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Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 COUNTERSpy LEL./ oOo'\ IRAQ trip(_/~5l \ SAUDI tri I~~~C/f ARABIA ISRAEL ?Karak 0c. -u eMaan LEGEND: 1-Baqaa 2-Salt EGYPT 3-Karameh Aqaba 4-Sea of Galilee 5-Dead Sea 6 6-Red Sea A CASE OF CIA/CLASS COLLABORATION Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 This publication represents CounterSpy's entrance into the Middle East struggles. While we are not Middle East experts, we do have vital data on U.S. multinationals and U.S. intelligence agencies presently intervening in this area. Our intention is to contribute information to help transform the oppressive conditions in the Middle East. With this in mind, we welcome criticism and input from our readers. We also seek financial support in order to continue our work. Quite simply, we cannot resume publishing unless dona- tions are forthcoming. Clearly, this would be a toss since research projects have been com- pleted and await publication. SECTION 1 : Programs of Imperialism U.S. IMPERIALISM American technical assistance to Jordan began in 1952. Despite the expressed opposition of the Jor- danian Parliament, American officials had complete executive and administrative control over this as- sistance. With this as a wedge, the US government increasingly infiltrated Jordan. By 1957 the US government had replaced Britain as the imperial power in Jordan. The Eisenhower Doc- trine, a product of Cold War diplomacy, defined America's interests in the area. The Doctrine was proclaimed on January 5, 1957; it offered in part: " secure and protect the integrity and politi- cal independence of such nations requesting such aid against overt armed aggression from a nation controlled by international communism." The Jor- danian Parliament and people emphatically rejected the Eisenhower Doctrine. It was also in this time period that the CIA began covert payments to Hussein. (See accompanying in- sert on Latrash.) Quickly thereafter Hussein de- clared martial law on April 27, 1957, claiming that he was "pre-empting" a communist plot by Nasserist Egypt to take over Jordan. On April 29, 1957, U.S. Ambassador Lester D. Mallory approved a grant of $10 million* in recognition of the "brave steps taken by his Majesty King Hussein and by the government and people of Jordan to maintain the integrity and inde- pendence of the nation." 1 Hence, the US government through the CIA helped establish a Jordanian police state to serve American military, strategic and economic interests in the Middle East. * Apparently, Washington agreed there was no foreign intervention. The $10 million grant was issued ac- cording to the provisions of the Mutual Security Act of 1954. It was not issued under the Eisenhower Doc- trine which provided funding for outside communist intervention. BLACK SEPTEMBER The establishment of the Israeli state in 1948 marked the beginning of a watershed period for the people of the Middle East. The expropriation of Palestinian land by Zionist settlers was followed by the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who entered the surrounding Arab states. Many Palestinians fled to Transjordan which had an- nexed the West Bank in 1948. This traitorous annex- ation in collusion with Israel led to the assassina- tion of the Abdullah Amir, the king of Transjordan at the time. His grandson, Hussein eventually re- placed Abdullah as the new puppet king of Jordan. By the late 1960's the Palestinians had created "in contempt of the Puppet King" 2 their own de facto state in Jordan. The Palestinian resistance used this as their base tor politicizing the Pales- tinian people and initiating armed struggle against Zionist occupation of their land. The Palestinians came to the fore as the most revolutionary force in the region. For this reason, the Palestinians were a threat to U.S. imperialism, Zionism and Arab State capitalism in the region. The Palestinian resistance was successful in push- ing forward the class struggle in the Arab world by exposing the true class character of the Arab re- gimes. And secondly, the Palestinian resistance brought into question the imperialist alliance be- tween the Arab ruling classes and the U.S. By 1970, the U.S. government perceived the Pales- tinian resistance as a threat to their military and economic interests in the region. Following the Israeli occupation of the West Bank in 1967, a large influx of Palestinian refugees entered the East Bank of Jordan. This large influx intensified the Pales- tinian resistance in Jordan which would eventually lead to a clash with Hussein's regime. In collusion with the U.S. government, largely through the CIA, Hussein's armed forces prepared themselves for an all out assault on the Palestinians in Jordan. The CIA set in motion a world-wide black Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 propaganda operation. Its objective was to discred- it and divide the Palestinian forces. 3 Another ob- jective was to intimidate the other Arab regimes from assisting the Palestinians. CIA "bagman" and contact for Hussein in 1957 was: Born: November 29, 1925 in New York Married Flor Teresa 1943-46: U.S. Navy 1947: B.A. from Univ. of Southern California 1948: "Government Experience" 1949: S-11* in Calcutta, India 1/51: S-11 in New Delhi, India 51-54: Political Analyst, U.S. Dept. of Navy 1956: CIA Chief of Station under cover of R-6+ Political Officer in Amman, Jordan 56-57: CIA Chief of Station under cover of R-6 Political Officer in Amman,Jordan 1960: R-S in Cairo, Egypt 1/65: R-4 in Caracas, Venezuela 2/65: R-4 in Panama 1967: R-3 Political Officer in Accra, Ghana 1971: R-3 Political Officer in Santiago, Chile 1973: R-3 in LaPaz, Bolivia In 1954, Frederick W. Latrash along with Rayuond Warren had a hand in: (1)overthrowing Jocabo Arbenz, President of Guatemala, and (2)installing a fascist, military junta which superceded Arbenz's democratic- ally-oiected government. In 1967, Latrash partici- pated in the overthrow of President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. In 1971, Latrash was assigned as Political Director of the US Embassy in Santiago, Chile. As Political Director he helped coordinate the over- throw of Chile's popularly-elected president, Salvador Allende. Latrash is an extremely dangerous person and should he watched wherever he is. As the above in- dicates, his last known whereabouts was LaPaz, Boli- via. CounterSpy welcomes more recent information regarding this threat to humanity. *"5-11" S indicates Foreign Service Staff Officer, number indicates rank. President's (Nixon) Situation room. Included in the planning were the Israeli and Jordanian Ambassadors, Henry Kissinger, Richard Helms from the CIA, David Packer from the US Department of Defense, and Admi- ral Thomas Moorer from the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.5 The contingency plans included the activation of Israeli forces who were prepared to attack Syrian tanks in Northern Jordan. In West Germany the U.S. troops were on the alert in case military support was needed. The U.S. also had access ty Israel's flight zones if air support was needed.' On September 21, 1970, Hussein's army unleashed ten days of death and destruction on the Palestin- ians. At the same time, the US Sixth Fleet was rushing towards Jordan. U.S. airborne troops from the Eighth Infantry Division were prepared to para- chute into Amman if necessary.7 When the cease- fire was proclaimed, "The streets of Amman were lit- eraZZy knee-deep in discarded empty ammunition crates from the royal tanks. This trash was all stamped 'Made in the USA' and here and there a red- white-and-blue emblem announced that the shells were the gift of the 'People to People' program." 8 David Packard proudly stated after the massacre, "that Hussein's troops had demonstrated what Ameri- can-armed and American-trained troops could do..."9 Although Jordan is a constitutional monarchy, po- litical parties have been banned since 1957. In 1967, Jordan had a sham election in which no poli- tical parties participated. In November, 1974, Hussein unilaterally revised the Jordanian constitu- tion. He dissolved the only elected portion of gov- ernment, the 60 member House of Representatives, and created a new Senate with 30 members. In this change Palestinian representation was reduced from 15 to 7. Hussein also reduced the number of Pales- tinians who held Cabinet and Ambassadorial posts. At the same time, a large portion of Jordan's popu- lation is Palestinian - over one million in a coun- try of 2.57 million. Under the present constitution, executive power is vested in the King and his advisors, the Council of Ministers. In addition, the King has the self-dele- gated power to appoint and dissolve the Senate and call elections when he wants. At present there is not a single elected member in the government., In Jordan today, formal political participation is non- existent. +"R-6" R indicates Foreign Service Reserve Officer, number indicates rank. AID's Office of Public Safety (OPS) began training and arming the Jordanian security forces. Sixty-five Jordanian officers were trained at the International Police :Academv in Washington, D.C., for the upcoming massacre. 4 Washington then instigated an emergency plan for September, 1970. This plan was coordinated in the Further illustration of the total denial of popu- lar participation was seen in the case of the Jor- danian National Union (JNII), founded by Hussein in September, 1971. The JNU was the only existing po- litical organization in Jordan, but it excluded all leftists and progressives. In March, 1972, the JNII was renamed the Arab National Union (AN11). By April, 1974, Hussein was suspicious of his own organization. Hussein promptly dissolved its executive committee and forced the resignation of its Secretary-General. In February, 1976, ANU "!as abolish 18 and token polit- ical participation came to an end. Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Hussein and his clique possess and control almost all the capital of Jordan. The Central Bank of Jor- dan, controlled by Hussein, established in 1964, is the bank of issue having assumed the functions of the Jordanian Currency Board. It also manages the Ex- change Control. Its Governor-Director is Said Nabul- si; its Deputy-Governor is Husayn El-Kasim. The gov- ernment also runs the Industrial Development Bank (F. 1965) and a credit insitution, Agricultural Cred- it Corporation (F. 1960) whose Director-General is M.O. Qur'an. Jordan also has 12 commercial banks with 103 branches. Only 4 of them are Jordanian and 3 of the 4 were founded since Hussein's coronation. They are: Arab Bank, Ltd. (F. 1930; Chairman, Abdul Majeed Shoman); Bank of Jordan, Ltd. (F. 1960; Chair. and Gen. Manager, Husni Sido Al-Kurdi); Cairo-Amman Bank (F. 1960; Gen. Man. Haidar Chukri; Chairman Jawdat Shash'a); and Jordan National Bank, S.A. (F. 1956; Chair, and Gen. Man. H.E. Suleiman Sukkar; Deputy- Gen. Managers H.E. Abdul-Kader Tash and Dr. Abder Rahman S. Tougan). The other 8 commercial banks are foreign-owned in- cluding the Chase-Manhattan which was established in 1976, the year Hussein visited David Rockefeller. Insurance companies, another large source of capital, are also divided up between Hussein's clique and for- eign investors, particularly American and British. Control and ownership of the forces of production in the industrial sector are illustrated by the fol- lowing chart. Phosphates are Jordan's main natural resource and most important industry. As the chart shows, Hussein's government owns 81.8% of the Jordan Phosphate Company. Jordan's other main industry is tourism. Hussein's government owns 85.7% of the Jor- dan Hotels and Tourism Co. The rest of the indus- trial sector is owned by multinationals. At the expense of the Jordanian people, Hussein passed the "Law for Encouragement of Foreign Capital Investment." This law provides attractive economic incentives for corporate class investors. (See ac- companying insert.) In the first five months fol- lowing Hussein's revision of this law (which coin- cided with the war in Lebanon), 40 American firms re- locatyd their Mideast regional headquarters to Jor- dan.ll - In Jordan the average cost of living index for all items has risen from 105.9 in 1970 to 204.7 in 1976. The average food index price level rose from 105.4 in 1970 to 277.8 in 1976.13 Furthermore, ac- cording to a 1977 report prepared by the U.S. Embassy in Jordan: "At the end of March Z977, the (overall) Index had increased almost 25% over the same month in 1976. Prospects for relief in the near future ap- pear dim." 4 - In 1974, workers in private and government civil establishments earned monthly wages ranging from 21 Jordanian Dianrs (JD) to 60 JD,15 At the 1973 ex- change rate of 1 JD to $3.11 (U.S.), the monthly wages ranged from $65.31 to a maximum of $186.60 per month. - For a 40-hour week, the average hourly wage ranges from $.40 to a maximum of $1.14 per hour. These are optimal hourly wages of Jordanian workers and much higher than those of agricultural workers who constitute 40% of the employment force. The exact wage figures are not available. The Jor- danian government refuses to publish them even in classified reports of the World Bank. (It is rea- sonable to assume from this refusal that hourly wages are extremely low,) The Jordan Times, one of Jordan's major newspapers, regularly features arti- cles promoting the benefits of tax credits and low workers' wages for foreign investors. According to a brochure of the Jordan Information Bureau, Jordan Business Center of the Mideast: "Jordanian workers are the envy of the region... High quality doesn't mean high cost in Jordan. Although Jordan has the highest quality labor force in the area, wage rates are much lower than in the neighboring oil-producing countries."16 Consequently, many Jordanian workers, approximately 250,000, have emigrated to the oil- rich peninsula where the wages are higher. Much of this earned income is sent back to their families in Jordan. The low wages paid to Jordanian workers contribute to higher profits for foreign and national investors, Because Jordan lacks key natural resources, low wages are essential to attracting foreign investment. In fact, Hussein's open-door policy toward foreign investors is preconditioned by low labor costs. The social consequences of Hussein's free trade policies are reflected in the wretched working conditions of the Jordanian people. CONTRADICTIONS The social structure of present day Jordan is characterized on the one hand, by a small ruling elite which controls the country's wealth, and on the other hand, by a large mass of impoverished peas- ants, urban workers and nomads. Wide-spread poverty, disease and illiteracy are reproduced daily under the existing relations of production in Jordan today. Within the international economy, Jordan is economi- cally and militarily dependent on the United States. Recent events in the Middle East region bring this dependence into a new light. Due to the war in Lebanon, many multinationals (over one hundred) have left Beirut - formerly the financial hub of the Middle East - and have re-estab- lished themselves in Amman, Jordan. This influx of foreign capital has radically transformed the eco- nomic foundation of the Jordanian economy. Between 1972-75, foreign investment income tripled.17 The Industrial Production Index of Principal Industries has markedly increased from 139.1 in 1972 to 219.3 in 1976,18 and the number of construction permits in- creased from 1,593 in 1972 to 3,663 in 1976.19 In the last two years the building industry has been the most dynamic sector in the Jordanian economy. The majority of the new houses and apartments are too expensive, however, for most Jordanian people. Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Table 5.5: GOVERMENT PARTICIPATIONS, 1973 (Thousands of Current Dinars) Government Government Invest- Paid-up Capital Investment ment as Percentage Type of Activity and Name of Company in JDs in JDs of Paid-up Capital Jordan Cement Company Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co. Arab Pharmaceutical Jordan Paper Industry Co. The Jordan. Tanning Co. Jordan Confectionaries and Chocolate Factories Co. Jordan Worsted Mills Co. Jordan Ceramics Factory Co. Jordan Vegetable Oil Co. Jordan Dairy Products Co. Jordan Bakeries Co. Jordan Agricultural Processing Co. Industrial Development Bank Sub-total Manufacturing Jordan Phosphate Co. Arab Potash Co. Sub-total Mining Irbid Electric Co. Jordan. Electric Co. dub-total Electric Utilities 1rdustrial Development Co. Industrial Commercial Agricultural Co. Arrva^. Bus Union Co. :purism Transport Co. Jordan Hotels & Tourism Co. tic ly Land Hotels Co. Aga:a hotels Co. Agricultural Marketing Co. Jcr-ar. F" she. I H?i.,eh H t Springs Co. housing Bank Sub-total Others 4,500 2,228 119.5 6,902 500 7.2 375 68 18.1 438 100 23.0 400 100 25.0 199 54 27.1 533 -44 27.0 158 24 15.8 444 179 40.3 79 30 38.1 134 26 19.4 25 1 4.0 2,215 1,099 49.6 16,402 4,553 27.7 6,000 4,904 81.8 1,646 500 30.4 7,646 5,404 51.8 757 179 23.6 2,718 35 1.3 3,475 214 230 71 30.6 767 43 5.6 319 183 57.3 293 25 8.5 723 620 85.7 506 1OC 55.3 293 13o 41.1.4 527 201 38.] 61 16 26.2 62 15 56.2 1,000 200 20.0 4,779 1,824 18.0 Source: Industrial Development Corporation. It was reported in the Middle East International that, "the high rate of inflation which has accompa- nied Jordan's boom has pushed house prices way out of range of all but the richest sections of the community."20 New industrial plants and hotels are also rapidly being built. In the past year, a new $6 million floating berth was built at the Port of Aquaba, Jordan's only outlet to the sea, As well, a new railroad line was built which links Aquaba with Amman and Damascus. Finally, since 1975 private in- vestors have been establishing new industrial compa- nies in Jordan at the rate of 50 a year.21 There has been a systematic public relations cam- paign in the financial centers of the world to make Jordan an attractive outpost for foreign capital in the Middle East. For instance, Time magazine recent- ly printed a special report on Jordan. The report said in part: "A business center of the Arab World and situated at the crossroads of three con- tinents, Jordan is today's gateway to the world's fastest-growing regional market. Unique trade and investment opportunities as well as extraordinary business incen- Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Exemption from customs duties and all fees levied on imported goods including ma- chinery and all equipment needed in the construction of establishments. 2. Exemption from income and social security taxes for 3 years (increased to 6 years in 1975 and to 9 years for projects outside Amman) beginning on the date of production and reduction of taxes to the extent of 50% for the following 2 years. 3. Exemption of the buildings and grounds of new enterprises from property taxes for 3 years (increased to 5 years in 1975 and to 7 years for projects outside Amman) com- mencing on the date of production. tives abound in the Middle East's most free enterprise-oriented country." 22 It seems rather ironic that Jordan is now the "Mid- dle East's most free enterprise-oriented country." It was commonplace not too many years ago to consid- er Lebanon the free-enterprise gold mine in the Mid- dle East. Lebanon was for years a show-case for for- eign investment. Today Lebanon is torn apart by class struggle - a condition which Western invest- ment helped create. There are already signs of this in Jordan. The massive influx of foreign capital has created many new jobs and as a consequence the Jordanian working class has mushroomed in numbers. The Jor- danian workers are becoming more conscious of them- selves as a rising force in the Jordanian economy. An establishment publication, Who's Who in the Arab World 1974-75, has observed: "Increasing industri- alization is bringing changes in the relationship between employers and employees." Concrete proof of the direction of these changes in the relations of production has been occurring since 1974. Between 1974-76, despite repressive restrictions, members of the phosphate (Jordan's key industry), shoemaker, and dockworker (at Aquaba) unions have waged success- ful strikes against wage reductions. In this same Authorization to transfer from Jordan their annual profits in foreign exchange, and to repatriate it in the same foreign exchange in which it was introduced into the country. Government-owned land outside of Amman may be granted free of charge to approved projects. Companies locating their regional headquarters in Jordan receive 100% exemption on income and social security taxes on profits earned outside of Jordan. Foreign managers and employees of such companies are exempt from taxes on their sal- ary and other company-related income. 9. These same companies are allowed to open non-resident accounts whereby currency can be transferred in and out of their accounts with no restrictions. Limitation of taxes on net earnings of companies at the rate of 25% - this fixed rate of taxation is in violation of the graduated concept accepted by most nations. It should also be noted that 100% foreign ownership of local enterprises is allowed time period, workers in Jordan's cigarette company also carried out a successful strike against the stoppage of wages during official holidays. Hussein and the CIA/corporate class, in their drive for profits, do not pay the workers in Jordan even subsistence wages. Even the conservative, Mid- dle East International, disclosed that "the economic boom has benefitted the commercial and richer classes considerably more than the bulk of people.i23 More- over, Hussein's regime does not provide adequate so- cial services for the People of Jordan. As infla- tion and the cost of living continue to rise, class conflict becomes increasingly visible in all sectors of production. Even in the military there are signs of growing discontent. In May, 1977, more than 120 officers and non-commissioned personnel in the Jor- danian army unsuccessfully attempted to oust Hussein from power.24 This was the fifteenth assassination attempt on Hussein's life since he came to power. Without substantial structural changes, Hussein's regime will undoubtedly explode at the seams. Instead of supplying the needs of the Jordanian people with social services, Hussein and his clique allocate most of their annual budget for the police and defense. Between 1972-76, 51% of the Central Government's recurring expenditures were for I Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 "Defense" and "Internal Order and Security."25 In terms of population, Hussein's army of 70,000 is the largest in the Middle East, (80,000 if the police are included.)26 Most of Hussein's repression tech- nology is used by Hussein's regime to curb all forms of dissent and protest. In addition, the media, the press and the labor unions are constantly suscepti- ble to harassment, infiltration and if necessary, brute force. It has been established, for instance, that the Union of Petroleum Workers and Employees, headed by Secretary-General Bhahi Hadi, is infil- trated by the CIA. Hussein's regime is a puppet regime air excellence. Propped up by the World Bank, American multination- als, loans from the Shah of Iran and the reactionary Arab regimes of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait - not to men- tion the CIA and direct American economic and mili- tary assistance - Jordan is the epitome of the neo- colonial state. SECTION 2 : Agents of Imperialism JORDANIAN EMBASSY/U.S.A. It is a common practice for foreign intelligence agents to operate under a military attache cover. The following individuals are the known Jordanian military attaches in Washington, D.C. Office of the Defense and Armed Forces Attache 2319 Wyoming Avenue, N.W. (265-0739) Washington, D.C. 20008 1. MAJOR GENERAL SHAFIQ JUMEAN Defense and Armed Forces Attache 3407 East-West Highway (652-0250) Chevy Chase, Maryland 2. LIEUTENANT COLONEL MOHAMMAD HAKAM KHADRA Assistant Armed Forces Attache 2319 Wyoming Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. Assistant Air Attache 47 S. French St. Arlington, Va. 22304 4. CAPTAIN MOHAMMAD TALEB Assistant Military Attache 1200 S. Courthouse Rd.,Apt. 539 Arlington, Va. (979-1480) 5. CAPTAIN SAMIEH A. YOUSEF Assistant Military Attache (Finance) c/o 2319 Wyoming Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 6. CAPTAIN ABDEL KARIM S. FANNASH Assistant Military Attache 1200 S. Courthouse Rd.,Apt. 526 Arlington, Va. 22304 U.S. EMBASSY/AMMAN, JORDAN The following information and names are provided to U.S. "business representatives" interested in Jordan: AMMAN (embassy), Jebel Amman, P.O. Box 354, Tel: 44371-6 Ambassador: Thomas R. Pickering Deputy Chief of Mission: Roscoe S. Suddarth Economic Section: Lloyd R. George Commercial Section: Chesley H. Judy Political Section: Howard K. Walker Consular Section: Wyatt B. Johnson Administration Sect.: Gerald E. Manderscheid Agricultural Sect.: Shackford Pitcher (Residence in Damascus) AID: Christopher Russell Public Affairs Officer: John P. Foster Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 According to former State Department intelligence officer, John Marks: "...CIA personnel abroad are always given the cover rank of Foreign Service Re- serve (FSR or R) or Staff officers (FSS or S)--not FSO." Secondly, " ..where an FSR does appear in the listing with a political job, it is most likely that the CIA is using the position for cover.i27 Philip Agee, who was a deep cover CIA agent for 12 years confirmed that, "In many countries, CIA personnel are found in the U.S. Embassy's 'Political Section.'28 Thirdly, Marks adds, "...there is another almost certain tip-off. If an agent is listed in the Bio- graphic Register as having been an 'analyst' for the Department of the Army (or Navy or Air Force), you can bet that he or she is really working for CIA."29 The following vitae are for known personnel in the U.S. Embassy in Amman, with the exception of Chesley H. Judy who was not listed in the Biographic Regis- ter even though he is supposedly a State Department officer. Born August 5, 1935 in Kentucky Married Michele Lebas 1956: Yale U., A.B. 1958: Oxford U., M.A. 59-60: Program Analyst Dept. of US Air Force 3/61: R-8 (Foreign Service Reserve Officer) 5/61: 0-8; 2/63: 0-7; 5/65: 0-6; 4/67: 0-5; 4/70: 0-4 10/61: General Services Officer in Bamako, Mali 8/63: Detailed to FSI Field School in Beirut, Lebanon as an Arab language trainee. 8/65: Political Officer in Taiz 1/67: Political Officer in Sana'a, Yemen 8/67: 0-5 in Tripoli 10/69: International Relations Office, State Dept. 1971: Merit Honor Award 71-72: Detailed to Systems Analysis Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology* 6/72: Political-Military Affairs Officer 1/74 Political Officer in Amman, Jordan 1977: Deputy Chief of Mission in Amman, Jordan The material indicates that all of these officials with the exception of Shackford Pitcher, have had the rank of FSR and/or FSS in a foreign post. Second- ly, Pickering, Suddarth, George, and Walker have also served as political officers in foreign posts. Thirdly, Suddarth also served as an analyst with the U.S. Air Force. Walker served as a research analyst GS-11 and later changed from "GS" to "R" to "0" ranks which Marks claims is also characteristic of CIA agents. Born November 5, 1931 in New Jersey Married Alice Stover 1953: Bowdoin College, A.B. 1954: Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, M.A. 1956: U. Melbourne, M.A. 56-59: US Navy Lt. (jg) overseas 6/59: R-8 Foreign Service Reserve Officer, U.S. D State Dept. 8/59: 0-8; 4/62: 0-7; 2/63: 0-6; 4/64: 0-5; 5/65: 0-4; 4/67: 0-3; 3/69: 0-2; 5/71: 0-1 1/60-4/61: Intelligence Research Specialist * 5/61: Foreign Affairs Officer 9/61: Detailed to US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) 7/62: Political Officer (ACDA) in Geneva, Switz. 8/64: Detailed to Foreign Service Institute, language training 3/65: Principal Officer in Zanzibar 9/67: Deputy Chief of Mission - Counselor in Dar Es Salaam, Nigeria 9/69: Deputy Director Bureau of PoZitieaZ-Military Affairs 8/73: Special Assistant to Secretary and Executive Secretary of State 2/74-77: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- tiary, (AEP) in Amman, Jordan *Any form of intelligence background is very common with CIA personnel. *M.I.T. is the home of the CIA-created Center for International Studies which has conducted covert CIA research projects since 1950. Born September 30, 1942 in Pennsylvania 1964: Brown University, B.A.,Language, German 64-65: Teacher, U.S. public schools 65-67: Peace Corps Volunteer 6/68-1/70: R-6 (Foreign Service Reserve Officer) Assistant Area Development Officer/AID in Saigon, South Vietnam* 1/70: R-7; 7/70: 0-7; 11/71: 0-6; 6/74: 0-5 11/70: Consular Officer in Athens, Greece 8/71: International Relations Officer 8/72: Political Officer, State Dept. 1977: Economic section in Amman, Jordan *The overwhelming majority of R-6/AID development officers in Saigon, Vietnam were either U.S. mili- tary intelligence or CIA agents running the U.S./ Thieu pacification program including Operation Phoenix which was a program of mass murder, tor- ture, and denial of due process of law against all Vietnamese people. Born December 3, 1935 in Virginia Married Terry Taylor 1957: U. Michigan, A.B. 1958: Boston U., M.A. 1968: Boston U., Ph.D. 60-62: US Air Force, First Lt. 60-62: Lecturer, Boston U. 67-69: Assistant Prof., George Washington U. 7/65: Research Analyst, GS-11; 1/67: GS-12; 8/68: R-4, UN Advisor; 1/70: 0-4 5/69: Political Officer in Lagos, Nigeria 7/71: Principal Officer in Kaduna, Nigeria 7/73: International Relations Officer/State Dept. 1977: Political Officer in Amman, Jordan Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 1965: Lincoln U., A.B. 1971: American U., M.A. 1966: Vocational Counselor 66-67: Social Worker/U.S. Government 68-71: Institution Counselor/U.S. Government 6/71: R-7; 5-73: R-6 Foreign Service Reserve officer 2/72: Consular Officer in Monterrey, Mexico 3/74: R-6 in Guayaquil, Ecuador 1977: Consular Officer in Amman, Jordan Born May 21, 1928 in Singapore, Malaysia Married Elsbeth Gimmler 1950: Yale U., B.A., Language French 1953: Harvard U., J.D. 53-56: US Army, 1st Lieutenant 56-58: Private Attorney 66-67: Private research fellow 67-69: Private Foundation, executive director 59-61: White House staff assistant 58-59: Legal Liaison Officer/U.S. Dept. of Army 61-66: Legal Liaison Officer/U.S. Dept. of Army 9/69: R-2, Area Coordinator/AID Vientiane, Laos* 10/71: Deputy Director/AID Manila, Philippines 7/73: Agency Legislative Program Coordinator/AID 4/74: Programs Manager/AID 1977: AID in Amman, Jordan Born June 15, 1932 in California Married Myra Davis 5/62: S-7 Foreign Service Staff Officer Regional Administrative Specialist, Frankfurt, Germany 10/62: S-4; 11/73: 0-5; 6/74: 0-4 9/65: S-3 in New Delhi, India 6/67: General Services Officer in Prague, Czech. 3/70: General Services Officer in Tunis 10/72: State Dept. in Saigon, Vietnam 7/73: Administrative Officer/State Dept. 1977: Administrative Officer in Amman, Jordan Born February 25, 1935 in California Married Birgitta Brenning 1957: U. California, B.S. 1962: U. California, M.S. 57-58: U.S, Army 1953: Agricultural Placement Office/State Dept. 56-57: Agricultural Economist at Agriculture Research Service/U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 1961: Assistant, National Board of Agriculture in Stockholm, Sweden 1/62: Agricultural Economist/GS-9?Foreign Agricul- tural Service (FAS), Wash., D.C. 1/63: Supervisory Agri. Econ./GS-11; 8/65: GS-12; 1/69: GS-14 8/64: Assistant Agri. Attache, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil* 12/66: Agri. Officer, GS-13 in Sao Paulo, Brazil 1-/70: Chief of Commodity Analysis Branch/Livestock- Meat Products Division, Washington, D.C. 1970: Certificate of Merit/FAS 9/72: Agri. Attache in Beirut, Lebanon 1977: Agri. Attache in Amman, Jordan *In 1964 the CIA helped install the fascist military junta in Brazil. *On June 7, 1970, then-AID Director, John A. Hannah admitted in a radio interview that USAID programs in Laos had been serving as a CIA cover since 1962 (AP, June 8, 1970, also Laos: War and Revolution. Eds. Nina S. Adams and Alfred McCoy. Harper and Row, New York, 1970, pp. 381, 408.) Born February 3, 1929 in New York Married Ruth Merrill 1950: Fordham U., B.S. 7/62: R-5 Foreign Service Reserve Officer, USIA 9/62: Radio Official/USIA in Athens, Greece 11/63: Detailed to Tehran, Iran for Persian lan- guage training 6/64: Information Officer in Kabul, Afghanistan 6/67: Press Affairs Officer in Saigon, Vietnam 3/69: Information Officer, R-4 in Accra, Ghana 10/70: i0-4 (Foreign Service Infor. Officer) 3/71: Deputy Director Public Affairs/Senior USIA Representative USUN (NY) 5/71: i0-3 1971: Member of U.S. delegation to 26th session, UN-GA 1972: Member of U.S. delegation to 27th session, UN-GA 7/73: Detailed to FSI 5/74: Press Officer, New Delhi, India 1977: Public Affairs Officer in Amman, Jordan The following public information, including quotes, about the American Firms of Connole and O'Connell; Doremus and Company; Doremus, A.G.; Modern Talking Picture Service, Inc.; and Mitchell Barkett Advertis- ing, Inc. is from their Registration Statements (and accompanying documents, reports, and letters) filed with the U.S. Department of Justice, as required by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as a- mended. Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 One Farragut Square S. Former Address: Washington, D.C. 20006 1000 Connecticut Ave.,N.W. 202-347-8300 Washington, D.C. 20036 Connole and O'Connell is a law firm established July 1, 1971, in Washington, D.C. It is owned by William R. Connole, Quinn O'Connell, Thomas C. Williams, and Eugene E. Threadgill. The following persons work at the firm. WILLIAM R. CONNOLE* 5707 Rockmere Dr. (229-2244) Sumner, Maryland b. 12/29/22, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1946: A.B., Georgetown U. 1949: J.D., Georgetown U. 1950: Admitted to Ct. bar 1961: Admitted to D.C. bar 50-55: Chief Counsel to Ct. Public Utilities Comm. 55-60: Commissioner, Federal Power Commission QUINN O'CONNELL* 6704 Bradley Blvd. (365-3112) Bethesda, Maryland b. 5/524, Redfield, South Dakota Partner 1946: A.B., Georgetown U. 1950: M.F.A., Catholic U. 1955: J.D., Georgetown U./admitted to D.C. bar 56-57: Law Clerk/Judge Danager/U.S. Court of Appeal, for D.C. JOHN W. O'CONNELL* His biography is listed later. WILLIAM B. O'CONNELL, JR. 1853 Wilson Boulevard (528-2526) Arlington, Virginia b. 8/6/32 Washington, D.C. A.B., Maryland U. 1966: L.L.B, Georgetown Law Center 1966: Admitted to Virgina Bar 1967: Admitted to D.C. bar ERNEST C. BAYNARD III 615 Tennessee Avenue (549-0344) Alexandria, Virginia b. 8/8/44 Washington, D.C. 1966: B.A., Trinity College 66-68: Lt. (jg), U.S. Navy 1971: J.D., Georgetown U./Admitted to D.C. bar 70-71: Lead Articles Editor "Georgetown Law Journal" 71-72: Law Clerk, U.S. Court of Claims ROBERT J. GRADY (Reportedly no longer with firm) THOMAS M. RYAN b. 10/8/48, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1970: B.A., Notre Dame U. 1974: J.D., Georgetown U./admitted to D.C. bar JAMES MARTIN ACHTERHOF* 869 Glenvale Drive Fairfax, Virginia 22030 b. 3/25/41, Chicago, Illinois Economist, Hired 4/1/73 Reportedly terminated 1976 STEPHEN JOHN McCARTHY* His biography is listed later. *According to sworn, notarized statements these individuals engage in "political" activity for Jor- dan, viz., "Oral and/or written factual statements to select officials concerning Jordan's achievements, interests, and opportunities to develop public and private support for Jordanian economic and commercial projects, and to enhance Jordan's image as a tourist and investment attraction." Contract: With Government of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Amman, Jordan THOMAS C. WILLIAMS* 3306 Stephenson Place Washington, D.C. 20015 b. 6/29/26, Grosse Point, Michigan Partner 1952: B.S., Georgetown U. 1957: J.D., Georgetown U. 1958: Admitted to D.C. bar 58-62 and 65-68: Assistant Counsel, U.S. Senate Subcommitee on Antitrust and Monopoly 69-71: Staff Counsel to U.S. Senator Philip A. Hart EUGENE E. THREADGILL* 1026 Delf Drive (346-4674 or 356-2449) McLean, Virginia 22101 b. 5/19/18, Miami, Florida Partner 1940: A.B., Florida U. 1944: J.D., Georgetown U./admitted to D.C. bar 1950: LL.B., George Washington U.. 44-46: Law Clerk/Judge Richardson/D.C. Court of Appeals 51-55: Trial Attorney, Federal Power Commission 70-71: Member, Board of Contract Appeals, G.S.A. 1971: Assistant General Counsel, Postal Rate Commis. Nature of Service: Legal/Commercial Jordanian Agencies Represented: (1) Jordan Embassy (2) Jordanian National Plan- ning Council Jordanian Contacts: (1) H.E. Zuhair Mufti, Jordanian Ambassador to U.S. (In 1976, Abdul Salah) (2) Dr. Nuri Shafiq, President of Jordanian National Plan- Council Termination: On September 22, 1976, Connole and O'Connell terminated services required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Code but continued as le- gal advisors to the Jordan Government. Total Earnings from Jordan: 2/14/73-9/16/76 $347,411.90 Political Contributions: July 30, 1973, $150 to U.S. Senator Mike Gravel Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Identified CIA personnel employed by Connole and O'Connell include: JOHN W. O'CONNELL Associate b. 8/18/21 in Flandreau, South Dakota married Katherine MacDonald 5900 Searle Terrace Bethesda, Maryland 1946: B.S., Georgetown U. (Foreign Service School) 1948: J.D., Georgetown U. 1952: M.A., Punjab U. (Fulbright Fellowship) 1958: Ph.D., Georgetown U. 39-48: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Analyst 43-46: U.S. Navy (Lt.) 52-54: University Lecturer 54-60: International research institute associate 60-73: CIA employee 60- : CIA officer in Beirut, Lebanon under cover of Embassy Political Officer, R-4 (Foreign Service Reserve Officer) 63-68: CIA Chief of Station in Amman, Jordan, under cover of R-3. STEPHEN JOHN McCARTHY Financial and Investment Consultant, terminated 9/76 b. 12/26/40 Married Jane McMahon 1422 27th St,, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 B.S. 63-64: U.S. Army 64-71: Investment banker 7/71: Protocol specialist, U.S. State Dept, R-4, Foreign Service Reserve Officer* 11/72: U.S. State Dept., S-2, Foreign Service Staff Officer* *FSR and FSS, plus switching from one to the other, are typical of CIA agents (see Marks cited above). Doremus and Company is a communications company founded in 1903 by Dow-Jones, It has facilities and correspondents throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, and the Middle and Far East. It is capable of providing total communications services including public relations and advertising, and it utilizes the most modern tools and methods of com- munication. Finally, it has "served financial, in- dustrial, and governmental clients in total communi- cations programs throughout the free world." Former CIA agent David Atlee Phillips operated in the Middle East as a "business consultant". In his book, The Night Watch (Atheneum, New York, 1977) Phillips also disclosed that American public rela- tions firms are a common CIA cover overseas. NEW YORK: 120 Broadway, NYC 10005 (Main office) 660 Madison Avenue, NYC 10021 866 Third Avenue, NYC 10022 ILLINOIS: 208 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. 60604 Rockford, Ill.("Creative Marketing, Inc.") CALIFORNIA: 1111 Wilshire Blvd., L.A., Ca. 90017 332 Pinte St., San Francisco,Ca.94104 PENNSYLVANIA: 106 South 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19102 WASHINGTON,D,C: 1701 K. St., N.W., Suite 1000, Wash., D.C. (opened 3/6/72) Doremus is incorporated in Delaware. Its regis- tered office is at: 100 West Tenth Street Wilmington, Delaware. The name of its registered agent at that address is The Corporation Trust Company organized under the General Corporation Law of Delaware. The name and address of the incorporator is: HERSCHEL E. POST, JR. One Chase Manhattan Plaza New York, N.Y. 10005 According to Marchetti and Marks (confirmed by Robert Amory, Jr., former CIA Deputy Director): "Many of the (CIA) firms are legally incorporated in Delaware because of that state's lenient regulation of corporations...." 30 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Identified CIA personnel employed by Doremus and Company include: JOHN W. O'CONNELL Former Chief of Station in Amman (see above), O'Con- nell for $5000/month provides "Professional consul- tive services relating to Middle Eastern projects, programs, and activities of Doremus and Company. Professional advice, counsel and services to Dore- mus and Company including the handling of all Dore- mus and Company activities applicable to the For- eign Agents Registration Act of Z938, as amended." RETIRED COLONEL JOHN E. HORTON Vice President and Manager of Washington, D.C. office Married Drucie Snyder Former residence: 8109 Kerry Lane, Chevy Chase, MD. 4 Chalfont Court, Bethesda, Maryland 20016 Born 1/3/19 in Davenport, Iowa B.A. in Business and Public Adm./U. of Missouri 48-49: Chief of Motion Pictures/Dept. of Defense 48-49: White House Aide to President Truman Served on Inaugural Committes of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon Member of: Public Relations Society of America, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Boy Scouts, D.C. Rotary Club, Army-Navy Club and Columbia Country Club. Horton has served clients in the "aerospace, steel, automotive, textile, food products, computer technology, systems software industries, and various national associations." CHARLES R. PUCIE, JR. Vice-President Born 10.8.43 in Ashville, North Carolina Married Susan 8517 Rosewood Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 B.A., Georgetown U. School of Foreign Service Aviator/U.S. Army Member: National Press Club and Delta Phi Epsilon Former corporate financial analyst for the Chase Man- hattan Bank, N.Y. Pucie has "supervised corporate public relations pro- grams for U.S. and foreign companies in the financial services, public utility, electronics, aerospace, and other industries." STEPHEN JOHN McCARTHY (see above) Financial and Investment Consultant RETIRED COLONEL JOHN C. HENRY (Has not been positively identified as CIA, but he works out of the same office of Doremus/Jordanian Information Bureau) Consultant Born 11/4/05 in Wickford, Rhode Island Married Elizabeth 4000 Cathedral Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20016 B.A., Brown University Former Employee: Providence Journal 34-42: National Reporter for Washington Star 41-42: Pres. White House Correspondents' Assoc. 42-46: U.S. Army Air Corps/Colonel 1946: Sunday Editor for Washington Star 1963: Business News Editor for Washington Star 1970: Pres. Society of American Business Writers 71-73: Consultant to Price Commission Member: National Press Club, Overseas Writers' As- sociation and the International Club The following Doremus employees have been employed by the CIA or the Department of State: WILLIAM R. CODUS Regional Vice-President Born 12/17/29 in Brooklyn, N.Y. 8704 Steamview Road, Potomac, Maryland 9/69: State Dept. R-l, Assistant Chief of Protocol for Visits GEORGE LAWRENCE FISCHER, JR. Vice-President and Regional Manager, Rockford, Ill. Born 10/21/32 in St. Paul, Minnesota 3720 Toft Road, Rockford, Illinois A.B., U. of Minnesota 57-59: C.I.A. 60-64: Director of Public Relations (DPR), Faring- ton Manufacturing Co. 64-67: DPR, Business Equipment Manufacturers Assoc. 67-68: Special Assignment(?), National Cash Register Co. 68-71: DPR, Sundstrand Corp. 1971: Super. and Gen. Mgr., Daniel J. Edelman Author: Optical Character Recognition (Spartan,'62) Your Career in Computers (Meredith, '68) Generation of Opportunity (Paulist, '68) Member: Overseas Press Club and Public Relations Society of America WILLIAM T. KETCHAM, JR. Director Born 8/2/19 411 East 53rd Street, New York, N.Y. 1950: Appointed FSR-5(Foreign Service Reserve Of- ficer) and assigned as assistant attorney, State Department in London on 11/2/50. Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 In 1976 among other things Doremus "prepared/ edited speeches, remarks for the following: His Majesty King Hussein: White House arrival. White House State Dinner. First National Bank of Chicago. TuZane University. Bechtel Corporation. Los Angeles World Affairs Council. His Excellency Abdul Salah (Jordanian Ambassador to U.S.): Washington Kiwanis Club. National Associ- ation of Arab Americans. The American Arab Asso- ciation of Commerce and Industry. The Philadel- phia '76 Committee. Major General Shafiq Jumean: Review of Royal Jor- danian Army Band at Fort McNair." "Arranged and assisted at interview (sic) by NBC radio of Sami Gammo, Charge d'Affaires, Jordan Mis- sion to the U.N., July Z6, Z976. "Provided counseling for the Embassy (Jordanian/ U.S.) on the visit of King Hussein. "Prepared press kit for Jordanian Information Bu- reau (JIB) for three speeches by King Hussein." Doremus which has a 1977 contract for $807,000 with Jordan also arranged completely -- including writing his speeches -- for Hussein's visit to the U.S. in April, 1977. Doremus and Company created and controls an affil- iated holding company located in Vaduz, Lichtenstein named Doremus A.G. The directors of Doremus A.G. in- clude Francis J. Malley, G. Barry McMennamin, and Franklin E. Schaffer. All of these men are also di- rectors of Doremus and Company. Doremus A.G. is a "Lichtenstein corporation, limi- ted by shares which attempts to obtain advertising, public relations and other communications services contracts in the Middle East and elsewhere for Mid- dle Eastern clients. "Doremus and Company has an interest in Doremus A.G. and has assisted it in connection with certain aspects of its formation and organization, including giving advice as to the selection of outside audi- tors and counsel, the selection of offices in Swit- zerland, the form of its financial statements and assisting in the development of new businesses out- side the United states. "50% of the voting shares (which are entitled to 60% of all distributions and dividends) of Doremus A.G. are owned by Mrs. Samira M. Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian national who is Chairman (sic) of Doremus A.G. Doremus and Company owns the remaining 50% of the voting shares (entitled to 40% of all distri- butions and dividends). Mrs. Khashoggi and Doremus and Company have each contributed Sfr. 200,000 as initial capital of Doremus A.G." MRS. SAMIRA KHASHOGGI 20, George V Paris 8eme France Payments to Doremus A.G. are in the form of "an irrevocable, transferable letter of credit in the name of Doremus A.G. at the Swiss Bank Corporation, Geneva, Switzerland." Thus, it provides Doremus and Company with secret Swiss numbered bank accounts (which the New York Times, 5/30/77, said "symbolize the industry's seamier side"). Being incorporated in Lichtenstein also allows Doremus A.G. to evade the Swiss withholding tax on dividends and interest payments and to escape Swiss exchange control laws. In addition to its personal catering of Hussein, Doemus conducts two major programs for the Jordanian government. Colonel John E. Horton wrote the propo- sals for both programs. One is the "Encouragement of Investment Program." To quote Horton: The Encouragement of Investment Program is perhaps the most topical of the program projects. The objective is to take advan- tage of the dramatic shift in economic pow- er and interest to the Arab world, the de- terioration of Lebanon as a regional commer- cial and financial center and the comparative business benefits which Jordan offers over its neighbors to convince U.S. and other Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 western corporations to select Jordan as the most desirable site for regional representa- tion on industrial investment to serve re- gional markets. This is a valid opportunity. The promotion program in the U.S. is the coordinated counterpart of the Encouragement of Investment Law/Office and Program in Jordan. This proposal and its implementation are illustra- tions of the CIA's servicing, through Doremus, of the U.S. corporate class and its client regime. In the last two years, over 100 firms have trans- ferred their headquarters from Lebanon to Jordan, and Hussein is now attempting to retain them in Jor- dan. The second major program is the Jordan Information Bureau (JIB, 1701 K St., N,W., Suite 1000, Washing- ton, D.C.). Again, in Horton's words: The implementation of the proposed programs will require identified Washington office and staff under the recommended label of a Jordan Information Bureau. The office will be, in fact, an extension of Doremus and Com- pany and Connote and O'Connell under the principles of existing contracts. The legal and physical requirements for this office make it preferable to be operated under Doremus auspices and in space adjacent to Doremus premises (which is available on current option). JIB, through the auspices of Doremus and Connole and O'Connell, performs large-scale, multiple tasks in the interest of the U.S. corporate class and its client regime in Jordan. Included in these tasks are the following: 1) Publication and distribution of Jordan and Jor- dan Newsletter. Jordan is the in-flight magazine of ALIA (Jordan's airline owned, in part, by Hussein). Both magazines advertise and encourage investment and tourism. 2) Control and production of "news handlings, press conferences, press kits, and news releases" regard- ing Jordan and its "economic activity." 3) Insertion in the U.S. "print and broadcast media feature placements on a variety of stories of impor- tance to Jordan." 4) A media clipping service monitoring all publica- tions on Jordan; this would include anti-imperialist articles on Jordan, too. 5) Promotion of speaking engagements and world-wide film distribution which "compliment the economic de- velopment and/or tourism for Jordan in the U.S." 6) Development of "special publics whose business and cultural interests are currently oriented through the Mideast." This is done through Arab-American or- ganizations such as the American-Arab Association for Business and Industry; Arab-Americans Investor Group; and the Mideast Institute. "In addition, there is a multi-million population of Arab-Americans in the United States with whom appropriate communication methodology can be researched and instituted." 7) Briefing of U.S. travelers, particularly business- people, to and from Jordan. 8) Finally, through the auspices of CAMBRIDGE RE- PORTS, INC. (12-14 Mifflin Place, Cambridge, Ma., 02138), JIB and Doremus provide national public sur- veys which surveil, monitor, and analyze American tourists and investors, The imperialist objectives of the above-mentioned programs are obvious. At the same time, JIB provides a structure for standard intelligence operations. It controls, handles, and monitors all traffic between Jordan and the U.S. through its surveys and offices; and it monitors, interrogates, and briefs travelers to and from Jordan. It surveys and monitors Arab- Americans in the U.S. It plants features in the U.S. print and broadcast media. In Jordan, JIB exercises extensive control over the Jordanian print and broad- cast media such as "Radio Jordan: and the official "Jordan News Agency" headed by Director General Yusef Abu Leil. JIB's office in Amman serves as a "liaison with all government agencies. coordination with the Ministry of Culture and Information" (standard coordinator of intelligence operations); and "pro- vides Washington with news developments in Jordan... and will respond (sic) to pertinent news requests from Washington." Inside sources have confirmed that JIB is, in fact, a CIA/Jordanian intelligence operation. CIA person- nel involved with JIB include: John W. O'Connell, Colonel John E. Horton, Charles ("Chuck") R. Pucie, Jr.,and Stephen John McCarthy. As mentioned above, John C. Henry works out of the same office. Also working out of the same office since September, 1976, HELEN KHAL Doremus Account Executive 1221 Massachusetts Avenue, Wash., D.C. Born 2/9/23 in Allentown, Pennsylvania Horton's proposal for JIB included a Jordanian counterpart in the Washington, D.C. office: MICHAEL HAMARNEH Jordanian director of D.C.'s JIB 7704 Iroquois Court (893-0739) Falls Church, Virginia 22043 Included in Hamarneh's functions at JIB is publica- tion of the quarterly, "Jordan," Editors of "Jor- dan" have been JOHN FISTERE and STERLING SLAPPEY. Contributing authors have included RAMI G. KHOURI and BARBARA SCHWEITZER, wife of NASRI ATALLAH, for- mer Jordanian Embassy press attache in Washington, D.C. "Jordan's" continuing theme is the attraction of Jordan for foreign imperialists. Hamarneh is also the First Secretary/Press for the Jordanian Embassy, Also included in Horton's proposal was an American counterpart in the JIB office in Amman, Jordan: Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 J. DUNCAN MUIR is a Doremus employee with an address in Jordan. Born 4/21/38 in Warren, Ohio 160 East 88th St., New York, N.Y. 10028 P.O. Box 5164, Amman Jordan Account Executive, hired 4/22/74 (Muir's registration statement was notarized by THOMAS A. RUTH, U.S. Vice Consul in Amman, Jordan The following firms were also under contract to Jor- dan: Modern Talking Picture Service, Inc., Mitchell Barkett Advertising, Inc., and Jordan Tourism Office. MODERN TALKING PICTURE SERVICE, INC. a) 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10020 b) 1212 Avenue of the Americas, NYC (765-3100) c) 315 Springfield Ave., Summit, New Jersey(277-6300) d) 2323 New Hyde Park Rd., New Hyde Park, N.Y. (437-6300) Modern Talking Picture Service (MTPS) is a film distributor incorporated in Delaware. On December 1, 1969 "MTPS, Inc. was acquired by the KDI Corporation of Cincinnati, Ohio and is now a wholly owned subsi- diary of that corporation." On May 17, 1976, MTPS Vice President, ROBERT KELLEY contracted with MICHAEL HAMARNEH of the JIB for the "free loan distribution of fiZm(sic) Jordan to community audiences." MITCHELL BARKETT ADVERTISING, INC. 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016 (686-2740) Barkett was founded in February, 1970, in New York City. It is a public relations and advertising firm. According to Mitchell Barkett: "The sole owner is Mitchell Barkett, President and Margaret Barkett, Secretary and Treasurer (sic). We control all the company stock and run the entire business. Margaret does the bookkeeping and Mitchell contact, creatives services. The agency is very small." MITCHELL BARKETT 10 Oriole Ave., Bronxville, New York Born 10/5/16 in Hickman, Kentucky ALIA, Royal Jordanian Airline (725-0044) 280 Madison Ave., Suite 802, New York, N.Y. 10016 SARI NASHASHIBI, manager Betwen June, 1973, and June, 1975, Barkett received $7,765.17 from ALIA. JORDAN TOURISM OFFICE (JTO) 280 Madison Ave., Suite 802, NYC 10016 According JTO: "There is no funding of the Jor- can Tourism Office from our foreign principal. The Jordan Tourism Office occupies the same premises as ALIA,...and the only form of services performed are in the nature of providing information to the public upon request in the form of brochures, pamphlets, ets. The same type of material used and available to ALIA -- the Royal Jordanian Airline." ELIAS M. JISER Born 5/1/33 in Haifa, Israel 223 96th St., Brooklyn, New York 11209 Jiser, a Lebanese national, as of 1975 was manager of ALIA out of Suite 1210. He terminated as Director of JTO on 1/1/75. Succeeding Jiser as Director of TO JTO was: YUSEF PANO 360 East 72nd St., NYC 10021 (628-0489) AFTER THE CIA PAYMENTS STORY ON HUSSEIN: ARAB STUDENTS DEMONSTRATED IN THE U.S. Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7 REFERENCES 1. New York Times, April 29, 1957. 2. El Kodsky, Ahmad "Nationalism and Class Strug- gles in the Arab World" contained in The Arab World and Israel, by Ahmad El Kidsky and Eli Zobel, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1970,p.56. 3. "Tasks of the New Stage," The Political Report of the Third National Congress of P.F.L.P. The For- eign Relations Commitee, P.F.L.P., Beirut, Leba- non, 1973, p. 15. (Here after referred to as the P.F.L.P. Report.) 4. Ibid, pp. 15, 16. 5'. Ibid., p. 16 and "U.S. and Jordan: The Thrice- Rescued Throne," by Sheila Ryan and Joe Stork, MERIP Reports, 2/7/72, p.4,5. (Here after re- ferred to as MERIP.) 6. MERIP, p. S. 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid., p. 4. 9. Ibid., p. 5 and New York Times, 10/14/70, and Washington Star, 9726776. 10. Aruri, Nasser H., Jordan: A Study in Political Development. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1972. 11. "Jordan - Business Center of the Mideast." An undated brochure with unnumbered pages published by the Jordan Information Bureau (JIB), 1701 K St., N.W., Suite 1004, Washington, D.C. 20006. (Here after referred to as JIB Brochure.) 12. "Jordan." Report prepared by U.S. Embassy in Amman, No.77-074, June, 1977, p. 7. Released by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. (Here after referred to as Embassy Report.) 13. "Central Bank of Jordan, Monthly Statistical Bul- letin," Volume 13, No. 3, March, 1977, (Dept. of Research and Studies), Table 45. (Here after re- ferred to as Central Bank Bulletin.) 14. Embassy Report, p. 6. 15. Central Bank Bulletin, footnote to Table 44. 16. JIB Brochure. 17. Central Bank Bulletin, Table S. 18. Ibid., Table 43. 19. Ibid., Table 47. 20. Younger, Sam, "Jordan's Quiet Comeback", Middle East International, No. 70, 5/16/77, p. S. 21. JIB Brochure. 22. "Silver Jubilee of His Majest King Hussein," A Special Report. Time, V. 110, No. 7, 8/15/77, p. 44. 23. Younger, Sam, Ibid., p. 5. 24. Washington Post, June 6, 1977. 25. Central Bank Bulletin, Table 37. 26. Peroncel-Hugoz, Jean-Pierre, "A Re-examination of Jordan", LeMonde, Jan. 11-13, 1977. As printed in SWASIA, Vol. IV, No. 7, 2/18/77, p. 4. 27. Marks, John, "How to Spot a Spook", The Washing- ton Monthly, Nov. 1974, pp. 6, 7. 28. Counterspy, Winter, 1975, p. 20. 29. Marks, Ibid., p. 7. 30. Marchetti, Victor and Marks, John. The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974, p. 134. COUNTERSPy "The CIA's nemesis" Newsweek "... shocling ... paranoic ... cynical" William E. Colby, former CIA Director Subscription rates for CounterSpy are: $10 for six issues (indiv. in USA) $20 for six issues (libraries in USA) $25 for six issues (overseas mail) $13 for six issues (Can. f, Max.) CounterSpy P.O. Box 647 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150004-7