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Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000100230004-5 CHICAGO TRIBUNE 29 January 1986 Angolan rebel leader starts lobbying for U. S. aid ARTICLE AP ON PAGE _ -J&; I f for covert milita assistance to na- 5'~' tionalist organization. " e administration wants to give Savimbi "more than just moral support" but opposes legislation authorizing overt military aid, State Department spokesman Ber- nard Kalb said Monday. Secretary of State George Shultz will meet Savimbi Wednesday, a day before the guerrilla leader is to meet with Reagan at the White House. He also will give a private briefing to the White House Na- tional Security Council staff on battlefield conditions in Angola, where his forces face an estimated 30,000 Cuban soldiers and 1,200 So- viet advisers. Next week he will meet with congressional leaders to lobby for at least $27 million in overt mili- tary aid to his pro-Western Nation- al Union for the Total Indepen- dence of Angola, known as UNITA. "Everybody wants to meet with Savimbi," said Christianne Lem- mon, executive director of the American Angolan Public Affairs Council, one of the groups that has been making preparations for his visit. The biggest problem is, "When you say Savimbi, people say, that it would undermine American credibility in much of black Africa because of Savimbi's ties to the white-minority government of South Africa. Savimbi comes here as the de- bate over military aid has inten- sified in Congress and the adminis- tration. "Savimbi's personal visit and appeal may well make the differ- ence between aid going to him or not," said Jeffrey Gayner of the conservative Heritage Foundhtion. The administratio s t9 jave Savimbi a warm public welcome while reportedly favoring a plan Chicago TrIbune WASHINGTON-Angolan rebel leader Jonas Savimbi, called a "freedom fighter" by President Reagan and a "terrorist" by Angola's Marxist government, was scheduled to arrive Tuesday for 10 days of personal lobbying to win American moral support and mili- tary aid for his guerrilla war. He will be embraced by the Reagan administration and ap- plauded by conservative groups, which want the U.S. to give open support to what they say is his `Who?' " said Jose Sorzano, presi- dent of the Cuban American Na- tional Foundation and formerly Jeane Kirkpatrick's deputy when she was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. To remedy that, Savimbi has a busy schedule of media inverviews and speaking engagements with conservative groups, such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Conservative Union, where he is certain to get an enthusiastic reception. He also will hold seminars with a number of think tanks, including the Carnegie Endowment for Inter- national Peace and Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies. The visit is being coordinated by the local lobbying and public rela- tions firm of Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly, which has a $600,000 contract with UNITA. The White House said Monday that it hasn't Yet made a decision on whether to seek mill to ai either overt ov Savimhi, The State Department has been concerned that overt aid for UNITA would further complicate the already difficult negotiations underway to broker a broad re- gional settlement that would in- clude the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola and the pullout of South Africa from neighboring Namibia, which it controls in defiance of a 1978 UN resolution. The administration favo covert aid to UNrrA, gmgh the CIA. of ion to $15 million. The admini, tin needs no con- gress iona approval to prove e such Aid but it is~reauired to notify members of the Senate and use intelligence committees in advance, w_ ic__ tt reportedly Has c e sTa- .ponents can on to block covert aid. avim i s conservative sup- porters want him to get overt mili- tary aid, to demonstrate publicly that the U.S. is prepared to con- front Soviet influence in Africa. "It's a right-wing issue," said a House critic's staff member. Conservative Rep. Mark Siljan- der IR., Mich.] has signed up more than 100 cosponsors for legis- lation that would give UNITA $27 million in open military aid. Sen- ate Republican leaders failed last month by a vote of 39-58 to win passage of a resolution calling for material assistance to Savimbi if the Angolan government refuses to negotiate with UNITA. "Chngmss will decide whether or not Savimbi will be given aid and, if so. will it overt or covert." Lemmon said. Conservatives have made aid to Savimbi a top issue on their for- eign policy agenda, putting pres- sure on Reagan to follow through on his pledge to help "freedom fighters' around the world. The Conservative Caucus is spearheading a campaign to pres- sure Gulf Oil Corp., now part of Chevron Corp., to end its Angolan oil production, which is a major source of revenue for the govern- ment there. Critics of aid to UNITA include congressional liberals such as Howard Wolpe [D., Mich.], who is chairman of the Africa subcom- mittee of the House Foreign Af- fairs Committee, and a number of black leaders, such as Jesse Jack- son. They warn that American backing for Savimbi, who now gets most of his outside aid from the white-minority government of South Africa, might turn much of black Africa against the U.S. and increase Angola's reliance on Sovi- et and Cuban support. Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000100230004-5