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17 July 1980
-Is The-:C!A'Meddling In"igmOic
n cove rs ' h
By Chauncey Bw11ey.
intelligence:' watchdog - pro-
ject; claims.. th6 - .CIA:,-. is
actively=-frying _='t&=under=
mine this island's govern-
ment, and on a scale.*remi-=
niscent of foreign interven
tio'n%in Chile which resulted
in`~Salvador Allendes ou->
ster in1973 Jamaica (pop.
2 - million). is 94~-percent-
? _,..'he.Covert ActionInfor ,
mation Bulletin,a London
based: publication,;' writes:
We:_rhave conducted- an'
extensive and exhaustive in
vestigation into U.S. "dlp'lo-''
matic personnel stationed
in`Jamaica, and have con-
firmed -that" the CIA-,pre-
sence here is on the rise. In
1976; Philip Agee-(a former
agent who wrotee a compel]: .
ing book about CIA excel-'
ses) uncovered-`-nine -CIA ...members:, here ; (of whom
only one remain:s);.we have
uncovered 'to date' at least
15 _more, ' and> many have'---.
recently -arrived:""
Louis Wolfe, publisher of.:
the:.' Bulletin;, during. a re'-
centpress conference at the
New Kingston -Hotel, `said
"'Jamaica was a`: tiairiing`-
ground ground'for CIA'operations
i Chile, and now a .imilan
large-scale.' :destabilization
l 4 ,
program is in--;operation
Wolfe,; said ; his.pubiica
aion. has. tagged over:2,000v
CIA, agents.:.a1L?over .the;
world- through a scientific
screening of public.sources,
including foreign- servicei
files,:: diplomatic ledgers,
and State Department. bio-
graphical material:
really. not all that difficult to,
spot them, Wolfe said,'
because"the. Bulletin's `re-
seaicll~ .pattern has con-
sist`ently{. button-holed a
gents.`'with job -descriptions
such-'as.''Research Analy-
sis!` "Operations Officer''.
"Economics`; Officer.',: '_He
said--;;some --.-governmental
agencies :invent ':'fictional-
positions'.' to :facilitate as
,covers''.. for agents. _"In
many cases : some people
don't even realize the''y are
employed by the CIA,` they
figure they are-'just ;doing
their job, nine-to-five.
-::'-Wolfe went beyond nam-ing=names at-- his'-press
.conference here.- In some
instances -he-gave outV?the
agents-'.';: phone numbers,
addresses, dates of-arrival
in-the: country,' previous
assignments;- even descrip-
tions-%of some= -`cars?
belonging -"toranking' a-
gents--including the car Ii
cense plate numbers.
He:-claims- the agents
have. spurred social uneasi-
ness by encouraging-select-
ed=merchants to exacerbate-
food -ands--fuel shortages,
and weapons are-often fun-'
neled to'political terriorists
for:controntations wnicn
promote: fear;-.-,and -uncer
= tainty: Wolfe:said his list is.
not; the -result of- any con=-
tacts.hehas-withinthe CIA;
and.-;lie."noted..,-'. f1his may-
not,be-the` total .picture- of
CIA-involvement here.'.' He
said the.CIAforce in Jamai
ca-;;:consistsc-of the.--chief,
deputy:: chief;: five -
-opera=tions officers, two telecom
munications; officers.::(an- expected -,soon)i
five-secretaries-and: record-.
keepers=aiid:,there:. is one
"actual Foreign. Service of-:,
whop performs-'some
joint ,activities x:with -:,the
CIA;':aough- he': is ? appa-
rentlya; not a;CIA officer
. Wolfe-said.the Cl
tingent in Jamaica ii
at. least one black
Jones;-;an Operatior
cer''who=works w
Urban Upgrading. I
'-and. a"husband-ai
(Wesley- Kinsley is
communications- 1
Wand:-his wife; ~; Sunc
Shortly' after`. R
Kinsman-was, listed __-
CIA"chief for Jamaica,. his
home at-1 Carmel Ave:, in
:'the fashionable Cherry Gar-
'dens; district was bombed:
..He--was not injured.-Police
have no leads and theories
range -from . an assault by
outraged leftists; to a delib=
erate act by conservatives
seeking- to -, weaken - Prime
.Minister Michael Manley's
People's-National Party by,
drawing-.sympathy for the
U.S.- embassy, staffers and
rightist American. parties
who :are backing ,Edward
P.G.:Seaga's Jamaican La-
bour, Party's ; drive Ito. win"
control-of the government.
The:. liberal.. Peoples; Na
tionat_Party-has instituted
:social reforms-w.hich have
irritated the: middle class
and worried investors
-';=Others'.listed as= CIA' a
gents in Jamaica are: ?Wil
liam.AMoffett ,'" Patricia
-A:--Dolan, Florine B.' Cox,
Thomas"J::- Ballweg;':Wit
,Wil-liam Goodson,' Edward 13a-
ker,- Ruby-Johnson,'. Cor-
dette Brown, Albert'; F
Nevils ;Travis Poston,-
William-,, R Baque: and.
Bruce L: Pearson?(who'is'
serving : as an assistant):
Wolfe 'alsolisted Pearson
as; of eight 'persons
-serving' as'.CIA.. staffers in
Jamaica'between 1976 and
1979 }. _ ?
Jones; the -black named
as a CIA agent in Jamaica,
was slated to be hit. Police
said they. uncovered a plan,
which called for Jones'
house ;.to;, be:, blown . up.
Jones is one of the six who:
has departed.
Press reports in the U.S.'
have - indicated that - Man-
ley's People's National Par-
ty had "invited" Wolfe to
come to Jamaica and make
the report in order to use
the statement for political
purposes. Wolfe said he;
came on his own free will,.'
in response to a commit-
ment to see the CIA check-
ed in Jamaica. Other press
reports noted, that- :-? The
Daily Gleaner,-: a privately-
owned and influential pub- ?:
lication, was.-not -invited -to
Wolfe s: press- conference."
But' Wolfe said: all _ the
media were 'invited,. but the:;
Gleaner re-fused-to dispatch'
any-reporters.. The Gleaner
then wrote .blistering edi-,
torial columns which called
the CIA,reports nonsense.
Wolfe went on to.. note
'that the three' "CIA chiefs,.
for Jamaica in the last:
Height years-are still active]
elsewhere. Thomas J. Kee
man, who served as chief in -
Jamaica from 1973 to 1975, ?
has been the CIA chief for-
,.Santiago; -Chile since De---,'
cember,.1979, Wolfe said.-.'
Norman. M.., Descoteaux;
who. served a's the top CIA/
official_in:; Kingston ;from:
1975 to;I9Z7,:was;recently;
r e = a s s i g n e d tow: a chief s
position ia~~-lgiers-,i~;,,"
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100160070-3 '