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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 1, 1983
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Sl Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000100140071-1 ARTICLE AF'~~..:.,._ WASHINGTON POST ~ P11~A~,~, ~. ~ 1 JUNF 1983 ~f ghans Resist while, to make more males available for recruiting, the government has Conscription :By the Soviets Like the brutal press gangs of King George III, Soviet "recruiters" in ~ Afghanistan :are having their problems trying to enlist natives to. fight. against their countrymen. Af- ghans are understandably reluctant to sign up as cannon. _~'odder-or, more likely, sniper #argets-in the army of the Soviet-backed Kabul re- ~e? . Co~dential State Department in-. telligence reports describe some of the difficulties the Soviets have en- countered in ,their heavy-handed at- tempts to draft Afghan .melee -into the so-called "people's army." Here are some of the details; contained in documents seen by my associate Lu- ~oette Lagnado: ? The press gangs' activities `beached unprecedented propor= tions" last winter, when 'massive desertions had .decimated .the Af- ghan army. "Men in their 50s and boys in their Early -teens were often seized from the street and sent -out of Kabul before their families could attempt to intervene." ? There are reports that the com- munist puppet regime is preparing to~raise the draft age to 45. Mean- reportedly decided to allow only women and former soldiers to enter Kabul University this year. ? Dragnet operations in sealed-off sections of Afghan cities are used iri addition to }he roving .press gangs. "There have been periods of more intensive searclrand-seizure efforts in Kabul .and provincial .cities. Last week, the search for -conscripts in Kabul intensified; areas of the city are once again being surrounded and searched, often using .:cadets from the military academies." ? Bazaars and secondary schools ere frequent targets of the~mobile re- cruiting gangs, ea they seek out any male deemed physically =capable of carrying a gun. ?.One incident described in a con- fidential report involved a youth '~vho could not have been more than lb years old." Stopped by a press gang, the lad punched the officer in charge. He was "quickly .beaten to the ground and thrown_into the back flf the gang's truck." ? Tvvo boys, aged 14 and .15, found in their home during .their fa- ther's absence, were forably dragged away "and are now in uniform." + Veterans who have already com- pleted their military service since the Soviet invasion more .than three years-ago reportedly are being called up again. ? "The regime has gone so ,fat as to draft baggage handlers"~: Kabul airport," according to one ca- The Afghans have devised certain expedients to "Dope with the,,re- gime's hunger for cannon . foddP.F?? acxording to one intelligence regozt, Families with draft-age sons bade them in their homes, send there to live with relatives in rural areas pr- shades of the Vietnam era-~saf}fl ' them out of the country. .~^ Occasionally, families have suc- needed in bribing the press genga:lb "come back tomorrow" for a house search, then spirited their sons rntt of harm's wa th t i ht "~~ y a n g . In the bazaars, gangs of under-age _ street urchins keep watch for . the roving recruiters, and give enorotgh warning to let draftable shopkeepers close up or at least duck behind .their wares. .--. U.S. intelligence .analysts ,be- lieve the Soviets' increasingly des- perate conscription efforts are ~_gi- ving them an Afghan army of dull ous value, and driving those who elude the press gangs out of the country. But the Kremlin obviously doesn't care how many Afghans are killed by the guerrillas or become refugees.. The Soviets want the country, not its unquenchably independent peo- ple. ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/03 :CIA-RDP90-009658000100140071-1