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Document Release Date: 
September 8, 2010
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Publication Date: 
January 30, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90-00806R000100670008-9.pdf89.69 KB
STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100670008-9 s2 WILMINGTON MORNING STAR (NC) 0 PAGX_A~% 30 JANUARY 1981 st8tt w, item s CIA headquarters in.,'GVashinRton. y rpor Thursday night as fighting escal'at- -' Officials at the Ecuadorean Em- ed in a border war between Ecuador bassy in Washington werean a umeet- and Peru. ing and could not comment, accord- When a Wilmington Morning Star ing to an embassy -spokesman who photographer took pictures of the said nothing was known of the ship- ==ment. Boeing 707 aircraft, he was accosted _' ~.~ '? by a Spanish-speaking officer in a The cartons 'at the Wilmington foreign uniform who waved him off. airport were on wooden pallets and When the agent of the Miami-based hidden by : tarpaulins. The pallets firm handling the shipment was were being loaded into the four-en- called to the scene, he shouted at the gine aircraft by forklift from a truck- photographer: "The CIA knows and-trailer.'` about this. This is big trouble, big The mysterious jet, trouble.' looming over _ smaller private aircraft- parked Martin Feigenbaum, the . agent, nearby, was loaded at Aeronautics refused to give details of the cargo. Inc.a private flight service -based He told photographer Dan Sears he several , hundred yards . from the had to call the CIA Miami office for main passenger terminal.. instructions. S Few 707s land at the Wilmington Reappearing," Feigenbaum said airport, where Piedmont Airlines, the whole thing had been a misun- i'the only major airline. serving the derstanding. The plane;-he said, was ..airport, uses smaller. aircraft scheduled- to leave Wilmington-, The cargo was tieing shipped by` Thursday night and fly to Miami . Marvitec Exports a Miami-based and then onto Ecuador. firm. Feigenbaum, the represents The U.S. Customs Service report-' tive of the firm; declined to discuss ed the aircraft was carrying "emer- the shipment further. gency supplies." The supplies; were 'The-'CIA has been known in the listed on the manifest as 40 tonsof past to make use of Ma-'-based "foodstuffs." companies in connection with its Nobody connected with the flight South-American activities.ti- - would ,say whether the supplies Neither Feigenbaum nor,, Nelson were-destined for-Ecuadorean troops. Garcia, an airline representative fighting with Peruvian troops in a whowas at the airport, would say flare-up of -an old dispute between where. the cargo had beertrucked the two South American countries from. over territorial rights involving ac- There are several large military cess to the Amazon River. i bases within a radius of :100 miles If so, this would mark the first from Wilmington; including a large known intervention by the new Rea- mmunition terminal located, at gan administration in a foreign con- ~unny Point south of the city. Thursday night. the New= Hanover Count Ai t ti I' . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100670008-9