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March 1, 1986
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302130012-3
1 March 1986
deeply involved in diplomacy as
they did in the Pbibpphne , "I have
a problem with some members of
Cmgrm IhIn they are secre-
tary of the world," quipped House
Republican Leader Robert H.
Michel of Illinois.
And Norman Ornstein, a con-
gres tonal scholar with the Ameri-
can Enterprise Institute, added,
Diplomacy is not in the job de-
scription of a member of Congress."
In recent Years, a number of
members of Congress have made
what Ornstein described as
"free-lance" efforts to meddle in
diplomacy. For example, former
Rep. George Hanson (R-Idaho)
went to Iran in 1990 seeking release
of American hostages, and Sens. 1
John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) and Tom
Harkin (D- Ind) went to Nicaragua
last year to negotiate with Sandin-
ista leader Daniel Ortega.
Unlike theme earlier examples,
however, the actions of Laxalt,
Lugar and others in the Philippines
were undertaken with the ex-
pressed approval of Reagan and
Marcos. Perhaps as many as a
dozen Congress members visited
Manila in recent weeks.
Senate Into ce Committee
man Dave rem erger c f <
Minn.) argued that the personal
involvement theme lawmakers
reflects their increa ' so histica-
e noted
that many young congressmen,
such as 35- ear-old D
Congress Ne
Jnjoys New
Foreign PolirRole
A the same time, CCongrean has
BY SARA M= ft.. staN WrfNr been tearing down many the
WASHINGTON-When Sen. legislative barriers that it once
Paul IAialt advised Ferdinand E. built against direct involvement by
Marcos to relinquish power earlier the Administration in various parts
this week, it marked the culmina. of the world. Both the Boland
Lion of five months of intense Amendment restricting U.S. ac-
congreadooal involvement In the Lions against the Marxist regime in
affairs of the Philippines and pro- Nicaragua and the Clark Amend-
vided an example of what many ment banning aid to the rebels in
members view as a new, more Angola were repealed in 19e6.
constructive role for Congress in "There has been a cooling off
was settling Period dbetan effort to build
fling into a life consensus
ween the Congress
of exile on Friday, many lawmak- and the President in foreign poli-
era claimed credit for precipitating cy." said Thomas E. Mann, execu-
his downfall by forcing President five director of the American Polit-
Reagan to withdraw U.S. support ical Science Assn. "Reflexive fights
from the embattled Philippine are not the norm now."
president. Mann cautioned that efforts to
"I don't think the President develop consensus frequently do
would have abandoned Marcos not succeed. Although Democrats
without pressure from Congress," have made a number of efforts to
said Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. compromise with Reagan on the
(D-DeL ). President's proposals for aid to the
Not only did Congress influence Nicaraguan rebels, for example, the
the situation through the normal two sides remain at odds.
legislative means, many lawmak. But Lugar said he has already
era such as Laalt, the Nevada
Republican, Sen. Richard G. Lugar
(R-Ind.) and Rep. John P. Murtha
(D-Pa.) played highly visible, per-
sonal roles in the unfolding drama
in the Philippines. Lugar led the
official U.S. delegation to monitor
the February election; Murtha was
a member of that delegation.
Members of Congress empha-
sized that their role in the Philip-
pine crisis had demonstrated an
extraordinary measure of biparti-
sanship-a welcome departure
from the obstructionist role that
congressmen have frequently
played in the years since the
Vietnam War.
"This is what I prayed would
happen," said Lugar, chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee. "It was bipartisan consulta-
tion at it's best."
It also was the most stunning
eample of a trend that political
scientists have seen developing for
some time. In the last year, they
have-cow pros-
adopt sanctions to
against the South
Africa and take a more active
approach to arms control talks with
the Soviet Union.
ep. ve
begun talking with Democratic Y
- P McCurdy (D-Okla
have taken
ponents of the President's request I time to specialize in international
for aid, asking them "whether we topics.
can shape something here that has "There's a lot more smarts com-
a bipartisan characteristic similar
to the Philippine operation."
Republicans and Democrats
worked together on the Philippine
crisis, according to Lugar, because
they feared a divided Congress
would have closed off any opportu-
nity for a peaceful transition of
power in Manila.
Biden noted that Congress es-
sentially sided with Secretary of
State George P. Shultz against
several members of the White
House staff who were cautioning
Reagan against breaking with
Marcos-even though the Philip-
pine president apparently had sto-
len the election from opposition
leader Corazon Aquino.
"It occurred because of the
bankruptcy of the Reagan foreign
policy," said Biden, a member of
the Senate Foreign Affairs Com.
mittee. "People in the Republican
Party are now doing what a loyal
party should do-saving the Presi-
dent from himself."
Some members of Congress ass.
gue that they should not get as
ing out of Congress today than the
Administration," Durenberger said.
"We're not a bunch of dumb bun-
nies in Congress. We're a pretty
smart, well- traveled group."
Although Laxalt's call to Mar-
cos-in which the senator advised
him to "cut and cut cleanly"-
helped bring an end to the crisis, it
was by no means the last chapter of
Congress' involvement in the Phil -
House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip)
O'Neill Jr. (D-Mass.) announced
Friday that he is sending Rep.
Stephen J. Solari (D-N.Y.) to the
Philippines to invite Aquino to
address a joint session of Congress,
and many members predict Con-
gress will provide increased U.S.
aid to her government.
In the wake of what they view as
a foreign policy victory for Con -
green, many members, including
Lugar and Kerry, are also talking
about stepping up ls'egWre for free
elections in Nicaragua, South Ko-
rea and Chile similar to those held
in the Philippines.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302130012-3