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Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/28: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100440012-3 ARTICLE APPEARED ARNOLD BEICHMAN WASHINGTON TIMES 25 September 1986 A trump up their sleeve? When the executive of a bachev will show the world that Mr superpower such as the Daniloff committed several crimes. Soviet Union implies What's more, Mr. Gorbachev will that the executive of have the proof, very likely on tape another superpower such as the and in Mr. Daniloff's own voice. Mr. United States is a liar, then one of Daniloff was under KGB interroga- three things is possible: tion for 13 days in a KGB jail. In 1. The Soviet executive was those 13 days, under skillful, speaking in the heat of the moment friendly, understanding conversa- and so his rhetoric superseded his tion and chatting, it would emerge accuracy and an apology may be that Mr. Daniloff had given some forthcoming in the interests of stabi- Russian dissident a bottle of scotch lizing Soviet-American relations. and the Russian dissident would no 2. The Soviet executive was doubt have testified that in return bluffing in typical Soviet bullying for the scotch Mr. Daniloff had asked fashion and the smear will not be him to give him some secrets. Per- withdrawn, no matter what. haps, some tough-minded people un- 3. The Soviet Union has "evi- der similar circumstances would dence" in hand which the KGB have refused to talk without a lawyer would say shows that Nicholas or would have refused to give any Daniloff was really an American spy information except name, rank, and or guilty of some other criminal act. serial number. The latter hypothesis is the more However, let us assume that Mr probable. For example: Daniloff has "talked" and "con- Last April, I left Moscow Airport fessed" to a series of horrendous after a two-week visit to the U.S.S.R. crimes. It is because Mr. Gorbachev Although I had been refused a visa has in his hands transcripts of Mr. a few years earlier, for some reason Daniloff's "confessions" that Mr. I was allowed in this time, as part of Gorbachev has let the entire world a group organized by the World Me- know that the president of the dia Conference. United States is a liar or, at best, a When I came home and started tool in the hands of anti-Soviet ele- emptying my pockets of the enor- ments in the White House who don't mous amount of junk one collects as tell President Reagan anything. a tourist, I found to my horror that I In the meantime, there is another had unwittingly taken with me a little question to pose: five-ruble note. Had I been searched When was the last time we heard at the airport at departure time and anything about Afghanistan? the currency found in my pocket, I Is the Daniloff case a diversion could have been arrested under So- intended to ease any pressure from viet law, convicted of illegal cur- the United States on the Soviet rency transactions, and jailed. And Union over what is potentially a geo- nothing could have been done about strategic disaster for the Free it. I would have been guilty. It's that World, namely, the potential collapse easy to violate Soviet law of Afghanistan and with it, perhaps, Without question, any foreign cor- the domino fall of Pakistan, Iran, and respondent in Moscow can on any the Persian Gulf? given day be arrested as a violator of How much moral indignation can Soviet law. (It's tempting to put the a people muster in one season? phrase Soviet law in inverted com- The Soviets will play out the mas but in the interest of Soviet- Daniloff case for as long as possible, American friendship, I will refrain.) while real issues, such as It is my thesis that Mikhail Gorba- Afghanistan, such as Andrei Sakha- chev has in hand enough "evidence" rov and other mistreated dissidents, to hang Mr. Daniloff. That is why Mr. such as persecuted Poland, will be Gorbachev has dared in effect to call buried under a mound of clippings President Reagan a liar. Soviet law, about the Daniloff case. despite the apologetics of academics Isn't it time that America's diplo- like Professor Harold Berman of Harvard University, operates on the assumption that everybody is guilty of anything and everything when- ever it suits the Politburo. There is no question in my mind that when the time comes Mr. Gor- mats and negotiators learned the meaning of 70 years of Soviet his- tory? Are we going to waste time trying to disprove and debate the So- viet "evidence" against Mr. Daniloff, whenever the Soviets get around to releasing it? Are we going to wait to see if the Soviets will invite Seymour Hersh to come to Moscow to investi- gate whether Mr. Daniloff is a U.S. spy or not, just as Mr. Hersh has just shown the world that the Soviet Union was really innocent of any evil intent when a Soviet pilot killed 269 innocent passengers in KAL 007? In short, isn't it time to stop play- ing charades ' with Edward Shev- ardnadze, who, acting the "good cop," is, I'm sure, trying to persuade Secretary of State George Shultz of his helplessness before all those "bad" cops in the KGB? - Isn't it time that the United States government, as the leader and pro- tector of the Free World, acted with the dignity and power which it is in- cumbent upon the president to dem- onstrate? Ronald Reagan, where are you when we need you? Arnold Beichman is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/28: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100440012-3