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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460014-7 ARTS I ~''?EASED V" ". ,.I- _- 2 July 1985 What we're not being told about terrorism is killing us With all the pap and pabulum about the moderation of Syria's President Hafez Assad and Lebanon's Minister of Justice Nabih Berri, the time has come to explain, in detail, what the intelligence com- munity, on both sides of the Atlantic, knows about state-sponsored terror- ism. FACT 1 - Shi'ite terrorists, work- ing hand-in-glove with the Syrian and Iranian secret services, have struck U.S. targets 16 times since April 1983 - from the kamikaze attack against the Marine compound that killed 241 to the kidnapping of seven Americans in Beirut who are still being held. It's what the special- ists call low-level, low-intensity, low- risk and high-payoff warfare. FACT 2 - The latest hijacking was not the work of extremists working in isolation. The Israeli Mossad, after many interrogations of Shi'ite prisoners, knows that Nabih Berri himself was involved in the planning of eight hijackings and two car bombings. FACT 3 - The key supervisory role for Shi'ite extremists in Leba- non belongs to Col. Ghazi Kana'an, a Syrian intelligence operative who also functions as President Assad's pro-consul in a country Syria regards as its own. Col. Kana'an has worked closely with the KGB in Syria and in Lebanon. French coun- terintelligence discovered in 1983 the existence of a terrorist training camp near Damascus that special- ized in car bombings and where the trainers were members of the Bul- garian DS. FACT 4 Col. Kana'an was in charge of the Hama massacre in February 1982 when 20,000 oppo- nents of the minority Assad dictator- ship were killed by Syrian special forces and the town virtually leveled. FACT 5 - It was President Assad who originally authorized the instal- lation of Iranian terrorist squads in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. Mr. Assad has been profoundly impressed by the success of Lebanese Shi'ite sui- cide squads in forcing a hasty U.S. withdrawal from Beirut in 1984 and in "breaking Israel's fighting spirit" I I 1 I I I I ' I / l f l if - as he as expressed himself in recent conversations with his brother Rifaat and his top intelli- gence aide, Gen. Mohammed al- Kholi. Electronic surveillance - from the ground and from orbiting satellites - does produce known results. FACT 6 - President Assad, a mas- ter of deceit and hypocrisy, underwent a dramatic psychological change in recent months. His is now inspired by the Islamic cult of Shahadah (martyrdom in a holy cause), which is characteristic of the Shi'ite extremist terrorists. This appeared to receive confirmation in an extraordinary speech he deliv- ered to the ninth Congress of the National Federation of Syrian Stu- dents on May 4. The key excerpts: "I have believed in the greatness of martyrdom and the importance of sacrifice since my youth. My feeling and conviction was that the heavy burden on our people and nation ... could be removed and uprooted only through sacrifice and martyrdom. ... Early in my military life, I used to discuss with my colleagues the necessity for the state to form sui- cide squads from among the pilots. We used the word 'suicidals' and the well-known Japanese word kami- kaze. We used to say: 'Due, every pilot is already a commando I fida'i I by virtue of his profession. Still, we must differentiate between the ordi- nary mission and the fida'i mission which requires the pilot to pounce on the enemy target and strike enemy ships, airports and other targets by turning himself, his plane and the bombs into one single fireball. Such attacks ... guarantee results ... in spreading terror among enemy ranks, raising people's morale, and enhancing citizens' awareness of the importance of martyrdom. Thus, waves of popular martyrdom will follow successively and the enemy will not be able to endure them" President Assad concluded his advocacy of state-sponsored terror- ism by saying that "My conviction of martrydom is neither incidental nor temporary. The years have entrenched this conviction. ... I hope that my life will end only in martyrdom." FACT 7 - Mr. Assad, in person, with the asistance of Gen. Kholi, has supervised the training of handpick- ed kamikaze squads, including a group of fighter pilots who are-tow in the final phase of their training - and rehearsals - at Minakh air base north of Aleppo, FACT 8 - A recent analysis com- pleted on behalf of the CIA iatitled "Expelling America -- A New Coordinated Radical Strategy." Pres- ident Assad has reached agrements with Iran and Libya for coordinated o 'rations between the Syrian ami- kazes and two other similar sgua s: a Libyan-controlled group, based at Tobruk, including Iranian, Palestinian and Libyan pi lots, and an Iranian squad at Bandar Abbas, at the entrance tote Straits o Or- muz. FACT 9 - - West European counter- terrorism operatives have discovered that Syrian-controlled networks are now in place in Athens, Madrid, Lille and Marseilles. Iranian terrorists, disguised as mul- lahs, have used French mosques as safehouses. FACT it) Mr. Assad's control- lers for terrorist operatons include Sabah Noun, who helped coordinate the Shiite campaign against Israeli forces in southern Lebanon, and who has now been given overall charge of operations against Israel and Jor- dan: Issam Kansuq, a Syrian intel- ligence officer: and Hossein Mansouri, the Iranian who com- manded the Ayatollah Khomeini's Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon until six months ago. These are the agents who have been made respon- sible for liaison between Damascus and networks in West Europe and the Gulf. FACT 11 President Assad is convinced that he has a personal mission to harness Arab radicalism to Iran's fundamentalist fury in continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460014-7 order to overcome moderate forces in the region. Mr. Assad's grand design dovetails neatly with Soviet plans. '['here is no central war room in the bowels of the Kremlin direct- ing these operations, but Mikhail Gorbachev can see how a worldwide decline in Soviet prestige has been accelerating, and state-sponsored terrorism is a low-risk course t0 change the correlation of forces hack in Moscow's favor. FACT 12 -- In the past two months, West German counterintel- ligence has uncovered links between East German agents based in West Germany and the alliance between the Red Army Faction, the Belgian "Fighting Communist Cells" and France's Action Directe, three extreme leftist terrorist groups. This is the alliance that has taken credit for a wave of terrorist bomb- ings against NATO and U.S. military installations in several West Euro- pean countries. Anti-U.S. and anti- NATO terrorism clearly encourages neutralism in West Europe and opens the way for an SPD-Green coalition to succeed the Christian Democrats now in power in West Germany. Eastern secret services drew one very important conclusion from what happened in Beirut Octo- ber 23, 1983. TWo kamikazes, driving five-ton trucks loaded with explo- sives, triggered the unraveling of the entire Western position in Leba- non and changed the course of history.' It does not require an over- whelming effort of imagination to figure out how we might get simi- larly discouraged in West Germany. After prolonged harassment by ter- rorists, a growing number of people would be tempted to conclude that we're not wanted over there. FACT 13 - In May 1984, key inter- national terrorist leaders, including Mrs. Fusako Shigenobu, who heads what's left of the Japanese Red Army network, met with Col. Muam- mar Qaddafi in Tripoli. Shortly thereafter, Col. Qaddafi announced, upon the 14th anniversary of the closing of the U.S. Air Force at Wheelus Field outside "I!ripoli, that Libya was "now in a position to export terrorism, arson and liquida- tion to the heart of America and we shall do so if necessary." FACT 14 - Libyan plots to mine the Red Sea; sin a ship in the Suez Canal, bomb the Aswan High Dam (which would wreck the Egyptian economy); take over the holy city of Mecca with 2,000 terrorists dis- guised as pilgrims (which Morocco's King Hassan managed to stop after calling Col. Qaddafi when King Fahd told him his intelligence service toad discovered what was about to hap- pen ); and assassinate moderate Arab leaders have all been uncov- ered in the past 18 months. FACT 15 - There are 66 identified training camps for international ter- rorists in Marxist or pro-Marxist countries; 20 in Libya alone. The Lib- yan Mukhabarat (secret service) is supervised by the East German MFS on behalf of the KGB. The KGB knows precisely how this entire net- work operates and what its objec- tives are. FACT 16 - About half of all terrorist actions in the world are aimed directly at U.S. targets - about 500 in 1983, up 20 percent in 1984. Most of the others were directed against U.S. allies or pro- Western Third World countries. FACT 17 - Former Secretary of State Alexander Haig was the first high-ranking administration official since World War If to warn about Soviet and Soviet proxy links to international terrorist groups, dur- ing his first press conference in Feb- ruary 1981. His successor, George P. Shultz, repeated this warning at the Jonathan Institute Conference on International Terrorism in Washing- ton in June, 1984. FACT 18 - According to a lemon thy French. intelligence report dated Ma 11, 1979,- it was in Havana-in January 1966, at the first icon- tinental Solidarity Conference, that the Soviet bloc secrel:17 decided on a two-track approach for destabilizing the West. On a government-to- government level, it was to become "peaceful coexistence;' a sort of smokescreen behind which the Soviet Union was to achieve global military supremacy, while the West was being disarmed psychologically. On another level, the Havana 66 compact agreed to organize, fund and train international terrorist groups through a variety of proxies. '1 he introduction of the French intelligence report said "the analysis of intelligence collected since 1972 establishes that the international solidarity of revolutionary move- ments on different continents and. for some of them, their terrorist emanation, stems from the 119661 Havana conference. In six years time I that is by 19721, the structures of this new terrorist international became operational. The 'mother cell' is in Cuba. The external ramifi- cations, centers of coordination and action impulses of various 'anti- imperialist' movements of the Third World, as well as European terrorist groups, are, for the most part, made up of the networks that the KGB and its surrogate services have estab- lished abroad. Since 1972, sheltered by detente and peaceful coexistence, the actions of this new network of terrorism are detectable throughout the Westerm world." 2 One recent example: Barricada, the official Sandinista organ, con- firmed the presence in Nicaragua of a Basque ETA "brigade" while Inte- rior Minister Tomas Borge, then on a visit to Spain, was busy denying it to the Spanish press. The Cuban DGI supervises camps that have trained terrorists from all over the world, including members of the IRA, ETA and Italy's Red Brigades. FACT 19 - Turkey, as a member of NATO, was the victim of a reign of terror for six years at the height of the so-called detente period. all masterminded by the KGB, via the Bulgarian DS, which operated a multibillion-dollar heroin-for-guns ring based in Sofia. It supplied tens of millions of dollars worth of weap- ons, ammo and explosives to terror- ists on both the extreme right and extreme left - until the military were reluctantly forced to take over in 1980 to put an end to Soviet- manipulated terror in a member country of the Atlantic alliance. FACT 20 - In his political testa- ment smuggled to the West in the spring of 1980, Dr. Andrei Sakharov warned us to take seriously allega- tions of links hetween the KGB and its integrate surrogates, on the one hand, and nternational terrorist groups on the other. The media ignored this part of his 7,000-word message. It is a war, albeit undeclared and by proxy, against Western democra- cies. Thrrorism is but one of the weapons. The others are pen- etration, subversion and disinfor- mation. Lenin said the purpose of terror is to terrorize. He practiced what he preached. He also said in 1921 that to tell the truth is a petty bourgeois habit. The time has come for tough warnings and tough action against known terrorist states, those that act as terrorist proxies for Soviet ohjec- tives. Syria is one of them. So far, all the Reagan administration has done is apply a Band-Aid to a hemorrhag- ing wound. Unless its deeds match its words, we are condemned to watch the slow erosion of our still free societies. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460014-7