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Publication Date: 
July 27, 1985
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90-00965R000201080039-2.pdf77.98 KB
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0201080039-2 nTTLE APPEARft PHIL.-1DELPHI . INQUIRfP G4 PAGE 27 July 1985 Pkn to (Wrdmate U.S. aid to rebels said under review Alfonso Chardy Jqcarer WnNngtee er.w WASHINGTON - Reagan adminis. tration officials are debating the pa?o- sibility of opening a "freedom fight- ers bureau" to coordinate U.S. support for anticommunist insur- gents around the world - including the Nicaraguan contras, administra- tion sources say. If President Reagan approves such a plan, the United States could con- ceivably end up funding or endors- ing the activities of about 325,000 guerrillas in seven Marxist-ruled countries - Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Laos, Mozam- bique and Nicaragua. And if the United States tunas them all, the cost could run as high as $1 billion a year, according to congressional computer projections based on current funding for Afghan and Cambodian rebels. Administration sources said the - project received impetus from a June 2 summit of pro-U.S. rebels in Jamba, Angola, and recent congres- sional votes renewing aid to the con- tras, lifting a ban on aid to Angolan rebels and approving additional funding for the Cambodians. Nevertheless, sources said, cre- ation of a coordinating agency is a long way away. First, Congress must complete action on restoring aid for the contras, a process that began last week in a House-Senate conference committee. There is also a lack of consensus within the administration about the need for such an agency, sources said, and disagreements over whether to back all anticommunist rebels. Debate has also arisen over whether to put the coordinating of- fice in the CIA, the Pentagon, the State Vepartm2nt or the National Se- curl. ministration moderates argue, said sources, that supporting rightist rebels everywhere Would equate the United States with the Soviet Union. which supports many leftist move- ments. Such support would further exacerbate tensions with Moscow, moderates were reported to contend, drain the U.S. Treasury and dilute support for the Nicaraguans. But those supporting the idea ar- gue that the United States should put its money where its mouth is. They note that although Reagan espouses the anti-Soviet fighters' cause, the administration has given little or no money to any rebels except the Af- ghans, Cambodians and Nicaraguans. In Mozambique, they point out, the State Department even supports the Marxist regime. They also say the United States should counter Soviet support for insurgencies because the rebels are a part of a worldwide war between the superpowers. "This is not an undeclared war," said director William in a May 1 speech In New York, re er- ring to Moscow's support or e insurgencies. --in 1951, ruse ev ... told us that communism would win not through nuclear war, which could y e world, or conven- nonal war, which could uic ead to nuclear war, out through wars of national liberation in Africa Asia and Latin America." e debate may result in creation of a "freedom fighters bureau" if only because the White House will need to coordinate the work of all agencies that may be providing vari- ous forms of support to rebel groups over the next few years, sources said. Spokesmen for the White House, the State Department and the Penta- gon said they were not aware of plans for a freedom fighters office. But CIA spokeswoman Patti Volz in- dicated the spya enc knew about it. "As to whether the administration is planning to set up a freedom fight- ers bureau," she said. "it's not up to the CIA to comment. If the indeed, intend to do such a ing It would be up to the White ouse to comment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0201080039-2