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October 1, 1985
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP9 IMP" EARED pN P.AGE I- is.._. WASHINGTON TIMES 1 October 1985 Greenpeace is fearful' of links to terrorism By Peter Almond THE WASHINGTON TIMES FOREIGN SERVICE LONDON - Enormous publicity has attracted ever more money and members, but the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior may link Green- peace in the public mind with politi- cal scandal, sabotage and terrorism. Other tenants in the building where Greenpeace maintains its offices have signed a petition to evict Greenpeace. The tenants are afraid they'll be bombed by someone look- ing for the activists. "I'm afraid we will get tarred with the same brush as abortion clinics in the States,' says Stephen-Sawyer, the AmericanGreenpeace leader..who is directing_:the anti-nuclear project against Prance inthe'Pacific. "They s~tffered: pa of bomb- ings and got connected. itt some unfortunate political .assocjAiions. We are non-violent andnon-political. The nuclear issue is only part ofour concerns:' In the United States, new, atten- tion is being paid to Greenpeace ties to militant groups and organizations that campaign not only against nuclear testing and President Rea- gan's Strategic Defense Initiative, commonly called "star wars;' but for the unilateral disarmament by the United States. According to Information Digest, a conservative periodical which' monitors worldwide political and social movements, the founding of Greenpeace "marked the birth of a new political force." A profile of Greenpeace, in the Aug. 16 issue of the Digrest, reports that the group blends "extreme envi- ronmentalism with the disarma- ment cause and the `solidarity' movement with Third-World terror- ist, `anti-imperialist' and `national liberation' organizations. Disarma- ment remains the key Greenpeace thrust:' Information Digest notes that Greenpeace has allied itself on occa- sion- such as during the 1982 "rally for a Nuclear Freeze and Disarma- ment" - with groups which oppose American policy, including the Com- munist Party, U.S.A., and the "Soviet controlled World Peace Council:' Far from protesting merely the French nuclear testing program at Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific, Greenpeace is "one of the organiza- tions central to the "nuclear free Pacific" campaign, the Digest says. That involvement included the Rainbow Warrior's evacuation ear- lier this year of more than 320 resi- dents of Rongelap Atoll in the Marshall Islands, part of the U.S.' Micronesian Trust Territories. The islanders had decided to abandon their lands out of fear that radioac- tivity from U.S. nuclear tests 30 years ago could pose a medical haz- ard. In doing so, the Digest said, Greenpeace helped enhance the fears and suspicions of Marshall Islanders against the United States, which will soon terminate the trusteeship relationship. In its place the United States hopes to enter into a new compact with Micronesia which will give full military and defense authority to the Pentagon for up to 50 years. Included in that agreement would be provisions to allow the United States the continued use of Kwaja- lein Atoll - a past test site for nuclear weapons and now a key loca- tion for testing of inter-continential ballistic missiles and "star wars" anti-satellite warfare technology. Information Digest said that by "actively urging its members to become active in lobbying against the compact and for an end to defense tests at Kwajalein:' Green- peace activities in Micronesia "could be expected to increase Mar- shallese suspicion of the U.S. and harden attitudes against the com- pact:' Nevertheless, Greenpeace insists it is for "everyone;' regardless of politics. Greenpeace officers say they have nothing to do with any of the Green political parties of Europe, or with any others. Brian Fitzgerald, coordinator at Greenpeace s international head- quarters in ewes, England, acknowledges t haatthiis organization and its membership are left of cen- ter, but insists that Green ce is the object of interest to both the CIA and the KGB. STAT Greenpeace has attracted the sympathetic involvement of at least one prominent American Democrat. Lloyd Cutler, chief White House counsel to President Carter in. 1979-80, active in the 1984 Demo- cratic Presidential campaign and a partner in the Washington law firm of Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering, has offered his services to Greenpeace free, he said, with an expectation of part of the multi-million dollar dam- ages he and other lawyers in London, Paris and New Zealand hope to win for Greenpeace and the family of the photographer - a Portuguese-born Dutchman with ties to far-left ter- rorists in the abortive Portuguese revolution - who was killed when the Rainbow Warrior was sunk. He had been a photographer for a Dutch Communist newspaper. Mr. Cutler said he is not a member of Greenpeace, and does not agree with all Greenpeace views. "I don't think of this as a political expression;' he said. "I saw that they were the victims of a terrorist attack:' Mr. Cutler, who presented the SALT II 'hheaty to Congress, said he does not oppose the bench indepen- dent nuclear deterrent, or nuclear weapons in Europe, but says agree that nuclear testing in the Pacific is wrong. "I think they [Greenpeace] are right to demonstrate:' That is not the general view of Greenpeace, said Mr. Fitzgerald, but he insists that even conservative Republicans are welcome in Green- peace, He said Robin Heide, the Colo- rado Greenpeace member who parachuted off a smokestack in Ohio in 1983 in an anti-acid rain stunt, was one who held "firm Republican views"about nuclear weapons. Formally incorporated in 1971, Greenpeace was the outgrowth of a Vancouver-based group of ecologists - the "Don't Make a Wave, Committee" - which in 1970 and, 1971 campaigned against proposed U.S. atmospheric nuclear bomb tests on Amchitka Island, Alaska, as ; much because of the fear of a tidal wave as opposition to nuclear weap- ons. Continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100080010-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100080010-5 Between 1972 and 1974 Canadian businessman David Mc'Ihggart - who, then as now, is the chairman of Greenpeace International - sailed' twice to Muraroa Atoll to protest French nuclear testing. He was beaten up by the crew of a French warship which rammed him in inter- national waters. In 1975, Greenpeace first used' "human barrier" techniques to stop Soviet whaling fleets off California. The next year it launched its first: anti-seal hunting campaign in New- foundland, spoiling the pelts of baby seals with indelible green paint before they could be killed.. In 1978, the inflatable rubber din- ghies which were becoming Green- peace's trademark, first tried to stop ships dumping nuclear waste in the Atlantic. Greenpeace members stopped a hunt of gray seals on the Orkney Isles off the north coast of Scotland, and exposed a pirate Span- ish whaling ship. In 1981, it forced nuclear dump- ing ships to turn back in the Atlantic, and publicized the slaughter of pilot whales. In 1982, after criticism that their ? anti-nuclear campaigns were directed more against the West than against the Soviet Union, Green- peace officials sought an invitation from the Soviet's "Peace Commit- tee:' The Soviets allowed the ship into Leningrad Harbor. Flashing "Stop nuclear testing" T-shirts under their outer clothing, they met: members of the committee, then, sent anti-nuclear messages in bal- loons over the city. They were hus-' tied back out of Leningrad Harbor. This article is based in part on staff reports by Dave Doubrava in Wash-, ington. 204 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100080010-5