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Publication Date: 
July 5, 1980
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/20: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100160077-6 iiZTICL APA P,A?l ON PAGE _{ Ir"UN111111, IN JAMAICA,: I'll HOME OF US. NEW YORK TES 5 JULY 1980 call the police. Ti:ey.were summoned this morning by neighbors: - Police officials said they believed that the attackers, in addition to firing on the i house, threw an explosive device. They found what appeared to be the pin of a grenade, and there is a hole the size of a basketball in the front lawn. Middle of Election Campaign Embassy Official Had Been Named by Critic as an Agent of C.I.A.. - speoalWlD~Ne~Yvrkrimts'.`~ KINGSTON,, Jamaica,.July 4.* The home of a member of the United States Embassy staff was,fired on early today,. two days afterhe was publicly described. as the chief of station of the United States (Central intelligence Agency. No one was injured by the gunmen, who used-auto- matic weapons N. Richard Kinsman; whose-homewas attacked, and 14 other members of- the staff of the United States Embassy were described Wednesday as C.I.A. personnel, by Louis Wolf, co-editor of Covert Action Information Bulletin, a newsletter pub- lished in Washington: Prime, Minister Michael. N. Manley issued a statement deploring the attack. BlographicalInformatlon Supplied - _ Jamaica is in the middle of a hard- fought campaign for elections expected in October, and the Kingston slums have been plagued by violence. `At least 243 people have been killed since the elec- tions were announced in February. Mem- bers of each party have accused the other of seeking foreign help for so-called mili- tary means of forestalling the voting. Edward P. G. Seaga, leader of the op- position Jamaica Labor Party, has ac-s I cused the Government of collaborating with Cuba to train men and import weap- o extra-legal ma itary force. "T know objectively asa fact- there- ,l are C.I.A. people in Jamaica. I draw no I conclusions from that fact."- prime -1 Minister Michael ? N. Manley of Ja--=i maica. Those charges have been deried by Prime Minister Manley and by the Cubans, but the Cuban Ambassador, Ulises Estrada, was vilified in public and his 5-year-old son was accused of being a ; threat to his schoolmates. The Ambassa- i dor's family went home several weeks ago. Mr. Manley has .called Mr. Seaga's charges a fairy story and a lie and has said he feels that his Government and party, the People's National' Party, are victims of a campaign to keep the-voters in a state of hysteria, to undermine. the confidence of investors and to ruin tour- ism. Mr. Wolf; at" his news conference Wednesday, described' the Kingston C.I.A. station as one of the largest In . Latin --kmerica Quotation of the Day During a news conference at which Mr. Wolf accused the intelligence agency of trying to undermine the socialist Govern- ment of Jamaica, he- also supplied bio- graphical information about those- he named. In the case of Mr. Kinsman (who was. identified by the State Department as a political officer) and several other embassy staff, members, Mr. Wolf pro- vided home addresses and unlisted tele- phone numbers as well as descriptions of their cars and license-platenumbers.:,,' According to police investigators, itap, pears that three men opened fire-on Mr. Kinsman's home in the Kingston suburb of Cherry Gardens- at 2:30 A_M :The. Po lice said _the bullets, from-'`A 4-caliber weapons, appeared to have been fired from a-submachine gun at a distance of 100 feet. Twenty bullets hit-the-house's- concrete walls and two went through the open windows of a child's bedroom....: Anne Williams, the family's maid, said the bedroom belonged to the Kinsman' 12-year-old daughter but that Mrs_ Kim- man and her three children were- away. Mrs. Williams said that Mr. .Kinsman was alone in the house and that she was asleep in the servants' quarters. She said she heard a noise during the night but did not realize the house had been attacked until the neighbors-pointed out the bullet holes. . Mr. Kinsman, who could not be reached for-comment. avDarentlydid not Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/20: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100160077-6