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STAT V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201090047-2 ARTICLE APPEARED' i~AI . BALD ON FAGE ; June 1983 U.S. Intervention in Hemisphere Spans 20th Century As the 20th Century began, open U.S- to a string of bloody revolts, Marines After failing to block the Marxist Al- intervention was under way in Cuba,' landed in Nicaragua in 1916 and remained lende's election to the presidency in 1970, which had won its independence from;, until 1925, but rebellions erupted when the CIA was linked to an aborted plot to Spain with American support. Since then,! they pulled out. They returned to restore prevent his inauguration, and it helped there have been numerous-other cases:. 1 order in 1926 and fought against rebel fund and direct a destabilization campaign little is known about .any covertac-1, -leader Augusto Cesar Sandino. They again by civilian organizations against his re- tions in the region prior to:the creation of withdrew in 1933, after -having suffered gime. Allende was overthrown in a 1973 the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) ,heavy losses and under pressure from the coup and replaced by a right-wing mili- during World War II. The OSS carried out U.S. Congress. The intervention led to 40 tary regime- countless -wartime covert actions in the years. of Somoza family rule and, in 1979, BOLIVIA - The CIA helped Bolivian hemisphere. *a popular insurrection led by the Sandinis- troops to track . down Cuban-Argentine Before The current U.S. involvement in =-tas. guerrilla leader Ernesto (Che) Guevara. Central America began, .the record of,,: ' GUATEMALA - The CIA's'-first major Guevara was captured and killed Oct. 8, overt and covert U.S. interventions in ; --and successful operation inthe-area devel- 1967. Latin American countrieseduring this cen- 'oped in Guatemala, leading- to.a.J.une 18,,t .- NICARAGUA = In 1981, the Reagan turyincludedthese: = '.1954, coupthatoverthrewythedeft-of-cen- Administration 'authorized CIA-funding CUBA On Feb. 23, 1895,'Cuban reb-; .ter government of President Jacobo -Ar- for a=small -paramilitary force ?of Nicara- -els led by-Jose Marti .and,Gen..Maximo, .,bent. CIA agents-trained and supported guan-exiles aimed at halting what the ad- Gomez resumed their fight.sgainst Spain.4:, zhe,relatively small forces -of -Col. Carlos ministration claimed was an extensive The United States intervened on their-side Castillo Armas, who -assumed-power.after floWof armsand other-supplies from left- in aApril 4898, ,sprecipitating he Spanish- -the coup. Agency support included 'the ist-ruled Nicaragua to Marxist, guerrillas Ameri canlVar The Ameri n? ilit U.S. Marine occupation that lasted until March 1924. The Marines returned, along with the 82nd Airborne, April 28, 1965, for what President Johnson called a "po- cupation of Cuba ended May 20,1902. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - U.S. cus- toms agents -intervened briefly in the Do- minican Republic in 1906 to restore order to the nation's chaotic finances. Intern disorders ;erupted in 1916, triggering a . ca m ary oc- u yea o a orttanan Duva- lier family rule. - MEXICO.- Marines landed in Vera- cruz in 1913, ostensibly to -protect U.S. nationals and property during Mexico's civil war. After rebel leader Pancho Villa raided Columbus, N.M., an American force under Gen. John Joseph Pershing was dispatched into northern Mexico in 1916 to pursue the elusive insurgent. Per- shing never caught Villa. NICARAGUA - Trying to.put an end rines withdrew in June 1965. National 1960s. erm~ten y since the - elections were held a year later. There has -CUBA - The CIA-trained Cuban exile subsequently been 17 years of uninter- Brigade 2506 launched -the Bay of Pigs in- rupted -democratic rule, including four vasion in April 1961. Critics charge the in- elections and -athange of the government vasion, conceived under the Eisenhower in power. Administration and carried out during the HAITI -Civil disorders triggered a Kennedy Administration, failed after Ken- Marine landing in 1915 that begana'19- nedy withheld promised U.S. air cover. year occupation-of the nation.-Haiti-today The 1,500-man force was.trained in Gua- is in its 25th f th provision of CIA-piloted 'World War Il in El Salvador. The force has since grown fighter-bombers, guns and ammunition. to an estimated 7,000 "counterrevolution- The CIA again became involved in Guate- ary" fighters and stirred charges in Con- mala in November 1960 when it secretly gress that it is trying to overthrow. the sent B26 bombers to crush a rebellion four-year-old Nicaraguan government. against President _ Miguel Ydigoras - ALFONSO CHARDY Fuentes. Guatemala has since had a suc- cession of military-dominated :govern- ments, including some regarded as among the most repressive in the hemisphere. r l h so ative operated in lice action to halt a civil war. The Ma- thhe ou, -,, ;nt a temala, and the invasion was launched -from Nicaragua. in the aftermath of the aborted action, the resistance movement within Cuba was wiped out, Fidel Castro's hold on the country was consolidated, and recriminations and soul-searching fes- tered within the Kennedy Administration. CHILE - In 1964, the CIA and the Agency for International Development se- cretly funneled millions -of dollars to Eduardo Frei in his successful bid to de- feat Salvador Allende for the presidency. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201090047-2