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Approved For Release 2010/06/15 :CIA-RDP90-008068000200720004-6
"I wish to be useful, and
every kind of service
necessary to the public good
becomes honorable by being
Captain Nathan Hale
1755 - 1776
Approved For Release 2010/06/15 :CIA-RDP90-008068000200720004-6
Approved For Release 2010/06/15 :CIA-RDP90-008068000200720004-6
The Nathan Hale Institute, staffed by
personnel experienced in intelligence
and counterintelligence operations on
both international and national levels,
guided by advisory and executive
boards, carries out the following
~- Publications
~-~- Seminars
* ~ ~ Lectures
The Hale Institute publishes
authoritative monographs on
intelligence principles, practices, and
needs, which complement the
publications of the Hale Foundation
such as, The World Peace Council and
Soviet 'Active Measures,' and The
President's Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board.
The Hale Institute sponsors seminars,
lectures, and other joint activities with
other groups in the informal
"intelligence community" made up of
unofficial organizations interested in
The Hale Institute derives its funding
from private contributions. It is
classified as a Section 501 (c)(3)
organization under the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954. All contributions
are tax-deductible.
his retirement in 1976 when he was
section chief, Soviet counter-
intelligence and counterespionage. He
RAY S. CLINE, Chairman of the Board is an active member of the Society of
of Advisors, is Senior Associate at The Former Special Agents of the FBI,
Center for Strategic and International chairing the Information Comrittee.
Studies, Georgetown University, and He is also a member of the Association
Professor of International Relations. of Former Intelligence Officers, the
Early in World War II, Cline began a Security and Intelligence Fund, and the
career in intelligence with the U.S. Arerican Security Council.
Navy and the Office of Strategic
Services (OSS) and subsequently served HERBERT ROMERSTEIN served as a
with the U.S. Government for 31 years. staff member of the United States
He served as Deputy Director of the Congress for 18 years, including six
CIA and from 1969-1973, he was years as a professional staff member of
Director of the Bureau of Intelligence the House Permanent Select
and Research at the Department of Committee on Intelligence. He also
State. An author of numerous books, served as Minority chief investigator
his most recent include Terrorism: The for the House Committee on Internal
Soviet Connection (with Dr. Yonah Security. He presently works on
Alexander), Crane, Russak 1984. Cline countering Soviet influence operations
is Vice President of the Vetrans of the as an employee of the Executive
Office of Strategic Services and is Branch. Per. Romerstein is the author
founder and President of the National of Soviet Support for International
Intelligence Study Center. He is also a Terrorism, The World Peace Council
member of the Board of Visitors of the and Soviet 'Active Measures', Soviet
United States Defense Intelligence Intelligence Activities in the United
College. States and other works.
FRANCIS J. McNAMARA. A military-
intelligence officer in Burma in World
War II, (~,9cNamara has served as Staff
Director of the House Committee on
Internal Security (Un-American
Activities), as Executive Secretary of
the Subversive Activities Control
Board, and has written and lectured
extensively on Communism and related
security issues. He was formerly the
Executive Director of the Hale
Arts, University of Notre Dame; Juris
Doctor, Union University Albany Law
School. Worked for FBI from 1941 until
President of Research Associates
International, Ltd., a Washington area
risk assessment firm. Previously, he
served as Secretary-Treasurer of the
Tetra Tech International. He retired
from the CIA in 1973, where he
specialized in matters relating to the
Soviet Union, lecturing and writing
extensively on Soviet intelligence
services, Soviet covert action, the
Soviet navy, and Russian culture and
history. Jameson is a graduate of the
United States Naval Academy, where
he was in the first class to study
Russian. He has an ~~i.A, in
international relations and law and the
Certificate from the Russian Institute
of Columbia University.
Approved For Release 2010/06/15 :CIA-RDP90-008068000200720004-6
Approved For Release 2010/06/15 :CIA-RDP90-008068000200720004-6
The Nathan Hale Institute is dedicated
to enhancing the capability of United
States intelligence to serve the
fundamental objectives of the
Constitution -
" the domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare."
To educate national leaders and the
public on intelligence matters so that
their purposes, needs and processes are
understood. To educate these
audiences in the need for a strong
intelligence community and such
aspects of intelligence as:
* clandestine collection,
* the interrelationship
of the operational
and analytical elements
of the intelligence community,
* covert action,
and security.
To discuss ways that the intelligence
community might better serve national
security policy.
To help mobilize, coordinate and
participate in the efforts of persons and
groups with similar views on
intelligence and security matters.
422 First Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
Telephone 202-546-2293
Approved For Release 2010/06/15 :CIA-RDP90-008068000200720004-6