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March 31, 1983
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201150018-3 PROVIDENCE JOURNAL (RI) 31 March 1983 always on the side of the Ex-CEA agent, Belafonte We have been given such arbuga-? boo on the Communist question policydiet we.Uve forgotten the question decryUz~7 foreign of humanity and democracy." By PETER M. WARREN "I always believed, and was told "We are at the threshold of Journal --Bulletin staff writer as a lower-level CJj becoming what Hitler's Germany X3gent, that the., was when, at the height of its! SOUTH KINGSTOWN - A for- graybeards in Washington knew ?? mfr CIA official, who said his the bi culture with Brecht and its great g picture and were doing theater, "there came . Auschwitz disillusionment grew during 13 what was best," he said. we years as a spymaster, told a URI Stockwell told the audience of things," Dachau and all the other audience last night he surrendered 250, which gave him a standing things, prepared to said. watch tch Belafonte. this?" "Are we his belief that senior officials in ovation, that the United States gov- Washington knew what was best ernment lied repeatedly to its peo- Stockwell welcomed questions for the country when he joined ple, the Congress and the United and warned his audience to be their ranks as chief of the' agency's Nations about its multimillion-dol- critical of his ? presentation, as he operations in Angola. lar covert operations in Angola. peppered his talk with references John Stockwell, who has been "We-did not want to tell people to books about foreign policy, his- called a traitor in the U.S. Senate, : that we were paying white South tory and documentation. He handed was joined on the podium at the African mercenaries to kill black out a 15-page reading list at the 1 end of his two-hour speech by people in Africa," he said, asserting end, and about, 65 students left Harry Belafonte, the singer. Bela- that the people who run the CIA Edwards Auditorium to go with fonte was also critical of United and the government have traded in him to a nearby pub for beer and States foreign policy as it is played the nation's democratic ideals and more discussion, out in the Third World. area selling guns, teaching torture ,k ~k * * and hiring, killers to support "a STOCKWELL SAID the impor- STOCKWELL SAID the doubts friendly dictatorship at any price." tant issue for the world is to end that first surfaced for him in Viet- "I submif to you that if the CIA the threat of nuclear destruction. nam were fully realized when a existed in . 1933, it" would . have This, -he charged, is made more critical briefing he was giving to supported Hitler and had very good likely by CIA adventures through- the National Security Council on relations"with the Gestapo," Stock- out the world. He said the CIA the Angola situation degenerated well said. support of anti-Sandinista forces in into an argument involving Secre- Belafonte asked the audience to ? Nicaragua could easily play into a j tary of State Henry Kissinger over question "why we are always find- scenario for World War III. who should sit at the head of the ing ourselves on the wrong side in . "We are at the threshold of table. the Third World. Why are we nuclear war," he said. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201150018-3