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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201000017-0
Army Conducted Germ Warfare Tests.
In Washington's National Airport.
by Stacy Young
and Andy Lenarcic
The U.S. Army secretly sprayed
potentially harmful bacteria in
five open air tests in Washington,
D.C., in 1964 and 1965 as part of a
biological warfare experiment,
according' to declassified Army
documents obtained by FREE-
DOM under the Freedom of
Information Act.
Although heavily censored, the
formerly "Secret" documents,
published by the United States
Army, Biplogicaj Laboratories at
Fort Detrick, Maryland, revealed
that personnel from the Army's
Special- Operations Division
(SOD) used, specially designed
suitcases to spray a strain of bac-
teria, Bacillus subtilis, on unsuspect-
ing travelers in Washington's
crowded National, Airport and
Greyhound bus terminal. Consi-
dered a' harmless agent by the
Army, Bacillus subtilis has been
found to cause symptoms of respi-
ratory infections, blood poisoning
and food poisoning.
Using "the number of one-way
and round-trip tickets" being sold
at the time of the test, the Army
report estimated that the
"infected passengers" would carry
Three members (left) of the U.S, Army biological warfare test team pause at a snack bar in
National Airport. Beside them are suitcases specially designed to surreptitiously gather
air samples, (Photocopy obtained by FREEDOM under the Freedom of Information Act,)
Patriotic Poisoners
by Thomas S. Szasz
Continuing revelations about
medical crimes by American phy-
sicians indistinguishable from
those of, the Nazi "doctors of
infamy" hanged at Nuremberg
raise troubling questions, not
only about the precise nature of
the deeds in question, but also
about these physicians' legal and
moral accountability for their
acts. Whereas, decades after their
deeds, the perpetrators of Nazi
atrocities are hounded for their
crimes and brought to justice, the
perpetrators of analogous Ameri-
can , medical atrocities reap
nothing but rewards for their pio-
neering "research" in psycho-
Surely it is no accident that the
major medical crimes in Nazi Ger-
many were committed by psychia-
trists." It is conservatively
estimated -that German psychia-
trists murdered at least 30,000
German (non-Jewish) mental
patients. I submit it is similarly no
accident that most of the physi-
cians so far identified as having
participated in what the American
press calls the CIA-sponsored
"drug tests" have been
The Rockefeller Commission's
report on CIA activities within
the United States, released in June
1975, lifted the lid, albeit ever so
slightly, from what mayyetRrove a veritable Pandora's box of
psychiatric atrocities. Buried in
that report - occupying less than
three pages and naming no 'names
- is a -section on "The Testing of
Behavior-Influencing Drugs on
Unsuspecting Subjects Within the
United States."2 2 After an initial
paragraph attributing the ration-
ale of the program to the sup-
posed use of psychochemicals by
the Soviets, the report goes on to
say: "The drug program was a part
of a much larger CIA program to
study possible means for control-
ling human behavior. Other stud-
ies' explored the effects of
radiation, electric-shock, psychol-
ogy, psychiatry, sociology, and
harassment substances."3 The
bracketing of the "mental health"
disciplines with "harassment sub-
stances" is surely revealing of the
uses to which these supposed
sciences are often put.
The report contains very little
actual information about the clan-
destine CIA drug 'program
because, the commission explains,
"unfortunately, only limited
records of the testing conducted
in these drug programs are now
available. All the records concern-
ing the program were ordered
continued on page 6
the bacillus to more than 200
The Army team estimated that
New York, Washington, D.C.,
Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles
would receive the highest inci-
dence of infection from the
departing passengers.
Due to massive deletions in the
declassified documents, it could
not be determined whether there
was any followup study of the
infected passengers'in the desti-
nation cities.
The declassified documents.
revealed that, the Army also
planned experiments in Grey-
hound terminals in San Francisco
and Chicago. The cost to pay for
"six operatives to launch covert
attacks" in the target cities for
seven days was estimated at
$21,730. Deletions in the released
material prevented any confirma-
tion that the additional tests were
actually conducted.
The purpose of the testing, the
documents stated, was to study
the consequences-of using small-
pox as a biological warfare agent.
The suitcases carried by the
Army personnel contained`
battery-powered pumps which
sprayed bacteria into the crowded
terminals. In tests in the main
concourse, north terminal and
shuttle, area of the airport, the
bacteria were pumped into the air
continuously for up to 30 minutes
at a time, according to -the
Passengers in the shuttle area
of the airport moved too quickly
for the Army, the report stated.
The "calculated exposures"should
have been 'massive," the docu-
ments stated, but "very few of the
shuttle passengers wqujd have
breathed that many organisms" as
they were not in the area long
enough. Tests in the main con-
course and north terminal were
more successful, the report noted.
The test also included Army
personnel with "air-sampling"
continued on page 3
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201000017-0
by Thomas G. Whittle
"No person shall , be deprived of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of
Article V, The Bill of Rights
Over the years, FREEDOM has
covered case after case of govern-
ment crimes against citizens.
We reported on the January 8,
1953,, killing of Harold Blauer, a
U.S. Army colonel,, by Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) psychi-
atrists. Blauer was injected
against his will - with. `a
powerful, mind-altering deriva-
tive of mescaline at New York
Psychiatric Institute.
from any responsibility for the
effects of their actions.
Elizabeth Barrett, a daughter of
Harold Blauer, was 13 when her
father was killed. She told FREE-
DOM, "When he got that last
injection, he had violent, life-
threatening reactions for at least
15 minutes before they made any
move whatsoever to try to help
him. They just stood there and
watched, as.if saying, 'Oh, he's
dying. Isn't that interesting?"' '
One of the `psychiatrists
involved in the CIA experiments
involving Bla.uer, James Cattell,
later remarked, "We didn't know,
whether it was dog piss or what it
was we were giving, him."
"The rights and freedoms passed,
down to us and paid for in blood
lose thei r va I ue when a portion of
the government can insist with
impunity that it is above the law.
FREEDOM , reported the
tragedy of Or. Frank Olson, who
was . slipped LSD as-part of
another experiment- by CIA psy-
chiatrists. While' under CIA.
"guard," the, hallucinating Olson
jumped through a closed window
,to his death on the New York City
pavement 10 floors below.
There was-also the brutal tor-
ture of James Thornwell, a U.S.
serviceman turned into a social
and emotional cripple through the
forced administration of LSD and
violent physical abuse by U.S.
Army psychiatric experimenters.
FREEDOM reported in detail
the conversion of more than 6,000
U.S. fighting men into unwitting-
human guinea pigs in psychiatric
drug and, mind confrol' 'experi-
ments at the Army's Edgewood
Arsenal in Maryland.
In exposes which gained inter-
national attention, FREEDOM
documented Army open air test-
ing of lethal bacteria in New York
City, Key West, Panama City and
San Francisco - with subsequent
deaths of American citizens.
In the latest documented series
of experiments, exposed in this
speciafedition, it is seen that once
again agents of the. government
have endeavored to= place, them-
selves "above the law" anilt have
conducted tests' which may have
resulted in serious harm to Amer-
ican citizens.
Those who performed these
often fatal experiments, upon
innocent and unknowing victims
have shown a bizarre detachment
In 1 79,? of ter abse# Of Edi
wood Arsenal's drug testing pro=
gram were brought to light by
FREEDOM, Rep. Ronald, V. Del-
lums (D-Calif.) was one of the
many civic leaders expressing out-
rage at the massive `assault on
human rights and freedoms
inherent in the tests.
Congressman Dellums 'con-
demned the "willful abuses,
crimes - and even murder ---
committed by the' 'intelligence
agencies." He attacked those
agencies' "drug terror programs,
saying that statements- he had
gotten that indicated these pro-
grams grams were ndt very.,extensi,ve
Were rfI?e _'_'and 4eliberately
Congressman Dellums com-
pared the CIA/Army drug experi-
ments with the atrocities that
occurred in Nazi Germany under
the infamous Joseph Mengele..
Above the Law'
Thomas. Jefferson wrote in the,'-
De claration of Independence that
'Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just,
powers, from, the consent, of the'
In The Politics of Lying, author
David Wise notes that "The con
sent of the governed is basic ' to
American democracy. If the gov-
erned are misled, if they are not
told the truth, or if through, offi-
cial secrecy and , deception they
lack information on which to base
intelligent decisions, the system
may 'go on - but not as a
When government agencies or
departments conduct mattgrs in
secrecy which' jeopardize the
safety, freedom or lives of'Ameri-
cans, one could say that the ship of
state is veering off course.
How pervasive is this today?
As FREEDOM has shown in
recent issues, entire agencies like
the Internal Revenue Service
have cloaked themselves in decep-
tion, lies and secrecy,
,The IRS is one, of the worst
betrayers of American freedoms
because it impacts so directly on
the quality of life in the United
'This-agencyof 80-odd thousand
persons, lying on the back. of the
American people like a monstrous
bloodsucker, has evolved its own
convoluted technology of de-
stroying individual taxpayers,
ruining effective production and
bringing down the morale of the
entire society - while evading
media scrutiny and congressional
oversight. '
A destructive agency like the
IRS has no place in a free society.
The rights and freedoms passed
down to us and paid for in blood
lose their value when a portion of
the governmernt can insist with
impunity that it is above the law,
Agents of thegovernment - be
they in the IRS, the CIA,. the
Army or anywhere else must
be held to account for their
actions. .
i J if' every government official
and agency were personally
answerable for violating the Con-
stitution and the Bill of Rights, all
would be peaceful, prosperous
and happy again. A
"If every government official and
agency, were, personally
?` answerable for violating the
f ",Constitution and the Bill of
Rights, all would. be peaceful,
prosperous and, happy again."
Thomas G. Whittle
Stacy Young
Andy Lenarcic
John Chambers, Kathy Gorgon .
Sanford M. Block,,
Maggy Lynas
Tom Armstrong, Chris Finn,
John Lawrence,
C. Lee McCormick, Skip Press
Mario Frank, Will Kornish,
Kay Olsen, Bob Pail, Alastair Wood.
Peter Green
Peeter Alvet, Stephen Brown,
Steve Young
1413 N. Berendo St,
Los Angeles, CA 900,271,
President, Church of
Scientology? International
t Clearwater
RlChard Haworth
500 Cleveland St,
Clearwater, FL 33516
Sylvia Stanard, Chief
Sophie Eri son,
Now York 2125 "S' St. NW
Rev Kevin Brown Washington, D,C 20008,
227 W, 46th St,
New York NY 10036 Seattle
Los Angeles
Rev, Shirley Young
1306 N. Berenda St.
Los. Angeles, CA
90027 -
Rev. Ann Ruble
222 Mercer St.
Seattle, WA 98109
Rev John Carmichael
215 SE 91h Ave.
Portland, OR 97214
Rev August Murphy Minneapolis/St. Paul
83 McAllister St. Mary Lynne Wolfe `
San Francisco, CA ' 900 Hennepin Ave
94102 , Mlmiapolis, MN
Rev David Aden Rev. Maids Candler
448 Beacon St. 2200 Guadalupe
Boston MA 02215 Austin, TX 78705
Detroit Los Vegas
Mickie Sudz Rev, Rita Thompson
302 South Main St. 846 E. Sahara Ave.
Royal Oak MI 48067 - Los Vegas, NY 59104
Sacramento San Fernando Vallsy'
Rev. Christi Losh Porn Shannon
825 15th St 13561 Venfura Blvd
Sacramento, CA . Sherman Oaks, CA
95814 91403
Honolulu St Louis
Dennis Clarke Michael lashaway
447 Nohua St, 3730 lirideu Blvd,
Honolulu, HI 96815 ` St. Louis, MO 63108
Copyrights 1984 by the Church of Scientol-
ogy of California. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scientology is religious philosophy. SCIEN-
TOLOGYa and DIANETICS'" are trademarks
and service marks for publications and
services owned by the Religious Technology
Center and ore used with its permission.
Scientology is the study and handling of the
spirit in relationship to itself, universes and
other life, Dianetics: from dia, (Greek)
through, andnous (Greek) soul- addresses
what the soul is doing to the body.
FREEDOM has foreign offices and correspondents rt: '
the following countries the United Kingdorp, .
Canada, France, West Germany, Sweden. the.,
Netherlands, Denmark Italy, South Atrica and
Australia. Additional correspondents are in other
Subscription Information: $12 for 12 Issues In the
United Stales, $18 for 12 Issues in foreign countries.
Advertising rates and Information available upon
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201000017-0
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201000017-0
continued from, page 1 4 question. No terminal employee,
suitcases to measure the amount passenger, or visitor gave any
of bacteria disseminated. "An air outward indication of suspicion
sample was collected by one oper-, that something unusual was tak
ator seated in the center of the' ing place."
nal Building" at National Airport,
the report stated. "Other test
team members, each with a suit- -
case sampler, selected a passenger
at random . and covertly col=
lected air samples inclose proxim
ity to the passenger during his
stay in the terminal."
The report included photo-
graphs of Army personnel min-
gling with, unsuspecting
passengers at various locations in
the terminals including the
Team members took air samples near crowded Gate 7 (left) and among departing passengers (right) in the Greyhound bus terminal in
Washington, D.C., to measure the amount of Bacillus subtilis with which passengers would be infected, (Photocopies obtained by
FREEDOM s reve a ions
eral years ago-that the Army, in
concert with the Central Intelli-
gence Agency, had conducted
similar tests on unsuspecting citi-
zens in New York, Florida and
elsewhere gained international
headlines. However, this is the
first time that the nation's capital
has been found to be the target of
biological warfare experiments,
Although the documents do not'
'reveal whether the CIA partici-
pated in the tests in Washington,
ment of both suitable agents and
delivery mechanisms for use in
paramilitary situations. Both
standard biological warfare
agents and biologically derived
toxins were investigated by the
The report explained the CIA's
official . participation in, the
"The CIA `relationship with
SOD was formally established in
May 1952, through a memoran-
dum of agreement with the Army
chief chemical officer for the per-
formance of certain research and
development in the laboratory
facilities of the Special Operations
Division of the Army Biological
Laboratory at Fort Detrick .
One of-the CIA's objectives in
the project, as described in' a 1967
memorandum, was the "mainte-
FREEDOM under the Freedom of Information Act.)
snack bar- while conducting the
tests. "Photographic coverage can
be obtained of covert field trials in
crowded `areas without calling'
attention to test personnel and
compromising the operation,"the
report concluded.
The documents included
detailed instructions for growing
smallpox virus in large quantities
and . converting it to a lethal
powder so that it could easily be
sprayed from the suitcases used in
the experiments. Explanations
for, instructions may have been
in deleted portions of the released
In the final report by the
Army's Special Operations Divi-
sion personnel, it was emphas-
ized that the tests ". . . were
completed without challenge or
evidence strongly suggests that
Hearings before -the Senate
Select Committee to Study
Governmental Operations with
Respect to Intelligence Activities
in 1975 revealed the close rela-
tionship between the Army's Spe-
cial Operations Division and the
Central Intelligence Agency in
chemical and biological warfare
experimentation. The report
from the hearings stated:
' "CIA association with Fort
Detrick involved the.. Special
Operations Division (SOD) of
that facility. This division was
responsible for developing special
applications for biological warfare
agents and toxins. Its principal
customer was the U.S. Army. Its
concern was with the develop-
nance of a stockpile of temporarily
incapacitating and lethal agents in
readiness for operational use . . . . "
The Senate committee. disco-
vered that the CIA had covered its
tracks: "Though some CIA-
originated documents have been
found in the project files, it is clear
that only a very limited documen-
tation of activities took place."
Although couched in terms
suggesting the tests at. National
Airport and the Greyhound ter-
minal were purely to determine
the effectiveness of such an attack
by an enemy, there is'no explana=
tion for the obvious interest in the
The north terminal of National Airport and the Greyhound bus terminal in Washington
were two of the locations chosen for the Army's secret biological warfare tests. (Photocopies
obtained by FREEDOM under the Freedom of Information Act.)
,methods of creating smallpox
virus, the costs for creating it, and
the detailed analysis ofthe symp-
toms of smallpox.
The implications of certain sec-
tions of the declassified Army
report are alarming. in light of the
CIA's documented intention to
is'stockpile "lethal-`agents?
- One section, for example, called
"Covert Employment 6f Smallpox
Virus," details the factors'favor-
ing "the selectiori of the virus of
smallpox as the biological agent of
choice for covert operation in this
study." Several attractive features
of smallpox are listed, including:
"1) Smallpox is highly infec-
This team member was photographed
while operating his suitcase sampler at a
newsstand at the Greyhound bus terminal.
(Photocopy obtained by FREEDOM
under the Freedom of Information Act.)
tious with close contact; it spreads
readily from an infected person to
susceptible individuals.
"2) A long incubation period of
relatively constant duration per-
mits the operatives responsible
for the attacks to leave the coun-
try before the first case is
"3) The duration of illness for
those who recover is relatively
The report on the Washington,
D.C., experiments concluded that
"The tests demonstrated that an
Interior of suitcase fitted with air sampling
equipment and sound insulation-. By means
of a key; a turned, permitting
four separate samples to be collected on f ilter
pads without opening the case. (Photocopy
obtained by FREEDOM under the Free-
dom of Information Act.),
aerosol of smallpox virus can be
disseminated with covert-type
The documents were submitted
to U.S. Senator James Sasser (D-
Tenn.), the ranking minority
member of the Military Construc-
tion Subcommittee of the Senate
Apprgpriations Commi'ttele, who
recently. withdrew hia ~uppo'rt
from a', vproposed $1 4, millldn
budlet_ ~reappropriat1 xi which
wou d enable the Army to expand
its germ warfare testing capacity
at the Dugway Proving Ground in
Utah. The senator has questioned
whether the proposed expanded
facilities would violate a .1972
treaty banning biological
weapons. A
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201000017-0
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010!06123 : CIA-RDP90-00806R000201000017-0
On October 7,1984; Scientolo istsT" and other
g men of goodwill athered to ether in the cause of establishing religious freedom and personal liberties for ma
They formed. an international associati a
Qn nd adopted the following p ledga ; as a statement of intention towards bringing a
bout continued survival of mankind:
7ithe aniayain, lfrou9 `
fiouf.lfe Irou6'/eiArs!o
r o crurfzalron on Ifirs ` a
p ~
new ias new rel' ions ani
conslrucliue lfou 1.baue met witfa
9 uio/n1 :
opposr/Jon. c5ucA allacfrs come
rom Dose wfio woufrfpreserue !fie slalus zua
aniparficafarf rom lEose
who see to reserve a
y , nien~rance firer r p post/Jon
/Errou9A' lEe .
ommafron subu9alron anieuen
/es/ruc//oi1 o .olEers.. 9or Ifiis
reason new re 1 dons Eraue seen 6oz in 6/0
n iaf lfre cos! o rea
f sacrrlce ana
srr errny 6 a Eerents. 9f rs
onf l~irou9 fr a unr
. y 1y oAurpose anofunsweryr
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commilmenl 6 a' ccalei9r _ "~ c
oup Ifal new rias anine
y w rel9tuns sururve an
S c'renlol ?&s bee~ I
yy .n ex~lence noun or some. f~rr1 -.our ears.. J)(/1'1/27
tial lime ri bras st ere
i_alfmanner o altacfzs rom ffre orces
? oppres,tlon ln
uarrpus cournlrres, el c1 creniofol/ A;as
surufueianiex n~i
a , 6ecauseo tfre. ~.
C4cgfio1 oils. rite be s``anrf b d rl '
n}. , . ~' , . e ,ause rs, a orce or 9a, , tress
wfrcA rs easrf reco9niz i
. e.6 metro oiwr ~
ff sprte lie urcrous IA's ~ yo f wijcA are
spawned 6 /Eose wfo wou ie nsface manfinianiw~ri .
?~ c'r are carrrerf6y lEe : .
, . b
crenlof9y is eAx errencrn9 lEe 9realest epx ansron aniprosperr!1 in rls
frrslor .Jnlernalionafr'n sco e
cScrenlolyy each wee ~ e
r es more p eop.l rom -
p _ .
l e e6rllalin9 e eels o u9s, ignorance aniolfer sources o a6e ralron ani
. ~'
moues lfrem on lEe pa/AT !o 9realer
awareness, set -resp 9 ec!'ani~' nily ffan of
of er rou s cozn6rnei.
el as use (rave l arneirn our lfrrr
. 1 our ears w~ieneuer we expani we a
y y , are
allacIiecf commensural
e wrlfr lEal expansron. 7In
iloiay is no excepPron.
n lfre Q/nilei
cslales wE/cfr was one
e lfrou E! !0 6e a Eauen o
_ ref taus.
I6er!y, ? we are lEe taryels o unprrncrpl ialfacfs rn lire cou
r! s stem 6 prose '
wfro woufiJ ie lEreir ocfels r
om our ~iariwon coffers. .~r ofs !
p in of 6rancfes
o ouernmenl fearing lire success' of cScienlo 0
f9yare ben/ on our dslruclron
lEirou9A laxalion an repressiue
e fraue been sub eclei
fo rfl af~ieres 1rtal ' in
J Iwo countries
9 6e ore
Pre u~cei cnimaln or
mei 'ui es who are no
~ f ua4reior rnc~nei
19 ~ to percerue
lEie IrulA .
n Ganaia ani 9er
many, our CEurcEesEau`e geen sub ecleilo virus
reminiscent' o lfre E/sloricaf enocyi
e al/acs on rel9cons 1faJ 1
y oofpface in
' 'less r`n ormei ' /4'??
es anisocrelres,
fre news mega cEro
ose !o 9r Wore lie 9ooiworf zs an
imiracufous successes of
c5cientafo9y ani '
lnsleaiseefr 10 poison uhf
p c oArnron l~rrouy~i urf rcalron of 1Ep . e
re,l' ion aniils Sou
JEe fraclors o cScrenlo/ofnow uffweft ffial rl rs a proven, 9y e eclrue ani
w02(uc/ s stem r reei
n manfrrn rom s rrrluaf 6
.y onia e, 7fiaf rs w~i' liey
allacA Jteyear lEa! 1
lie wr/lsomeEow 6e
,. - /&ea/enei6pi - a sociel uiEicfi !s
mdi~e e/Etca ` rod`Pr uce dncl ~rrima`ne'
1Erdu E lie 'in nce''of c5crenf `
y ofo ' ` ani
&ienlofo9is/ .
7frus wfen we expani, !o lfaf rte9ree 'we are a
p to t rs ay, !fre responsr6 !
11 or ~ en~n9 cScrenlof9y bi as seen
~, onlfe
sEoufiers o fa isper
afe ew. 7Iniso rl writ conlrnue in far9e measure,
of in orir fo continue lEe
: a new. ciur~'zalion where fro
rues/for nest men
fiaue ri Els anon reel
ms a6ounifire assrsla
9 tree aniieolcahon o each a
ever &ienlof isl anio
l~rer men o9ooiwrff!
y s essenlraf 7Ee roaima 6e
i rcuf animay ~
worse iue to Ife raprioe
clue: o CIUIr1Za110n.
ye! anierosion
o ersonafli6erlies a! lE
p s Irme. Jiuf unrleirn purpose a
nib icalron we
sfraffpreuarl or 1fe 6ene if o affma
. nfrini
e lEe unirsr9nei f e e oursef es cuilfroul rese'
p . 9 , rualion or any jfrou X10
.persona com orl or safely,to acfriewny lEe aims o cscientol9y~
crurizalion wilfoul rn
sanf! wrf~ouf criminaf ani
, wrlEoul war, e
wfere lfe a6f
can prosper, aiuf ones! erns can Eaue ri fls aniwEere ~an rs free !o rise
to 9realer Eei9fls,
e rnwile cScienlo/9rsls ani
older we~f inlenlionei 'pfe everyw~'ere to or
~eo f n
us in lEris plie.
:To ate, thousands of men and women of goodwill '
from over 50 countries onfive continents have joined in this. ur ose and signed the "Pledge to Mankind."
If you car e about our 1 f d f
Rev: Pat Jones 2 ~c '
do Founding Church of Scientology
2125 "S" Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
(202) 797-9828
y p
ona ree om an
ii you woula
tike more information on how ou can
y contribute, contact:
Rev, Kevin Brown Rev.
David Aden
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identified as Frank Olson; and
another victim, not mentioned in
the 'report, was identified as
Harold Blauer.
In 1953, Dr. Frank Olson was a
forty-three-year-old biochemist
employed' at the ; Army's Fort
Detrick, Maryland, germ warfare
laboratories. That fall the, CIA
suddenly switched his role by
slipping LSD into his after-dinner
Cointreau -from researcher into
guinea pig. After downing his
spiked liqueur, Olson became
upset and depressed. His col
leagues concluded that he was
mentally ill and needed psychiat-
ric attention. Two of them, Vin-
cent Ruwet and Robert
the New York- Psychiatric Insti-
tute. In the fall of 1952, Mr.
Blauer, a former Army colonel
and a professional tennis player,
was divorced by his wife. He
became depressed, sought psychi-
atric help, and in December 1952
voluntarily entered the New York
Psychiatric Institute. He had been,
scheduled to be released from the
hospital the day after the fatal
injection. According to- The, New
York Times,' "Documents explain-
ing the experiment with, Mr.?
Blauer indicate that he protested
the injection and Miss Barrett [his
daughter] says she believes he
was forced'to take the drug."7'An
internal Army report made public
1960s."12 This information was
based on a report by the inspector
general of the Army after an eight-month investigation of the
service's more than 20 years of
experimentation on humans with.
drugs. "In its more than 250-page,
report, the inspector general's-
office said it had found numerous
. irregularities and, violation _s. _of 1, ,
policies. and regulations. "1} This
particular program alone was said
to have cost $110 million.
An earlier report . in. the Times
'(September 10, 1975) gave us this,
i glimpse. of the moneyi psychia
trists made from the poisoning-
business: "Less than a; year after a
patient died in an Army-
sponsored experiment with an
hallucinogenic- drug at the` New
York State Psychiatric Institute,
the Army., gave the . Institute
another ' contract for nearly
$143,000 to continue experiment-
ing on humans for four more
continued from page 1
destroyed in 1973, including, a
total of 152 separate files."4
The commission does state,
however, that "commencing in
1955 under an informal arrange-
ment with the Federal Bureau of
Drug. Abuse Control, tests were
begun on unsuspecting subjects in
normal social situations. And it
reports one fatality. The victim
was "an employee of the Depart-
ment of the Army [who] was
administered LSD' without his
knowledge while attending a
meeting with CIA personnel
working on the drug project
[who] developed serious side
effects and was sent to New York
with a CIA escort for psychiatric
treatment. Several days later, he
jumped from a tenth-floor win-
dow in his room and died as a
result." This last sentence is sig-
nificantly footnoted as follows:
"There are indications in the few
remaining Agency records that
this individual may have had a his-
tory of emotional instability."5 In
other words, the commission is
not satisfied-with passing over in
silence the fact that the CIA
agents in charge of protecting the I
drugged victim's mental health
placed him in a tenth-floor room,
but it goes out of its way to
defame the victim as mentally ill,
implying that he killed himself not
because he was poisoned but
because he was psychotic. .
The Rockefeller Commission's
report was soon followed by a ser-
ies of revelations about medical
crimes whose details still continue
to trickle in: the anonymous sui
cide mentioned in the report was
'For nine years, beginning in 1954,
employees of the Central Intelligence
Agency randomly picked up
unsuspecting bars in the
United States and' slipped LSD into
their food and drink."'
Lashbrook, took 'Olson under
their wing and flew him to New
York to see Dr. Harold A. Abram-
son, a former psychiatric consul-
tant for the Army. Abramson
diagnosed Olson's problems as.
"delusions- 4nd severe psychosi"
and t commended that Olson'
enter a mental - hospital. On'
November 28, 1953; while Seem-
ingly contemplatingr admitting
himself to a- mental hospital,
Olson escaped from-'his "protec-,
tors-' by jumping to his death from
a tenth-story hotel room.6
. The second fatality directly
attributable to the secret CIA
psychochemical program
occurred' on January &,,1953,.
when Harold Blauer was killed at
on August 3, 1976, confirmed
Miss Barrett's suspicions. It
quotes a Department of Justice
memo as saying that "neither the
patient nor his family were
advised of the proposed therapy
-'..[sic] or gave permission." s Blauer
-died on fanuary 8, 1953, less than'
two and a half hours after being
injected with a "mescaline
In addition to these two known,
fatalities, thousands of persons,
Americans and foreigners, were'
drugged with hallucinogenic and
related substances in "research
programs" sponsored by the
Army, the Navy and the Air
Force: The Department of
Defense claims to have discon-
tinued these programs in 1967.
The Air Force has admitted that it
continued them until 1972. The
scope and the cost of these pro-
grams may be gleaned from press
For example, on September 9
1975, the Times reported that "the
Army disclosed today that it had
surreptitiously given LSD to sol-
diers in cocktails in much the same
way the Central Intelligence
Agency did in an experiment that
led to the death of one of its sub-
jects."10 Gradually, the categories
from which subjects were selected
for drugging by the CIA were
expanded. On April 27, 1976,`the
Times reported: "For nine years,
beginning in 1954, employees of
the Central Intelligence Agency:
randomly picked up unsuspecting
patrons in bars in the United
States and slipped LSD into their
food and drink."11 The next day
we learned that "Army officers
gave LSD to unsuspecting Ameri-
can soldiers, Europeans and
Asians in the late 1950s and early
PSYCHIATRIC DAMAGE! Anyone whose mother, wife,
sister or father, brother, son, child or friend has been killed
or damaged by "PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT" please
write full particulars and any documentary evidence to the
Phone (213) 667-2248
All names and confidences will be fully protected. Our whole interest is spiritual
freedom. We do not treat the sick or insane but we grieve for those who have
All, this raises an obvious ques-.
tion. Who were the, physicians
responsible for these medical
crimes? Who were the doctors .
who participated in, and profited
from, these ostensibly' patriotic
and professional "research, pro
grams"? The Rockefeller report
named not a single one. It must
remain a matter, of conjecture'
whether this is because one of the
"principal investigators" in one of'
they largest -of- these projects, was.
the commissioner ' of mental`
hygiene of New York state under
Governor Rockefeller. `
When in August 1975 the Army
released some of the details of its
LSD program, it identified' Dr.,
Paul Hoch as one of the "principal
investigators" of this project.is_
Dr. Hoch, a refugee from Nazi
Germany, was one of the most
influential and respected psychic
trists in the United States. From
19,52 until his death in 1964, he
was the commissioner of. mental
hygiene of the state of New York.
Before his appointment to that
important position, he was princi-
pal research scientist at the New
York State Psychiatric Institute
and clinical' professor of psychic-
try at the Columbia .University
College -of Physicians and
Another physician identified as
responsible for these druggings is
Dr. Sidney Malitz, who. at ,the
time of the Blauer-Olson.experi
ments was doing "drug research"
as a captain in the Army assigned.
to Walter Reed. Hospital in
Washington,. D.C.16 Dr. Malitz is
now-an accredited psychoanalyst,
the acting director, of. the New
York . State Psychiatric Institute,
and vice-chairman of the Depart-.
of Psychiatry at the Colum-
bia University College of,
Physicians and Surgeons. Among
his publications is' a paper titled
"The Role of Mescaline and D-
Lysergic Acid in Psychiatric.
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In August 1976 another "princi-
pal investigator," and the only one
still alive who was associated with
the project in which Blauer was
killed, was named.17 He is Dr.
' James P. Cattell, who was then a
senior research psychiatrist at the
New York State Psychiatric Insti-
in the United States,"
tute. In 1959, Dr. Cattell co-
authored a paper with Dr. Hoch
on:< "pseudo neurotic schizophre-
nia." The patients at the institute"
were, I assume, in no position to
counter with a paper on "pseu-
dotherapeutic poisoning."
A few other physicians- direct-'
ing "drug-testing" programs in
other states and at other institu-
tions have also been named. One
Division of Neuropharmacologyl
at} the University of Missouri
Institute of Psychiatry.18 In
November 1975 Dr.'Marrazzi was
`accused at a Senate subcommittee
hearing of having 'deva'stated" a
young psychiatric patient with
LSD in an Air Force-funded
trist at the University of Minne-
Mrs. Mary Ray, then a psychome-
experiment in 1965. His accuser,
sots. Hospital, said that "the
patient, an eighteen-year-old girl
being, treated for a 'personality
di'sorder,' definitely did not want
to be part of the experiment. [saw
about an hour or two later, 'she
[Mr's. Ray} next saw the patient,
and she said she won't go,-and
they said, 'Yes, you 'will!' .. When
her and they were taking her in,
was totally disintegrated; she was
absolutely psychotic."19
All of the above-named physi-
cians participated in these pro-
grams of their own free will; and
all were, or are, psychiatrists.
Indeed, they all were, or are,
highly respected and prominent
"members of the American Psychi-
atric Association. The pundits of
that organization have steadfastly
maintained for these past twenty
years that a person who takes
LSD because he wants to is a
"drug abuser, is "mentally ill,"
and is a fit subject for coerced psy-
chiatric treatment, and that a per-
son who sells LSD to a willing
buyer is a fit subject for some of
the harshest punishments per-
mitted under our system of crimi-
nal law.20 At the same time, the
officials of this organization have
not only failed to object to these
grave abuses of the physician's
role, but have implicitly condoned
them. On August 11, 1975, con-
fronted with the sorts of revela-
"The facts are clear enough:
prominent American psychi-
atrists are implicated in the most
serious and systematic violations,
not only of medical ethics, but
also of the criminal law, that
have ever been brought to light
tions I have reviewed here, Dr.
Judd Marmor, then the president
of the American Psychiatric Asso-
ciation, offered this comment:
"One might argue as to whether
[the Army] has obtained informed
consent, but if you tell the subject
everything you might well invali-
date the experiment."21
But the German doctors who
killed unsuspecting persons did
not practice euthanasia; they
murdered people. Similarly, the
American doctors who drugged
unsuspecting persons did not per-
form "experiments" they poi-
soned `people, The facts are clear
enough: prominent American
psychiatrists are implicated in the
most serious and systematic viola-
tions, not only,: of medical ethics,
but also of the criminal law, that
have ever been brought to light in
the United States. The question
is: What are we'going to do about
1. J.B. Treaster, "Report on Army's Drug
Tests Tells of Efforts at Concealment," The New
York Times, Aug.-3, 1976, pp. 1 and 21; and
Treaster, 'Army Discloses Man Died in Drug
Test It Sponsored," The New York Times, Aug.
13, 1975, pp ..1 and 13.
- 2. Commission on CIA Activities Within the
United States, Report to the President, June 1975,
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office,
1975), ppp 226-28.
3. Ibid., p. 226.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid., p. 227.
6. See S.M. Hersch, "Family Plans to Sue
CIA Over Suicide in Drug Test," The New York
Times, July 10, 1975, pp. 1 and 18; J.B. Treaster,
"Detective Said Scientist Had 'Severe Psycho-
sis,'" The New York Times, July 11, 1975, p. 34;
and 'The Casualty," Newsweek, July 21, 1975, pp.
7. Quoted in J.B. Treaster, "Efforts at
8. Ibid.
9. See also Trea'ster, "$8.5 Million Sought
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L-- ------------------------------- ----
from Army in 1953 Drug Death,' The New York
Times, Sept. 4, 1975, p. 22; and "Drug Deatlt
Data Omits Army Link," The New York Times,
Aug. 14, 1973, p. 37.
10. Treaster, "Army Tricked GIs into Drug
Testing," The New York Times, Sept. 9,1975, p.1.
11. Treaster, "Report Says CIA Agents,
Picked up Bar Patrons for LSD Experiments,'
The New York Times, April 27, 1976, p. 25.
12. "GIs, Foreigners Used in LSD Tests," The
New York Times, Apr. 28, 1976, p. 9.
13. Ibid.
14. Treaster "Drug Death Brought No Halt
to Tests," The New York Times, Sept. 10, 1975, p.'
15. See Treaster, "Army Discloses Man
16. See Treaster, "Drug Death Brought No
Halt to Tests."
17.. See Treaster, "Efforts atConcealment.'-
18. See Treaster, "LSD Researcher Is Under'
Inquiry," The New York Times, Aug. 3, 1975, p.
19. "Latest LSD Charge: Forcible Air Force
Experiments," Medical World News, Nov. 3, 1975, p. 22.
20. See,, generally, T.S. Szasz, Ceremonial
Chemistry; The Ritual Persecution of Drugs, Addicts,
and Pushers (Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday,
21. Quoted in Treaster, "Mind-Drug Tests a
Federal Project for Almost 25 Years,' The New
York Times, Aug. 11, 1975, p. 42.
Thomas S. Szasz is Professor of
Psychiatry at the State University of
New York in Syracuse and the author of
such books as The Myth of Mental
Illness and The Manufacture of
This selection. is reprinted from The
Therapeutic State (Prometheus
Books, 1984) by permission of the
author, First published in The Huma-
nist, November/December 1976.
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