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Document Release Date: 
June 24, 2010
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Publication Date: 
March 15, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP90-00806R000200950004-1 STAT 0wric:?~ i.:'Y.L.~:s-J J1 0s PACS_ uring the past dec- ade-while the United States has felt guilty about Vietnam, shied away from sending troops' into An- gola, refused to protect a dic- tatorial regime in: N a- and generally tried to be moral and decent in itsforeign policy -what .have those sneaky Russians been up to? The snort answer, given by a growing number of cxrva- tive foreign policy thinkers with influence in the Reagan admbtiatration, is that the Soviets have been up to no good. The argument gear like this: While sof -minded liberals in Washington and the capi- tals of Western Europe were seeking friendship and trade with the Soviet Union, the Soviets conspired thvoughout the 1970s with terrorism of every stripe to disrupt and dis- turb the governments of Great Britain, Spain, West Germany,. Italy, Turkey, Japan and se- lected countries. in - Latin America and Africa. Examples abound. he beloved Etigliah war hero, Earl. Mountbatten of Burma, was murdered in 1979 on his fishing boat by a Provi- sional IRA terroist who learned his bomb-making craft in Libya under Soviet supervi- sion. /- Aldo Moro, the Italian Christian Democrat states- man, was kidnapped and killed in 1978 by terrorists of the Red Brigades, the radical left underground organization THE WASHINGTON POST MAGAZIN 15 March 1981 whose leaders trained in' Soviet KGB camps in Czecho- slovakia and Soviet-supported terrorist camps in South -Yemen. Th l i d t t e egen ary error s "Carlos the Jackal," who helped organise the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics ~ in Munich _ and in 1975 led_a kidnapping squad that seized 11 Arab oil minis- ters in Vienna, learned how to ply his bloody trade in three special training, camps in the U.S.S.R There you have it. a conspir- acy. Carlos the cold-eyed killer drinks vodka with the KGB. The Provisional IRA slaugh- ters, helpless school girls with Soviet-made Kalashnikov' as- sault rifles. The violence- crazed Baader-Meinhof Gang blows up West German banks for the furtherance of Soviet world domination. The con- spiracy theory of terrorism, with the Russians as the bad guys, has an intoxicating polit_ ical appeal in this city where Ronald Reagan reigns. Reagan irsneelf claim the Soviets re- serve the right "to commit any crime, to lie, to cheat". to fur- ther their goal of world domi- nation: Secretary of State Alexan- der Haig, the soldier turned diplomat, accuses the Soviets of "training, finding and equipping" the forces of worldwide terrorism. The blue-eyed. former general has his own oersonal reasons for glum escap temp' ists V hole sedaz miss, consi+ Haig' hums tiona conce Th seem newly powerful tiepubiican hard-liners that Democrats who used to run U.S. foreign policy (and who now stand ac- cused of ignoring Soviet in- volvement in terrorism) ques- tion whether the "Russians did it"' theory is based on genuine intelligence informa- tion or on anti-Communist conservatism that's welded to a keen sense of what the elec torate wants to hear. "I have a feeling there is a lot of loose-talk going around with very little support," says former United- Nations Am- bassador Donald F. McHenry. "It. has the pungent . smell of politics." Whatever its - motivation, the Reagan administration's finger-pointing has provoked the Soviet Union into one of its more hyperbolic, self-right- eous rejoinders since the Cold War. Soviet Defense Minister Dmitri Ustiaov said last month the U.S. accusations were an "evil-minded decep- tion" to cover up Western sub- version in Poland and other Communist countries. .-"Ter- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/24: CIA-RDP90-00806R000200950004-1