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Publication Date: 
December 17, 1986
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/22 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000100250004-3 A~F 7 L]ecerrcer1986 Figures in Iran arms case h are named lawc in BY Ben Bradlee Jr. The suit Is being brought by a ? Globe St cr Two central figures in the Iran- contra affair - retired Air Force Ma). Gen. Richard Secord and his Iranian business partner. Albert Hakim - are part of a renegade team of former and current gov- ernment agents who have traf- ficked in arms and narcotics since the Vietnam War to support anti- communist Insurgency warfare around the world, according to an affidvalt filed this week in a little- publicized federal lawsuit in .Ml- ami. throe e231n White House, - C~1tIIC11 a Id ~ ~ `~ ~~oped i7rnu rn ,,. the Second aid and to help facilitate the secret sale of arms to .an the lawsuit The charges are spelled out in a 95-page atfid led Honda, in aulL urou nt b Toni Avlrgan an art a HpIIev. husband and wife tree- 1anrr In~~r?~i~ . . form.?r era ... ".`~?~ and military o Iola s The lawsuit. filed in May after a ---?? +aw~a u~ l Gsta Hlca f ve Mans xere i and two dozen in tired. Inc u n A ver an and Honey. astora was alle 1v Target or assasa na- .I am -CIA. The suit charges the defen- dants with responsibility for the bombing in the context of a larger conspiracy to sell cocaine in the United States to raise money to buy arms and other supplies for the contra war effort. The lawsuit exposed details of the contra sup- PlY Pipeline and has taken on new significance since news first broke of the diverstor 'f profits from Iran arms sales ;, Lhe contras. autute, a itoeral Catholic public Interest law firm and policy center best known for winning a $10.5 million libel verdict for the family of Karen Silkwood, the nuclear worker allegedly contaminated while handling plutonium at the lRrr McGee Corp. Christie lawyers say they in- tend to bring evidence they have uncovered to the attention of the Independent counsel to be ap- Pointed in the Iran-contra affair. Among those named in the law- suit besides Secord and Hakim are Theodore Shackle,, former deputy director of the CIA in charge of co- vert operations, and his d eputy, Thomas Clines: retired Ma). Gen. John Singlaub, chairman of the World Anti-Communist League and active In assisting the con- tras: Rafael guintero, a Cuban ex- Ile and CIA contract employee dur- ing the aborted Bay of Pigs Inva- sion; John Hull. an American businessman who owns a ranch in Costa Rica that allegedly served as a staging area for CIA-supplied weapons for the contras: and Rob- ert Owen, a Virginia businessman and consultant to the State De- partment who allegedly served as North's liaison with the contras. The defendants have d ented the charges, and at a hearing Monday in Miami on a defense motion to dismiss the case, law- yers for the defense characterized the charges as nothing more than "malicious gossip." Many of the defendants in th e Christie suit are former associates of Edwin Wilson, the ex-CIA oper- ative now serving a lengthy feder- al prison term after his conviction of shipping weaponry to the Llb- yan leader. Col. Moammar Kha- dafy, in the 1970s. In his affidavit, the lead Christie attorney. Daniel Sheehan. names Wilson as one of at least 79 witnesses who are sup- plying the plaintiffs with deuce, particularly against Shack- ley and Clines, his former associ- ates In the agency and In private business. FILE ONLY -1c ime- work and context in w hicha the P-astora bombing occurred. the P lntiffs allege that the privately fimneed contra supply operation Isrooted in a "secret team" whose core group was Shackle, and Clines and which later Included Secord. Wilson. Hakim and oth- ers. Sheehan argues that this group, disillusioned by what it Perceived as the Isolationist bent of Congress and the vicissitudes of Amerfe&A democracy, used mIl- liCns of dollars In profits general. Baby narcotics trafficking to wage secret, unauthorized terrorist wars against communist groups in Cuba. Vietnam. Laos. Iran. Chile. Libya and Nicaragua. As deputy chief of the CIA sta- tion in Lang in 1965. Shackle, and his deputy. Clines, helped forge an alliance with Meo tribes- men and, through air and other tactical support, helped one Meo faction gain a monopoly on opium trafficking, the suit alleges. In re- turn for this assistance. the yeo leader turned over a percentage of the drug profits to the CIA. The suit alleges that the Shackled group skimmed roonev from this fund and funneled It to a secret bank account !n Australia controlled by Shackle,, Clines and Second, who had helped run the C,'A s secret air war ;n Lac from 1966-19138 and that periodically Second and Genes would carry suitcases of cash to Australia. ? Before the fall of Saigon in 1975, the Shacklev group also svs. Corrt:% Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/22 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000100250004-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/22 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000100250004-3 tematically pilfered a large weap- ons cache from US stocks in Viet- nam and hidden it in Thailand. according to the affidavit, where ;t was later used in other ''off line' operations. One country where the group was active. according to the affidavit. was Iran. where Wil- son. Secord and Hakim. who rep- resented US business Interests un- der the shah. were based !n the late 70s In 1979. after the overthrow of the shah and Shacklev s and Clines forced resignation from the CIA because of their dealings with Wilson, most of the network went private. though Secord was still In the Air Force as director of inter- national programs By 1979. the suit alleges. Shackley. Clines. Wil- son. Secord and Hakim had cre- ated a number of corporations and subs;diartes around the world to conceal their operations. which would later ,nclude aid to the con- tras and selling arms to Iran. z Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/22 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000100250004-3