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Document Release Date: 
December 23, 2010
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Publication Date: 
November 18, 1980
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/23: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100120020-2 ON PAG'1 _-_ , By Jeff, Stein `:,*.-' :'~.~-..-: w... It was during the craiiest'days.of the' early 1970s when the Movement. had. spun out of control and existed only on a 'single `piston's worth of black comedyand ,third -rate street theatre. Vietnam vets taking over the Statue of Liberty and flying the flag upside down: Leslie'Bacon bombing, the men's room of the+'capitol.' And then 'there were Ellen Rayand Bill Schaap; twq .crazy Americans way' out ,there 7'on: the.; Pacific rim of the empire in.,0kinawa organizing workers at the big.air base'and' helping GIs get, out-of going to Vietnam: And they had these kites :. these kites to bring down B-52s, kites with tinfoil string-', ing from them that' they'd .fly right up there in front of these huge jets loaded 'with 10,000-pound bombs lofting , off. the "runways of Okinawa on another run to the 4 Mekong Valley' Bill arid, Ellen; standing' there at the end of the runway with their, kites, trying to lasso a goddamri,B-521 =' . Ellen Ray is remembering all 'this 10, years later,in the bar. of the National Press.} Club in Washington, four blocks from the:. White House. Bill Schaap; now her hus' band, fills in -the details. And aeros9- the table, Louis Wolf takes it all in with. his permanently etched visage of gloom,.suf- fering this interview and wanting only to be back in the-womb-of the-`NationaI_ -Archives, from where, '. erery' month, he -emerges with another ,lis3' of .CIA','iigents ready-for the pages of Coocri Attion In..* forma tiort 'Bu lletin. V ;' t t sue`" - Wolf, Schaap,. and Ray-along'with former CIA agent Philip Agee=ore, the I people who nnrne the names of CIA agents. Every other month ' they publish - iheir i Bulletin full of in depth articles abotiL now they're going to get it: The moguls of , CIA operations and techniques. But it. is 1 the editorial rooms hate them too. The: ook the little section near the back of the-1 STAT :: we tract. mean, 'its one thing to' do. your anti-imperialist trip putting out some: nice little newsletter about,' say," bank loans in Zaire. But that's not enough for Schaap, Wolf, and Ray. They go right., down to Jamaica,,hold'a press conference," and rip the cover off 15 spooks in the U.S. embassy. Not* five yeais'after.the govern ment's been toppled,: but'right now; while' the CIA's doing it The CIA has been gritting its teeth over the. Bulletin .(arid its predecessor, Coun-, terspy) for nearly a'decade, trying unsuc-? cessfully throtigh a seiies of maneuvers to put it out of business and its editors in jail.'! But it wasn't until-last July that serious clouds of repression long on the horizon gathered into a furious storm Somebody shot up the house of one of the CIA agents m: Jamaica:. Suddenly, the ?"IntelligenceIdentities Protection Act". leapt .from the-discard! bin, where it had .been since':1973, and raced through both sides ofCapitol Hill as fast as a congressional pay'raise.: By last, month, super-patriots .like'. Long Island' Democrat Jerome.Ambro; were.screaming ta death penalty for those who have' about access to- classified inforritatton: and leak it: (Presumably,'Ambro wit,-'construct an' amendment exempting ,'ZbigniecvI Brtezinski.) :, - "Will this get Agee?" one senator asked; Judiciary Committee Chairman Ted lien". riedy. as the bill 4was ramrodded throughl markup in the-smallest room on Capitol] - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/23: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100120020-2 THE VILLAGE VOICE 12-18 November 1980 that drives-the intelligence agencies u wall. This is the section where they up their lists of CIA staffs around the wo. from Burundi to Bangkok: Along the they've published two books, Dirty I TheytCIA in Western',Europe, and Worh;(R); The