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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP A3T t L r1PPi iuli D THE GUARDIAN (U.S.) p:; 29 . April 1981 El Salvador Move -on- ultrarigh. 0 Fighting in El Salvador ground to a temporary halt as the revolutionary forces called a truce to ;!!low the traditional celebration of Holy Week. . International attention -focused meanwhile on 13iarti, Fla., where there was a break in the case o: a U.S. land reform officials murdered in El . Salvador at the beginning of this year. : - Federal officials announced April 15 the ar- :st of Hans Christ, 30, son of a wealthy Salvad- oran landowner.'in the killing.. A short time lat-- er. Salvadoran authorities said they had already arrc:.ted Ricardo Sol Meza, one of the country's weakh,est men. also in connectiow with- the, murders of the two Americans; Michael Ham: met and-Mark Pearlman. -' ? y ` 'M- ..:.:. ,- ..._.~ ,.cic:..:.r....c th era sire e sponsored American Institute. for Free- Labor _ -, - -- -"-- _ r-- ^?? d ganization:UCS in an.attempt to channel rural jl i t A1FLD s 1. e tey were a sass na Duvelopmem ( slop, with Jose Rudolfe 1Viera, head-of the Sal discontent away from the influence of progres . 1979: He reportedly has close links with the ? sive forces.'The U.S. body iti'ortedly? is one of' ?.a oran Communal Union- (UCS), an AiFLD= < U.S: right through- the American Security< crewed peasant-organization, while meeting the organizations paying the salary of Dr.Roy Councif,whichspoosoredhis1,980trip toWash-! Prrc'erman; principal advisor-to and' author-of. where he met with ri Sen. Jesse , el ght-wing over late-night coffee at the San Salvador Hotel in an Sheraton in early January. part of -the land pmject.'?; ..... ; .: -?'Helnu (R?N.CJ: - - letanv observers believe the.arrestsma sow Fortner CIA agent Philip Agee has identified Y' S --I, 1L9 -- - 0'1 A r--. --- - -- -- h ,_ .R- D Le;t some movement by we Reagan aamimstra- - VJiA VLiiI~ V G J V l~LAVAI\ ' ? '? for Reuther, brother of the late labor leader Wall-;. - Observers note that Whites testimony di- I y is a t:oa to crack down on the most fascistic ele- .? di d h th i IF d D er, n cate t at A ha ter Reu L been the ment: within the Salvadoran government'and . recipient of CIA funds during the 196(ls. among the country's oligarchy:'Such steps i After the Januar deaths -of - Hammer -and wou!d mitigate some -of: the popular domestic ntem~:ional rejection of U.S. policy by , Pearlman, the- U.S.- Justice Department ?attor-. and i `od;tiring the myth that the rightist.Salvado- ran hey, in oral argument before the Supreme Court. ,. ? ; _ : - intimated that the two men were operating as CIA " " - .: -? .: moderate'. government is But, altheuah this may be a."smarter"? U.S. policy, links between the' uhraiightistsifi El Sal vador and the U.S. "new right. '. which-isf rmly based in the administratibir. ire-believed to be strong. Thus it is. unclear. how=?an'thee Whim House will go in an effort to stensibe mosthor- rific acts on the part of these former-elements. A- rrdre significant test will come ' regarding'the? still-unsolved murders Of Salvadoran.'Archbi shop Oscar Romero and'of four-U.S'religieus workers. . - --;~: sional'::testimony, White identified Miami resi-:l OLIGARCHY V. CU? ;dent Alberto Lagos Mena, reportedlysecond in The case against the ju liersofI command -of the-death squads under ex-Maj.. El Salvador's oligarchy meanwhile ref ectsm;the l Robert D'abuisson, as an important conduit of struggle within the rightist Salvadoran V. -I support to Et Salvador- According -to eyewitnesses to the mukders,,two, White also spoke of a document given to him assassins entered the heavili guarded- hotel;- a:1 by-former junta member-Col. Adolfo Majano . center for both the oligarchy and U.S. officials listing the names of 100 people both in and working in El Salvador. One waited-at the door around the government on the payroll of the Mi- of the coffee shop while the other walked to the. ami oligarchy. White reportedly forwarded that table and shot the thre-mien with a pistol rl material to?? U.S... State Department officials, -along with other documents used by the Reagan administration for.irs controversial White Paper,: After Christ's. arrest ..last -week.. additional In his testimony; .White did not mention the' facts were revealed which. indicate that ' both El Salvador Freedom Foundation,' an organiza- Christ and the other suspect, Sol Meza, were. in don of Salvadoran oligarchs also based in Mvlia- the hotel coffee shop when the three labor offs- mi who have lobbied against both Reagan and cials entered. The three ' men initially seated Carter policy toward El Salvador.. Key leaders themselves at a table near the two suspects-and of the foundation are^ Orlando De Sola. a - then moved to- another. table out of ?ear-shot member of one of the country's wealthiest fami- when they recognized Christ, ,Sot Meza and His, and Luis Salaverria; a. wealthy Iandowner= 'their other companions as major-right-wing op- from Ahuachapan; -a 'eve?tern - province. The ponents of the agrarian refoim. ? - . foundation. is represented in the U.S.- by the-. .. Reportedly, Christ and Sol Meza then left the public relations firm of McKenzie-McCheyne, hotel, as the AIFLD officials continued ?.their..thesame-company that represented the late Ni conversation. Shortly.followin theirdeparture.: Win dictator Anastasio Somoza_ r:, : ? ; the assassins entered the hotel and shot the men.: _i The former ambassador also indicated that he The AFL-CIO and its subsidiary AIFLD had 'had: seen evidence implicating ?? reputed, death been pressuring both the Salvadoran and U.S. squad head Maj. Roberto D'abuisson; in last governments-to solve the murders: AIFLD, an year's murder of Archbishop Romero. White' educational institute sit-up in the 19606 by-U.S. spoke of documents. taken from D'abuisson at business and labor to influence the-Latin'Amer the time :of his arrest last year when he and oth- ican trade -union movement, has-been deeply in- ers attempteda coup d'etat. In those documents, volved in the planning and operation of the jun- D'abuisson' is-revealed to hr:?e been planning a .land program =: = major action on the same night when the archbi- ' `~ ? ,shop was shots _ : .. ,.:.; ? . , . '; ? ; ~ , r . SPOTLIGHT ON 'MIAMI CONNECTION' .,-:D abuissoii: bras head of intelligence irr the National Guard duringthe regime of Gen. Car- rect challenge. to the Reagan administration to -move against the Salvadoran fascist sectors.:?: - The investigation- of the murders pf the four women meanwhile appears to be stymied. Then: are 'reports that the murderers are among the , agents in El Salvador. AIFLD's director:-Will,' - ~- - --' - - - - -'- _ " -`-...' jam Diiherty, denies CIA link. ax well as atl 'which-Defense IrlinisterJose Guillermo such chherts about mme :and Pearlman: - ...~' Garcia recently claimed was "out of control:" The arrest of Hans Christ. again focuses the - If the Reagan administration does to some de- spodighton- the "Miami Cdnnection; ' the Sal-' gree-stem the.ultrarightist forces; :many o- servers believe that it may be able to at least par-. vadoran exile community the U.S_' believed to'. _ - be responsible for arming both the-security for J. ttally_disarm manysof.its liberal critics, spicu- ces-and the death squads. Former U:S_ Ambas- tarty in the Congress. The aim is to.win support j; for the warof extermination which the junta and': sador to El Salvador Robert White, among oth- -the U.S.- government have been waging in-EC ers. has declared that exiles in that city are aid- Salvador since early 1980. ing rightist forces both within the Duarte gov--. t ?,; ROBERT ARMSTRONG' einment and outside of it. In April 9 Congres - . -.. _ ; , ? .:,- .., ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100070006-7