- tively long time, 10 to 20 minutes, to reach targets. But these objects ? small, dark warheads coasting through cold, dark space ? would be extraordinarily difficult to find and track. SDI officials and critics alike rate this "midcourse discrimination" as one of the toughest technical problems the program faces. The final option for kinetic-energy weapons would be to hit a warhead when it plunges back into the atmosphere and heads for its target. In this terminal phase, which lasts about a minute, ki- netic weapons ? probably rockets ? would be based on the ground, and launched up to intercept intruders. The US fielded such a defense in the 1970s. This system, which protected missile silos in North Dakota, was even- tually scrapped as too costly and ineffec- tive. The Soviet Union has a similar de- fensive screen in place around Moscow. These early defense systems, how- ever, used nuclear-tipped interceptors. What the Pentagon wants to do this time is use nonnuclear interceptor warheads. "What makes the terminal engage- ment so difficult is that we are going to do it without a nuclear weapon," says Colonel O'Neill. "My marching orders are that I have nothing nuclear." Without the brute force of a nuclear explosion, rocket interceptors will have to be incredibly accurate. They will ei- ther have to collide with a warhead or get close enough to take it out with an explosion of shrapnel. Such accuracy has been demon- strated on a small scale. In a much-pub- licized experiment in June 1984, the Army used a rocket interceptor to catch a dummy warhead over the Pacific. Ground-based radar and the interawd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 z tor s sensors were used to zero in on the device. Then the interceptor unfurled a metal umbrella and destroyed the war- head in a grand collision. In a nuclear war, however, there would likely be hundreds of warheads falling on the US that would have to be found and foiled. Exquisite radar and sensing systems will be needed ? sys- tems that would also have to be resistant to blinding by nuclear explosions. Such blasts would result if an attacker sets warheads to explode when an intercep- tor comes too close. Interceptor rockets, too, would have to be fast enough to stop warheads high in the atmosphere, so that if the war- heads went off they wouldn't harm peo- ple on the ground. Colonel O'Neill says this will take "incredibly hot rockets," perhaps capable of reaching their targets within 10 seconds. It is clear that in the not-too-distant future kinetic-energy weapons will be ca- pable of knocking down some targets during a nuclear attack. The question is: How expensive and effective would such a defense be? A first-step missile defense deployed in this century, say SDI officials, would likely rely heavily on kinetic-energy weapons, with more exotic stuff such as lasers used for target tracking and com- munication. But to build a final shield highly effective against attack and all countermeasures, directed-energy weap- ons ? an even more difficult frontier are necessary. Second of six articles. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 1N Till ?VAL ^ r nir,T. r4 r ' 010 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 6 November 1985 STAR WARS WILL irr WORK ? 11 Battling with beams By Scott Armstrong Series design and graphics by Robin Jamas Valle Sods PAWN Rens, NAL About a dozen people, mainly military brass, were crowded into a control bunker three stories beneath the New Mexico desert here. Peering anxiously at a bank of monitors and computer screens, they watched as a laser beam the diameter of a Hula-Hoop flashed a half- mile across the desert floor, glanced off a focusing mirror, and lit on a section of a Titan missile. Seconds later the rocket stage suddenly blew up, scattering shards of metal hundreds of feet amid the mesquite and pinon. "I've been in this business for 12 years," says Capt. Arthur Schroeder, head of the Navy's work here, who watched the demonstration in September. "It was the most dramatic damage and vulnerability test I've ever seen." Impressive as it was, it does not prove that lasers can be used to defend the United States against nuclear annihilation The test was simply one more small step in a long and arduous quest to see if directed-energy or beam, weapons ever may be suitable for knocking down Soviet missiles. Above: AP photo of laser destroying Titan missile section Beam weapons are gaining promi- nence. Once confined to Buck Rogers fantasy, these "death rays" consist mainly of particle beams, which hurl streams of atoms or atomic particles, and lasers. These technologies have been elevated to new visibility under President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), popularly known as the "star wars" Drozram. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Indeed, they are one ot the reasons that the United States has revived the idea of building defenses against inter- continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) after scotching it in 1970s. Earlier it was thought that there was no way to deal with tens of thousands of warheads and decoys that might be launched against the US in a full-scale nuclear assault. There still may not be. But a defender's job would be easier if a system could knock out as many missiles as possible within the first few minutes of launching, before they had a chance to release their many decoys and warheads. Beam weapons flashing through space at or near the speed of light are prime candidates for the job. Conceptually, they make captivating weapons: beams of pinpoint precision able to zap mankind's most destructive armament. But translating that vision into reality will be difficult. Physicists have been toiling for more than a quarter of a century to fashion di- rected-energy weapons, as they are called. The Pentagon launched its first particle-beam research program, the Seasaw project, in 1958 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory The aim: to build a particle-beam accelerator and study its potential for thwarting missiles. Interest in laser weapons surfaced shortly after that. In the years since, en- thusiasm for these exotic weapons has vacillated. Hopes raised by advances in technology were often dashed when peo- ple began to look at the cost and other problems tied to building a practical weapons system. The military is still keen on beam weapons for everything from air-defense to zapping enemy satellites. The SDI program, however, focuses attention on the far more difficult task of destroying enemy missiles and warheads, for which $1 billion is being sought next year alone (about one-fourth the SDI budget). Given the hurdles that remain, par- ticularly the defensive tricks the Soviets may try (such as spinning a booster so a laser cannot dwell on one spot), even SDI officials do not see a practical and affordable beam-weapon system this century Divining what the Soviets might do is like a chess game, says Louis Marquet, head of SDI's directed- energy programs. "Unfortunately, th Soviets are very good at chess." Cotinutd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Infrared chemical lasers Light from a normal lamp is a disor- derly jumble of frequencies. Lasers gen- erate concentrated beams of light that are almost perfectly parallel, identical in frequency, and the light waves move in phase with each other. This gives lasers their punch. In theory they could be fo- cused over thousands of miles of space to burn a hole in the skin of a missile or, in the case of lasers that emit pulses, thump the target like a sledgehammer. The most powerful lasers now in exis- tence are chemical. They draw their en- ergy from the combustion of gases. Be- cause they do not require huge power plants, chemical lasers are mainly being considered for parking in space, where they would be free from the distorting ef- fects of the earth's atmosphere. These lasers pack a punch. Ones fal: less powerful than that tested here at White Sands ? a 2.2-megawatt device that is the "brightest" in the West ? have already knocked down planes. But space-weapons lasers will have to be brighter (probably 10 times or more). Such infrared chemical lasers also have a long wavelength. Because their beams spread out over great distances, they would need to linger on the same spot on a fast-moving missile for several seconds. They also would require exqui- sitely fabricated mirrors of up to 50 feet in diameter to keep them focused. This has caused them to fall from grace with some in the SDI community. Any orbiting constellation of chemi- cal-laser battle stations will have to meet several criteria: be reliable, be cheap enough to hoist into orbit and maintain, and be able to survive a direct attack ? for instance, from exploding satellites (space mines) the Soviets may park next to the weapons platforms. "The difference between putting something up in space that can fire once or twice and something that will keep missiles from landing on top of you is a big one," says Jeff Hecht, author of the widely respected book "Beam Weapons." Free-electron and excimer lasers (].I-IF.MICAL LASERS ? ?lARHEADS POP UP ": RAY LASER FREE-ELECTRON LASER EXCIMER LASER ? , A111011,, r Itt? HA? If I The alternative is to use shorter- wavelength lasers, such as the free-elec- tron and excimer lasers. These are now the fair-haired beams among SDI re- searchers. A free-electron laser uses a huge particle accelerator to generate the electrons that, when passed through a series of wiggling magnets, are the source of the device's ultraviolet light. These lasers have been developing the quickest. "They've come along in not many years from a scientific curios- ity to reality" says Gerald Yonas, SDI's chief scientist. In theory, a free-electron laser can be tuned to different wavelengths to allow its beam to slip through Earth's atmo- sphere. They also can be scaled to large powers and operated at high efficiencies. But for now, they exist only in early- stage laboratory models. Because the free-electron laser's accelerator requires a jumbo power source, it is a better bet for basing on the ground. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Prodigious electrical requirements are likely to keep the excimer earth- bound as well. The excimer does not re- quire a particle accelerator, but it does use a lot of power in producing an ultraviolet beam from rare gases. Ground-basing is not necessarily a woe. It makes the complex devices simpler to tinker with, easier to defend, and, as Dr. Marquet likes to point out, "You could plug them into Hoover Dam, turn off the lights when the war starts, and deliver all the electricity into the de- vices." Which you may have to do: By one estimate, powering enough of these lasers to hit 2,000 targets may gobble up as much energy in a few minutes as New York City uses in several hours. One scheme calls for placing the la- sers on mountaintops and firing them high into space, where their beams bounce off huge relay mirrors and then off smaller aiming mirrors in lower orbits. Or the beams might simply be bounced off of "catch and transmit" mirrors in low-earth orbit. Either way, these devices will need mirrors of gem- like quality larger than any built to date. To meet this requirement, scientists are considering using mirrors made up of many small segments, like a mosaic, all computer controlled. The same gen- eral principle (adaptive optics) is aiding scientists in overcoming another prob- lem with ground-based lasers: atmo- spheric distortion. So fat however, ex- periments have only been carried out with low-power beams. The other snag with short-wavelength lasers is that they can be self-destruc- tive. An excimer laser may be able to disable a booster in two seconds, which would negate the effect of spinning it to counteract the beam. But the excimer could also buckle its own mirrors. New mirror coatings are being devel- oped, but this is considered one of the more intractable SDI technologies. At a conference this spring, James Stanford of the Naval Weapons Center in Califon rtia noted that only 2 percent of the coatings now available meet even cur- rently known requirements. Pop-up X-ray lasers Of course, defenders could alleviate many of the problems with ground- or space-based systems by simply popping lasers into orbit at the first hint of a So- viet strike. This is where the nuclear- pumped X-ray laser comes in. This weapon appears to be advancing techni- cally but losing ground politically. The idea sounds simple: Explode a nuclear bomb in a small chamber ringed with rods and pointed at a target. When the explosion's radiant energy hits the rods, it produces a pulse ot highly lanai X-rays, spraying them out in the instant before the device vaporizes. Snags exist, however. Even though work on the secret devices at Lawrence Livemore has been moving quickly, sci- entists still have to invent more efficient "third generation" nuclear devices that will convert more of their energy into X- rays instead of explosions. Researchers will also have to control and aim the pulses to hit quick-moving targets. X-ray lasers, too, have put the Reagan administration in the uncomfort- able position of pursuing a weapon driven by a nuclear bomb (albeit theo- retically a small one) to help make nu- clear weapons "obsolete." In theory, hundreds of such lasers could be orbited. But SDI officials now go to great pains to say that will not be done. The pop-up scheme involves putting X-ray lasers atop missiles safely stored beneath the sea on submarines or on land-based launchers and lofting them into space at the first sign of a Soviet strike ? the pet idea of Dr. Edward Teller, inventor of the hydrogen bomb and an inveterate SDI booster. To get the weapons into space quickly enough, however, they would require ex- tremely fast launchers and perhaps the submarines would have to be parked vulnerably close to Soviet shores. "The practicality of a global scheme involving pop-up X-ray lasers of this type is doubtful," said a recent Congres- sional Office of Technology Assessment study. X-rays also do not penetrate Earth's atmosphere well. Thus if the Soviets were to use "fast-burn" boosters ? which would complete their flight within 100 seconds, while still in the atmo- sphere ? the weapon may not be effec- tive for knocking out ICBMs in the all- critical boost phase, when warheads and decoys are in one package and the mis- sile is easy to detect. Currently, the boost phase lasts from 3 to 5 minutes. Livermore scientists are not ready to concede lasers cannot be made bright enough to eat part way into the atmo- sphere. "It doesn't violate any laws of physics to do so," says George Miller, Livermore's deputy associate director for nuclear design. But X-ray lasers are considered more likely for post-boost duty, when the mis- sile is just beginning to cast off its war- heads and is still somewhat easy to find. In addition, the X-ray lasers could be used during the midcourse phase, when the warheads and swarms of decoys are floating through space. However, be- cause the X-ray laser is basically a one- shot device, some critics think it will be able to wipe out only a limited number of decoys and warheads. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 The chief concern, however, seems to be that detonating a series of nuclear bombs in space might damage Ameri- ca's own battle stations and satellites. This point bothers even many in the SDI community. "I don't find it to be a credible weap- ons system, even if it does work," says Stephen Rockwood, head of SDI work at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. X-ray-laser proponents say they be- lieve battle stations could be hardened against the effects of nuclear explosions. They also say the device holds such po- tential, either as a defensive weapon or one to take out Soviet satellites, that the US can't afford to give up studying it. Neutral and charged particle beams The particle beam ? a stream of atomic particles or atoms ? is the Ar- nold Schwarzenegger of directed-energy weapons: It comes in a large package and packs a potent punch. The beam penetrates a missile's skin and sizzle the insides, unlike most lasers, which de- posit their energy on the surface. This means particle beams could dis- able a target quickly. It also means they would be tough for Soviet scientists to foil, either by shielding the missile or spinning it. The particle beam's pene- trating character, however, has its drawbacks: Because the beam immobi- lizes the internal electronics, it might take some time to verify that a target had been destroyed or disabled. Thus a particle-beam weapon may continue to fire at a target long after it had actually been "killed." In the meantime, other warheads zip past. The most likely candidate for a mis- sile-zapper would be a neutral-particle beam, which, because it can't penetrate the atmosphere, would have to be parked in space. The particle beam's bulk is not endearing. Scientists figure a neutral-beam battle station might be 80 feet long and weigh 50 to 100 tons (the shuttle carries 33 tons). Up to 100 may be required. "The problem for particle beams is one of packaging and engineer- ing," says Dr. Rockwood. "They will have to be compact, lightweight, and fully remote controlled." Blunted by Earth's atmosphere, neu- tral particle beams would be of little use for boost-phase kills. But they look more suitable for post-boost and midcourse phases. One type of charged-particle beam ? the electron beam ? can operate in the atmosphere. Indeed, it has to: Its inter- action with the surrounding atmosphere helps hold it together. If shot in space, the beam would almost immediately dis- perse as its electrons repelled each other. - - ..- ven if the electrons remained in a nar- row stream, it would be bent uncontrol- lably by Earth's magnetic field (neutral beams are immune to such mischief). Thus, the electron beam is being looked at for use on the ground to zap warheads dropping from space. The idea would be to use them to defend ships or US mis- sile silos and command posts. The perfect weapon? Not quite. As yet, researchers have only been able to control the beams over very short dis- tances in the atmosphere. One possible solution: Use a laser to "tunnel" a path for the particle beam through the air. Scientists at Sandia National Labora- tory have tested this technique in a spe- cial gas-filled chamber. For now, how- ever, the trick looks more like a coup for science than anything to make the Sovi- ets nervous: The gas used in the tests doesn't exist in Earth's atmosphere. At Livermore, meanwhile, research- ers are enthusiastic about work they are doing with the Advanced Test Accelera- tor, a device nearly the length of a foot- ball field bunkered in the flaxen hills east of San Francisco. With something greater than the sound of cracking hel- mets, it propels pulses of electrons up to 50 million electron-volts of energy ? in effect creating synthetic lightning. When technicians fire the beam into the air for the first time within the next several months, they're hoping to keep it controlled for some 75 feet ? something that would be a leap forward but would still fall shy of the several miles that will be needed for a weapon. "You're talking about a long row to hoe," says physicist William Barletta, head of the beam re- search program at Livermore. "We're still working on the basic physics." If and when scientists work out the physics, they'll also have to be mindful of the cost. "For terminal defense, if we can't keep the costs down to $100 [mil- lion] to $200 million a copy, it won't be worth looking at," says Dr. Barletta. Beyond this, star-wars officials are exploring even more exotic concepts to thwart missiles, though most of these ideas are not much more than theories now. Two examples: gamma-ray lasers and "plasmoids." Like the X-ray laser, gamma-ray la- sers would be pumped by a nuclear bomb. Because gamma rays are more le- thal than X-rays, one SDI booster says such a device would be the "ultimate di- rected-energy weapon." Plasmoids are clouds of energized atomic nuclei and electrons that scientists would like to hurl at warheadis. But first they will have to find a way to make the cloud stick together in space. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-27. Given the work to be done, it's per- haps not surprising that beam weapons in general are not envisioned as part of a first-generation defense. Their first role would probably be a supporting one ? doing such things as helping discrimi- nate decoys from warheads. Even if beam weapons can be made to shoot down missiles, they, along with kinetic-energy weapons, will have to be knit together in a reliable system, which means some way to point and aim them and manage the battle itself. Most ex- perts agree that developing technologies to run the battle will be far harder than developing the weapons. Third of six articles. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 tilt C;ti.1 Prrrr CN ;N". = CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 7 November 1985 STAR WARS WILL IT WORK? The challenge of mission control 13y Peter Grier Ser,eliVS11,71 iMi 4,TaphwsIcc Hobin ,larraux Griffis' 04 Faroe filass. PLY. f a "star wars- control room is ever built, it may resemble this secure Air Force lab. The lights are soft, the walls sound-absorbing, and the computers look like a new generation of video game. In a nuclear attack, such a center would have to watch thousands of objects: missile boosters. warheads in space. strips of foil chaff, decoy balloons. Still-unknown electron- ics would handle the task; today's technology fast as it is. would simply crash. )esig-ning this battle-management equipment viii be "horrendous... ,ays one ,:cientist here. And it is such mundane-sounding problems that may determine the viability of ballistic missile defenses. Lasers of gigawatt power and railguns are im- pressive technology But if no control system tells them what to do. space-based weapons are nothing but man- made asteroids wearing American flags. Strategic Defense Initiative ISM officials say the highest technical obstacles to missile defense include: ? Computers. Computing hardware powerful enough to run a space defense now seems feasible, but scientists aren't sure if they can write the programs ? or software ? needed to make the hardware run. ? Command and control. The various parts of a missile defense must be able to talk back and forth and work together, even in the face of massive attack. ? Target spotting. A missile roaring out of a silo is as easy to see as a 10-story burning building, but cold warheads coasting through space are extremely difficult for sensors to "discriminate.- ? Power. A space-based weapon platform might require the energy of "10 Hoover Dams in 1 second... says John Bosma, editor of the newsletter Military Space. ? Transportation. The cost of putting things in orbit must, be reduced 90 percent if space-based defense is to be affordable. The men and women working on SDI say their job is to stand up sometime near the turn of the decade and say of these problems: "Yes, we think they can be solved," or "No, it's beyond us. Sorry" To make that decision, they must have some idea of what the entire missile defense might look like ? a task taking much of their attention right now. In essence, SDI's system is being shaped by a brainstorming competition. Last year, 10 teams of companies won contracts to draw up an SDI "architec- ture," or overall plan. This summer, companies such as as Martin Marietta, TRW, and Boeing were picked to polish their plans further, in the competition's second phase. Those who've seen the closely held studies say three schemes for an initial missile defense system are emerging. The first is multilayered, using weap- ons such as homing rockets on platforms in space and on the ground. The second is less ambitious, featur- ing ground-based rockets and surveil- lance sensors that would be popped into space on notice of attack. The third is a completely ground- based defense intended to protect Eu- rope against intermediate-range nuclear missiles such as the Soviet SS-20. None of these initial plans involve la- sers or particle beams to shoot things down. Research in these exotic technol- ogies has given the SDI program an oth- erworldly sheen and helped earn it the nickname star wars, but directed-energy weapons are still more prospect than fact. Lasers and particle beams might be added to a defensive system after initial deployment, say SDI officials, particu- larly if the Soviets keep building new missiles. Eventually, the US might field a complex screen with directed-energy beams, kinetic-kill weapons, and as many as seven layers, according to SDI plans. "It may be necessary to have di- rected-energy technology available in 2005, or 2010," says Navy Comdr. James Offut, with the SDI systems office. The design of the SDI system is still evolving ? the company studies are more plans to make plans than plans in themselves. It's clear, however, that SDI is considering defenses molt limited than a complex umbrella intended to be 90 percent effective. "You can contribute to deterrence, to stability in the strategic sense, by con- structing defenses less than thoroughly reliable," says Commander Offut. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 The need for stalwart computers For any US missile shield to be at all reliable it must have stalwart comput- ers. And the computers must be fast ? so fast they would be to today's technol- ogy what an F-16 is to a biplane. The Pentagon is counting on new semiconductor-chip design and new ways of linking computers together to provide this raw processing power. Even critics admit these approaches hold promise. The hardware program is not insur- mountable;' says John Kogut, a Univer- sity of Illinois physicist who opposes 41A BritiAChigthitel9PiedY COMPtiterS th opetifiliVabbtfter Viaiter. Mitle'ogut and other critics claim that software poses unsolvable problems for ballistic missile defense. Everyone involved agrees that writ- ing SDI's software would be a monu- mental task, the data-processing equiv- alent of building the Great Pyramids of Giza. A ballistic missile defense would need from 10 million to 100 million lines of software code that would tolerate faults ? "understand what is a hiccup, and fix it," in the words of Offut. Judgments of whether the job can be done at all depend crucially on new tech- nology. To scientists working on SDI, a coming generation of software whiz kids will use new computer technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), which tries to duplicate ap expert's thought process in software, to perfect strategic- defense computer programs. "Artificial intelligence has hada lot of hype, but its: applicability is teal," says Ray Uttz a:technical director at the Air Forces /tome Air Develociment Center. ' Air Force researchers using_ Al, for instance, are now developing a computer program that would help pilots pick the safest route through antiaircraft defenses to a target. To critics, Al is akin to nuclear fusion power ? technology that marches bravely onward, but never seems to get anywhere. In addition, they claim that SDI software could never be fully tested without war, and therefore would not be trustworthy. And some engineers say missile-de- fense programs would inevitably be full of conceptual errors; humans cannot foresee and write in computer code all the things that might happen in a nu- clear attack. "Sometime in my lifetime I might see something like this, but I'm skeptical," says Dr. David Redell of the Digital Equipment Corporation's Systems Re- search Center. Missile-defense electronics running at full speed would have to keep an eye on all hostile missiles, warheads, and de- coys; send orders to defensive weapons about what to shoot; and evaluate battle progress. To help this command-and- control process run smoothly, SDI scien- tists are trying to give the system's front-line "soldiers" as much responsi- bility as possible. Surveillance satellites, for instance, might have powerful signal processors on board so they can process their own raw data. There might be "lieutenant general" computers in orbit, each capa- ble of running the battle in its area of the front. "That way, the enemy has to take out lots of things to wreck the system," says Dr. Charles Johnson, IBM director of battle-management architectures. Who is going to run the system? But SDI officials are not sure who, or what, might serve as a missile-defense commander in chief. The problem is that a missile-defense system must have the reflexes of a soc- cer goalie. Its success might hinge on de- stroying intercontinental ballistic mis- siles during their a boost phase, which currently takes about 3 to 5 minutes. That does not allow much time to call the president in from a golf course. So a US space shield would probably be controlled by an on-duty, high-rank- ing military officer, who would watch over a highly automated system, say SDI officials. Such delegation of author- ity is permissible, they say, because a missile defense system would likely not use nuclear weapons; set off by accident, defensive weapons would sparkle harm- lessly in space. "Although it might alarm the world, the consequences of a mistake are mini- mal," says Dino Lorenzini, head of SDI's pilot architecture program. Advancing technology might at some point bring the president and other civil- ian leaders in on missile defense deci- sions, claims Mr. Lorenzini. "They may have a little electronic gadget embedded in their carat all times," he says. Advances in many technologies will be needed if missile defense is to prove feasible. Lasers, computers, and com- munications are just a few of them. But one of the toughest technical problems, say a number of scientists, is an obscure one ? target spotting, or discrimination. To see a rocket roaring up in boost phase all you need are binoculars and a relatively close seat. The trouble starts when the rocket burns out, and thou- sands of cold, dark warheads separate and go coasting across cold, dark space. Critics, such as IBM scientist Rich- ard Garwin, say that in this obscurity no electronic eye could reliably tell nuclear reentry vehicles from clever decoys. Military researchers are more optimistic. "Finding them will require a multisensor approach," says Frank Rehn, a technical director at Rome Air Development Center. Space-based radar might locate ob- jects coming up through the clouds. Huge arrays of infrared detectors might pick up the trail, and lasers might push the objects, determining if they are war- heads or lightweight balloons. Much of the work on missile-defense sensors might be applied to other mili- tary missions. The Air Force, for in- stance, wants to use space-based radar to detect cruise missiles. Today's experi- mental "stealth" airplanes, intended to be almost invisible to current radar, might well look big as blimps to sensors developed by SDI work, according to scientists in and outside of government. These fancy new surveillance eyes in the sky would require large ftmounts of electric power. In fact, generating power in orbit is itself a key problem facing SDI researchers. Around the SDI office, officials joke privately about running ex- tension cords up into space. Big battle-management satellites might need 75 kilowatts of power ? about as much as Skylab produced, says an SDI official. But the vast expanse of solar panels that Skylab used would be vulnerable in the heat of battle. Exotic-weapons platforms would need even more electric power. Electro- magnetic railguns might use short bursts of 1 gigawatt (1 million kilowatts); some types of lasers might need bursts in the 40-gigawatt range. Among the power technologies SDI is looking at are chemically powered gener- ators, advanced batteries, and small, orbiting nuclear reartnrc The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Energy, and SDI are working on the SP-100, a space reactor that might produce up to 2 megawatts. "Even without SDI, this nation will have to face the political reality of ac- cepting space nuclear power," says Air Force Col. George Hess, director of SDI's program in survivability, lethality, and key technologies. It seems that any robust missile de- fense would inevitably count on some large components in space. They may be nuclear reactors and lasers; they may simply be large banks of infrared "eyes." Somehow, these things would have to be sent into orbit, and that is yet another large problem. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 3 , MIDCOURSE PHASE POST-BOOST PHASE Surveillance satellite ? Battle _management Battle management satellite BOOST PHASE Weapon Sensors tor ground ha-ad into, unto,. Managing the bathe High cost of space transport It's a problem because currently transporting an object into space costs more than plating it with gold. The launch price for a satellite now hovers around $1,400 a pound. Unless that can be cut to $140 a pound or less, a space- based missile defense would probably be too expensive, SDI officials say. As far as SDI is concerned, the space shuttle is only a pickup truck ? it can carry about 30 metric tons. The Fletcher panel, a Reagan-appointed group, headed by James C. Fletcher, which studied missile-defense technologies, concluded that SDI needs a fleet of big rockets able to boost 100 metric tons into low-Earth orbit and beyond. In addition "there's pome advanced ideas for vehicles that tale off from run- ways and then go supersonic [into orbit]," says Gerald Yonas, SDI chief scientist. "Those advanced ideas will come along in the fullness of time." The issue of cost, evidenced in the problem of space transport, hangs over the whole SDI program. Reagan admin- istration officials have said that they would not favor deployment of a ballis- tic missile defense unless it is cheaper for the US to strengthen its shield than it is for the Soviets to increase their offen- sive forces. Even if that condition is met, the overall price of the shield could still give Congress sticker shock. As a recent Congressional Office of Technology As- sessment report notes, "the cost and ef- fort of a space-based [defense] does not end with deployment. Even in the ab- sence of hostile action, there will have to be constant activity in space, occasion- ally with human presence, to maintain a working system." Would the system survive an attack? SDI officials say that might depend on a combination of things, such as physical shielding of space systems and tactics (satellites that dodge, perhaps). "With a lot of Yankee ingenuity, I think we could build the lasers, build the particle beams to the required stan- dards," says Cornelius (Cory) Coll III, leader of an SDI study group at the Law- rence Livermore National Laboratory. "But this defensive system is more than a sum of its parts." If I walked into a garage and saw all these beautiful automobile parts, I wouldn't know when I put them all to- gether if I was going to get a Mercedes or an Edsel. I think putting this together in a system is going to be the major challenge." Fourth of six artides Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 r'11"1:47 APPEARED ON PAGLI-e-----; CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 8 NOvenber 1985 STAR WARS WILL WOR K ? The Soviet strategy By Scott Armstrong and Peter Grier Series design and graphics by Robin Jareaux Washington The Soviet response to America's "Star Wars" could be called "The Empire Strikes Back." It would be a sequel every bit as important as the first installment, for Moscow's actions will greatly affect the value of any United States missile shield. The USSR's options range from implacable hostility to guarded cooperation. If the US decides to build a strategic shield. Soviet planners could go all out to defeat it by building more offensive weapons, antisatellite "space mines," and other countermeasures. Or they could decide to move with the US toward a world where defenses play a large role in the superpower relationship. Protecting their nation against nuclear weapons is something the Soviets have worked on for a long time. The USSR is blanketed with defenses against enemy bombers. A crude antiballistic missile system now stands guard around Moscow. A Soviet version of the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) has long probed the utility of such exotic defensive weapons as lasers. Reagan adminiqtration officials in fact charge that the Soviet Union is preparing to forge ahead on its own and erect some sort of nationwide defense against nuclear missiles. But it seems clear that the USSR space-shield program, while extensive, is in important ways inferior to its US counterpart. "Our technology base upon which SDI rests is sufficiently far ahead of the Soviets that I would say we are certainly exploiting our edge here," says George A. Keyworth II, science adviser to President Reagan. Why should Americans care about the Soviet response to SDI? Unlike to- day, when superpowers hold each other hostage with vast nuclear arsenals, wouldn't a working space shield allow the US to control its own destiny? First, Soviet actions could well deter- mine whether a US missile defense is feasible at all. The quality of Soviet countermeasures would have a large ef- fect on whether strategic defenses can be made tough enough to survive at a rea- sonable price ? and SDI officials insist that a defense would have to be both survivable and cost-effective to be deployed. Second, a missile shield could not be thrown up in a day like wallpaper; So- viet actions could make the world a more dangerous place during the time between a US decision to build defenses and ac- tual deployment. The USSR could quickly build hundreds of new nuclear missiles and warheads before a US space shield was in place, perhaps unnerving Western publics and provid- ing an opportunity for the Soviets to force political concessions from the West. And even if the US and USSR decide that strategic defenses are worth pursu- ing, their moves toward a defense-domi- nated world would have to be carefully coordinated, like those of two men step- ping into a canoe at once. Otherwise, ei- ther country might feel itself falling dan- gerously behind the other, greatly heightening world tensions. Joint deployment would be much less tricky if it were scripted "in advance by explicit agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union," points out a recent Congressional Office of Tech- nology Assessment report. Overwhelming a defensive system The Soviet Union's initial response tc a US missile shield could well be to 104 for ways to overwhelm it. They might stack up new offensive weapons. They could do this relatively easily by churn- ing out extra warheads for existing mis- siles. The USSR's large SS-18 booster is to- day limited by arms agreementS, to a cargo of 10 warheads, but it is capable of carrying at least 18. Larger forces of cruise missiles and bombers might also be built, in an effort to skirt under a US space-based shield. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 C. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Attempting to fool the defense is an- other Soviet option. Missiles could carry cheap Mylar balloon decoys, as well as warheads. Warheads could be concealed inside balloons, to make the defense's spotting problems even more difficult. Armor might be tried, too: Coating mis- sile boosters with some sort of extra pro- tective layer could make them resistant to attack by lasers or other directed- energy weapons. Perhaps one of the most effective countermeasures the Soviets could use would be fast-burn missiles, which would finish their flaming boost stage in- side Earth's atmosphere in a short 150 seconds. Fast-burn missiles, would be safe from neutral particle-beam weapons and X-ray lasers, which cannot pene- trate air well; and there would not be much time for the defense to attack diem at all before they released their warheads. Perfecting a fleet of fast-burn missiles would, however, take many years and could work on countermeasures against millions of rubles. a 'US shield while improving their own Possible Soviet countermeasures are strategic defenses. being studied very seriously, says SDI The USSR today maintains a large chief scientist Gerald Yonas, and a US force of traditional air defense weapons defensive system might well anticipate intended to protect against US bomters and handle them. and cruise missiles. According to the For example, one SDI concept calls Pentagon, the Soviets have 1,200 inter- for using pellets and artifical clouds of ceptor aircraft and 1,200 surface-to-air gas in space. Like Earth's atmosphere, missile sites dedicated to air defense the gas would strip away the lighter de- rrussions. coys, such as balloons, from a group of This screen does not cause that much warheads. The pellets would actually worry in the US Air Force. The Strategic shred the decoys. Air Command predicts that for the tore- Moscow might also simply try to de- seeable future a high percentage of stroy a US missile shield at the start of American bombers would be able to hostilities. Space mines, which blow up reach their targets. Years ago, Pentagon near satellites, could be developed. Ac- planners decided that in today's ballistic cording to the latest edition of the Penta- missile age defending the US against gon's "Soviet Military Power," the bombers isn't worth that much effort. USSR could have ground-based laser There are approximately 300 US-based antisatellite (ASAT) weapons by the end fighter aircraft dedicated to strategic of the 1980s; a Soviet ASAT using less defense. exotic technology has already been As Reagan administration officials deployed, are fond of pointing out, the USSR also SDI officials admit that ensuring has the world's only working survivability of a missile defense is one antiballistic missile (ABM) system, de- of their hardest challenges. ployed around Moscow A shield's toughness will depend on Under the terms of the 1972 ABM the physical protection of. armor and Treaty, both the US and the Soviet self-defense weapons; tactics, .such as Union have the right to erect one such evasion by maneuverable satellites; and small defense. The US built one around national policies, "agreements we might a ballistic-missile field in North Dakota, have with the Soviets in terms of how we but soon scrapped it as costly and operate in space," says Ik Dino ineffective. Lorenzini head of SDI's in-house archi- The Kremlin is currently upgrading "Clearly, most people would say in a better and decent world it would be nice if we could keep space pure and pristine. I don't think it's responsible for the De- partment of Defense to take such an al- truistic point of view," says Air Force Col. George Hess, director of the SDI key technologies section. Soviet emphasis on strategic defense Ironically, since the dawn of the nu- clear age it has usually been the Soviet Union, not the United States, which stressed defense against nuclear weap- ons. Today Moscow complains bitterly about the US SDI program; in 1967, So- viet Premier Alexei Kosygin said, "I think that a defensive system which pre- vents attack is not a cause of the arms race." Thus it is possible that the Soviets tecture study. f? Moscow's ballistic-missile defense. Fast Critics often contend that one result nuclear-tipped SH-04 and SH-08 rockets of Mr. Reagan's push for missile defense are replacing sluggish Galosh intercep- will be a militarization of the heavens, tor missiles, the system's old standbys. which have heretofore been a relative Still, "the upgraded Moscow system sanctuary from humanity's clashes on would be ineffective against a deter- Earth. mined American strategic strike," But with military reconnaissance sat- judges Stanford University arms control elites already coasting through space expert David Holloway. "But it could and ASAT weapons in both the US and provide some defense against theater Soviet arsenals, this militarization has [nuclear missile] systems such as the in fact already happened, many Penta- Pershing II." gon officers say. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 The Soviets are also developing new radar that could enhance their early- warning and missile-tracking capabili- ties. This includes a large phased-array radar near Krasnoyarsk, in Siberia, that US officials argue violates the ABM Treaty. The Soviets are also adding new mobile air-defense radars, which some analysts say may be able to perform missile defense duties as well. Then there is Soviet research into ex- otic defense technologies, their version of the US Strategic Defense Initiative. A recent Pentagon study says the USSR is devoting far more plant space, capital, and manpower to such projects than is the US. But while broader than its American counterpart, Soviet work in defense technology may still not be more productive. They are spending five to 10 times a, much on agriculture as we are, but I Ion t think anybody is maintaining there is &grain gap," says John E. Pike, space policy Analyst at the Federation of American Scientists and an SDI critic. The Soviets have long been interested in directed-energy weapons, destructive rays that might form part of an ad- vanced screen against incoming ballistic missiles. Some 10,000 Soviet scientists and half a dozen research facilities are thought to be working on high-energy la- sers, for instance. Soviet laser work may have moved beyond basic research to the develop- ment of prototype weapons. At Sary Shagan, a missile range in Soviet Cen- tral Asia were some of the most ad- vanced research is under way, there are now two lasers that could "blind" low- orbiting US satellites, charge Pentagon officials. If the Soviets skip some testing, the US Defense Department estimates that they could deploy an Earth-based laser shield against missiles in 10 years, ahead of the SDI timetable. The Soviets might well choose to do this: Several times in the oast they have prematurely deployed new systems of marginal use in order to beat the US. The Central Intelligence Agency is a bit more skeptical of Moscow's pros- pects. In a report to Congress in June, the CIA predicted that the USSR could not deploy a missile-defense system until after the turn of the century. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 At the very least, Pentagon officials say, Moscow's work on upgrading ra- dars and surface-to-air missile sites means they are better positioned than the US to build a relatively crude shield, using off-the-shelf technology in the next decade or so. "It would really give us fits if they did," says one Pentagon official. If the Soviet Union raced ahead with its own defense, while bolstering its offensive arsenal, Kremlin planners might come to believe they had strate- gic superiority and could attack the US, or threaten to attack it, without fear of retaliation. ' "Like the US, the Soviets have also long been interested in two other exotic technologies: particle beams and radio- frequency beams. Particle beams ? streams of atoms or subatomic parti- cles ? are considered mainly useful for zapping targets in ' space. Radio-fre- quency beams, which use microwaves, hold potential for destroying the elec- tronics of a missile or satellite. The So- viets hold an edge over the US in both technologies, according to US intelli- gence officials, but still have far to go before they can make actual particle- beam and radio-frequency weapons. A broad shield against missiles, par- ticularly one with some components in space, needs more than weapons. It also requires sensors to spot targets, secure communications links, and com- puters to run the battle. SDI officials say progress in these miscellaneous technologies may make or break any missile shield, and in these areas the Soviet Union is prob- ably far behind the US. Writing reliable computer software to run a missile shield, for instance, is today far beyond the capability of US engineers. And Soviet computer tech- nology is at least a generation cruder than its US counterpart. "I don't care how big a laser they can build," says Stephen M. Meyec Soviet defense specialist at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Thchnology. "If they aren't capable of pointing it at anything, who cares?" Still, the Pentagon claims that the scope of Soviet strategic defensive pro- grams suggests they may be preparing to burst the limits of the 1972 ABM Treaty and erect a nationwide missile defense. Scum. US CORMS OSOSSISMI Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2 SOVIET UNION'S STRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES Thus Pentagon officials from De- fense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger on down argue that the US SDI is really not an initiative at all, but a re- sponse to Soviet actions. Critics of the US program argue that this view of the Soviets exagger- ates their capabilities. Kremlin officials are not about to or- der a "breakout" from the ABM Treats because they' know that doing 90 would be like "throwing gasoline" on the US SDI effort., says one defense analyst. A very tricky transition period Critics also are concerned about SDI's effect on superpower stability Here they turn the Pentagon's argu- ment around: If it would destabilize the nuclear balance for the USSR to de- ploy defenses ahead of the US, wouldn't it also be destabilizing for the US to erect defenses before the USSR? The transition from today's strate- gic situation, where superpowers rely solely on offensive arsenals, W the world of strategic defense would be a very delicate dance ? even according to SDI officials. Few people say the US could just build defenses on its own, -- "I think if we've convinced our- selves this is therway to go, the Soviets will have convinced themselves this is the way to go, too," says Dr. Yonne. Each step toward defenses by both sides would have to be made glassily to keep the other fellow from feeling he was becoming dangerously vulnerable by being left behind. Many experts inside and outside government feel this transition period would have be to planned in advance by a superpower agreement. A. necessary part of this agreement, these experts say will be strict limits on offensive arms. Otherwise, defenses might not be effective enough to make sense, or cheap enough to afford. "In my view offensive restraints are necessary" says Cornelius (Cory) Coll III, head of an SDI study group at the Lawrence-Livermore National Laboratory Other officials argue that offensive arms cuts will in fact follow not pre- cede, deployment of defenses: As defenses are gradually strengthened, both sides will see their nuclear weap- ons becoming less and less useful, and will become amenable to greater and greater reductions in their arsenals. The arms spiral will go down, instead of up. "Defensive technology is the en- abling mechanism that will make this chemistry of arms reduction work," Yonas argues. If strategic defenses turn out to be feasible, will the Soviets really agree to go along? That is difficult for Western- ers to predict ? it is not for nothing that Winston Churchill called the So- viet Union "a riddle wrapped in a mys- tery inside an enigma." It is clear that the Soviets are work- ing on defenses. But in the near term, most observors don't expect the Soviet Union to radically accelerate its mili- tary programs, offensive or defensive, in response to SDI. Fbr one thing, too many political and technical uncertainties surround the nascent program. In addition, the Kremlin wouldn't find it easy to divert resources from other sectors of the economy ? many of which lag their Western counterparts. "They can't afford to plow forward with an SDI on the American scale," says Jonathan Haslam, a Soviet spe- cialist as Johns Hopkins School of Ad- vanced International Studies in Wash- ington. But the very fact that SDi. exists has already changed the supefpower relationship, helping bring Moscow back to the arms bargaining table, while at the same time making those talks more complicated. The issue of defenses, which has now gone -very public in the West, is likely to affect su- perpower relations for some time to come. Writes MIT's Stephen Meyer in Survival, the journal of the Interna- tional Institute for Strategic Studies in London: "Fbr the Soviet Union, the US SDI program is quickly becoming symbolic of a more fundamental challenge be- tween states . . . calling into contention the political, economic and industrial, scientific and technological, and mili- tary potentials of the superpowers." Filth of six articles Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302550008-2