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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/30: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140116-5 MINNESOTA DAILY 13 February 1981 n iversity 1G 1 p u s: scene D f CIA's activities y Carla Wheeler ,opyright 1981 Ainnesola Daily J)espite the decline of 19705 radical- cm, the Central Intelligence Agency CIA, remains active on college cam- iuses. The University of Minnesota is io exception. CIA involvement on campus has in- luded possible attempts to recruit tudents to spy on each other, CIA- Gmded research experiments, and k-briefing of f acuity returning from resits overseas. CIA questioning of University profes- ors who have visited the Soviet _!nnun or other socialist nations is a ?ommon occurrence; according to a lniversity professor who asked not toy se named. )ebriefing is one means the CIA uses o get information about a country, ,e professor said, and it is perfectly egal. Jonathan Rosner, a physics teat.her, was questioned by a CIA agent in 1')711. Rosner remembers the agents' I he man came into the office and :los.'d the door, Rosrsersaid. He was 'hush hush" about the visit, he added The CIA agent then handed Rosner a list of technical questions to answer. The questions concerned Soviet labo- ratories Rosner had visited on his trip. "I didn't notice a lot of things they asked about;" Rosner said. Rosner re fused to.specify what the CiA wanted. to know; That would be "a breach of. confidence," he said. ? y (As received) Five minutes after the agent's arrival,` Rosner said he became worried about talking with the CIA because he had told some of his colleagues in the de partment about the agent's upcoming visit, and somehow the word leaked out to the students. 'The agent had told Rosner that telling friends about the CIA's visit "is not to your advan- tage." "I got a little anxious at that point," Rosner said. t?. Rosner said he told the agent he was annoyed by the secrecy surrounding the visit, but was told the Soviets question their scholars too. The agent accused the Soviets of many unethi- cal practices, Rosner said. "He said things like 'they, (Soviets) rape our women,'" Rosner added. - .Rosner said the CIA has-not con- - tacted him since that day in 1970, "but I haven't been to Russia since ` "Legitimate data gathering by the CIA is understandable, but not all.this se- crecy nonsense," Rosner said. This type of activity is "not good for free conferences," he said. Talking with the CIA about an over- seas trip hurts a scholar's contacts with colleagues in other nations and affects other academics, said Burton Paulu, retired professor and director of Media Resources at the University. CIA contact "lowers the credibility of reporters, researchers, and teachers," said Paulu, who has been questioned by the CIA several times after trips abroad. Academics and reporters "have to be above suspicion," he said. Providing the CIA with informa- tion "affects the objectivity of schol- ars of the media," he said. Paulu agreed to talk to the CIA in 1958 after a visit to the Soviet Union. The CIA agents asked about "my gen- eral impressions of the trip," Paulu said. In 1965 agents phoned Paulu after an- other visit to Eastern Europe. "I would not talk to them," he said. Paulu said he told the agent to read a book he was about to publish. Paulu returne rom a ree-mon teaching engagement in the Soviet Union last D~ccmber, and a CiA a~t'nt called him again. "1 refused to talk to them," Paulu said.' CIA agents usually contact depart- ment chairpersons and ask who has been abroad recently and if the chair- person thinks the professor will talk to the CIA, said Erwin Marquit, asso- ciate professor of physics, who ac- companied Rosner to the Soviet Union in 1970. "They're (chairpersons) acting as fingermen" for the CIA, Marquit said. The chairpersons "don't want to be in a position of not cooperating with government agencies," he said. A record of non-cooperation could hurt their careers, Marquit added. Marquit and several other University professors wrote an opinion article in the Minnesota Daily in early 1971 calling for an "end to University in- volvement in intelligence activity." "The administration and regents must make it clear to the federal govern- ment that the use of University by in- telligence agencies is harmful to the national interest and can only inter- fere with the University fulfilling its proper role," the opinion piece said. "Graduate students and faculty are scared of having their views known," Marquit said. "This is a very evil situ- ation." "I don't think University should offi- cially cooperate with the intelligence community," said University Presi- . t.l dent C. Peter Magrath in an interview with the Daily on Wednesday. "I believe that much of that informa- tion that probably comes from dis- cussions of -that kind (debriefings) are really pretty innocuous kinds of basic information," Magrath said. "I think that it is very damaging, potentially, to University researchers if they are believed to be involved in some way, not so much with spying, but with things related to the intelligence com- munity." But people can't be prevented from talking to somebody about their re- search, Magrath said. "I sincerely be- lieve it's. a tough area to regulate," he .I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/30: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140116-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/30: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140116-5 However; the University does have an official policy regulating secrecy in research that was passed by the Board of Regents in 1971. The Uni- versity will not accept contracts that prevent the disclosure of the contract and the identity of the sponsor, ac- cording to the policy. The CIA purchased computer pro- gramming that the University Bi- omedical Library developed in 1976, said Glenn Brudvig, director of the Biomedical Library. The CIA wan. in- terested in the programming for their library in Virginia and paid $5,000 for time and effort, Brudyig said. Some of his colleagues in the Bio- medical Library are still serving as consultants to the CIA on the pro gramming, Brudvig said. - '? Anton Potami, director of the Univer- sity Research Administration, said the CIA does not have a contract with the University at this time. Some University departments and re- searchers did have secret contracts with the CIA in the 1950s. The con- tracts are documented in CIA papers released under the freedom of Infor- mation Act. One CIA-funded experiment in- volved a University graudate student in psychology who put subjects into hypnotic trances, according to the documents. The CIA and researcher wanted to find out if 'people would have better memory. recall whiled ,. under hypnosis. The experiments, code named MKULTRA, were con- ducted in 1953 and 1954, Currently, however, no CIA-associ- ated research is being done in the psychology department, said Auke Tellegen, a psychology professor spe- cializing in hypnosis. Another CIA-funded project., called ARTICHOKE, also was conducted at the University sometime during the 1950 The documents describe CIA efforts to engage a University anesthesiolog- ist in research that involved the use of narco-analysis or "truth serum" on criminal subjects. The documents named C.B. Hanscom, a former di- rector of the University Police De- partment, as being involved in the research. Hanscorp denied that he did any work for the CIA when the Daily first reported the ARTICHOKE experi- ment in 1978. But patrolman Jim McKay of the Uni- versity Police Department said Wed- nesday that he recalls seeing a document in the department "that in- dicated that a truth serum had been given to a suspect." The man had been charged with child molesting and murder, McKay said. The experiment with the truth serum was conducted at the Univer- sity Hospitals with Hanscom, a doctor, and an attorney present, he said. - McKay said he saw the document among several that were shredded and destroyed "two or three years ago. r' The department was just clean- The CIA's involvement on campus may extend beyond debriefing pro- fessors and research contracts. In a copyrighted story in the Daily in 1978, a University student who was an army veteran said CIA agents had wanted him to spy on Iranian stu dents at the University. The student refused. And political science professorlytulu ford Q. Sibley said he heard "rumors" that government cooper- ,atives were sent into classes during the anti-war years. Sibley added that he wouldn't be sur, prised to see the CIA's budget in- crease because of the situation that occurred with the hostages in Iran and the election of President Ronald Reagan. CIA and intelligence activity "has something to do with the temper of the times," Sibley said. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/30: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140116-5