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March 31, 1982
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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100150113-3 ARTICLE APPEARED ON P A G E J J L'WASHIN 1Ta'l POST 31 March 1982 British Remain this attitude has been Margaret bombers to the NATO front in West Thatchers Britain. I sent my assoi- Germany aid has four nucleai missile" ate Dale Van Atta to London to submarines of its own.' The British Steadfast Ally gauge the depth of the British com- nuclear planes and subs, as well as t d ._ d .~ iS mitment_ If the Aritiah are uncertain dM i i Q Po id on m si es a e un er se m i ei s.rr.s.s.., policy is in big trouble. Commander in Europe,-who has a11 From interviews with military, in- ways been an American.- ` . In World War II, the rock on telligence' and political,_' sources in In. addition, the British are coop= Which Adolf Hitler's dreams ultimate- " both, London and Washington, this is erating on U.S. programs to upgrade 1 ly foundered was the dose .working the Picttue that emerges about Brit-` joint nuclear missile forces so that the relationship between Franklin Roo- ain.s position in the East-West strug- `;.anti-ballistic missile defenses of Noe-: `sevelt ard.Wmston -.C6urc1v7L `Naw, . ~~ ' s rcow can be penetrated, a -vital deter-~ 40.,years.later?,i onalct-Reagan. and.,.' The British are unquestionably our rent to any Soviet plans for a first another British. prime minister, Mar-. strongest ally. against the Soviets, but this stalwart support could be jeop. garet Thatcher, seem to have arrived ardized by domestic political devel- at a similar allianceagainstthe threat opmentr, that is, if Thatcher is on- 'of Soviet worldwide aggression: ceremoniously given the heave-ho, as ' ` Top White House advisers tell me Churchill was at the very moment of that President Reagan is greatly en--- victory in 1945. .comaged by Thatcher's steadfast sup- 'Unlike other North Atlantic Trea- ' pat of:hin anti-Soviet policies, and ty Organization countries, Britain has would be crushed if she showed signs. supported .;the' alliance consistently of : wavering, as, I for ?example, our _. , ? and at' great sacrifice, -including a West German allies have done. commitment to increase its military Reagan is evidently sincere m: his ,_ budget by 3 percent at a-time-when belief that the Kremlin poses a con ; im economy can ill afford such an tmving'threet to American freedom, expenditure: Unemployment is far 'a threat that overshadows'.the-cut- worse in Britain than in.the United backi in domestic programs -for which tates; yet Thatcher has kept up her support of increased defense nil . he is taking. so much. heat,--But=the president has not succeeded ,in ituree. ~ ;N: , : h sine '.suadi most of our' In-the areight of classified ev-, ng European-,allies idenoe shows that Thatcher is deter-. that the Soviet threat is as dangerous mined-, to, maintain the' British. mill- as he thinks it is. They prefer to min- tary-commitment. A top-secret Pen ? - .imize the threat and business-with -, the Sov`;" _ tagon - report discloses.. that:, Britain : - t' provides bases-for 156 American nu The meet, important . exception is clear bombers, contributes 56 nuclear V r.. The British government has also' agreed to allow 160 ground-launched cruise missiles to be placed in Eng- land; a decision not without its touch of irony, considering that Britain was the first victim of the cruise missile's German ancestor, the VI, rocket of 1944. . What `concenis the White House,: though,. is the political equation in Britain.. Secret CIA ` analyses have, warned, that the ` Reagan-Thatcher alliance, `like that ? of Roosevelt and Churchill, may be blown away. And in this case, unlike- the situ." ation in 1945 when domestic policies were the. cause of Churchill's defeat,' the Thatcher government's '"deter- mined support of ' Reagan . policies could be a serious contributing factor to its downfalL.The growing strength' of leftist Labor is traceable to the" public's distaste for nuclear..weapons' in its backyard-as well'as, to domestic economic conditions. : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100150113-3