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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Checkpoint Vo1.V No.S, August 1977 `America's one last chance' The White House and the Con- gress are lost in world crisis now spreading out of control. The sink- ing nation8l security of the U.S. cannot be regained by either a presidential decision td cancel the B-1 bomber or a congressional deci- sion to proceed with it. Approaching American tragedy and chaos cannot be averted by ei- ther turning weak in the face of ex- panding clear and present danger from foreign powers hostile to America, as the "softliners" urge upon the President, or by endlessly escalating the Kremlin/W'hite House science and technology race to produce the power to obliterate world civilization, as the "hardlin- ers" urge. Eventual American disaster cannot be avoided by either withdrawing U.S. troops from Korea, or by keeping them there, or by any shallow tactical maneuvers in the propaganda SALT talks. Endless escalation of the defense and intelligence budgets can never again bring to the American people a sense of security for one simple reason: the top-of-the-line Pentagon weapons systems have become sui- cide systems. If either the Kremlin or the White House should initiate modern, all-out war, it would risk the annihilation of its own popula- tion in the ensuing world holocaust. These two top-secret super-power command centers today are bran- dishing the power to destroy hu- manity, apower the mythologies have always claimed that God alone could command. Neither side has the transcendent strategic vision appropriate to this unprecedented magnitude and character of power. Until my wife Harriet died last month, she and I had spent more than 30 years studying, observing, speaking, writing and editing in the field of the grand strategy of the self-generating, generation-long Kremlin/White House race for the global technologies of world domi- nation. Our efforts to be of help to both Republican and Democratic Presidents have been blocked by the financial and military power interests surrounding them. This letter is perhaps one last effort to break through to a President, to be of help to him and to the American people and to humanity. I speak for A NETWORK NEWSLETTER FOR PEOPLE CONCERNED WITH FUTURE CIVILIZED GLOBAL SYSTEMS BOX 19127, WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 PHONE (202) 785-0708 STAT Harriet although she no longer is alive. A war is not lost on the battle- field. It is lost long in advance - in the inadequate vision in the mind of one man, the commander-in-chief, whether he be a Hitler, a Napoleon or a President of the United States, surrounded by financial and mili- tary interests finding profits or promotions from the .runaway race for the power to bring an end to human history. There are about 150 sovereign na- tions on this planet. The nation which will emerge to provide inspi- ration and world leadership in the coming generation will not be the superpower continually "winning" the race to produce the means to exterminate the human race. Rather, it will be the powerful na- tion which has the transcendent vi- sion to lead the world in a new kind of "race," inviting all other nations to join in the research, development and demonstration of global sys- tems and institgtions capable of guarding the security and progress of all nations, just as air traffic con- trol guards the safety and progress of all airplanes in a cloud. In the mythology of most world religions, God-sized power means the power to destroy humanity on the one hand and, on the other, the compassionate power to protect and enrich life for humankind. Today, the President of the United States has superior command and staff as- sistance in wielding the God-sized power to destroy humanity in ven- geance. But nowhere in the White House is there a supreme strategic council reporting personnally to the President and to the American people through their elected Con- gress, separate from and in addition to the National Security Council, through which the President could release a new generation of pro- human science and technology (knowledge and skills in all fields) committed to the strategic goal of national security and progress for the American people and for the people of all 150, or more, sovereign nations. This may be America's one last chance. Howard G. Kurtz, President, Wer Control Planners, Inc. Washington, D.C. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08: CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 HARRI ET B. KURTZ June 26,1915 - June 17,1977 After graduation from Union Theological Seminary in 1962,Harriet was ordained on November 29,1964 by the United Church of Christ, to a unique prophetic ministry, focused on her ordination commitment, " In learning how to unleash the fury of the atom,man has created the danger of his own annihilation. This special ministry is a witness based on the belief that man can choose Life, not Death, and can unleash an explosive new kind of strength to bring the dangers of war under control. " Catholic Clergy, a Jewish Rabbi, an Ethical Culture leader and Protestant Ministers o~ many denominations participated in Harriet's unusual ordination ceremony. She was then released to go out into the world, on her own, beyond the structures or the support of her Church, to pursue with Howard this Search for the key to a worthwhile future for humanity on Planet Earth. Highlights from Memorial Services - Washington D.C. June 26:& Chappaqua N.Y. Jul_y 10,1977 . She understood that man's inventions were being misused, that they were threatening our existence here on Earth. She understood that war,nuclear war, was the threat and that the secret dealings of governments, particularly the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., in confrontation, was the basis of the threat. And Harriet understood that there is a way to deal with this secrecy. She recognized that from the vantage point of space one can look back on Planet Earth, and observe its clouds and its oceans. But more important, she recognized that we can observe man's activities too; his agriculture, his road building,his nuclear weapon 'and other destructive armament production. And she knew, deep in her heart I am sure, that if all nations, all peoples, every citizen, knew what was being done to their land and what threats faced their children, THEN all nations and all peoples would band together to bring the growing potential for disaster to a halt. I believe that was the potency of Harriet's belief, and the basis for the great commitment she and Howard have made over the years:- " A GLOBAL INFORMATION COOPERATIVE ". OPEN SKTES:: It is a very persuasive idea. I am convinced its time will come;that the ri~iox'k of Harriet and Howard will have advanced that time. Perhaps it is unusual that Harriet, trained in the humanities ,following the path of God, should discover that man's most obvious achievement, his technology, could be a way to his salvation on this Planet Earth. This certainly is an unusual perception - -seeing both sides of the coin. But Harriet was an unusual person. We shall all miss her. William G. Stroud,Associate Director, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center . .Harriet Kurtz shared the dream of God. She dreamed that all humanity was free to use the tremendous energy and power given by God, to create, not to destroy, life. She stood on tip toe and peaked into the Kingdom of God and reported back to us. But her feet were always on the ground. Harriet was teamed with Howard. It is a rare thing for two people to be so deeply in love, and to love so deeply their work. I know of few people who have lived out their dreams, who have given so much, been so absorbed in it who sacrificed their whole Iife's savings because they had a call. You can't think of Harriet and Howard without the call. They ate, drank and slept only to fulfill God's call for their lives. They were quite a team. Harriet had the dream. Howard is an engineer,practical,implementing, a get-things-done person. The dream was always about things which technology could bring to pass .not in a distant tomorrow, but next year .5 ey ars .dust a step or two down the w~. Always the question Can't our technologies be used to build institutions which work to help people rather than for purely military purposes to destroy. Can't we take another forward step and break out of the old security systems and share the fantastic world-wide information we are gleaning, with the smaller, poorer nations? " Praise God for Harriet Kurtz, an Ambassador of Christ, the Prince of Peace. Rev. Harry Applewhite, Central Atlantic Conference Minister, U.C.C. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08: CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08: CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 . We are here to celebrate the life of Harriet Kurtz, to honor her, to lift up her woxk and mission, to uphold her in our memory, to send her forth in our prayers, to join her family in feelings of appreciation,grief,courage, and to draw on the resources of faith for our perceptions of life and death. Oh God,creative power of the universe, we thank you for the life of Harriet Kurtz: Thank you for her ministry, which has had an impact on many people and continues on through them to have an impact on our world. Rev.William Moremen,Pirst Congre~ationai Church,Washington D.C. . The memory of Harriet Kurtz will Zive forever in the hearts of her United Nations friends. Her dreams were our dreams. Her vision of the peaceful world in which the marvelous conquests of outer space would serve a1Z mankind, is our vision. Her great personal sacrifices and relentless efforts at selfless service are a fine example of what idealism, faith and passion for the human cause can achieve. She patterned her life after her deepest convictions and thus is remembered as a very exceptional human being. Dr. Robert Mu11er,Deputu Undersecretaru General of the United Nations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Reverend Harriet Kurtz was twice blessed -- first, with a vision that consumed her total earthly life, and secondly, with a companion who shared this vision and now must carry it forward,regretably alone. The vision -- peace through free exchange of knowledge -- is Christly in context and possibly achievable with the technology God has granted us ,if only man will cooperate. A time will come when her vision will be realized and, if my prayers are answered, she will witness the acclaim she justly deserves. May God bless a noble soul that in my eyes epitomized every attribute of the term "nobility". Dr. William A. Fischer,Senior Scientist, Earth Resources Observation Systems, U.S.Geologic Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please extend to the family and friends of Mrs. Harriet Kurtz my deepest sympathy over the passing of this beloved friend of all humanity. Let us find strength and comfort in the abiding memory of her vigorous commitment to the search for peace and her gentle love for all people. Ambassador Andrew Younlz, U.S.Mission to the United Nations . We are deeply saddened by Harriet's departure. A11 of us are a little better because of what she stood for. We must carry on her work. AFRTCARE . My prayer is that oux heavenly father will bring to you the consolation of his grace, in your loss and to Harriet the peace and joy which she sought for all members of God's human family. His Eminence Terence Cardinal Cooke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The woxk of Harriet and Howard Kurtz is a pioneering endeavor which points to the direction the world must take if it is to survive. Typically, ideas which are ahead of their time are of ten not fully appreciated. The dedication of the Kurtzes in selling all that they have to purchase a dream of a new world, the pearl of great price, is a source of inspiration to, and a model for us all. If the world is around in a hundred years it will be because, along the way, someone with power began to act on what the Kurtes have been saying. Rev. Dr. James R. Smucker, New York State Conference Minister, U.C.C. . Mrs. Harriet B. Kurtz' death is a Loss to us all. Her vision and dedication to the cause of humanity and world peace is an example where emulation can only fall short. Honorable Stuart E. Eizenstat, Assistant to the President, The White House Your tax-deductible contributions to War Control Planners,Inc. are essential if this Search is to continue. Tt is up to you. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08: CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08: CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 - 4 - THAT THERE MAY BE A FUTURE Editorial Perspective If the American people are to be saved from eventual tragedy, the President and Congress will have to create two different kinds of superior power. Like a successful football coach, the President must command a superior defense team,to prevent opposing powers from breaking through to their goal of world domination. But a nation, or a football team, with nothing more than a defense team, in time will be defeated. In addition, the President must be in command of a superior forward team, capable of gradually moving all confrontations and crises down the field toward the distant goal of a civilized world order. In this future community of nations (more complex and more effective than the present United Nations ) the people of all 150 sovereign nations will find security, and political independence, and progress the "gut issues" for which the American people fought their Revolution. A large sector of America will continue to be mobilized as the defense team,committed to protecting America from clear and present danger from hostile foreign powers. But in addition, a large sector of America will be released and guided by the President and Congress for an unprecedented era of new research and development and demonstration of world-sized systems and management structures and legal institutions to bring an end to war between nations, and to release the scarce energies and resources of the Earth for the production of food,clothing,housing,clean air & water, health, education and national security for world populations held within prudent limits. One concrete example of forward power the President ~ Congress can unleash without delay:- As a start, Harriet and I had opened up for pro and con and creative discussion the possibility that the United States will invite all nations to follow our Zead in beginning to create a gigantic open-to-the-public-of- the-world complex of global information and intelligence centers and services .utilizing greatly increased programs of military and civilian earth-orbiting communications navigation, mapping, reconnaissance, earth resources survey and other life-Serving satellites in a GLOBAL INFORMATION COOPERATIVE opened to the nations of the world. opened to the press and television of the world .to maintain a public inventory of potential public danger for the entire planet .whether danger of war .or danger of hurricane .or danger of blight .or danger of shipwreck .or danger of pollution .or danger of forest fire or any other potential threat to the public wellbeing everywhere and to monitor and enhance the progress and health and security of the people of all nations, large and small. There is no need to first negotiate with or ask permission of our enemies, before lighting a bright white light of hope in the hearts and stomacher of the people of 150 sovereign nations, by a large scale, Zong range, sustained commitment of American creativity and power to the most "impossible" task civilization ever has undertaken, developing LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR PLANET EARTH in the coming generation as effectively as in the past generation, we have led the world developing the weapons capable of rupturing or destroying world civilization. The moment is here. The tools are available. All these satellites have been tested and proven, many behind walls of military secrecy. Missing only is a historic national commitment proclaimed to the people of the world by the President of the United States, and supported by a bi-partisan Congress. The earth-orbiting,life-serving satellite systems are but one aspect of Harriet's ordination commitment and her belief that the time has come to "unleash an explosive new kind of strength to bring the dangers of war under control". This is the concept which has been a "Forbidden Subject" in the National Security Council Staff under Republican and Democratic Presidents, for more than ten years. It may be up to you to widen the pro and con and creative public discussion, in any way you see open. Checkpoint Non-Profit Orq. U.S. Postage PAI D BOX 19127, WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 Address Correction Requested A pro/ect ojWwControl Planners, /nc., which is anon-profit, educational corporation incorporated in the State ojNew York (Box 3S, Chappaqua, N. Y.J. The newsletter CHECKPOINT will be sent free to any who request it. Contributions are I invited to cover costs of printing and mailin and are tax de- uctt e. a co-or tnators are Howard and Harriet Kurtz. .4 Tess all correspondence to the Washington Ojjice: Box 19127, Washington, D. C. 20036 -Phone 202/785.0708. Volume V,No.5,August 1977 Washington, D.C. Permit No. 44818 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08: CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Checkpoint A NETWORK NEWSLETTER FOR PEOPLE CONCERNED WITH FUTURE CIVILIZED GLOBAL SYSTEMS BOX 19127, WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 PHONE (202) 785-0708 Vol. V No. 4, May 1977 Can Harriet And Howard Put an End to The Arms Race? ARNEST READER, ii you are sincerely sick of the E nuclear arms debate, if your mind is thoroughly boggled by the confusion of rocket stockpiles and hard- target kill ratios and throw-weight projections, R you are totally doped out by the diplomatic thunder between Washington and Moscow, here is a sweet idea to con- sider instead. Here is what Harriet and Howard are selling as their alternative to the arms race. This is what Harriet and Howard would tell the President it they ever got in to see him (which they won't, because presidents are pro- tested from seeing people like Howard and Harriet). Mr. President, they might say, the Golden Rule is whirling~tl'ound out there in space -all you have to do Ls grab hold of it. Change the world. Open a new epoch. Save humankind from its own worst impulses. "There has to be a conceptual breakthrough," says Howard. "It's a new use of power, not like the Peace Corps, not like AID. Nothing like this has happened "in history." "Right," says Harriet. "It is a historical breakthrough. That's why we have to be so patient." These two people, Howard and Harriet Kurtz, are as patient as unhonored prophets. For 20 years, they have been pushing their idea. Sending out reams of letters and bulletins, carefully typed wifh the key thoughts underlined in red. Calling on scores of governrilent offi- cials with their home-made slide-show briefing. Talking to countless editors and reporters, who listen politely and often stuff the printed materials deep into the file for unsolicited, wacky ideas. May 1G, 1977 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD HOWARD AND HARRIET KURTZ oe rE.xns IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIV E3 Mondn^ 9lny 16, 1977 Mr. TEAGITF,. '~Ir. Speaker, in the Washington I'o ~ for Sunday, May 8, 1977, there al,~xared an article on two people with whom I have met and dis- cussed their efforts to bring about an end to the arms race on many occasions. In order that all may read the article in the event it was overlooked, I include it at this point in the Racoon: CAN HARRIET AND HOWARD PIIT AN END TO THE ARMS RACS7 In the meantime, the world's nuclear arsenals have doubled and tripled and the capacity for mass destruc- tion is spreading to additional governments. And Harriet and Howard are in their sixties now. She has cancer (or she had it until the operation; the prog- nosis is good). FYve years ago, they sold their home in upstate New York and moved their "War Control Plan- ners Inc." to Washington, aninth-floor apartment on 21st Street NW. They are living on his Social Security, deeply in debt. FutilityY Despair? Sympathetic reader, hers is the star- tling twist. Howard and Harriet are happy in their work. More than that, they are increasingly confident that their idea, as Harriet puts it, "is just coming down the pike." T HE GOLDEN RULE ;n the sky was a vision which they began promoting it in the early 1()6(ls as "War Safety Control." Now, of course it is technologically esta- blished -the United States has dozens of space satelli- tes which orbit the globe, collecting data and photos, monitoring everything from wheat blight to weather to troop movements. The Kurtzes propose that the Yresideut of the United States create and promote, with the urgency of JFfi's race-to-the-moon, a "global information cooperative" which would plug every nation of the world into the, s~~s- tem, friend and foe alike -sharing not only the conl- mercial~nvironmental benefits, but eventually the mili- tary intelligence which is new kept Top Secret. ( Copyright The Washington Post 1977 - Sunday ,'hay 8,1977) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 -2- That's the point where a lot of people throw the Kurt- zes' material into the wastebasket. It is not an idea whose time has come -the notion' that U.S. security would be strengthened by helping every other nation to protect its own security. Undaunted, Harriet and Howard argue that the idea makes sense, not just morally, but militarily. When they talk out their idea, it is like a family pas-de-deux be- tween the church and the state. She is an ordained min- ister of the United Church of Christ, commissioned in 1984 to follow an independent mission for peace. He is a former lieutenant colonel in the Air Force, an engineer. who prefers practical explanations. They got into this crusade a generation ago in the strangest way. After World War II, Howazd was working for American Airlines, doing the planning for the first New York-to-Moscow air service. The CAB granted a li- cense in 1948. Howard and Harriet were studying Rus- sian at Columbia. The Cold War intervened. Howard was in Moscow on May Day of 1947 and saw the new Soviet weaponry on display there. "I could see the next war beginning," he said. "We could,see our two babies being caught in it." So they became permanent amateur students of global politics. In the 1950x, they held regular roundtables on the subject, collecting ideas, drafting hopeful proposals. Their children, as teenagers, used to bring home friends to join the discussion. Today they are grown (Brenda is an actress in New York; Bryan is a banker in Chicago) and still encourage their parents. "Bryan," says Howard playfully, "is trying to make enough money to catch us as we fall out of the nest." In 1985, Howard lost his job with a management con- sulting firm, an event which he attributes to pressure from two defense manufacturers who were clients. "I was given the choice of either dropping this foolishness about peace or involuntarily resigning," he said. "I had no other choice but to be true to my conscience and Har- riet's." Since. then, they have both done peace-making full time. They mail out their newsletter, Checkpoint, to a network of about 3,000 friends and supporters, some of whom respond with occasional contributions. "Our par- ish," Howard calls them. Aa they flash slides of global perspectives on their liv- ing-room screen, the Kurtzes describe the grand strate- gic thinking to support their proposition. It starts with feudal castles in Europe. Pictures of ruined castles flash on the screen. Howard: "For centuries men sought security behind the walls of castles." Harriet: "The larger the castle, the greater the sense of security. Then technology produced gunpowder-in- cannon. The castle became indefensible. An historic era began to collapse... Howazd (flashing a cartoon of a cracked castle): "If the Lord of a castle was a dove and turned weak in the face of his enemies, he and his people were defeated." Harriet: "On the other hand, if the Lord of a castle was a hawk, he and his enemies shot more aid more holes in each other's castles. In time the ruins of castles all across the landscape signaled the final collapse of the old secu- rity systems." As the Kurtzes recount it, security defined by castle domains was replaced (after centuries of bloodshed) by the modern nation-state with its own defensible borders. Modern technology has spent most of the dun Lentury attempting to break down the national defensive bound- aries. It has at last succeeded. Hazriet: "The nation-state is becoming indefensible. A historic era H collapsing all around the world. Both sides of a nucleaz waz may be obliterated. Our strategic weap- ons are becoming suicidal weapons. We will find new ideas or risk mutual destruction." Howazd: "The problem we facetoday may be sia~fly. stated: we will now develop global systema~ and i~etita- tions to assure the security and well-being. of all nations - or no nation will ever find security again." ETWEEN the preacher wife and the engineer hus- band, the basic technique of "Waz Control Plan- ners Inc." is to take the latest marvels of waz~and-space technology and try to imagine how this same hazdwaze might be used to assist in global peace-keeping. Back in 1961, for example, the Kurtzes sent afar-out package to the new President, proposing an "allnation declazation of independence", and suggestin? how the United States might use modern electronics to help au nations protect their borders. Some of the same techra}- ques -electronic sensors as sentinels -showed up is Vietnam a few years later as the famous "electronic bat- tlefield." Something similar is now being proposed as an element in the Middle East peace-making. The Kennedy White Hottse did not reply to Howazd and Harriet. Tea years ago, the Kurtzes shifted their tactics sumo- what, talking up the non-military possibilities of the satellite systems which were just then emerging. urging that the new marvels be organized on a broad global basis, rather than .exploited commercially by only the most developed nations. Their theory i$ that, once hostile nations begin shazirc~ the fruits of weather-geological-agricultural informa- tion, the benefits of sharing military intelligence will be? come obvious. "Ii you say we ought to share it, that sounds moralistic," Howazd warns. "What we're saying is that, unless we share it, we can't use it." The non-military information collected by NASA satel- lites is, in principle, available to all nations, shazed with anyone who wants it. As a practical matter, thQ expertise needed to make good use of mineral readings or new agricultural mapping is still largely limited to major multinational corporations and the industrialized na- tions. The potential benefits, for peace or for profit, are still unknown, but easy to imagine. One NASA-Department of Agriculture experimental satellite, for example, is able to identify 17 different crops from 570 miles up. It can determine whether the crops are seedlings or ma- ture, healthy or blighted, well-watered or parched. "Should the United States - or the Soviet Union - have monopoly control of this global intelligence and this power to corner the agricultural markets of th8 world?" the Kurtzes ask. Or should the United States, on its own, launch a global system which would serve ev- eryone, enable the world to plan its food supplies on an- interdependent basis? The Kurtzes propose a CAIA (Cen- tral Agricultural Intelligence Agency) without secrecy - and without having to ask the Soviet Union whether it approves. The sharing of military data will also seem more plausible in time, the Kurtzes insist, when America~la Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 begin to understand that the Defense Department cau no longer defend us. "Conceptually," Howard says, "the Joint Chiefs are now working on a Kamikaze strategy, threatening to de- stroy ourselves b~ throwing more and more of our fire- power at the enemy... "The only reason the concept hasn't changed," adds Harriet, "is that. strategy usually changes in the ashes of defeat and we haven'C had this defeat. We can't have ft This future of "war safety" which the Kurtzes envi- sion would actually entail a whole new future for the American military, once the generals begin to see na- tional security differently. In the meantime, the govern- ment bspending about i~ million on peaceful applica- tions of apace satellites and about 10 times that amount on secret military uses. THE ARMAMENTS continue to build up, the arms treaties notwithstanding, but somehow the Kurtzes are not discouraged. They report that dozens of people inside the government agencies discreetly encourage their crusade, offering better space photos for the slide- show, correcting their technical mistakes, sharing this idea that a "global information cooperauve" is a genuiee route to a peaceful world. President Carter's new director of the White House Office of SMence and Technology, Frank Press, recently sent them a cordial response, assuring them that scient- ists generally share their broad goals and urging them to be patient with the constraints of experimentation. "Aa is often the case, political and social progress lags behind technological possibilities and sometimes prevents us from moving as rapidly as we might wish iQ these areas," Press wrote. "... The global satellite sy~ rem which you have so eloquantly pleaded for is in fact evolving, but it cannot be created full-blown overnight." Sometimes, Howard says, "we feel like the people who spent years building a boat in the basement, only to find there was no door big enough to let it out." Harriet says: "Ii we have a contribution to make, it's likely to be a very small but a very crucial one. That's what we tell ourselves when we're trying to keep afloat. I don't know whether that's right or not." And, now, patient readers, armed with the hope of the Kurtzes, you may return to reading about the arms race. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08: CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 THAT THERE MAY BE A FUTURE William Greider's article in the Sunday edition of the largest newspaper in Washington D.C. brings public exposure to new ideas formerly considered too 'far out' to be brought to the attention of a President, or Congress, or the American people. This event itself may be a reflection of changing times. The American people, and the people of this troubled planet, may be ready for the transforming power of a new vision whose time has come .a New American Purpose for a world in crisis. The people of each of the 150 sovereign nations on Earth yearn for the right to govern them- selves free from domination by the Soviet Union, or the United States, or any other foreign power . and to make progress toward the wellbeing of their populations. They yearn for security . independence .and progress, the three 'gut issues' for which the American people fought a Revolution. President Carter and Congress today have a dominant Zead in global systems technologies and management skills to (1) meet a1Z requirements for national defense in the coming years, and in addition (2)lead the world in a new generation of large scale research and development and testing of global systems and management structures to stabilize international relations without threats of war, and to assist all nations in their struggles for food,clothing,housing, energy, clean air 6 water, health, education and security for populations held within prudent limits (as President Roosevelt and Congress had the unprecedented ability to (I) prosecute World war II and in addition (2) lead the world in research and development of new systems to release the power of the atom for the first time in historyj. ~t ,is difficult to believe that behind-the-scenes in the White House there are financial and military interests finding escalating personal rewards from the escalating national danger of the escalating Kremlin/White House science and technology race for the power to destroy world civilization, who refuse to bring to the full attention of the President and Congress the precedent-shattering pro-human global military and civilian strategic initiatives which could become the foundation for a new world statesmanship, leading toward future civilized world systems and institutions. It may be up to you to find your own ways to widen pro and con and creative professional and public discussion (within your own communities and professions) of the transforming power of future science and tech- nology committed to the development of LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR PLANET EARTH, rather than weapons of death and obliteration. To more fully inform yourself and others we suggest three initiatives:- 1. Write to Senator Adlai Stevenson, Chairman, Science Technology & Space Subcommittee, 456 Senate Office Building, Washington D.C.205I0, requesting a copy of the March 18,1977 testi- mony before his subcommittee by Harriet & Harriet Kurtz, editors of CHECKPOINT. 2. Write to Commission on International Relations, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C.20418 requesting a copy of their Report RESOURCE SENSING FROM SPACE, Prospects for Developing Countries (Code J.H.214) ". This will be of value to thought Leaders in all developing nations, as well as to concerned citizen groups and faculties and students in U.S. 3. Write to U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402 (enclose check or money order payable to Superintendent of Documents for $ 24.00) requesting MISSION TO EARTH; LANDSAT VIEWS THE WORLD (GPO Stock # 003-000-00659-4) You will experience 400 of the most beautiful and awesome color views of the nations of the whole world, on both sides of all potential wars ,looking down on humanity from 'eye in the sky' satellites in a new Seat of Power in the Heavens, not far from where the mythologies had claimed was where God sat. You will begin to grasp the transcendent and unheard-of global compassionate power now within reach of the American people through President Carter and Congress capable of Leading all nations in the coming generation, toward a civilized international order more complex, and more effective than the present United Nations. There is no need to ask permission of the Kremlin or any other foreign power before launching this new era of research & development. Checkpoint NOn-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAI D Washington, D.C. Permit No. 44818 BOX 19127, WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 Address Correction Requested A project of War Control Planners, Inc., which is anon-profit, educational corporation incorporated in the State of New York (Box 3S, Chappaqua, N. Y.J. The newsletter CHECKPOINT will be sent free to any who request it. Contributions are invited to cover costs of printing and mailing and are tax de- ductible. The co-ordinators are Howard and Harrier Kurtz. Address all correspondence to the Washington Office: Boz /9127, Washington, D. C. 20036 -Phone 202/785-0708. Volume V, No. 4, May 1977 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08: CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 34 MA+Vr'TIMi3 NOVEMBER 29' 197A S~~ d C A d f R I 2010/06/08 'CIA RDP90 008458000100080004 5 t ani ize opy pprove or a ease - - - DATA-SHARING SYSTEM Couple Works for Peace Through Technology By M.L. GRAVER rmes s~.e write. WASHINGTON - In a small apartment in downtown Washing- ton, Howard and Harriet Kurtz are working to save the would. The Hurtzes head War Control Planners, a nonprofit organization that promotes world safety through technology. The group's basic idea is that technology has advanced to the point where a standoff exists among nations. No country can attack another without inviting its own destruction. "Therefore," says Kurtz, "we must turn our technology toward a constructive purpose. We have gone as far as we can in the other direction." The constructive purpose Kurtz has in mind is called the "Global Information Cooperative." It would use earth-oibiting satellites to collect information and share it among nations. The Kurtzes believe this system would help solve the problems of humankind and ensure world safe- ty. e World safety would result be- cause all kinds of military prepa- rations could be detected and re- ported. "It would be possible to spot a fleet of ships, a nuclear sub, or a battalion of troops. Surprise at- tacks like Pearl Harbor and D- Day would no longer be possible," Rnrtz says. The system could help solve the problems of humankind by shar- ing information on food produc- tion, education, health and weath- er. Information would be displayed on huge screens and would be stored in computers for reference. Communications lints would be maintained through radio, televi- sion and the print media. There would be no classified informa- tion. As ambitious as the project may sound, the U.S. already is experi- menting with satellites which Kurtz says could be used in the program. For the past year, a broadcast satellite over India has been deliv- ering lectures on family planning, nutrition, etc., to people in remote villages. A similiar satellite made it possible for teachers in an iso- lated area of Appalachia to take a course from an education instruc- torhundreds of miles away. Earth-sensing satellites now in orbit can scan the world and dis- tinguish between different kinds of crops and determine soil condi- tions, crop yields and rainfall. Kurtz says that soon satellites with infrared scanners will be able to predict which countries will have bumper crops and which will.have crop failures. "The capability is iilready there," Kurtz says. also published in ~r/ar f;ontrot also would like to , "The U.S. has the technology, see the satellites assisting in the the experts and the money; all search for oil, gas and minerals that we need is the leadership," under the ocean's surface. They ~ says Kurtz. could be used to track wildlife to While Kurtz says he tries to re- help save endangered species. main nonpolitical, he was pleased The satellites could maintain to see Jimmy Carter elected world-wide timber inventories' president. and detect forest fires, or aid in' . War Control already has been in search and rescue operations. contact with a Carter representa- "Satellites can spot a tiny life- ~ tive. Kurtz is hopeful that, given boat in the middle of the Pacific or ,Carter's background in technol- ~ a motorist stranded in the ogy, this is the kind of project to- Surroundingthis global cooper- ative,. War Control envisions a force of international experts and research teams. -The project would require so many of these professionals that schools would train people especially for the project, says Kurtz. "This could solve the unemploy- ment problems that often occur during peace time, too. It would be putting people to work for hu- manity," Harriet Kurtz says. The project, War Control admits, will require a great deal of money, but they insist that if the Manhattan Project was possi- ble, so is this. '. NOVEMBER 22, 1976 Air Farce TieNs ward which he will gravitate. Meanwhile, Howard and Harriet Kurtz work on, speaking at .the Georgetown University Center for Strategic and Interna- tional Studies or testifying before congressional committees. They work is their apartment/office, where every space is crammed with technical books and corre- spondence, writing their newslet- ter, "Checkpoint," and trying to capture people's interest. The Kurtzes insist that their organization is not just another ~dagood peace group. "We have a practical solution. We don't just deal in idealistic rhetoric," Kurtz said. Kurtz says the U.S. could initi- ate this altruistic project without first negotiating with other coun- tries. He predicts that soon after the project begins other nations will join in. "They will know a good thing when they see it operating," Kurtz ' says. Another feature of the plan is that it would not require.partici- pating nations to give up their defense forces before joining the cooperative. In fact, War Control sees a strong defense as a necessity until the project is far enough along. Then they believe nations will de- escalate voluntarily. "As nations work to help each other, tensions will diminish," Kurtz says. The Kurtzes have been formu- lating and revising this plan for the past 20 years. Howevtr, they admit that the plan will work only if there is an enforcement system. Given the fact that a satellite may show a country to have an abundance of rice, who or what would make that country give its surplus to a needy nation? Enforcement, says Kurtz, will require some kind of security sys- tem - a reconstituted United Na- tions or a world public authority, or a limited world government in the field of war and peace, or a new world security organization. "Otherwise there will be chaos and devastation. Civilization will revert to the jungle," he said. Working for Peace For more than 20 yeors, Howord and Harriet Kurtz have been working on a plan to put technology to the service of world peace and prosperity. They now envision an all-seeing satellite system thot would gather information shared by all countries. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 Associated Press Photo Data co-lecfed by sa+elli+es, such as this one, can be used for global peace, argue a husband-wife +sem who advoce+~ a Golden Rule in space. Peace via the Golden Rule By WILLIAM GREIDER WASHINGTON. F YOU ARE sincerely sick of the I nuclea.t? arms debate, if yout? mind is thoroughly boggled by the confu- sion of rocket stockpiles and hard- targct kill ratios and throw-weight projections, if you are totally doped out by the diplomatic thunder be- tween Washington and Dloscow, here is a sweet idea to consider instead. Here is what Harriet and Howard Kurtz are selling as their alternative to the arms race. This is what they would tell the President if they could ever get in to see him: Mr. President, the Golden Rule is whirling around out there in space - all you have to do is grab hold of 1t. change the world. Open a new epoch. Save humankind from its own worst impulses. They are as patient as unhonored prophets. For 20 ,years they have been pushing their idea; sending out reams of letters and bulletins, carefully typed ~.cith the key thoughts un- derlined in red; calling on scores of government officials with their ho- memade slide-show briefing; talking to countless editors and reporters. illeantime the world's n u c l e a r arsenals have doubled and tripled, and the capacity for mass destruction is spr.~ading to a d d i t i o n a l governments. Harriet and Howard are in their fi0s. She has cancer for she had it un- ti: the operation; the prognosis is good l . Five years ago they sold their home in upstate New York and moved their War Control Planners inc. to a ninth-floor apartment in 1Cachin~ton. They are deeply in debt and living on his Social Security. They began promoting the Golden Rule in the sky in the early 1960s as "\Var Safety Control." The Kurtzes propose that the Presi- dent create and promote a "global in- formation cooperative" that would HARRIET KURTZ They curry on fihe sfrugg/e .. . plug every nation of the world into the system, friend and fce alike, shar- ing not only the commercial- environmental benefits, but eventually the military Intelligence which !s Top Secret. That's the point where a lot of peo p]e throw the Kurtzes' material into the wastebasket. Undaunted, Harriet and Howard argue that the Idea makes sense, not just morally, but militarily. She is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ, commis- sioned in 1984 to follow an indeipen- dent mission for peace. He is a former lieutenant colonel in the Air Force, an engineer. They got into this crusade a generation ago in the strangest way. After World War II, Howard was working for American Airlines, plan- ning for the first New York-to- Moscow air service. The CAB granted a license in 1946. The Cald War fntsrvened. Howard was in Moscow on May Day of 1947 and saw the new Soviet weaponry on display there. "I could see the next war beginning," he said, "We could see our two babies being caught in it." Hopeful proposals So they became permanent amateur students of global politics. In the 1950s they held regular roundtables on the subject. collecting ideas, draft- ing hopeful proposals. Their children, as teenagers, used to bring home friends to join the discussion. Today they are grown (Brenda 1s an actress in New York; Bryan is a banker in Chicago) and still encourage their p?3rents. In 1965 Howard lost his job with a management consulting firm. He at- tributes this to pressure from two de- fense manufacturers who w e r e clients. Since then they have both done peacemaking fulltime. They mail out thc;r newsletter, Checkpoint, to a net- work of about 3000 friends and sup- porters, some of whom respond with occasional contributions. Between the preacher wife and the engineer husband, the basic technique of War Control Planners Inc. is to take the latest marvels of war and space technlogy and try to imagine how this same hardware might be used to assist in global peacekeeping. Back in 1961, for example, the Kurtzes sent afar-out package to the ne~v President, proposing an "all- nation declaration of independence" and suggesting how the U.S. might use modern electronics to help all na- tions protect their bordet?s. Some of the same techniques - electronic sensors as sentinels - showed up in Vietnam a few years later as the famous "electronic battle- field." Something similar is now being proposed as an element in the Middle East peacemaking. ~~ ~- -?< Ten years ago, they shifted their tactics somewhat, talking up the non- military possibilities of the satellite systems that were then emerging, urging that they be organized on a broad global basis. Their theory is that once hostile nations be}:in sharing the fruits of w e a t h e r-geological-agricultural In- formation, the benefits of sharing military Intelligence will become ob- vious. The potential benefits, for peace ar for profit, are still unknown but easy to imagine. One NASA-Dept. of Agriculture ex- perimental satellite, for example, la able to identify 17 different crops from 570 miles up. It can de~tn?m~ne whether the crops are seedlings or mature, healthy or blighted, ~vell- watered or parched. The Kurtzes propose a CAIA (Cen- tral Agricultural Intelligence Agencyl without secrecy -and without hav- ing to ask the Soviet Union whether It approves. The sharing of military data will also seem more plausible in time, the Kurtzes insist, when Americans begin to understand that the Defense Dept. can no longer defend us. President Carter's new director o[ the White House Office of Science and Technology, Frank Press, re- cently sent the Kurtzes a cordial res- i~onse, assuring them that scientists renerallN share their broad goals and urging them to he patient with the constraints of experimentation. Sometimes, Howard says, "we feel like the people mho spent years tmild- ing aboat in the basement, only to find there was no door big enough to let it out." Harriet sa}?s, ''It we have a con- tribution to make, it's likely to be a very small but a very crucial one. That's what we tell ourselves when we're trying to )seep afloat. I don't know whether that's right or not." Washington Post Outlook Washington Post Phofoa HOWARD KURTZ ...from their of-home office . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/08 :CIA-RDP90-008458000100080004-5 14 AlrFaewTYnM OCTOBl3t2I 1977 reprinted with pert ~, sion of Air FnrrA ~imac py pp ~~~~V~~~~~~ Bruce CaIlancler Time to Give Military Dve Credit WHAT TAE 111