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April 7, 1977
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/30: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140123-7 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA DAILY 7 April 1977 exchange,wi th Chile may. draw controversy By JANE BEDNAR During the testimony' the council ( also will listen for evidence of CIA in- A University Senate council next volvement, according to Krueger. week will hear testimony on proposed Other American institutions such exchange agreements with three for- as the University of Michigan have eign schools, including one in Valdi- been embarrassed by discoveries that via, Chile. the CIA hag been funding their (or- Only the proposed Chilean agree eign research projects, she said. ment-with the Universidad Austral Krueger said she is sure the faculty de Chile-is expected io generate con- involved wouldn't have lied about troversy, according to Anne Krueger, CIA involvement had they been Council on International Education asked, but "nobody ever asked the chairperson. question." The other proposed agreements are Those ' involved will be asked with the University of Turku, ? Fin- whether there is anything in the agree- land, and the University of Besancon,., ments they have not reported to the France. council. "We've got to have them tell us, The council. will decide whether that (there is no agreement with other each of the agreements meets criteria organizations). If we don't ask the spelled out in a policy statement re- question, then we're guilty of cover- cently adopted by the University. ing something up," Krueger said. Senate, and take that decision to the Discussion of the French and Fin- senate for approval. ' . nish agreements is expected., to go Krueger said that on the basis of "fairly easily," she said. preliminary hearings held last spring The French exchange program, in- she expects }'outspoken" criticism of volving language training, has been in the proposed Chilean agreement. existence for some time. However, The criticism will come from "vari= the French government recently ous groups concerned about the Chi- passed a law restricting enrollment at lean regime and whatever they're French universities to French students doing to human rights," she said. and -students at foreign schools with However, the policy statement con- which exchange agreements exist, she tains no explicit human rights criteri- said. There was no heed for. an agree- on, she said. The main criterion for_ ment before now. approving the agreement is that all The exchange with Finland would faculty involved have complete aca- - involve tracing migration from that demic freedom. ? "Insofar as people today have -an emotional issue, Chile is it," Krueger said. Chile is often singled out from other nations -accused of : human , rights violations, she said.' . voived is responsible for deciding At last -spring's hearings. more ' which of their own resources' they people testified against the proposal want to commit. than for it. "Otherwise you could have She expressed surprise that so few chaos." Krueger said. "You could people called to reserve time to testify have somebody over in the Institute Under the new policy statement, no specific resources are committed by the University in an exchange agree- ment. Rather the University unit in- at the hearings. The deadline for res- - of Agriculture promising services of ervations is Friday noon. The Chilean agreement involves providing technical assistance to rural farmers in that country and bringing Chileans to the University to train them in agricultural techniques, Krueger said. the institute of Technology." The criteria section of the policy statement also specifies there must be "a legitimate area of common aca- demic and scholarly concern" be- tween the University and the exchange institution. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/30: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140123-7