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Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Intelligence Community Improved and Pulling Together Dr. Albert D. Wheelon of PFIAB Tells AFIO Audience It was all good news as Dr. Albert D. Wheelon, a senior vice president of the Hughes Aircraft Company, briefed AFIO's Flag Day luncheon from his vantage point as a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Dr. Wheelon, who since 1970 has headed the Hughes group responsible for space and communications pro- grams, compared his return to the intelligence arena with the experience of Rip Van Winkle. "Because I haven't been watching the plants grow but, rather, came back when the garden was fully in bloom, perhaps I've been able to get a little clearer impression of the enormous progress that's been made since that day in 1966 when I hung up my gown." "It's clear to me," he said, "that the other intelligence agencies are rallying behind Bill Casey's leadership." Wheelon noted that the Intelligence Community is characterized by a stability and a collaboration unknown in his time as CIA's deputy director for science and technology. "Bill Casey supports his Community and they support him, and together they support the Presi- dent and our country." Since his appointment to PFIAB, he said he has been pleased to see the Intelligence Community working together, with more support and less duplication. "It seems to me," Dr. Wheelon noted, "that the analytical community is closer to an intellectual equalibrium in which people can see opposite sides of the same issue and debate them without passion, but with reason ... you don't have the polarized sort of hard, entrenched opinions that were so much a part of my time." He has noted also that the problem mix, the requirements placed on the Intelligence Community, is substantially wider than it once was. "Today, we must collect and analyze data on drug trafficking, on terrorism, on the debt crisis of Third World countries, which is pretty important, on technology outflow, and on a succession of arms controls talks that are forever starting and break- ing down." Yet another improvement, said the speaker, is "at long last we all seem to have identified the real enemy." "I think one of the most welcome surprises that I came across is the relationship that the Community enjoys with academia today, and other intellectuals," the speaker said. He cited the many conferences held throughout the year on important research projects and the number of distinguished academics who serve sab- baticals in the intelligence agencies. But, unlike aca- demic relations when Dr. Wheelon was with CIA, "the difference is that usually took place in secret, and the relationship today seems tobe out on the top of the table and in clear view, and people seem comfortable with it." He also noted what he called a renaissance taking place. "In my time, the very sophisticated technical ana- lyses were done too often by contractor people at national laboratories or major corporations. Today I can tell you that those same analyses are performed by career intelligence officers who are extraordinarily well trained and completely conversant with all the technical details that they once deferred to others." (continued on page two) In This Issue: Special Election Supplement Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Wheelon Sees Improvement (continued from page one) Dr. Wheelon was limited as to what he might say about new technical collection systems, but added that "Today we are dollar limited, not idea limited." Recalling the time of his government service he observed that ""we were constrained only by our inventiveness and our creativeness to come up with new collection systems. The fact is that today we have more good ideas and more good collection systems than we have dollars to build them. They also cost a lot more, which is the other part of that statement." The Hughes official indicated that he is impressed by the pervasive influence of computers, data processing systems and data banks which have replaced the shoe- box files of his time. "They have drastically improved our ability to recall data and to correlate it ... resulting in much better intelligence evaluation." Dr. Wheelon commended NSA's leadership, continu- ing today, in computer design and use. He also gave the Agency high marks for its better use of women, having tapped "the other fifty percent of the country's IQ," and its ability to hire and stimulate unusually bright people and hold their interest for a lifetime of professional activity. The FBI's successes in rolling up terrorist cells, he said, is evidenced by the dramatic drop in terrorist inci- dents domestically. "As we keep score there were 51 terrorist incidents in 1982. That number in '83, a year later, had dropped from 51 to 31, and last year, in 1984, it had dropped to about 5 or 6. And, that's a ten to one decrease in a two year period.", He recognized that the situation is improving very substantially in the U.S. "while the rest of the world was bursting into flames from terrorism." He noted that the FBI's counterintelligence successes have made headlines recently, not without some em- barassment to the Department of Defense, the CIA and the FBI itself. "But, the point is that they're uncovering these operations and closing them down. And that, too, is good news for America." The competing collection and analytical efforts of the three military services, he said, "seem to have sorted themselves out; they aren't stepping in each other's way any more." He found the military elements to be per- forming "a super job," observing that the Navy's pro- grams are especially strong today. Dr. Wheelon also commended the Air Force's sus- tained, strong program, noting, however, that the space shuttle has been both a curse and a blessing. Although the shuttle offers the opportunity for enormous weight and volume for satellites to be placed in space, he said, there remains the basic conflict between NASA's inter- est in publicizing the program widely and the Air Force's desire for security of its activities. "In retrospect," he added, "I think that the decision which was made during the Carter years to compel the Air Force to rely exclu- sively on the shuttle was a tragic mistake. That mistake has now been corrected in large part at the urging and the intervention of the PFIAB ... The Air Force is once again buying Titan rockets so as to have a supplemen- tary launch capability." During the question and answer session following his talk, Dr. Wheelon was asked to identify major problems that have yet to be resolved in the Intelligence Commun- ity. Understandably, he deferred on matters pending before PFIAB, but noted: "I think that one problem we can talk about because its perennial, it's ephemeral, is the problem of how do you get out of a rut in your thinking about a problem, how do you get away from common wisdom in analyzing a situation-the pattern, device, assumption and continuity of thinking. How do you make a new departure, how do you consider a new hypothesis? It's the problem that academic scholars have to break a pattern of presumption. And, I think that's always been with us in intelligence and always will be. To a very great extent intelligence analysis becomes a captive, a partial captive, of the hoped-for answer. None of us want to be characterized as pessi- mists, and I think the preservation of detente had ridden higher than any of us realized in our subconscious think- ing over the years. And so I think its the ability to sort of get away from it all, step back and think hard about hard problems, and to think about the unthinkable once and a while, is probably the greatest challenge the Community has today. I think the collection is in good shape; I think the analysis is and probably always will be our greatest challenge." To another question, one concerning U.S. adherance to failing foreign regimes, Dr. Wheelon reminded the audience that foreign policy issues must be addressed apart from intelligence issues. To a question concerning presidential access, he noted the benefits gained by DCI's exceptional access to the President and gave assurance that PFIAB's recommendations are also well received by President Reagan. And, to a question noting that the U.S. is proceeding against those who would sell classified information to the enemy, while senior offi- cials are giving classified intelligence away "for free" on a regular basis, the speaker noted that PFIAB considers the problem a serious one and will be making recom- mendations to the President about it. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR AFIO MEMBERS Arnaud de Borchgrave, the Editor of The Washington Times, provided us gratis the enclosed reprints on "The Disinformation Network.", Senator William V. Roth (R-DE) has agreed to have printed and sent to all AFIO members a summary of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report "Soviet Presence in the UN Secretariat." In the last issue the address published for the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence was incorrect The publishers address is P.0 Box 188, Stroudsburg, PA 18390, the editorial offices may be contacted at the P O Box 411, New York, NY 10021 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Notes from the Board Room Notes from National The Board of Directors met at 1400 hours on April 12, 1985, at the Bolling AFB Officers' Club, following the AFIO Spring luncheon. Thirteen Board members were present and seven were absent but represented by prox- ies. Also present were the AFIO officers and Mr. John Waller, Chairman of the 1985 Convention Committee. Mr. Waller reported on plans, and progress to date, for the 1985 Convention, noting that arrangements with the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Rockville, Maryland, have been agreed on. Mr. Greaney reported on his discussions with three Florida Chapters during a trip in February. He also reported he had met with officials at several hotels in the Orlando area regarding plans for the 1986 Conven- tion, scheduled for October 17-18, and had determined that the Holiday Inn in Orlando offered the most satisfac- tory arrangements. The Board approved signing the con- tract presented by the hotel. Mr. Tom Polgar has agreed to be in charge of the 1986 Convention plans. The meeting was adjourned at 1530 hours. Submit- ted by Charlotta P. Engrav, Secretary. NEW LIFE MEMBERS Mrs. Mary Ella BELL Washington, D.C. CAPT William A. CAHILL, USN (Ret.) Potomac, Maryland Mrs. J. Thomas DALE (Marilyn) Myrtle Beach, South Carolina LtCoI William D. DIXON, USAF(Ret.) Ft. Walton Beach, Florida Mr. J. William FOLEY McLean, Virginia Col John R. HILLIARD, USAF(Ret.) Fort Washington, Maryland Mr. William W. JOHNSON Mountain Home, Arkansas Miss Margaret E. MOODY Arlington, Virginia Miss M. Lucille MUNTZ Washington, DC Mr. Charles D. ROCKHILL, Jr. Colorado Springs, Colorado Mr. John W. SINGLETON Annandale, Virginia Col Charles T. WILLIAMSON, USMC(Ret.) Melbourne, Florida We certainly hope that the membership appreciates the new procedures for electing the AFIO Board of Directors. Remember that all ballots must be mailed in to the AFIO Office with a postmark not later than Sep- tember 15, 1985 to be counted. There will not be any voting for Board members at the Convention. This proce- dure was adopted in order to permit all full members of AFIO to vote for the Members of the Board of Directors whether or not they attend the convention. Each full member may vote for seven nominees from the enclosed ballot. There are no provisions for write-in candidates since nominations were closed after the May 1 deadline set forth in the Winter issue of Periscope. If a ballot contains votes for more than seven candidates, it will be an invalid ballot and not be counted. It is requested that each voting member print his name so that we can verify that he or she is a paid-up, full member regular or life. We are very encouraged with the members' response to our invitation to convert to life membership. Since April more than twenty have either paid in full or begun their installments and we do thank you. You will note that we have included as an insert a reprint of a book review which was written by our Presi- dent Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr. and appeared in the Bos- ton Globe on June 9, 1985. The executive Committee approved the By-Laws and issued Charters to two new Chapters. These are the New England Chapter with Mike Speers as the Presi- dent and the New Mexico Chapter with Thomas J. Smith as the President. This is very encouraging and we congratulate both groups. Plans are moving along well for the Eleventh National Convention to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Rockville, Maryland on October 4th and 5th, 1985. We are pleased that the hotel was willing to give us the accommodations at the same price as last year, namely $55.00 per night single or double occupancy. We have been able to retain the same registration fee of $25.00 for those who register for the convention prior to 9 Sep- tember 1985; thereafter the fee is $35.00. There will be a slight increase in the luncheon costs but the banquet remains the same since we have not included wine this year. We hope to see you at the convention in Rockville. The response of those members who have seen the DoD/State pamphlet, dated March 1985, "The Soviet- Cuban Connection in Central America and the Carib- bean" has been enthusiastic. We tried to get enough copies to include them with the last Periscope; however, State would only send 50 copies to each address so we had State send them to the AFIO Chapter Presidents. Should you have a need for up to 50 more copies, please write to, Miss Joy Cothran, S/LPD, Room 5917, Depart- ment of State, Washington, DC 20520, and be sure to identify the pamphlet. -John K. Greaney Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 PFIAB: A History During his address before AFIO's summer luncheon, Dr. Albert D. Wheelon gave a short history of the Presi- dent's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, of which he is a member. A summary is presented here. Gen. Mark Clark, who headed the intelligence task force of the second Hoover Commission which began its work in 1953, urged the formation of "a small, biparti- san commission composed of House and Senate mem- bers, and public-spirited citizens commanding the utmost national respect and confidence" to make periodic sur- veys of the organization, functions, policies and results of government agencies handling foreign intelligence operations, reporting both to the President and to the Congress. The full Commission, however, had trouble with the concept of such dual membership and report- ing, proposing instead that the PFIAB not be required to serve two masters. Rather, it should be the President's alone, a kitchen cabinet on intelligence matters. In February 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower accepted the recommendation and issued an Executive Order establishing the panel. He appointed a member- ship of eight serving under the chairmanship of James Killian, the president of MIT. PFIAB's charge then, and a good description of its duties today, was: "While the review of your group would be concerned with all government foreign intellignece activities, I would expect particular, detailed attention to be concen- trated on the work of the CIA and of those intelligence elements of key importance in other departments and agencies. I am particularly anxious to obtain your views as to the overall progress that is being made, the quality of training and personnel, security, progress in research, effectiveness of specific projects and of the handling of funds and general competence in carrying out the assigned intelligence task." The Board was given, and has since maintained, a small staff, presently four professionals and two secre- taries. Over the years of its existence, the PFIAB has met regularly every two months for several days, yet has managed to stay out of the limelight. The original charter authorized the DCI and other agencies to make information available to the panel. (Later President Kennedy would change the word "'authorized" to "shall make," giving PFIAB an absolute right of access to intelligence data.) Under the Eisenhower Administration, PFIAB was unusually productive and is credited with stimulating and supporting overhead reconnaissance programs. The U-2, the Mach-3 and the first successful satellite pro- gram stemmed from the Board's deliberations. President Kennedy was impatient with boards and committees and did little about PFIAB. Later, after his experience with Cuba, he reestablished PFIAB under the chairmanship of Gen. Jimmy Doolittle. One of its major achievements was to encourage DCI McCone to establish a directorate of scientific and technical intelli- gence at CIA to enhance and focus these important programs. President Lyndon Johnson retained the Board, appoint- ing Clark Clifford as chairman. Clifford's relationship with the President assured PFIAB direct access to the President. It was during the Johnson years the Board became involved in the organizational aspects of recon- naissance activities, although perhaps far less equipped and a good deal more naive than the panel had been in focusing on the technological aspects. President Nixon named ten people to the Board and chose Gen. Maxwell Taylor as chairman. President Ford retained the Nixon Board, with Admiral George Ander- son serving as the initial chairman. After a year, Presi- dent Ford expanded the panel to seventeen and appointed Leo Cherne as chairman. President Ford added to the PFIAB's focus: "The intelligence needs of the seventies and beyond require the use of highly sophisticated technology. Furthermore, there are new areas of concern which demand our attention. No longer does the country face only military threats. New threats are presented in such areas as economic reprisal and international terrorism. The combined experience and expertise of the members of the Board will be an invaluable resource as we seek solutions to foreign intelligence problems of today, and by giving the Board my full personal support, I fully appreciate that the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board will continue its indispensible role in advising me on the effectiveness of our foreign intelligence effort." One of the most important accomplishments of PFIAB during the Ford Administration had to do with address- ing the divergence from reality of strategic estimates. It was successful in urging DCI George Bush in establish- ing competitive evaluation of data, the so-called A-Team/ B-Team exercise. Although awkward bureaucratically, this PFIAB intervention broke the pattern of commit- ment to the hopeful idea of detente preservation and set the stage for restoring the nation's military preparedness. Despite this significant achievement, the Board was not reappointed by President Carter, who abolished PFIAB a few months after his inauguration. For the first time in twenty years, the President and the Intelligence Community were without an independent advisory panel, another symptom of the emasculation of the Intelligence Community during that period. Only too late did Presi- dent Carter learn that he lived in a dangerous world and of the necessity to tune one's eyesight and hearing capabilities. President Reagan moved rapidly to strengthen the Intelligence Community and reestablished PFIAB with a membership of twenty-two under the chairmanship of Anne Armstrong. Register Early! AFIO CONVENTION October 4 -5, 1985 Crown Plaza Hotel Rockville, Maryland Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 AFIO Chapter Activities Arizona Chapter. The chapter held its April 1 3th meeting at the Stardust Resort in Yuma, with a good turnout of eighteen members and guests. "We were privileged to have Lee Echols and Don Perry as guests," says Bob Nugent. "Lee's yarns and Don's tales are always a treat." It was proposed that members of neighboring chap- ters, those in San Diego and Albuquerque, be invited to future meetings. Chapter president Ed Bagley and Don Perry will extend the invitations. The members also dis- cussed facilities in Tucson and Phoenix which might be used to host an AFIO convention. The guest speaker was Joe Elliott, who discussed tel- ephone taps and methods used in finding and combat- ing them. Plans were announced to hold the June 1st meeting at Sierra Vista in conjunction with a briefing and tour of the Intelligence School at Fort Huachuca. San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. Despite inclement weather, 21 members and guests attended the March 26th meeting at the new Pisa Restaurant. After dinner, VP-programs Ed Rudka outlined the purpose of AFIO and discussed membership growth. He then introduced the guest speaker, Albert de Billwiller-Kiss, a political science lecturer who served previously as an investiga- tive journalist for West German publications. Kiss excited controversy with his observations that U.S. national interests are not always served by follow- ing Israeli national interests. The pro-Israel lobby, he said, enjoys undue influence in American domestic polit- ics and in U.S. Mideast policy. He asserted that there is no longer discussion in Congress whether Israel's aid requests should be honored; rather, such aid is being increased at a time U.S. pensioners are being asked to take cuts in Social Security benefits. He predicted that the media will pick up on this fact eventually and questi- oned whether it might germinate a new anti-Semitism. To illustrate that public perceptions change, Kiss cited the defeat of Senator Charles Percy of Illinois, who had blocked a bill for more money to Israel, as an example of pro-Israel political interests. Kiss questioned whether selected political action committees could eventually carry enough influence to elect only those candidates of their persuasion. Regarding recent events in the Middle East, Kiss con- tended that Americans were actually protected when the PLO was in Beirut, but that now they are "fair game." He declared that, with the PLO driven out of Lebanon by Israeli forces, Jews there are left even more vulnerable because of the Shi'ites. He added that sev- eral PLO members were actually Jewish, citing as an example their assassinated Ambassador to France. Sim- ilarly, said the speaker, most of our intelligence came from PLO sources. During the hostage crisis in Iran, he said, the PLO offered to mediate. Kiss asserted that the U.S. in the past was not able to talk directly to the PLO, but that dialogue is now possible. He suggested that both prime ministers Begin and Shamir had been "suc- cessful terrorists." With regard to future U.S. intelligence efforts, Kiss claimed that deporting non-German Nazi -collaborators at the behest of Jewish groups would result in injury to our ability to gain credibility and cooperation among other foreign nationals. In the audience were Israeli Consul Yigal Casi and the local director of the Association for a Free Israel, Anthony Fish. Consul Caspi observed that Kiss had given the ""extreme view," hopefully for the purpose of stimulating debate. The Consul stated that the United States was the major benefactor of its own foreign aid to Israel. He explained that of the $4.6 billion of aid last year, almost $4 billion was spent for military hardware and other commodities purchased in America. He also observed that the USSR had given Egypt's Nasser "free" arms and that U.S. aid to Egypt is never debated. He questi- oned how much money the United States spends on NATO in proportion to the payback per aid dollar received from having Israel as our principal ally in the Middle East. The Consul pointed out that the U.S. had gained from the improved technology which the Israelis have applied to the F-15 after testing it in combat. Many American pilots, he said, have been sent to Israel to learn tech- niques which were successful against Russian MIG's and SAM-6 missiles and launching pads in Syria. Our two countries, he maintained, share democratic tradi- tions and the mutual support brings mutual benefits. Regarding the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the Consul said Israel did not ask for American permission or Amer- ican help. Israel knew that the risk of losing American lives there "would draw attention." Where the security of Israel is concerned, he said, "We do not ask American soldiers to defend us. We do it ourselves." He also said that Israel's first interest is its own security, not global strategy. The Consul dismissed the earlier reference to Begin and Shamir as terrorists; he preferred to compare them to George Washington in the American war for inde- pendence. He also defended the United States on one point. He said that reports U.S. agencies may have aided the infamous Dr. Mengele are incorrect. He said that to associate Americans and Nazis is "out of the question." When asked why expert Israeli services have not already picked up Mengele, the Consul speculated that a deci- sion may have been made at one time not to jeopardize the Jewish population in Paraguay by ignoring that country's sovereignty with a move against Mengele. In commenting on Kiss' assertion that the PLO had been a prime source of information for the United States, Con- sul Caspi stated simply that he hoped America does not have to depend on such information. There were numerous comments and questions from the audience to enliven the debate. President McCarthy summarized that Soviet influence has not permitted the Camp David accords to go forward and that we would not like to think of the plight in the Middle East without our strong ally there. The chapter announced that its speaker at the next meeting will be Semera Haile, Ph.D., an outstanding scholar and leading authority on the African continent. Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 San Diego Chapter. Chapter member Maj. Keith Young (USAF-Ret) addressed an audience of 68 at the March 22nd luncheon. The topic was prisoners of war. Young, who is fluent in German, French, Australian and some lesser dialects, backed into intelligence during WWII. He was in the Normandy invasion where, Young said, he got his boots full of sand and his pants wet up to the thighs. One of his intelligence assignments at the time was interrogating enemy prisoners. It was then he learned that none of them knew anything materially significant; he was lucky if the POWs knew their own commanding officer's name. Since physical abuse was not only prohibited, but a mark of an amateur or sadist, it was during this period he began to learn the psychology of POWs. Interestingly, he noted, of the two million missing German military personnel, most of them in Russia, only 55,000 were repatriated. The balance, Young said, are still in Russia and may be presumed dead. According to the speaker, the Russians wanted the German POWs to confess their "guilt," and levied that judgment on the majority, including one cobbler Young was aware of whose only crime had been repairing the boots of the Schutzstaffel (SS). During the Korean conflict, he said, of the 7,190 U.S. prisoners, mostly Army, interrogation of the prisoners evolved into indoctrination, but was a failure. The com- munists won over 21 GIs, all of whom have since been repatriated. On the other hand, 7,000 North Koreans refused to return to their communist paradise. Based on Young's work with POWs during the Viet- nam war, he believes that of the 2,500 Americans taken prisoner few gave away any military information of sig- nificance. "Compliance" was the over-arching goal of the communist interrogators (indoctrinators), he said, and once there was compliance the communists felt they could inculcate their views. They tried to convince our prisoners, sometimes with physical violence, that the Americans were pirates and criminals in an un- declared war. They worked on the beliefs of the Ameri- cans in an effort to destroy them, a process called "unindoctrination." Young voiced the view that there are no POWs remaining in that status in Southeast Asia, and sug- gested that some American pilots are being held as "criminals" sentenced to years in prison. Others, he said, include men who deserted and chose to stay. "We had reports as early as 1965 from the Vietnamese national police that American military personnel-mostly Army who were reported missing in action were living with families in Cholon, the Chinese suburb of Saigon," Young said. He added that recent reports of sightings of caucasians might include American deserters, East Europeans or even French. Of the 40,000 French troops missing after Diem Bien Phu, for example, only 10,000 were ever accounted for. Young went on to discuss the "fourth degree," black- mail, informant-betrayals and similar topics in a fast- paced, interesting and entertaining talk. Friday evening, April 26th, 50 members and guests heard retired Col. Earl P. Hopper (USA-Ret), special assistant to Congressman Bill Hendon (N.C.), talk about missing POWs in Laos and Vietnam. The presentation offered a different perspective of the issue from that offered by Keith Young at the previous meeting. Col. Hopper served in the 101st Airborne in WWII, in intelligence during the Korean conflict and as an advisor to a South Vietnamese brigade during that war. His son, Lt. Col. Earl Hopper, Jr., USAF, was shot down over North Vietnam in 1968; his fate is unknown. The speaker drew on his work with the National League of Families, of which he served as chairman of the board. Hopper said he is convinced there are many U.S. POWs alive and imprisoned in Southeast Asia, and claimed there is evidence to support it. He charged that the official U.S. position is that no more men are alive and there is no government strategy to get the remain- ing POWs back. U.S. intelligence agencies have failed, he said, accusing DIA investigators of insulting, intimi- dating and threatening certain Vietnamese witnesses to the point the witnesses will no longer talk. He blamed the intelligence agencies for a lack of both desire and efficiency, and laid much of the blame at President Car- ter's feet, and on former DCI Stansfield Turner, for emasculating the CIA. There is no HUMINT activity in Vietnam and Laos, Hopper said, a charge verified by such knowledgeable officials as Senator Barry Gold- water. A notable exception to the lethargy and disinterest, Hopper commented, was former DIA Director LG Eugene Tighe, who testified in 1982: "Evidence is clear there are Americans being held against their will in Southeast Asia." Hopper reviewed some of the evidence from per- sons whom he said had passed two to five polygraph examinations. Each said they saw live Americans in vil- lages, working in fields, etc., acknowledging the possibil- ity that some of these men possibly were deserters or non-Americans. Hopper said he made several trips to Vietnam and Laos on this project and offered to run indigenous agents on POW search missions into Laos and Vietnam for the CIA, as he had done on his own several times to prove it could be done without any complication. He received no response to his offers. Hopper said he found it odd that in 1973, the CIA documented 100 live POWs (of the 500 missing) in con- firmed locations in Laos, yet only one American was returned, along with 99 remains. A Frenchman he interviewed saw two groups of the alleged Americans. A Vietnamese mortician-defector who had helped process 426 American remains stated he saw five live Ameri- cans. That source, Hopper said, passed five polygraph interviews. The speaker went on to say that near Hanoi a group of wounded and mentally impaired Americans are being held, no doubt classified as criminals. As such, in the Vietnamese culture they have no names, hence they do not exist. He said he had visited a cave complex once used for POW detention and was told by the Viet- namese there that all prisoners and their guards had died. He was shown a single bomb crater as evidence of the statement. Seven hundred refugees, the speaker noted, have reported seeing American POWs. All were polygraphed and 90% passed in regard to the validity of their informa- tion. Hopper found it odd that no returned POWs suf- fered from missing limbs, nor were there any serious burn or mental cases. Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Col. Hopper, during a long and vigorous delivery, said that LG Tighe has called for a presidential commission to investigate the issue and noted that a bill will be introduced in the Congress soon for the purpose of establishing a civilian review and investigative body. He recommended that Ross Perot, chairman of the EDS Corporation, who rescued his own employees from an Iranian jail, be appointed to head the group. Robert J. Caldwell, editorial writer for the San Diego Union and a member of the paper's editorial board, was the announced speaker for the chapter's May meeting. Rocky Mountain Chapter. MG John Singlaub (USA- Ret), president of the chapter endorsed the appointment of Dixon Harris, former secretary-treasurer of the chap- ter, to the office of vice president. Replacing Harris, Charles D. Rockhill was introduced to the membership at a brunch held at the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, in March. Following the brunch, forty of the chapter members participated in a tour of the North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) complex. Suncoast Chapter. A new format was tested at the chapter's March meeting, held at the Adam's Mark Caribbean Gulf Resort on Clearwater Beach. Instead of a scheduled speaker, a round table discussion was held with all attendees invited to participate. Unclassified top- ics relevant to intelligence were encouraged, and to facilitate the program a portable microphone was passed around to each speaker and a time limit imposed. Roy Klager served as official timekeeper and coordinator, and when a topic began to lag, he introduced new lines of discussion. Dr. Parry, the chapter's in-house Soviet authority, commented on the new Soviet regime, with a lively dis- cussion of the true meaning of the Russian word "mir," often translated as "peace." He elaborated on the Soviet meaning of the word and agreed with Col. Don Williams who quoted Ambassador Paul Nitze as noting that although we accept the word to mean internal domestic order, external equilibrium and an absence of war, the Russian word means something quite different: "As the Soviets used the word in party statements and writings, it meant a condition in the world in which socialism, the first stage of communism, had triumphed worldwide, class tensions had thus been removed, and the condi- tions for true peace under Communist leadership had come to pass." Another discussion focused on the value, aims and purpose of AFIO, with general agreement that the organization's goal is to educate the public. The group felt that members should spread information concerning the proper role of intelligence and its goals. It was noted that "Looking at the year ahead, and considering the fact we are all articulate, it would be an excellent goal for each of us to speak out on the issues." A comment was made that AFIO members should be more active in con- veying their views to their elected representatives. Other topics explored during the discussion were the problems of interservice rivalry, "is the public getting one-sided views on the news," reasons for endorsing the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the need for more sophisticated courses in intelligence at the service academies. In regard to the latter, it was pointed out that advanced training in collection and evaluation would assist the service academy graduate in making informed decisions, rather than guessing, when involved in such situations throughout his or her career. The chapter held its last meeting of the season on May 16th at the MacDill AFB Officers' Club, with fifty members and guests in attendance. The guest speaker, C.B. Eichelberger, USA, the Director Intelligence (J-2) of the United States Central Command, discussed the Soviet threat to Southeast Asia. Raymond St. Germain was elected president, and Roy A. Mager will serve as vice president. Brad Skeels con- tinues as secretary-treasurer. Stanley Sagan, MG. Richard X. Larkin, Mrs. Cynthia Valcovich and Joel Siskovic at a recent meeting of the Lone Star Chapter. Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Western Montana Chapter. The guest speaker at the chapter's spring meeting, held April 5th, was Prof. Paul Gordon Lauren, Ph.D., from the University of Montana, Missoula. Prof. Lauren, who teaches classes on "prob- lems of national security," "war and peace" and related subjects, spoke on "intelligence interest on the Ameri- can campuses." His report was very up-beat and inter- esting, reflecting an extreme and intense interest in intelligence among students. Prof. Lauren indicated that he maintains close liaison with Dr. Ray Cline of the Strategic Studies Institute at Georgetown University and with the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, Washington. Chapter elections were held and Dick Grant assumed the presidency from veteran president Tom Nicholson. Ever-faithful Norm Larum agreed to continue as tem- porary secretary-treasurer. Tom Nicholson was pres- ented with a plaque honoring his dedication, service and loyalty to AFIO. The chapter appeals for speakers, and promises the chapter will gather "the flock" on short notice to hear any intelligence officials or other knowledgeable people who are to be in their area or passing through. They promise first class lodging in the beautiful Bitter Root Valley of western Montana. New England New England Chapter. A discussion of the media, one of the thorniest problems confronting the intelli- gence community, highlighted the April 13th appear- ance of Mike J. Levin, Chief of Information Policy, National Security Agency. Levin stressed the urgency of developing greater pub- lic understanding of the importance of the intelligence function and the way it is conducted within the laws of an open society. He credited AFIO with being in the forefront of that information process and lauded its sup- port of the nation's intelligence efforts. He reviewed the three distinct missions of NSA- signals intelligence, communications security and com- puter security-and cited declassified examples from WWII to demonstrate the importance of signals intelli- gence to intelligence consumers and key decision makers. "We do not want to alert a target to the fact that its communications are vulnerable and consequently lose that source," the speaker noted. "When the target coun- try is confident that its communications are secure, the data we glean from these intercepts is generally true to the intention of the target. He can, however, readily dis- guise his signals. Messages can be super-enciphered . . . non-communications signals can be altered or used in patterns suggesting actions which are not actually occurring. Worst of all, emitters can simply be turned off." "The too frequent exposure of information relating to intelligence sources and methods, techniques, equip- ment, deployments, overseas installations and special capabilities poses a serious threat to national security," he said. "It is a threat that all Americans should be concerned about. It is of particular concern to us at NSA since we deal with one of the most fragile of intelligence sources-signals intelligence." Dick Grant presents Tom Nicholson with a plaque for "dedication, loyalty and service to AFIO." "While you members of AFIO understand," Levin said, "most people have no idea what it is like to spend months or years and much money to develop an intelli- gence source or capability and then see someone whether through treachery, political motives or even good intentions-blow it to a newspaper or magazine. It isn't just the loss of time and money or the heartache, but the fact that the foreign policy makers, the military planners and the field commanders won't have the vital information that capability might have provided." He cited a relatively recent case, involving a well- known journalist known to boast of his sources of classi- fied information. "Some years ago there was an officer assigned to a high level national staff. He was a very busy man and he didn't have time to read the TOP SECRET compartmented daily report that was faithfully delivered to his office each day. So he took them home and in due course stored them in a large box. They were too good to destroy. He may have considered that they might be useful in writing his memoirs some day." "One day the officer had a falling out with his wife. It apparently got bitter and the wife, to get even with the officer, took the box of reports and gave them to a local newspaper. The newspaper people cringed, thought they were too hot for them to handle, and gave them to a certain columnist. Now, every once in a while, when it's a slow day for gossip, the column's staffers will take out a few of the reports and do a column. Then you might see a column say, 'According to a SECRET report my colleague so-and-so has seen . . .' or sometimes even 'Acording to a TOP SECRET codeword report ...' "I wish I had a happy ending to this story. I'd like to be able to tell you that the officer is in a Federal penitentiary and that the FBI went down and rescued the box of reports and returned them to government control. Alas, such is not the case. The officer went scot free and the columnist still has the box of reports!" "But I don't want to give the impression that leakers and other violators of security regulations are never caught. They are. Just recently, the grandson of the famous historian Samuel Eliot Morison, who is em- ployed at the Naval Intelligence Support Center, was arrested and is being tried for providing Jane's Defense Weekly with classified overhead photographs." Levin noted that the identification and prosecution of leakers has been a difficult problem in the past, but Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 PROUDLY PRESENTS THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION FRIDAY - SATURDAY OCTOBER 4 & 5, 1985 4~$ CROWNE PLAZA 1750 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Telephone: (301) 468-1 100 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 AFIO ELEVENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION 1985 Convention Themes This year's AFIO convention will feature two different themes. On the first day, Friday, October 4, the morning will concen- trate on a subject of current importance and sometimes controversy, "Technological Transfer - Friday afternoon will be devoted to another important subject, "Intelligence Oversight." As in the past, Saturday morning, October 5, will be devoted to AFIO affairs, reports from the Chapters, etc. Following Saturday's luncheon speaker, still to be selected, the afternoon will feature three panel speakers who will try to look into the future and project developments in the different disciplines of intelligence. Saturday evening's banquet speaker has not yet been lined up, but we are trying to get someone who will interest and stimulate our members. Location The Crowne Plaza is located on the Rockville Pike adjacent to the Twinbrook Metro Station of The Red line. This is about one mile beyond the White Flint Shopping Mall. It would be closer for travelers to use either Dulles or National Airports. The highway access from 1-270 is via Montrose East to Rockville Pike and then North'/: mile to the hotel. Parking is available free, on the inside lower level for convention attendees. Registration Convention registration for each AFIO member will be $25.00 again this year All AFIO members must register in order to attend any convention session(s) or any social function(s). AFIO Members who have registered may purchase social function tickets in advance for guests. Early registration is encouraged. To prevent the disappointment of not being able to obtain tickets for the social functions, since the sale of tickets is closed 48 hours prior to the function, please include your selection and payment for social events with your Convention Registration form There will be a surcharge of $10.00 for convention registration received after September 9, 1985 Hotel Registration Each member planning to stay at The Crowne Plaza must make his or her own reservation directly with the hotel The hotel will hold 100 rooms for AFIO members until September 15, 1985. Those making reservations after September 15 may find rooms unavailable It is suggested that you use the enclosed hotel registration card to insure the $55 00 rate Hospitality Suites There are two suites available, one on the seventh floor and one on the eighth floor These two locations will afford attendees and their guests an opportunity to socialize in a private atmosphere. We do ask that all members attending understand that the donation bowl is an honor system, but necessary for the economics of the Convention The Hospitality suites will open on Thursday afternoon, October 3rd for the enjoyment of those members who are arriving at the hotel at that time and to encourage members in the Washington area to register early. Convention name tags must be worn to identify AFIO members. The suites will be closed during all Convention sessions Registration The Registration desk will be maintained in the Montrose Room, entrance level. All attendees must pick up their Convention package, which will include name tags, programs and tickets for social events. Since the Hotel requires a firm meal count 48 hours in advance, reservations for social events must be made prior to registration The Registration desk will be open on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Refund Policy Convention registration fees cannot be refunded after September 18. Fees for social events cannot be refunded after September 30 For hotel refunds and cancellations AFIO members must notify the hotel directly The Crowne Plaza Hotel (301 ) 468-1100 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Nominees for the AFIO Board of Directors Enlisted United States Navy, April, 1942. Graduate, U.S. Naval Academy, June, 1948. Principal intelligence officer to the Commander Service Force Sixth Fleet, Commander Naval Forces Phil- ippines, Commander First Fleet, and the President of the Naval War College. Assistant Naval Attache, Port Said, Egypt. Officer in Charge, Naval Field Operational Intelli- gence Office. Deputy Commander, Naval Intelligence Com- mand. Commandant, Defense Intelligence School. Retired as Captain in 1979. Former President, National Military Intel- ligence Association. Member, Board of Directors, NMIA and the National Intelligence Study Center. He joined AFIO in 1979, is a former Vice President and has completed a term as a member of AFIO Board of Directors. Began intelligence service with OSS as a U.S. Army Officer which he continued uninterrupted until he retired as a Deputy Director of the CIA in 1979 after 34 years of service. He has been a Board member and Vice-President of NMIA, and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Central Intelligence Retirees Association. During the year 1981 he was Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Currently he is an Adjunct Professor at the Defense Intelli- gence College and a Vice-President of Electronic Warfare Associates, Inc. of Vienna, Virginia. He joined AFIO in 1979 and has served as President and Executive Director. He has also completed a term as a member of the AFIO Board of Directors. Army Signals Intelligence officer in WW II in Far East. 1946 civilian in Army Security Agency to develop COMSEC techniques. Transferred to NSA 1952, was Chief, COMSEC Doc- trine when sent to National War Col- lege 1960. 1970-72 served as SUSLO in London. Received NSA Meritorious and He was commissioned an Ensign in Naval Intelligence in 1941. He served in various intelligence assignments at home and abroad, afloat and ashore for more than 31 years attaining the rank of Captain. His assignments in- cluded working with other U.S. and Foreign intelligence organizations. He retired in March 1973 after having been Chief, Long Range Forecast Division, Defense Intelligence Agency. He received two Legion of Merit awards. He frequently gives presentations on the Soviet military threat and the need for a strong U.S. Intelligence capability. Bob joined AFIO as a Life member in 1977 and was President of the Florida Sun Coast Chapter 1980-81 and also served as the AFIO Florida State Chairman, 1981-82. The bulk of his military career was spent in Marine Corps aviation begin- ning in Korea and later in Vietnam. He was Chief of Naval Intelligence Allied Forces Southern Europe, NATO. He served on the Staff of the Chief of Naval Operations and then in Marine Corps Headquarters and when he retired in 1982 as a Brigadier General, he was Director of Intelligence, USMC. He was the first Director of Intelligence and Special Projects for the Armed Forces Communictions and Elec- tronics Association (AFCEA) and in 1984 he became Direc- tor of the HRB-Singer Inc Washington District Office. He became a member of AFIO in 1983. Joined Strategic Services Unit after WW II Navy service. CIA (Plans/Opera- tions Directorate) 1947-1975 including overseas assignment, one as Chief of Station and Chief, Counterintelligence Operations of Cl Staff. Since retirement has worked to better public under- standing of intelligence, especially among college students; testified before and submitted papers to Congressional Committees; has spoken at the University of Colorado and the University of New Mexico. Wrote two papers on counterintelligence published by the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence. Life member of AFIO since 1981; member New Mexico AFIO Chapter. Exceptional Service awards. Retired from NSA in 1981 as Assistant Deputy Chief for COMSEC. Recently served as Chairman, Washington D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival. He joined AFIO in 1980 and assisted AFIO Advisory Council on a number of studies. BALLOT VOTE FOR SEVEN CANDIDATES Ballots with more than seven selections are invalid! ^ Richard W. Bates ^ Harry T. Hagaman ^ George S. Scatterday ^ John F. Blake ^ Newton S. Miler ^ Jack E. Thomas ^ Cecil C. Corry ^ Robert C. Roth ^ John H. Waller ^ Robert A. Dowd ^ Fred Rodell ^ Lloyd George Wiggins Signature Ballots must be postmarked no later than September 15. 1985 to he counted. Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 PLACE STAMP HERE CROWNE PLAZA 1750 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Attention: Reservation Manager Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 W CROWNE PLAZA 1750 Rockville Pike ? Rockville, Maryland 20852 ? (301) 468.1100 A.F.I.O. OCT. 4-OCT. 5, 1985 Rate $55.00 Please reserve room(s) for person(s). Name Organization/Firm Address City State Zip Will arrive: day date year Will depart: day date year F] KING BED ^ 2 DOUBLE BEDS PLEASE NOTE: Check In time 3 p.m. Check out time 12 noon Reservations must be received 3 weeks prior to arrival to Insure availability. Reservations received after that date will be accepted on a space available basis. There is an extra charge for each additional person (except children under 12 with parent). Number of additional adults What time do you expect to arrive? Rooms which are not guaranteed will be honored until 6 p.m. only. To guarantee your room for late arrival after 6 p.m., enclose the first night's room plus tax (add 10%) as deposit, or credit card and sign below. ^ Diners Club ^ Carte Blanche ^ American Express ^ VISA ^ MasterCard Exp. date Signature A guaranteed room will be held all night. You will be charged for one night unless you cancel before 6 p.m. on your date of arrival. (Make sure to get a Cancellation Number). The Crowns Plaza Is in Rockville, Maryland, at the heart of Montgomery County. The hotel Is linked by a superhighway network to every point in the greater Washington, D.C. area and Its suburbs. Adjacent to the Twinbrook Office Center complex, the Crowns Plaza will soon be served by rapid transit Metro-rail with service to Capitol Hill, National Airport, most major tourist attractions, government complexes, business and commercial areas. Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 AFIO 6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A McLean, Va. 22101 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Reprinted from the BOSTON GLOBE 9 June 1985 Charting a course for the CIA SECRECY AND DEMOCRACY The CIA in Transition By Stansfield Turner. Houghton Mifflin. 304 pp. $16.95. By Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr. Among those who have headed the Central Intelligence Agency to date, Stans- field Turner's name will survive as the most controversial. His predecessors in- clude. such luminaries as four-star Gen. Walter Bedell Smith (Eisenhower's Chief of Staff during World War II): Allen Welsh Dulles. whose brother was then the secre- tary of state: George Bush. now the vice president of the United States. The incum- bent, William Casey, was a prominent at- torney and former head of major federal agencies. Including all the directors who- preceded. Turner. there were admirals, generals, lawyers, businessmen, career in- telligence officers and a government spe- cialist. When President Jimmy Carter appoint- ed Admiral Turner to head the Central In- telligence Agency, he was looking for a tough man to take on a thankless job. Turner, who is not shy about speaking bluntly, demonstrated it on that occasion. He told the president he would prefer to be named the vice chief of naval operations so that he could be appointed to the top uniformed position in the Navy the next year when the in- cumbent chief of naval operations would retire. The president said he did not want him for that job. but he did want him to head the intelligence community. The intel- ligence community, in addition to CIA. includes the Defense Intelli- gence Agency. the National Secu- rity Agency, the Intelligence and Research Office of the Department of State and the intelligence staffs of the military services. Turner agreed. but obviously may not have been fully aware of the bureaucratic minefields and torpedos into which he was sail- ing. However, in the tradition of the military, he had no worries about being able to handle the job. To say that he is supremely confi- dent is an understatement. Now he has written a commentary on what he found at CIA and in the other intelligence agencies. He also lists 11 "Agenda Actions" recommending what he believes should be done to improve US in- telligence. Stansfield Turner possesses impressive credentials for the job he was called to fill: head of the Central Intelligence Agency and leader of.the so-called US intelli- gence community - all those orga- nizations engaged in finding out what is going on in the rest of the world. A native of Highland Park, Ill., he attended Amherst College for two years, graduated from the Naval Academy in 1946. He was selected as a Rhodes Scholar and received a master's degree from Oxford University for studies in philosophy, politics and econom- ics. Turner's career in the Navy was helped along by Adm. Elmo Zumwalt, who became chief of na- val operations in 1970. Zumwalt first assigned Turner to command an aircraft carrier task group in the Mediterranean and then re- called him to Washington to head the Mavy's Office of Systems Anal- ysis. Turner says Zumwalt dubbed him "his resident S.O.B." After a year in Washington, Turn- er was assigned as president of the Naval War College in Newport. "I changed the curriculum from a passive program, where students were lectured to most of the time, to one where they were actively in- volved In serious reading, writing and critical analysis of ideas. This upset many students and some of the faculty..." (At the time, Turn- er was president of the Naval War College. I was a professor at Brown University in Providence. I had lectured and given elective courses at the Naval War College for many years. Turner did indeed change the War College!) Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 From the War College. the ad- miral went to command the 2d Fleet in the Atlantic. after which he was promoted to four-star rank. On Feb. 2. 1977, he was summoned to see the president and learned that his future was in CIA. The book he has written about the CIA is worthy of being a re- quired text in civics and govern- ment classes of schools and col- leges. If one can forgive the big "I" and overlook the fact that he was "not present at the creation" and that other CIA directors took ac- tions worthy of praise, it is well worth reading. The biggest problem with Turner's book is that it is so self- serving. One inevitably tires of the big ' I." However, his accomplish- ments far outweigh his arrogance. If the reader takes a dose of tran- quilizers, the book can assist in an understanding of how the United States tries to use its intel- ligence agencies to discover and analyze world problems. The importance of the CIA should not be underestimated. That organization, its career professionals and its directors, as well as the policy makers of the executive branch deserve the sup- port (and prayers) of all Ameri- cans. If they are correct, we all benefit; if wrong, this nation and perhaps the entire planet may suf- fer. The admiral concludes his book with what he calls "The Agenda for Action." He lists 11 recommended changes. One is to convince the intelligence commu- nity that good oversight is essen- tial to effective intelligence. In my 20 years of US intelligence service, I knew of only a very small minor- ity who resisted inspection and re- view. They may have been clever, but they were not Wise and, in more than one instance, were "hoist with their own petard." It seems obvious, but those who are "overseers" cannot be the intelli- gence collectors or analysts or it would be a meaningless introspec- tion. He urges that analysis be im- proved. There is nothing on this planet that cannot be improved. Turner suggests broadening the analytic effort beyond current events and Soviet military events. CIA's activities are controlled by what the president wants and Congress will fund. CIA is con- structing another giant building. so additional effort obviously is planned. He would separate the role of director of Central Intelligence from that of head of the Central Intelligence Agency. Stansfield Turner held the two jobs, as does William Casey today, as did for- mer directors. The proposal is as old as the US intelligence system. The head of CIA can use the vast facilities of the community in co- ordinating the US intelligence ef- fort. Separating the DCI's role from that of head of CIA means adding at least another several hundred million to the cost of the intelligence effort, and another or- ganization is created. The admiral would merge the espionage and analytic branches of CIA. This is impractical. The es- pionage people are action-orient- ed. The analysts are scholars. Both branches are in the same building. They can walk down the hall to coordinate their work. He would strengthen the DCI's authority over the National Secu- rity Agency. The DCI already has authority to coordinate the effort of all the intelligence agencies, in- cluding NSA. Turner would like to see more effective precautions against leaks of intelligence information. Amen! Leaks in ships are plugged, or the vessel is lost. Those who leak gov- ernment secrets should be fired, regardless of rank. He suggests a charter for the Intelligence community. The stat- utes that authorize intelligence ac- tivities and the annual authoriza- tion and appropriations bills are the charter. What more is needed? And he would reduce the num- ber of employees in covert action. This is within the current DCI's authority. Obviously, reductions can be ordered by the president or Congress. Finally, Turner would "depoli- ticize" the role of the DCI. Every DCI has tried to stay clear of poli- tics. It is not easy in the US gov- ernment. The DCI and the CIA and the US intelligence effort are and certainly will continue to be headline makers. This is grist for newsmen and politicians and al- ways will be. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr. has served as assistant director, inspector general and executive director-comptroller of the CIA. He is University Professor Emeritus and professor of political science emeri- tus at Brown University. Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 AFIO Convention '85 - Tentative Program Thursday 3 October 1600-1800 -- Convention Registration 1600-2400 - Hospitality Suite OPEN CONVENTION REGISTRATION FORMS & CHECKS MUST BE SENT TO: AFIO 1985 CONVENTION 6723 WHITTIER AVENUE, SUITE 303A McLEAN, VA 22101 Friday 4 October 0730-0830 Convention Registration 0845 Convention Opens l Di i 1130 P 00 CONVENTION REGISTRATION FORM on ane scuss - -- 09 1130-1230 - Cash Bar 1230-1345 Luncheon with Guest Speaker 1400-1630 -- Panel Discussion Number Function Friday Luncheon Unit Cost Total $17.00 * -- 1630-2400 - Hospitality Suite OPEN Saturday Luncheon $16.00" Saturday 5 October Saturday Banquet $25.00" 0830-1000 - Chapter Presidents Report Members Registration 1020-1130 - Address Fee $25.00 1130-1230 Cash Bar After September 9th $35.00 1230-1400 - Luncheon with Guest Speaker 1400-1630 Panel Discussion 1630-1830 - Hospitality Suite OPEN 1900-2000 Cash Bars 2000 Convention Banquet 2200-2400 - Hospitality Suite OPEN Sunday 6 October 0800-1200 Hospitality Suite OPEN Please print below your name and those of your guests for the social functions as you want them to appear on the Convention Name Tag. NAME TAGS must be worn to gain access to any convention function including the Hospitality Suite CROWNE PLAZA 1750 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Rates Single or Double Occupancy $55.00 NAME NAME NAME SIGNATURE AFIO MEMBERSHIP NUMBER Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 AFIO LOOKS FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 pointed to a recent judicial decision in the Morison case that may make it easier to prosecute leakers. "A Federal District Court judge in Baltimore has ruled that officials who make unauthorized disclosures of military or intel- ligence secrets can be prosecuted under laws barring espionage and theft of government property. He found, quite correctly, that disclosure of sensitive information to a magazine can be just as damaging to the national security as giving it to a foreign spy." He noted the need to press for legislation criminaliz- ing the unauthorized disclosure of intelligence informa- tion, carefully worded to cover valid national security considerations yet not infringing First Amendment rights. Levin noted that Congressman Bob Stump, ranking minority member of the House Permanent Select Com- mittee on Intelligence, has introduced the "Omnibus Intelligence and Security Improvement Act," which includes provision making such unauthorized disclosure by Federal employees a criminal offense. "What we need," he said, "is a twofold attack," the first of which is to sensitize people with classified access to the fragility of intelligence sources and methods. "At the same time, we need to tighten the procedures for the review of releases and improve our capability to identify leakers and investigate unautho- rized disclosures." Levin acknowledged opposition in some circles to government efforts to address the problem through non-disclosure agreements, expanded use of the poly- graph to investigate leaks and prepublication review of writings related to sensitive intelligence information. Of the latter, he said: "It is not censorship. We don't want to see political writings or dissent. We don't want to squelch academic freedom. We think this is a reason- able and prudent measure to protect sensitive govern- ment information." He urged that non-disclosure agreements be extended beyond the intelligence collectors and producers. "I believe it was President Kennedy who said 'The ship of state leaks from the bridge.' He was right! It isn't the intelligence producers who are leaking sensitive infor- mation. It is generally the users of the intelligence who may not be fully aware of the special sensitivity of the information or who, for whatever motivation, think their purpose in releasing information should take pre- cedence." It sums up, Levin said, as a question of responsibility. The intelligence community must act responsibly within the law, protecting only that information that requires protection in the national interest; it must par- ticipate fully in the Congressional oversight function. "But, let's not mince words. We are not the only ones who must act responsibly. The people have a right to expect that all Americans will act responsibly, including publishers, broadcasters and writers ... Those writers who do not act responsibly, and particularly those who may have sensitive national security related informa- tion and do not have an appropriate authority check it out before publication, should be roundly condemned by all of us." The NSA official concluded by observing that secrecy and a democratic society are, indeed, compatible. "While those in the media, historians and academicians have their job to do and we in the intelligence community have our job to do, in the final analysis we both have the same constituency. The American people need us both ... If we can develop mutual trust, if others act responsibly and if we act responsibly, the government can have the secrecy it needs and we can all have our cherished First Amendment rights." Lone Star Chapter. Eighteen members attended the chapter's luncheon at the University Club, Joel Sis- kovic, the chapter president, presiding. The guest speaker was MG Richard X. Larkin (USA-Ret), imme- diate past president of AFIO. Chapter members summed up the talk: "He was great!" NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Col. Arlon (Pat) Pattakos, USA (Ret), has been named executive director of the International Barome- ter, (Suite 310, 1 120 Connecticut Avenue NW, Wash- ington, D.C. 20036) which focuses on activist move- ments and their role in promoting change in the business environment world-wide. Pat indicates the newsletter will assist readers in understanding more clearly activist tactics and active measures directed at business and free enterprise. This year, three AFIO members will attend 50th class reunion celebrations. Congratulations to Larry Houston (Harvard), Walter Pforzheimer (Yale) and Richard Helms (Williams). We are pleased to report that Col. Rick Glasebrook, USAF (Ret), after eight months at the Walter Reed Medical Center for treatment of cancer in the lymph system, has been declared in complete remission. He is back at work assisting WWI ace Kenneth Lee Porter in writing a definitive history of the 147th Aero Squadron's contribution toward winning the Great War. Last year, Rick and his wife Millie published American Aviators in the Great War 1914-1918 (Glasebrook Foundation, Box 5592, Arlington, Va. 22205-0092, $15). He reports that his latest search is for reporting regarding Lt. James Frederick Ashenden of the 147th who crashed in Swit- zerland in June 1918 and is believed to have been paroled to the U.S. Attache there. The National Intelligence Study Center Award for the best book on the subject of intelligence by an American author in 1984, was presented to Lt. Col. Thomas G. Ferguson, USA, for his work British Military Intelligence, 1870-1914: The Development of a Modern Military Intelligence Organization (Frederick, MD: University Pub- lications, 1984). The Center's award for the best scho- larly monograph dealing with intelligence by an American author in 1984 went to Dr. Raymond L. Gar- thoff for his Intelligence Assessment and Policy Making. A Decision Point in the Kennedy Administration (Wash - ington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1984). The Awards Committee was chaired by AFIO member Walter L. Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 On the Intelligence Bookshelf ... Current books of interest to intelligence buffs and watchers of the world scene. All reviews are by AFIO members except when otherwise noted. Well-Crafted Study of KGB Corson, William and Robert T Crowley, The New KGB Engine of Soviet Power New York William Morrow, 1985, 560 pp S19.95. "There is no evidence of relaxation of Soviet control to the degree that uncoordinated operations can occur." With that sentence and some additional 500 pages Corson and Crowley establish certain facts and conclusions. The one above being that those who doubt that the Bulgarian attempt to assassinate the Pope was coordinated with Andropov and the KGB have never stud- ied the strict code which founded the Cheka, and which still applies with minor alteration today Increasingly, practitioners of the art realize that the amount of accurate data about espionage cases residing in the public prints usually exceeds, once the case is known, that which reposes in clas- sified files. The critical task is the accurate sorting of it. The authors demonstrate their skill at this task with sharply drawn accountings of numerous intriguing and sometimes little known KGB operations, as a backdrop for defining the role of the KGB And their contention is " the USSR no longer resembles any previously known form. The party, supported by the KGB and the armed forces, no longer retains its comforting primus inter partes symmetry. The KGB now operates the USSR . . . The lessons of Marshal Beria's fatal attempt at power have been fully absorbed by the eaglets who now control the engine of Soviet power," This is it well-crafted book on a topic that is chronically porous with half-truths, conjecture and anecdotal, often-misleading, history. The authors' quite apparent hunger for archives, books, interviews and literary investigation, coupled with their near religious attention to keeping the facts as accurate as possible in this contentious world, of who did what to whom, is a first heartening and then exciting. The eight chapters and nine appendices combine into a telling Insight about our current enemy's intelligence service and how it nurtured itself from the original 23 in the VChK's first office to the 750,000 currently involved, including the KGB border troops. Intelligence officers have commented that the most compelling history, the one that is ever-present, is the history of counter- espionage A dusty case of yesteryear so often casts its prints on today's "affair "' This book does Justice to that adage While Crowley and Corson project the KGB as the hand inside the puppet that is the Soviet system, there is no Pygmalion effort here to fashion a KGB statue of unreal size or to intrigue you with the hint that they are faster into our pockets than we into theirs. This is an accounting, rather arresting in its simplicity, of how the KGB gener- ated certain specific cases then and now Beginning with the execution-ridden early days of the organ (by many estimates 20 million were liquidated in the first decade and a half) the book sails smartly among the operational isles built by the Cheka KGB, first in Moscow and then in the other major capitals of the world during the past 68 years Each stop, whether a visit by the British Security Service to the smouldering code room of the Soviet trading mission in London, or an American businessman setting out his Initial trading tent in the USSR with the full support of Felix Dzerzhinsky (well-deserved hero of Soviet intelligence), or the arrest of the first American enlisted by the United States to spy on the Soviets (arrested, probably, because of his complicity with Reilly, Ace of Spies) each scene shocks you with how strictly adherence to the founding concepts of the VChK has been maintained by the KGB Neither of these two authors is a popular name outside the corri- dors of government power or the halls of the spy business But Crow- ley, seldom heard of in the former, and Corson, a name only occasionally recognized in CIA's Directorate of Operations, represent a unique combination of experience, together they possibly are among the top of the free world's authorities on their subject The. book raises numerous questions for the readers As espion- age moves into the 21st Century, our technology will undoubtedly provide us wit Ii new skills for observing and transmitting intelligence technology Will the intricate mind of the intelligence officer, at the same time, discover new means of recruiting sources? One suspects since motivations for spying are multiple--that a more effective, tell- ing means of accumulating significant spies is beyond our grasp A breakthrough, as the book suggests, may come in combining ultra-tech collection with a more far-sighted facility for identifying future intelligence requirements. As the KGB stretched out and began pointing its boney collection finger at our industrial secret more than two decades ago when we were striving to find new ways of counting their non-existent ICBM's, so must we be glancing ahead continually, e.g. where will intelligence on their defense against our ballistic missile defense (SDI) come from? This book differentiates itself from those that are recollections on intelligence in high places. Its 68 pages of "Notes" by themselves are not only a fine dessert, but ready evidence of the scholarship and expert research that elevates this book to the top of any list of books on the Soviet intelligence organ. It is important background for anyone professing an interest in Soviet or anybody else's espionage. [Frank F. Sommers served as a Soviet Operations Officer with the CIA for thirty years.] Intelligence Issues Supreme Court Affirms Sources-Methods Protection The United States Supreme Court, in a decision rendered April 6, 1985, has reaffirmed the mandate for protection of sources and methods contained in the National Security Act of 1947. In deciding the case of Central Intelligence et al. v. Sims et al., the High Court held that "the plain meaning of ?102(d)(3)'s language, as well as the National Security Act's legislative history, indicates that Congress vested in the Director of Central Intelligence broad authority to protect all sources of intelligence information from disclosure. To narrow this authority by limiting the definition of 'intelligence sources' to sources to which the CIA had to guarantee confidentiality in order to obtain the information, not only contravenes Congress' express inten- tion but also overlooks the practical necessities of modern intelligence gathering." In addressing adverse lower court actions, the Supreme Court noted that external researchers are protected "intelligence researchers" within the meaning of the National Security Act of 1947, "because they provided, or were engaged to provide, information that the CIA needed to fulfill its statutory obligation with respect to foreign intelli- gence To force the CIA to disclose a source whenever a court deter- mines, after the fact, that the CIA could have obtained the kind of information supplied without promising confidentiality, could have a devastating impact on the CIA's ability to carry out its statutory mission."" The Court noted that 'To keep informed of other nations' activities bearing on our national security the Agency must rely on a host of sources. At the same time the Director must have the authority to shield those Agency activities and sources from any disclosures that would unnecessarily compromise the Agency's efforts . The reasons are too obvious to call for enlarged discussion, without such protec- tions the Agency would be virtually impotent If potentially valuable intelligence sources come to think that the Agency will be unable to maintain the confidentiality of its relationship with them, many could well refuse to supply information to the Agency in the first place." The Supreme Court noted that Allen Dulles had shattered the myth of the classic "secret agent" as the typical intelligence source, when he explained that "American businessmen and American professors and Americans of all types and descriptions who travel around the world are one of the greatest repositories of intelligence we have Thus, when the Congress protected "'intelligence sources" from dis- closure it was not simply protecting sources of secret intelligence information "Congress was well aware that secret agents as depicted Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 The following list of new members since the last issue is incomplete in that it does not include those who requested that their names be kept restricted. Mr. Samuel A. ADAMS Rt. 2, Box 771 Purcellville, VA 22132 Mr. Paul G. BILHUBER 9 Morse Drive, Box 364 Maplewood, NJ 07040 Mr. Robert T. BRANDNER Asst Chief, PSD II DISCO, PO Box 2499 Columbus, OH 43216 Mr. James D. CALDER 116 Azalea Trail Boerne, TX 78006 Mr. John Michael CARBONE 32 Pleasant View Drive North Haledon, NJ 07508 Mr. Billy R. CARLILE 8215 Labbe Lane Vienna, VA 22180 MAJ Theodore F. CROSBY Jr. USA(Ret.) 7101 Mintwood Ct. Tampa, FL 33615 Mr. Robert K. CUNNINGHAM Sr. 7829 Greeley Boulevard Springfield, VA 22152 Mr. Lawrence J. DEMPSEY P. O. Box 4446 Falls Church, VA 22044 Mrs. Ruth S. DOWD 701 Old Compass Road Longboat Key, FL 33548 CAPT James M. DUNLOP USN(Ret) 7328 Wickford Drive Alexandria, VA 22310 Mr. Glenn A. ECKFELD 4420 Ranchwood Spur Akron, OH 44313 Ms. Ruth T. ELLIFF 2001 North Adams, #920 Arlington, VA 22201 Mr. Robert E. ENKELMANN 10133 Concord School Road St. Louis, MO 63128 Brig Gen Fraser P. FORDE 62 Lawson Street Hempstead, NY 11550 Dr. William J. FRANK 6904 La Costa Drive NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 Mr. Alan S. FURST 15006 Komedal Road Brainbridge Island, WA 98110 Mr. Ronald D. HALL 746 Cordell Way Herndon, VA 22070 Mr. Grant G. HINTZE 15726 El Estado Drive, #242 Dallas, TX 75248 Mr. Jerry E. HUDSON 9416 D Lexington Cir. Charlotte, NC 28213 LtCol Michael C. JACOBS USAF(Ret.) Box 83 Jericho, VT 05465 Mr. William F. JOHNSON P. O. Box 4417 Alexandria, VA 22303 LTC Herbert A. JORDAN Jr. 469 Capri Road Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 Mr. John A. KAY 216 Spring Drive Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Mr. Reginald C. KICKLIGHTER 2020 F Street, NW, #919 Washington, DC 20006 CAPT Robert G. KNOWLES Jr. 1523 Colony E. Circle Stone Mountain, GA 30083 Mr. John W. KOLESZAR 6 Copperfield Road Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 Mr. Peter G. KULZER P. O. Box 4926 Woodland Park, CO 80863 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1 DCI Cites Sandinista Threat To Central American Stability In a recent New York speech billed in the press as the most comprehensive argument for U.S. assistance to the Nicaraguan resistance yet put forward by the Reagan Administration," DCI William J. Casey warned: "The Soviet Union and Cuba have established and are consolidating a beachhead on the American continent, are putting hundreds of millions of dollars worth of mil- itary equipment into it, and have begun to use it as a launching pad to carry their style of aggressive subver- sion into the rest of Central America and elsewhere in Latin America." He warned that "Today, we see Nicaragua becoming to Central and Latin America what Beirut was to the Middle East for almost 15 years since 1970 when Lebanon became the focal point for international and regional terrorists." Intelligence analysts, he said, have studied the blue- print used by seven totalitarian regimes in seizing and consolidating power. "They have identified 46 indicators of the consolidation of power by a Marxist-Leninist regime ... Of the 46 indicators, Nicaragua in five and one-half years has accomplished 33." The DCI recalled the 1984 report of the Bipartisan Commission on Central America which warned that a communist Central America would likely be followed by the destabilization of Mexico. "Today," said Casey, "the Cuban and Nicaraguan military forces are together four times the size of Mexico's and are equipped with vastly superior weapons. Today, with armed forces larger and better equipped than the rest of Central America put together, Nicaragua could walk through Costa Rica, which has no army, to Panama, and Cuba can threaten our vital sea lanes in the Caribbean." Casey recognized the insurgent movement in Nicara- gua as the major obstacle to Sandinista consolidation, noting that the force encourages the erosion of active support for the Sandinistas by creating uncertainties about the future of the regime; by challenging its claims to political legitimacy; and by giving hope to the leaders of the political opposition. The "Contra" opposition, the DCI said, can increase the pressure until the Sandinista support has eroded sufficiently to leave them no option other than modifica- tion of their rejection of internal reconciliation. "The objective is to allow for the same process of democrati- zation that is taking place in the rest of Central America to occur in Nicaragua." He reminded the audience that the Soviet Union's subversive war is neither localized nor bloodless. "Marx- ist-Leninist policies and tactics have unleashed the four horses of the Apocalypse-Fa mine, Pestilence, War and Death. Throughout the Third World we see famine in Africa, pestilence through chemical and biological agents in Afghanistan and Indochina, war on three continents and death everywhere. Even as I speak, some 300,000 Soviet, Vietnamese and Cuban troops are carrying out savage military operations directed at wiping out national resistance in Afghanistan, Kampuchea, Ethio- pia and several other countries." Casey describes these actions as a holocaust, comparable to that which Nazi President's Desk (from page sixteen) document that would change world history: the Declara- tion of Independence. He also wrote the statute of Virgi- nia for religious freedom and is known as the father of the University of Virginia. He was talented in music, architecture, law, medicine, engineei ing, astronomy, horticulture, mathematics and literature. And he has an understanding of the necessity for good intelligence as indicated in the following letter: Dear Fleming: Yours of the 22nd June ... this and your former contain interesting intelligence. Our affairs in Canada go still retrograde, but I hope they are now nearly at their worst. The fatal source of these misfortunes have been the want of hard money with which to procure provisions, the ravages of the small pox with which one half of our army is still down, and an unlucky choice of some officers ... Burgoyne pursuing Gen. Sullivan with double or triple his numbers. Gen. Schuyler has sent him orders to retire to Crown Point opinion of all General officers that an effectual stand may be made & the enemy not only prevented access to New York but by preserving a superiority on all the lakes we may renew our attacks on them - Conspiracy at New York is not yet thoroughly developed, one of the General's lifeguard convicted and was to be shot last Saturday - Gen. Howe arrived at the Hook and said to have landed some horse on the Jersey Shore the famous Maj. Rogers in custody on suspicion being in the conspiracy." Of all the presidents who have had an instructive appreciation of the necessity for intelligence none can equal Abraham Lincoln. Perhaps it should be added that fortunately for this nation only he as president had to live in the cauldron of a War Between the States. As the bitter struggle progressed the president, by necessity, had to assume the role of Commander-in-Chief in every aspect, becoming better informed on the Confederate forces than any other officer of the Union. Herndon said of Lincoln he was one whom "God rolled through his fiery furnace." Years later Edwin Markham at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial in 1922 said: "The color of the ground was in him, the red earth The smack and tang of elemental things. Sprang from the West, He drank the valorous youth of a new world The strength of virgin forests braced his mind, The hush of spacious prairies still his soul. His words were oaks in acorns, And his thoughts Were roots that firmly gripped the granite truth." Germany inflicted in Europe forty years ago. The DCI made it clear that the subversive war is not limited to bloodshed and terror. "A worldwide propa- ganda campaign has been mounted and carried out on behalf of the Sandinista guerrillas which would not have been possible without the capabilities, the contacts and the communications channels provided by the Soviet bloc and Cuba. The Sandinistas themselves have shown remarkable ingenuity and skill in projecting disinforma- tion into the United States itself. Perhaps the best example of this is the systematic campaign to deceive well intentioned members of the western media and of western religious institutions." Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140013-1