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3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/25: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920019-0 ART iCLE ON PAGE -A) LOS ANGELES TIMES 25 October L985 rCanadian Suit Ties CIA to LSD, Brainwas By KENNETH FREED, Times Staff Writer TORONTO?Between 1953 and 116.3, nine people entered a Mon- treal psychiatric clinic seeking treatment for a variety of illnesses ranging from depression to alco- holism to arthritis. However, in- stead of being helped, the six men and three women charge, they became test subjects for American intelligence agents exploring ways to control the human mind. Their claim is that without their knowledge or consent, they were fed doses of drugs, including mind-altering LSD. and subjected to radical brainwashing experi- ments, involving o,-g periods of forced sleep and other unorthodox procedures, proposed 1-?,(1 financed by the Central Intelligence Agen- cy. In a long-running lawsuit, the nine Canadians allege that their stay at the Allan Memorial Clinic and their treatment by its director, the late Dr. Ewen Cameron, left them with permanent mental dam- age and has affected their ability to lead normal lives. Each is asking for $175,000 (in U.S. dollars) in damages and an apology from the U.S. government. Although the suit was filed in a federal district court in Washing- ton, D.C., five years ago, the case still has not come to trial and lawyers for the nine people say they are frustrated by the govern- ment's tactics. Joseph Rauh, a well-known civil liberties attorney who represents the nine, said in a telephone inter- view from his Washington office that the government has prevented key witnesses, particularly former CIA agents, from giving deposi- tions and has forced him to file time pretrial motions sometimes taking two years to resolve. "The CIA strategy," he said, ''k to stonewall until. I'm not able to continue with the case. At my ripe. old.age of almost 75 there *only a 'alined time I can practine, ahd they are stalling for all The CIA says it does not de cases in litigation and Department and the U.S. Emtiggy in 'Ottawa add only that SearOuri of State George P. Shuitnir few adviser is studying the Mettle. s ? Rauh and some Canadian gov- ernment officials who do not want to be identified are nearly as criti- cal of the Canadian government's attitude as they are of the CIA, charghw thet External Aff ster itok Clark has not a firmly- in the Matter for fear upsetting Shultz end other Administration officials.' Canadian Asks Shake A spokesman for Clark said ministee has-brought up the with Shulteentwo occasione mid-May but has -received no other than that **titter hi reviewed by the State ment's attorney. Calling thipio pi Overly approach,ltauhniiknhe an government hiweaker than watered-for four shifts of rant 'flabbergasted at' the response. , . . Clark can't even a 'no' from Shultz. Rauh and some Canadians wanifs Clark to threaten to take the case to the World Court at The Hague. They sly that the CIA and the U.S. government breached Canadian sovereignty.' "This could - be settled in five minutes if Clark said he was going to The Hague," the American law- yer %Vernon, but "Shultz treats him like a gnat on his forehead; he just brushes him away." A Canadian external affairs offi- cial addelt "It is clear that Clark doesn't want to upset the Ameri- cans. right now and it is govern- ment policy to downplay any dif- ferences that crop up" between the two countries.. Althongit the-American govet ment has' refused to settle apologise and is fighting the case in the court, the CIA?both in 1977,, and in cows papers filet in 1990-- acknowledged its involvement With Cameron's work after chimer: were made AmerieinV author John Marti, first clkinld the CIA role after- RtitinCliV11,--Jr/rOnPort of -.910cketelle%oimon a Wei. mintills ;dike sogers intermit in saplorhigliiad =VW through UPI of.41911Eand Aar He asked for all pertinent docu- ments under the Freedom of Infor--. =don Act received 16,000 pages of material and found references to Cameron's work at the Allan clinic and the fact that he had received hinds from a CIA front orgiunza- tion. ? Marks presented his findings in a 1977 book called "In Search of the Manchurian Candidate." In it, he referrett to several articles that 'Cameron- had written for various American_ And Canadian medical a. deposition, former CIA Di- rector Stanefleld Turner told Rauh' that .the eiheriments had taken place and that "the (CLA.)'. unit conducting. the itnieriment simply' had such autonomy that not many outsfaers could look in and ask what was going on." - _ Also, sources close to the case. halt. said - that two ? former CIA oPirations officers based in Canada in *elate 1970s acknowledged the agency% involvement and even secretly apologized to the Canadian government. The ainS-90UrCIS said the two. men Stacy Hulse and John Ken- neth Knew, agreed to give a Vosition. to Rauh confirming the 'CIA role and their apology but that they were prevented from doing so by the CIA's invoking. of .regula- tions limiting public testimony by even retired employees. Rauh has filed a motion to com- pel the CIA to permit their testimo- ny, but the judge has delayed a ruling. In addition, there are more than 2,000 pages of documentation in the public archives in Ottawa concern* ing Cameron's experiments,, in,.4 eluding several documents that deal with letters between highi Canadian health officials and Cabf,4 net members concerning the woe" at the Allan Memorial Clinic, w is associated with Montreal's tigious McGill University. These papers point to ra uses of drugs, including?LSD? the injection of large doses . insulin to induce comas, sometimes for 16. hours. Cameron, whose worill viall highly regarded by his profes- sional Peon, according to contains porair news accounts, also used Continusd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/25: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920019-0 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/25: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920019-0 cumulative electrotherapy, the ap- Station of massive electric shocks over long periods of time. Although the origin- and exact date of Cameron's association with the CIA remains in dispute, Marks and' Rauh , both contend that the agency approached the doctor, who had a long. and public history of Interest ? and exprimentation in radical mind?control programs. "I have no doubt that Cameron would have ..done the same thing, even it Use 'CIA. had not been involve." Marks said in a tele-i. phone interview. was in his 60a motmtain-climb- -1*3967, also pioneered caged "psychic driving? plaintiffs were his be used the technique, them. It consisted of labusive tape-re- for varying peri- hut Aften for hours on ttilCameron's writ- was a form of .therapy. to lower the resistance, weaken their memories and dits make them more seae.nah/e . to suggestions by the ? psychiatrist However, one of the women , Involved in the suit, Jeannine Huard of MontreaL told the Toronto Star that the technique was "torture, plain and simple." She said Cameron's staff gave her electroshock therapy several times and repetitiously played a tape accusing her of being a bad mother. This would go on for seven hours a day, she said. Huard was admitted to the clinic in 1958 for treatment of postpartum depression (a depressive state fol- lowing childbirth). She contends that she suffers from confusion, depression and anxiety, all as a result of the Cameron treatments. Slept for U Days Another plaintiff, Robert Logic, was referred to the clinic by his doctor as an 18-year-old in 1954 for treatmut of an arthritic leg, ac- cording to the suit. He soya that he was given LSD without being told what it was and that his hospital file shows that he was induced to sleep for 23 straight days. Another victim of LSD and "psy- chic driving" was Velma ?Mimi, who was sent to Cameron in the MI of 1956 kw treatment of postpartum depression. She charges that LSD was given to her It different times and that she was forced to listen to abusive tapes for six hours at a tint& ? Orlikow's husband,- David; a member of the Canadian Parlia- ment, said she has been pliglisd with a sporadic but deadening depression since she left the clinic in 1963. "There are times," he said in a telephone interview, "when she can't leave the house for days." Another patient, Louis Wein- stein of Montreal, asserts in the suit that he was chemically induced to sleep for 66 consecutive days, that he has permanent memory loss and has had to be hospitalized. Rauh says Weinstein is now totally inca- pacitated and near death. Interest in Brainwashing According to the suit, the nine Canadians say the CIA funded and supported Cameron's projects be- cause of its interest in brainwash- ing and mind control, subjects of intense scrutiny in the post-Kore- an War era with its reports of successful brainwashing of Ameri- can soldiers held in POW camps. Cameron kept up his work, which was financed as well by the U.S. Army and the Canadian gov- ernment, according to the doctor's papers and footnotes in his scholar- ly articles, even though his patients were not notified of the real pur- pose behind his treatments, until at ? least 1964. Even if the Reagan Administra- tion has refused to settle the case, Rauh has some supporters in Washington. Sen. Howard M. Met- zenbaum (D-Ohio) brought up the issue in a Senate speech earlier this month. "I am aghast at the refusal of the United States government to re- solve this matter with the Canadian victims of the CIA actions, " he said. "The suit of those nine victims , has been pending for over five years and, instead , of seeking a settlement on some reasonable be- efs, our government and the CI:A- have placed every conceivable roadblock in the path of the v4c- tims." If the CIA and the government really intend to outlast the aging Rauh, he says, they are undereeti- mating him. "Um not going to quit until I get Tefinething for these people," he said. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/25: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920019-0