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Publication Date:
July 23, 1974
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/20: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0100560004-9
Deflating t .,%e Cult of Intelligence
Ex-CIA Agent Pulls the Sheets off the Spoo
Secretary of Stare Henry
Kissinger had more responsibili-
ty than the CIA for initiating
clandestine US operations in
-1970 that opposed the Chilean
government of Marxist President
Salvador Allende.
Victor Marchetti, former ex-
ecutive assistant to the Deputy
Director of the CIA, declared
this to the Phoenix iast week.
Marchetti, who was in Boston
for an interview on hk hook, The
CIA and the Cult of Incriiigenee,
The CIA was wiry of in-
tervening in Chile in 070, the
year Allende was ele'red Presi.
dent. But Kissinger was the
champion for strong interven-
tion. The US policy en Chile was
White House approved and
Prevented by rout! 'der from
revealing more about CIA
operations than alre,i:i appear
in his censored booit. Marchetti
noted, however: "K,-inter was
much more reapon-. )!e for in-
stigating what happened in
Chile than the CLA."
CIA involvement in the
Chilean coup has near bKti of-
ficially acknowiedzed. But there
are indications that the Agency
played a crucial role in Allende's
The Washington Post, on Oct.
21, 1973, reported the secret
testimony of CIA Director
Wiiliam Colby before the House
Foreign Affairs Committee, in
which he admitted that the
Agency "had some intelligence
coverage about the various
moves being made," that it had
"penetrated" all of Chile's major
political parties, and that it had
secretly furnished "some
assistance" to certain Chilean
groups. Colby asserted that the
executions carried out by the
junta after the coup had done
"some good."
A Washington-based research
group of former intelligence
agents - called the Fifth Estate
- charges that the CIA channel-
ed millions of dollars to right-
wing labor forces in Chile
through the AFL-CIO's "Free
Labor Development" program.
The Fifth Estate says that with
Allende 's election in 1970. the
Latin American prof..ct "swung
into action like never before."
Why did Kissinger, who is
chairman of the powerful 40
Committee which supervises
and approves CIA :perations,
move to a position favoring in-
tervention over CIA he.,itation?
Says Mlarchetti:
"Henry Kissinger was turned
off by the CIA analysis. He had
no intellectual respect for the
In addition, says Marchetti.
''Kissinger was trying to cen-
tralize as intelligence operations
in the National Security Council
staff, Richard Helms. then CIA
Director, wanted only raw data,
not analysis. Kis it. c?ir wanted
options and aitvrnatives
presented. Their vie- were op-
posing. Helms got the facts but
didn't consider the
Marchetti said: ' Under the
Nixon administrati,:n. the CLA
d',esn't enjoy the pr ?. .:e:ed posi-
wn that it had in Tpat."
John D. Marks. \l.srchetti's
co-author and forn:vr t.stt assis-
tant to the Director , t the State
Department Inlet ; race. com-
rnerted: "Ti,e scan ''sink about
the CIA is n.It that 1t i+ out o'
control but that it is ;oiler direct
Victor Marchetti. !; years old,
is the highest level c'l 1 otticial to
defect to the Am'- . , n public.
During his 14 yo,.,,, with the
Agency he served r? U -p ex-
p-rt on Buvi.t m :..:rv aid to
Third World nnrnm. ..ping to
uncover the mt-i' .,id-up in
~'uha that cultnv I in the
ban Missile (r E
and as executive .,: ,rat to the
!iputy Director 1..- , l s van-
rn,;e point from s?' , n he was
s " t