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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 8, 1985
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/23: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100480002-0 ART; ' z _ P , NEW YORK POST 8 November 1985 PLO'S was BASE. MOVES TO IRAQ By MICHAEL J. BERLIN PASSER Arafat has a~.1.Q~mili tar operations cen- ter from-Tunisia to Iraq. Western Intelli- gence sources told The Post yesterday. The shift was com- pleted Nov. 1 with the transfer of the last 150 PLO members by plane from Tunis to a mili- tary camp outside the capital city of Baghdad. The move came after Israeli warplanes raided PLO headquarters out- side the Tunisian capital last month in retaliation for the murder of three Israelis by PLO agents in Cyprus. The Tunisian govern- ment of Habib Bourguiba then gave Arafat a list of PLO fighters who were ordered out of the country. The Tunisians, the sources said, told Arafat that only the PLO's polit- ical leadership and an administrative crew could remain at his headquarters near Tunis. Before the Nov. 1 shift of the group that runs military operations, hun- dreds of armed Palestin- ian fighters had been shifted to Iraq from Tunisia and Jordan. The government of Jor- dan's King Hussein ord- ered the expulsion of Abu Tayeb, the commander of the Force 17 terror squad,- and other PLO members, fearing Israeli retaliation for operations they had staged. the sources said. Arafat still maintains a military operations base in Jordan, but it is limited to actions on the Israeli-occupied West Bank, it was learned. All other PLO terror strikes likely are to be run from the-base in the Iraqi town of Mousayed, which is south of Bagh-. dad. Auocialsd Pnu Sidearm at the hip, Yasser Arafat fields questions at a press confer- ence yesterday in Cairo, where he met with President Hosni Mubarak. Iraq was also the haven for Mohammed Abbas, the Palestinian official released by Italy despite a U.S. charge that he masterminded the October hijack of the cruise ship Achille Lauro. Abbas was on the RAFAT: ONLY PLAt IS ISRAEL CAIRO - PLO chief Yasser Arafat yester- day bowed to Egyptian demands and re- nounced all acts of ter. rorism. However, he also reaf- firmed the PLO's com- mitment to armed strug- gle in Israeli-occupied Arab lands. Ending three days of talks with President Hosni Mubarak and Egyptian officials, Ara- fat said: "The PLO declares its condemnation of all acts of terrorism, whether by states, indi- viduals or groups, against the innocent and the unarmed any- where." But he added: "The PLO affirms the right of the people to resist Israeli occupation of their land by all available methods, with the aim of realizing a withdrawal." Some 45.000 Jewish set- tlers live on the West Bank of the Jordan River, seized by Israel from Jordan in the Six- Day War in 1967. An Israeli foreign minis- try spokesman said: "It is simply an indication that the PLO is going to continue terrorism." Egyptian plane that carried the four hijack- ers and was diverted to Sicily by American war-- planes. Although the Palestin- ians who captured the cruise ship were arrest- ed, Abbas was allowed to then Iraq. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/23: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100480002-0