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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/02 : CIA-RDP90-00806R000200970060-7 i2p;,ARED H JMAPJ EVENTS 28 VovEMB 1981 Journal sts Damage Efforts To Rebid CIA and I An organization of -so-called "professional" journalists has launched a last-ditch effort to defeat legislation supported by President Reagan that would protect the identities.and the lives of our intelligence agents. Members of the Society. of Professional Jour- nalists, (SPJ), which includes reporters-for major newspapers and network news programs, gathered in Washington two weeks ago and.made plans to ing what SPJ President least constitutionally is supported version d Judiciary Committee- secutors to prove th CounterSpy had a spec pede intelligence operations when. they named That version, however, as Justice Department official Richard Willard points out, might enable 'F publications such as the CAIB to evade the law by claiming that their real intention is just to stimulate public debate on intelligence issues. An enforceable bill, according to intelligence ex-.1 perts, must contain tougher language which enables prosecutors to press a case when the editors of CAIB or CounterSpy had "reason to believe" sabotage legislation that would take Philip Agee'- s Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB) and CounterSpy. out of the business .'of `naming names" of U.S. intelligence operatives. their disclosures would impede intelligence opera- The new issue of CAIB has just hit the news- . stands, and its "naming names" column lists the bons. This is the language that is in the Housever- ks d ff db h t f h b ll names and locations of about 70 alleged U.S. in- telligence agents around the world. Such exposure makes agents ineffective and vulnerable to terrorist attack. In 1975, an American diplomat in Greece, Richard Welch; was murdered in cold blood by ter- rorists after.-being' named as a-CIAagent by CounterSpyc: In- 1980, - an:American diplomat in Jamaica, Richard Kinsman, had his home raked by gunfire after being named as a CIA agent by an, editor of CALK. The agents' identities bill, as it is- called, has already passed the House. But liberal senators such as Lowell -Weicker (R: Conn.) :and Howard Metzenbauia (D.-Ohio) have bottled it-up in the- ! Senate.,--a. tactic revealed in the current issue of CAIB as a "strategy". designed to,, enable "pro- gressive people" to-stop the legislation by seeking "to educate legislators, the public, -and especially the press, to-the.dangezous. mrnifis ons of the! The SPJ bas. allowed -Itself to- be "educated" on this issue- Even though the Supren~e.Court bus riled that Philip Agees disclosures of intelligence operations and per- sonnel "are- clearly not protected by the Constitution," the SPJ has bought the line that any legislative attempt to outlaw "naming names" is unconstitutional. But it realizes that some version of the law will pass. It is therefore lobbying the Senate into adopt- m o an amen ME o er y { ar e e t i , t sion o Rep. John Ashbrook (R.-Ohio), who has been de- nounced by the CAIB as "one of the most reac- tionary congressmen in the country." The "reason to believe" language was actually taken out of the original bill introduced in the Senate by Sen. John Chafee (R.-R.I.). The specific intent provision was Sal: COMPLETE CABs INDEX INFOEMMON EM X Y ,CONTIArLr D Vi Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/02 : CIA-RDP90-00806R000200970060-7