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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100440048-4 h i ARTICLE AFP ARF.D ON PAGE Unmasking the ARNOLD BEICIDIAN The biggest and as yet uncom- prehended geopolitical story of the decade is that five radical countries - Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, and Syria - are now operating an open political-military alliance to achieve as quickly as possible: ? Isolation and expulsion of the United States from key regions of the world, namely Western Europe, the Pacific Rim, the Middle East, and Africa; ? Extinction of the era of capitalism and, by extension, democracy WASHINGTON TIMES 14 Marcy 19b5 adical Entente We're their No. l target Comprising what can be called the Radical Entente, this core coali- tion of five countries has the quiet 'backing - thus far at least, as their arsenal - of the Soviet Union. Beyond that, there is presently no visible Soviet "smoking gun;' other than the power of Soviet political support and its worldwide propa- ganda machine. Although their ideologies - Islamic fundamentalism vs. Marxism-Leninism - seemingly ought to clash, the Radical Entente shares a common world view: ? Without U.S. support, the demo- cratic world would crumble; therefore the United States is the No. 1 target. ? Global strategy: stretch thin American political and military resources by instigating - if possi- ble, simultaneously - provocative and premonitory paramilitary actions in widely separated world areas: What is astonishing about this effort to stifle projection of U.S. power is not merely that it is work- ing. Rather it is that leaders in Con- gress and West European governing circles act as if they are unaware of the existence of the Radical Entente. They seem to regard events such as overthrow of the shah of Iran or the Somoza dictatorship, the campaign against the unpopular Marcos regime in the Philippines, the March 1983 Libyan bombardment of Omdurman in the Sudan, and terror- ist actions against U.S. Marines in Lebanon and American soldiers in Greece or Germany as discrete hap- penings, rather than as events planned toward achieving an openly avowed geopolitical goal. What can be stated with some cer- tainty is that the Radical Entente as an existing fact of international life very much concerns President Rea- gan, Secretary of State George Shultz, and CIA Director William J. Cam. Mr. Shultz's recent speeches on how to deal with terrorism and President Reagan's hard line on the Sandinistas are an indication of their awareness of the Radical Entente's peril to the Free World. However, they also know that pre-emptive deployment of American military power at times and places of the president's own choosing may now be out of the question in the face of a pacifist-isolationist Congress and the fear of the U.S. military that too many overseas commitments would exceed our present capabilities and projected resources. These reasons exist as to why the United States is Target No.1 of these five anti-status quo powers: ? As leader of the Free World, the United States has ideological pre- eminence because, as a successful consumerist post-industrial democ- racy, it affords a competitive ideo- logical example to that.part of the world burdened by totalitarian dic- tatorships. ? American military-industrial power when successfully deployed, as in Grenada, directly threatens Radical Entente ambitions. ? Only the United States stands in the way of the Radical Entente's aspirations to overthrow the demo- cratic order. ? The Arab component of the Radical Entente, namely, Syria and Libya. hate the United States because of its support of Israel and moderate Arab states, such as Egypt and Jordan. The Radical Entente emerged after 1978 as the result of the Camp David peace process, which, through U.S. mediation, brought Egypt and Israel into suc- cessful face-to-face negotiations. Additional causes for the Radical Entente's formation involved the fall of the shah of Iran, the Sandinista seizure of power in Nicaragua and, above all, the election of Ronald Rea- gan in 1980, which they correctly foresaw would lead to a drastic alter- ation of U.S foreign policy. Evidence, which borders on the irrefutable, for existence of the Radical Entente has been adduced. by Dr. Avigdor Haselkorn, senior analyst at Analytical Assessments, a division of the Eaton Corp. of Cleveland. For Mr. Haselkorn, terrorism is but one of several Radical Entente weapons of aggression against the United States. For him the real ques- tion to be asked is: Where does "state-sponsored terrorism:' as it is hued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100440048-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100440048-4 now called, fit into the Radical Entente's co-ordinated overall strategy, operational tactics, and common ideology? There are other weapons, besides terrorism: "peace" propaganda, paramilitary wars of "national liberation:' political and ideological subversion of U.S. allies and, of course, sinformation" feints intended to confuse U.S. mili- tary planners. The evidence for Radical Entente coordination of anti-U.S. aggression policies is both rhetorical and chronological. For example, in March 1983, speaking at a banquet welcoming Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega Saavedra to North Korea, the country's dictator, Kim 11-sung, said: "If the people of the revolutionary countries of the world put pressure on and deal blows at U.S. imperial- ism in all places where it stretches its talons of aggression, they will make it powerless and impossible to behave as dominator any longer." The key phrase, "in all places:' is one frequently used by Radical Entente spokesmen. CASE HISTORY I ? Aug. 19,1981, U.S. fighters shoot down two Libyan fighters over the Gulf of Sidra opposite Libya. At this point. Libya's news agency is fearful that the consequences of the con- frontation might harbinger an inva- sion of Libya. ? Aug. 22. 1981, Gen. Hikmat ash-Shihab, chief of the Syrian gen- eral staff of the army and the armed forces, arrives in Libya for discus- sions with his Libyan counterpart. The next day, a joint Syrian-Libyan statement attacking the United States as "the leader of terrorism" is issued., ? Aug. 24, 1981, Libya's dictator, Muammar Qadaffi himself, arrives in Damascus for talks with Syrian President Hafez al-Assad. ? Aug. 26, 1981, for the first time ever. North Korea fires a SAM-2 missile at a U.S. SR-71 reconnais- sance plane flying over international waters. The SR-71's operational ceil- ing is such as to make the unprece- dented firing of a North Korean SAM a nominal threat. The warlike act must have raised questions among U.S. military assessors as to North Korean intentions. CASE HISTORY III ? Feb. 1, 1984, "Team Spirit 1984" joint U.S.-South Korea exercises are denounced by the North Korean media, which calls them "intoler- able" ? Feb. 21, 1984, the North Korean ambassador to Syria tells a Socialist Ba'ath leader about "the tense situation in the Korean peninsula" as a result of U.S. military maneuvers. Similar meetings between other Syr- ian leaders and the North Korean diplomat were publicly reported in later days. ? March 2, 1984. Col. Qaddafi warned that some l:md of military operation was in the offing - "We must force America to fight on 100 fronts all over the earth. We must force it to fight in Lebanon, to fight in Chad, to fight in Sudan, and to fight in El Salvador. Through the people's war of liberation, we can force America to fight on all fronts." ? March 14, 1984, the North Korean news agency says that the exercises are "heightening tension" on the peninsula. ? March 16, 1984, a lone Libyan TU-22 bomber dropped five bombs on the Sudanese city of Omdurman, killing five people. An unexploded bomb was described as "Soviet- t d that "for pun Mr. Hasclkorn sai poses of stretching U.S. forces thin, Nicaragua is. of course, an ideal choice" because: ? It brings to a new region the pos- sibility of forming "a widespread anti-imperialist front:' so that the United States could be bogged down in Central America. ? Since Nicaragua, geo- graphically, is close to Cuba, Radical Entente support for anti-U.S. activi- ties is thereby facilitated. T he chronological evidence confirms the coordination of diversionary activities by the Radical Entente states of Libya, North Korea, and Syria. Specifically, three case histories: CASE HISTORY II ? Feb. 1, 1983, North Korea's Kim 11-sung places the entire country in a "semi-war state:" The action fol- lows the launching of military maneuvers, known as the "Team Spirit" exercises, by the U.S. Army in conjunction with the South Korean Army. ? Feb. 6, 1983, the Syrian Army command denounces the "Team Spirit" exercises as warlike, warns against a U.S.-Japan-South Korea "triangular military alliance"' and announces that in case of war, Syrian forces "will rush to the Korean front:" ? Feb. 7, 1983, Col. Qaddafi sends Kim Il-sung a "solidarity message" denouncing the "Team Spirit 1983" U.S.-Korea exercises. ? Feb. 14,1983, it becomes known that President Reagan has ordered four AWACS planes to Egypt from Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma. The action was taken following U.S. intelligence reports of increased Libyan military activity threatening to Egypt, Sudan, Chad, and Tinisia. The AWACS planes were removed Aug. 22, 1983. made." Official U.S. reaction to this incident demonstrated difficulty in explaining Libya's reason for the bombing. If the Radical Entente the- ory is accepted, the reason for the bombing becomes luminously clear. The above are truncated versions of the chronology prepared by Mr. Haselkorn. None of the events described or cited are based on clas- sified information. On the contrary, the reports are taken from the pub- lic record - translations from for- eign newspapers and broadcasts. The fuller chronologies are quite persuasive that the Radi- cal Entente has grabbed America's Achilles Heel. With very little military investment, the Radi- cal Entente has made and will con- tinue to make the United States jump whenever and wherever it chooses. Reactive military measures lost the war in Vietnam. Sending a gun- boat upriver to fire a few shots at restless natives as a form of deter- rence was a fine reactive European tactic in the 19th century. Continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100440048-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100440048-4 However, we are no longer dealing with restless natives but with, for example, Iran. Its Moslem funda- mentalism is spreading throughout the world in places like Malaysia, which once seemed immune to Jihadian fanaticism. Or with Cuba, which has been managing a conti- nental campaign of subversion and revolution for a quarter century. The Radical Entente is a global operation which will not be defeated by reactive military measures or passive defense like cement barri- cades in front of government buildings. The first step which must be taken is to inform the American pub- lic what the Radical Entente means. There is no better way of doing that than public hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee under its new chairman, Sen. Richard Lugar. Arnold Beichman, a visiting scholar at the Hoover Institution, is a student of unconventional warfare. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100440048-4