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May 16, 1985
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Si Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/26: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302240022-0 tRi1CLE APPEAREI ON PAGE eg NEW YOP.K TIMES 16 Nay 1985 State Department . - . . ? Who's Who Now the Old-Boy Network Is Dead By LESLIE H. GELB Thum ? 'the Secretary gives hiin an office with over the years.- But some of those ? spew to on Now Yark .._,_ .,_?., .. . adjoining private dooril to Mr. whose ties go back to the years' of ' WASHINGTON. May 15 ? men= mulles, and Frank G. Wisner, prin. American involvement there are Mr. the Vietnam era, the important rel,fs- cipdi depotY assistant secretary of Hill, Mr. Wisner and Mr QiiiiiS ti?1151206 inside the State Delnutneett statafor Africa. Mr. Wisner has links and Foreign Service flowed orks, Mr four H pried- whose?Feb as. executive. assistant to T'he Vietnam group' has dwindled toall ur netw. fll to all ex- pally from family background And cept the Asia hands. Ivy League sc.hool cosmections. Then, without any of these bib except In the mid-1960's and early 1970's, !Asia but right up there with direct iWOltinil On and in Vietnam became dealings with Mr. Shultz and around brokers? . ? , - the cental r link for the inside Power- the homing is Nicholas Platt, the de- I Now thete is no single network/hat From his glass-enclosed command partment's executive secretary. Pervades PoggY Bottom, no singe set ? post in the middle of the seventh floor of friends and allies bonded by one . near Mr. Shultz's Once. Mr. Platt de- _.____Commou =Peri__ eneez, who......helP,ene en" t. cides who will handle what issues and other II" WP P?S"Wris 'mu "ma gm , controls all formal commimications another on the old-boy basis to iron , into and out of the department. Let their berme' differences. behind I Said OM official WhO is close to all "'` seems*?' ? ' -* . three men: "We're not talking about . Now there are at least four often a ,Th.,,,,....,.., here. ?.... _ guys, overlapping networks: of Aida hands, al,7:07.: lot ..., :,,?;--,17 guys,:: of former Vietnam servers, of special ha";45.2; together ? ; ; '" 7; : ' over the years who : assistants and of old Henry A. Kissin- and t;;;;t" 171-a"e1..._.013.111 ger hands who dominate European each other." . other and "" '''*r issues. The old Asia hands when. Bonding Occurred Early have bens prpally based that ; Three.in this wow) are inn! deputy well as L. Craig Johnstone, who -is now Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs han- dling Central America, and John D. Negroponte; now Ambassador to Honduras but slated to be Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Interna- tional and Scientific Affairs. The most insular of the networks is. the European one. The group con- sealed when Mr. Kissinger was Sec- retary of State .from 1975 to 1977. Un- like the other networks, the Kissinger hands stuck almost exclusively to the European area and particularly to Soviet-American relations. Almost ill of them were proteges of two key Kissinger sidle, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, now at the Brookings Institution, and Imwrence.S. Eaglebmgeri now preair dent of Kissinger Associatel, a con- sulting concern based in NevrYork. ' Like most networks, the bonding area Include.' Mr. Wisner aUI nd Mr- assistant secretaries in the Eurbpean among these people occurred early in Platt, along with Morton I. Abram?. Affairs bureau.: John 1Celly, a West- their foreign service careers. Unlike witz, the director Of the bureau of In- ern European expert; Robie M. most political networks, the bonding telligence, and Research; Kenneth pahn is not based on ideological goals. Most these officials are demonstrably apolitical, although most tend toward the conservative side of policy for professional diplomats. ? ! Many of them can be found either in those jobs on the seventh floor that deal with Secretary of State George ' P. Shultz daily and directly or in the 'No. 2 or "principal deputy" slots di- rectly under assistant secretaries of state. If it can be said that the State Department can be controlled at all, these are the pivotal positions. And according to a numberof State Department officials, the two men at the core of the networks or those with the most links are M. Charles Hill, Quinn, a deputy to Mr.Platt; and Mi- F expert, and James . Dobbins, and arms control mpert. Chad l H. Armacost, the Under Secre- tary for Policy. Mr. Armacost, who ?Peednerftere for Kissinger had been serving as Ambassador the ? In the Kissinger Years. Mr. Palmer the Philippines, leapfrogged over his and Charles Hill were the prime - colleagues a - year ago when Mr. ' sneechwrite're for the-- SecretarY, Shultz picked him for the depart- 'while Mr. Wisner handled the negoti- ment's No. 3 job. ? . ?ations on what was then called Rhode- The special assistants, club sia and is now Zimbabwe. ? dudes Mr. Hill, Mr. Quinn, Mr. Wis- All these men also were connected mer and John H. Kelly, now principal to L. Paul Bremer 3d,. now Ambassa- ideputy assistant secretary of state for dor to Sweden. He used to be a special Europe. Both Mr. Wisner and Mr. assistant to Mr. Kissinger and Mr. 'Kelly were deputies to the executive Eagleburger. and was the depart.. secretary in the recent past. Also in ment's executive secretary under this club is Arnold Raphel, the No. 2 Alexander M. Haig Jr. And it was he man in the Bureau of Near Eastern ivho brought Mr. Kelly and Mr. Hill and South Asian Affairs, who used to UP to that seventh-floor office. Pe an- Aide to Joseph Sisco when be There are, of course, other net- VMS Under Secretary for Policy in the works throughout the building, but Kissinger ertiand later an aide to Sec- none whose influence is so pro- miry of state Cyrus flounced with Mr. Shultz and so wide- spread in affecting persoimel and policy *decisions. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/26: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302240022-0