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ST"T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201470007-4 ARTICLE PP CHICAGO TRIBUNE ON P A G L L P a r f Z_ ..- in 00 Reagan staff to test mood in Congress tial lobbying blitz would be a major political blow for Reagan and could heighten the perception that he is a lame- duck President. Congress cut off covert U.S. military aid to the contras last year but later agreed to provide $27 million in so-called "humanitarian" assistance for nonlethal supplies after Nicaraguan President Dan- iel Ortega traveled to Moscow to request Soviet military aid. fear that a defeat in Congress on the sionN a *ectiona. contra aid after a high-profile presiden-n aides acknowledge that anuary ou "The answer to Central America's In particular, Reagan can be problems is political and economic free- expected to publicly' criticize the dom, not Soviet tanks and ruthless re- Sandinistas' recent closing of gimes like the communistic dictatorship Radio Catolica, the official Roman in Nicaragua that wages war with its own Catholic Church radio station in people ' he said. "And this is why Nicaragua, the officials said. the United Staft win cond= to support those fs for hvedom am democracy Among the wo aides pr ior out about -~ -"-- Managua's warm ex- pression of "revolutionary solidar? ity" with the Palestine Liberation Organization on the occasion of the PLO's 21st anniversary last week. Coinciding with the recent wave of Palestinian terrorism in Europe and the Middle East, the Sandinis, tas' public embrace of the PLO is seen by administration officials as another example of Managua's poor sense of political timing. "In some ways, the Sandinistas themselves are the best thing we've got going for us," said one Reagan aide. "We're confident we can always count on them doing something that will help us out." d By George de Lama la - Chicago Tribune a fk" ~ House corn ti f a WASHINGTON-President Reagan is director Patrick B, nation- being urged by top aides to step up his al ty adviser John Poindeo- public attacks against Nicaragua's leftist ter, Secretary of State Sandinista government and launch an all- Shultz. for Wi am out campaign to renew military aid for CA 8111W Assistant Secretary of Nicaraguan rebels, administration ate Elliot Abrams, the sources sources said. said. Reagan is considering requesting $40 White House chid of staff Don. million in military aid this year for the AM ROW, however, and other contras, as the rebels are known, and has dOmsstk Political advisers are ur ordered senior advisers to "test the Sing cconcerned that Do- waters" in Congress before going ahead, mcrab in Congress might try to the sources said. make the contra aid a campaign Some White House officials, however, tsars during this year's congres. The "humanitarian" assistance is scheduled to run out March 31, forcing Reagan to decide during the next two or three weeks whether he will renew the request for nonlethal aid or seek a re- sumption of direct military assistance. "I'm confident the President is going to go for the military aid," said one senior administration official, speaking on the condition he not be identified. "It all depends on how we see the mood in Congress. So far, we think the chances for approval look good." Even if Reagan decides to forgo seeking military aid and instead simply requests additional "humanitarian" fund- ing for the contras,. he.will . asp. for $.36 million, a 33 percent increase from 'Last year, officials said. Reagan stepped up his anti-Sandinista rhetoric over the weekend, using his weekly radio address Saturday to de- scribe the Managua regime as "a com- munistic dictatorship that wages war oft-expressed, vow to continue seeking ...aa~suou"LW" W{u try to use the s' recent U.S. financial support for the contras actions in its new lobbying to overthrow the Sandinista gov bid. ernment. lukewarm to the idea of resuming military aid to the contras, par- ttcularly after news reports that some of the rebels were being ted by officials of the U.S. for alleged cocaine tiACtuan ftking. 'Reagan's trip to Mexicali, Mexicof meetings inwith Mexican President Miguel de is Madrid, senior administration officials denied those news reports and asserted there was no evi- dence of contra involvement in drug trafficking. "Them in not and never has been an investigation:' said one official. Some congressional critics of ad- ministration policy are likely to try to link approval of any contra aid to an administration pledge to re- sume tions with the San- dinista& The administration cut off direct talks with the Sandinistas last Jan- uary, insisting that bilateral dis- cussions would not resume until the Nicaraguan government opened a dialogue with the contras and instituted other reforms. The Sandinistas have so far refused. Some senior administration ofl- cials, mindful of the way congres- sional Democrats changed their minds last year about aiding the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201470007-4