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Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Directorate of
Organization & Functions
Management Staff, October 1984
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of the Deputy Director for Administration
Office of Communications
Office of Data Processing
Office of Information Services
Office of Logistics
Office of Medical Services
Office of Personnel
Office of Security
Office of Training and Education
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of the Deputy
Director for Administration
Overall Functions
The Directorate is responsible for pro-
viding support to all Agency intelli-
gence, operations, and related activi-
ties. The Deputy Director for
Administration (DDA) provides guid-
ance and counsel on administrative
matters to the DCI and DDCI, the Exec-
utive Committee, and the other Deputy
Directors. He provides leadership and
direction to the Directorate of Adminis-
tration office heads.
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Directorate Of Administration
Special Support
I I I Office of t` Office of
Data iiii Office of I information
Office of I I Office of I I I i i
Personnel CommunicationsI Processing Finance Services
I t
Office of
Deputy Director
for Administration
Office of
Office of
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of
and Education
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Executive Officer
Performs the vital function of managing
the flow of paper that concerns the
Office of the DDA, assigning action
requirements to staff elements or the
offices of the Directorate, establishing
suspense dates, and monitoring those
dates. Acts in the capacity of Executive
Officer for the Office of the DDA and
the Directorate and as Executive Assis-
tant to the DDA and ADDA.
Special Support Assistant
Ensures adequate, proper, and timely
support to the Operations Directorate.
Serves as the focal point for the Deputy
Director for Administration and the
Deputy Director for Operations for the
resolution and coordination of support
problems of mutual concern, such as
those with other Directorates involving
overseas administration and travel.
Management Staff
Provides staff guidance on the prepara-
tion of Directorate programs and bud-
gets; conducts budgetary liaison with
the Office the Comptroller and DDA
offices; manages Directorate planning
and program evaluation activities.
Career Management Staff
Recommends policy, provides advice
and guidance to the DDA and ADDA,
and acts as focal point for all personnel
matters affecting the Directorate.
Serves as the Career Management Of-
fice for all MG and M careerists, making
recommendations regarding training
and assignments as well as providing
guidance and staff support to the vari-
ous evaluation/ promotion panels and
boards. Coordinates Directorate train-
ing matters. Coordinates all Directorate
clerical functions.
Equal Employment Oppor-
tunity Staff
Develops and initiates programs and
efforts that are designed to aid the
career development of DDA employees,
especially those who are in unfair or
disadvantageous employment positions
because of their race, sex, religion, na-
tional origin, language, or physical
Information officer
Advises the DDA and the ADDA on all
matters pertaining to information man-
agement. Serves as DA Records Man-
agement Officer with responsibility for
administering specific records manage-
ment programs required by Title 44
USC and described inServes
as focal point for all FOIA, FA and EO
requests received by the DA. Also
serves as the DA Litigation Officer and
ADP Control Officer.
Safety Staff
Responsible for establishing and main-
taining an effective and comprehensive
occupational Safety and Health Pro-
gram to assure safe and healthful work-
ing conditions for Central Intelligence
Agency employees. The Program is
conducted in accordance with provi-
sions of the occupational Safety and
Health Act, Executive Order 12196 and
Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations,
Part i960_ all of which are cited in
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of
Overall Functions
Plans, manages, and operates a world-
wide communications network in sup-
port of the Agency's information han-
dling requirements. As a member of the
National Communications System
(NCS), the Agency network provides
communications support to other mem-
bers of the U.S. foreign establishment.
Coordinates Agency communications
security requirements, conducts liaison
with the National Security Agency on
specialized COMSEC requirements, is-
sues and controls cryptographic materi-
al, implements the Agency's emana-
tions security program for all electronic
and electromechanical equipment used
to id ,
to process Classiaaaifieu u110rmatlOn. (S)
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office Of Communications
and Liaison
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Executive Assistant
Provides support to the Director of
Communications with regard to the
overall direction of the Office and per-
forms other special tasks as may be
Management and Liaison
Organizes and manages the acquisition,
distribution, and use of Office of Com-
munications (OC) resources; tracks re-
quirements levied on OC and the OC
response thereto; oversees the integra-
tion of new functions into.the network;
develops appropriate network architec-
tural plans; assists the Director of Com-
munications in representing Agency
communications needs and capabilities
both inside and outside the CIA.
Plans, Programs and
Budget Group (MLS)
Develops a unified Office program, re-
views established programs and bud-
gets, analyzes program and budget
changes and new program and budget
requirements, and recommends adjust-
ments to assure meeting priority needs.
Responsible for annual budget and per-
formance evaluation efforts.
Foreign Networks Division
Plans and implements programs and
activities as required to establish, man-
age, and regulate overseas networks for
command, recorJ anr? secure vni e
F Prepares and dissemi-
nates communications procedures and
instructions and provides technical and
logistical support for the overseas staff
communications network. (S)
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Administrative Manage-
ment Division
Formulates OC personnel management
policy and evaluates the effectiveness
of those policies.
Plans, develops, coordinates, and ad-
ministers support programs and ser-
vices for OC components at Headquar-
ters, the U.S. field, and overseas. These
support programs and services include
finance, personnel, logistics (non-tech-
nical), cover, security (non-crypto),
records management, and document
handling and control.
Engineering Division
Plans, designs, programs, budgets,
procures and implements all new com-
munications systems and equipment re-
quired to provide a reliable and secure
Agency communications network.
Provides continuing technical guidance,
support, liaison, and coordination for
the engineering of all domestic and
overseas staff communications activity.
Provides continuing technical and logis-
tical support for the staff communica-
tions network as required.
Communications Security
Establishes, executes, and enforces
communications security policies and
programs to provide crypto-security
transmission security, and emission se-
curity for Agency telecommunications
and information processing activities.
Performs TEMPEST/EMSEC testing
and COMSEC evaluation of all electron-
ic and electromechanical equipment
used for processing classified informa-
tion. Manages the OC Safety and
Health Program.
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of Data Processing
Overall Functions
Advises the Director and staff on mat-
ters pertaining to information resource
Provides centralized information proc-
essing services to all components of the
Reviews and approves Agency propos-
als for the acquisition of information
processing resources such as computer
and word processing equipment, ser-
vices, and computer software.
Operates three major computer centers
providing facilities and services for elec-
tronic mail, large capacity batch proc-
essing, interactive computer processing
through remote terminal networks, data
base management, and online informa-
tion storage and retrieval.
Performs analyses of Agency require-
ments for ADP services, designs and
develops new computer applications,
and performs maintenance and produc-
tion control of completed application
Develops information systems security
policies for ADP systems in coordina-
tion with the Office of Security, Office of
Communications, other Agency com-
ponents, and members of the Intelli-
gence Community. Implements estab-
lished information systems security
measures for ODP systems.
Develops dedicated special-purpose in-
formation processing systems to satisfy
unique requirements.
Develops, coordinates, and conducts
ADP training programs to meet certain
Agency-wide requirements.
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office Of Data Processing
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Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Executive Officer
Serves as ODP office manager perform-
ing a wide range of administrative, rep-
resentational, briefing, and special proj-
ect-oriented tasks for the Director,
Management Development
Focuses on the development and use of
management skills and techniques in
accomplishing ODP's policy of people-
oriented management. Serves as Ca-
reer Development Officer.
Administrative Staff
Provides support for personnel, logis-
tics, document control, travel, records
management, area and personnel secu-
rity, and other ad hoc administrative
Management Staff
Coordinates short- and long-range
planning, budgeting and programming.
Develops, coordinates, recommends,
and promulgates office policy. Reviews
Agency proposals for the acquisition of
information processing equipment, soft-
ware, and services. Provides informa-
tion systems security assistance and
Consulting and Assistance
Acts as the initial point of contact on a
variety of services for anyone seeking
help with automated information man-
agement questions. The support in-
cludes consultation, training, and a
number of system access and data
base management services as well as
data conversion and output distribution.
Intelligence Systems
Responsible for Project SAFE (Support
for the Analysts' File Environment) and
other Agency development projects
with capabilities similar to SAFE.
Management Information
Systems Group
Designs, develops, maintains, and en-
hances management information sys-
tems and other systems as assigned by
the Director of Data Processing.
Processing Systems Group
Designs, maintains, and ensures access
to reliable ODP computer centers, data
access centers, computer terminal
hardware, and word processing
Systems Engineering
Provides computer systems software
and software engineering services in
support of ODP computer centers and
Agency components.
Special Systems Group
Responsible for Project CAMS
(COMIREX Automated Management
System) and other information systems
as assigned by the Director of Data
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Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of Finance
overall Functions
Satisfies the statutory responsibilities of
the DCI for Agency financial activities
other than for budgetary responsibilities
of the Comptroller.
Develops, maintains, and operates an
Agency financial system to reflect and
report on the status, use, and account-
ability for all funds, property, and other
assets for which the DDCI is
Recommends fiscal policies and estab-
lishes procedures for their
Furnishes technical guidance and assis-
tance to Agency officials in all matters
of finance and accounting policy.
Provides professional finance personnel
for Agency components.
Assistant Director
Policy and Plans
Assistant Director
for Liaison
Deputy Director
for Financial
Office Of Finance
Assistant Director
Career Management
Deputy Director External
for Financial Operations
Operations I Staff
Audit and Systems Commercial I
I Accounts lCompensationl Certification Development I I Monetary I
Division Division I ` ` Division Systems an d
I i i 1 Division I I Protects J I I Audit Division
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Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Assistant Director for
Policy and Plans
Assists and advises the Director of Fi-
nance in the day-to-day management
of the Office of Finance as it relates to
policy, planning, systems, and evalua-
tions; develops and recommends Agen-
cy fiscal policies and procedures; fur-
nishes technical guidance and
assistance to Agency officials in all mat-
ters of financial and accounting policy;
conducts reviews and evaluations of
current and proposed accounting sys-
tems to assure the integrity and curren-
cy of Agency fiscal policies and proce-
dures; develops and maintains small
systems applications, including the
Field Accounting System (FAS) ;
serves as Chairman, Travel Policy Com-
mittee, providing secretariat and techni-
cal advisory functions.
Assistant Director for
Establishes and maintains liaison with
other Federal agencies to facilitate in-
ter-agency financial negotiations; exer-
cises control over transfers of funds to
and from other agencies; issues allot-
ments for use of such funds.
Support Officer
Implements and performs administra-
tive support activities in the fields of
budget and finance, security, and
Records Administration
Responsible for development, adminis-
tration, and control of records
Deputy Director for
Financial Systems
Responsible for administering and
maintaining the centralized financial
and property accounts and reporting
for the Agency; conducting overt and
covert payrolling activities for Agency
personnel; the audit and certification of
claims, vouchers, and accountings; for
management and oversight of major
financial systems development, applica-
tion and certain maintenance function;
serves as Chairman of the Overpay-
ments Review Board.
Accounts Division
Establishes and maintains the official
Agency records of Account; monitors
financial accounting operations of field
installations; analyzes and evaluates fi-
nancial data; issues financial manage-
ment reports.
Compensation Division
maintains individual retirement
records and accounting controls over
disposition of retirement funds (CSRDS
and CIARDS) ; investment of CIARDS
funds; computes and pays CIARDS an-
nuities. (C)
Audit and Certification
Audits and certifies claims, accountings
and requests for advances not proc-
essed by decentralized certifying offi-
cers; provides technical guidance for
decentralized certifying officers; reviews
and approves administrative plans or
fiscal annexes for subsidy projects;
serves as central clearance point for
separating personnel.
Deputy Director for
Financial Operations
Responsible for the developing and es-
tablishing requirements for the protec-
tion and safekeeping of Agency funds,
commodity assets, negotiable instru-
ments, and protective documents; au-
diting procurement contracts; providing
operational and functional support to
decentralized Budget and Finance of-
fices. Serves as Chairman of the Board
of Review for Shortages and Losses.
External Operations Staff
Provides the technical and substantive
expertise and advice and assistance in
resolving problems arising from the
broad spectrum of decentralized finan-
cial operations.
Monetary Division
Provides for custody, receipt, and dis-
bursement of Agency funds; provides
Assistant Director for
Career Management
Responsible for overall management of
the finance subgroup (MF). Responsi-
ble for the application and functioning
of the Agency's personnel program
within the OF; hires new personnel,
plans utilization and development of MF
employees; career counsels employees;
serves as technical advisor and admin-
istrator of the MF subgroup perform-
ance appraisal panel system; serves as
staff advisor on all personnel matters.
Systems Development
Responsible for the development, appli-
cation and certain maintenance func-
tions related to major systems including
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Commercial Systems and
Audit Division
Responsible for audit of contract claims
for payment or settlement, including
research and development and produc-
tion contracts; performs surveys of con-
tractors' accounting system; performs
cost analyses of contractors' proposals
prior to the execution of the contract.
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of
Information Services
Overall Functions
Responsible for planning and managing
the Agency information Management
Program, coordinating and responding
to public requests under the Freedom
of Information and Privacy Acts, imple-
menting Executive Order 12356 con-
cerning national security classification
and declassification of Agency records
and other information, and maintaining
the Agency regulatory system.
Office Of Information Services
Privacy Division
Plans and
Training Staff
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of the Chief
Designated the Agency Security Classi-
fication Officer, Agency Declassification
Officer, Agency Information Manage-
ment Officer, Agency Archivist, the fo-
cal point for contact with the Informa-
tion Security Oversight Office, and the
officer responsible for liaison with the
National Archives and Records Service
and its Office of the Federal Register,
and with the Office of Information Re-
sources Management. The Director of
Information Services also conducts liai-
son with other Government agencies on
information management and informa-
tion security program matters and re-
sponds to public inquiries on informa-
tion security program regulations
published in the Federal Register.
Information and
Privacy Division
Receives and processes all requests
submitted to the Agency under the
Freedom of Information and Privacy
Acts and the mandatory provisions of
Executive Order 12356. IPD reviews the
requests to determine if sufficient infor-
mation has been provided to initiate a
records search; acknowledges receipt
of requests within statutory time re-
quirements; assigns records search and
review tasks to appropriate Agency
components; prepares responses to re-
questers with the assistance of compo-
nents that maintain the requested rec-
ords; assesses processing fees or
waives fees as appropriate; processes
appeals on denied requests; conducts
liaison with other Government agencies
regarding the processing of requests;
and prepares reports for Congress or
other Governmental elements as re-
quired by law or Executive order.
Classification Review
Serves as the focal point in the Agency
for the classification review of perma-
nent record material over which the
Agency has classification jurisdiction.
CRD develops guidelines for the sys-
tematic classification review of CIA ma-
terial 30 years old or older located in
the permanent records of other U.S.
Government agencies, and maintains
liaison with these agencies on classifi-
cation and declassification matters.
CRD also reviews manuscripts submit-
ted to the Agency for classification ap-
proval, information involved in public
information release programs, and ma-
terials required by court subpeonas or
the Congress, and reviews internally
generated materials such as summaries
of Agency Employment.
Information Resources
Management Division
Directs the Agency Information Man-
agement Program which provides for
controls over the creation, mainte-
nance, use, and disposition of all Agen-
cy information; develops and encour-
ages the application of standards,
procedures, and techniques designed
to improve information management;
ensures the maintenance and security
of information of permanent value; and
facilitates the segregation and disposal
of information of temporary value. IRMD
also is responsible for the classification
provisions and general administration of
the Agency information security pro-
gram as required by Executive Order
12356, for preparing the Agency Na-
tional Security Classification Guide in
coordination with other Agency compo-
nents, and for managing the Agency's
Top Secret collateral control program.
Regulatory Policy
Manages the Agency regulatory system
on behalf of the Deputy Director for
Administration. RPD is responsible for
the processing, coordination, publica-
tion, and distribution of all headquarters
and field regulations, handbooks, no-
tices, and employee bulletins. This re-
sponsibility includes developing and
maintaining editorial standards, working
directly with initiators and coordinators
of regulatory issuances to resolve sub-
stantive differences, ensuring that time
limits established for completing the
regulatory process are adhered to, and
preparing coordinated regulatory issu-
ances for approval by the Director of
Central Intelligence, Deputy Director for
Administration, and by the Deputy
Director for Operations for field
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of Logistics
Overall Functions
Responsible for the development of
logistics policy and the planning for and
implementation of logistical support to
all Agency activities: establishment and
maintenance of a procurement and
supply system; administration of a real
estate and construction program; oper-
ation and maintenance of the Head-
quarters Building complex; printing,
photography, mail and courier, trans-
portation and other appropriate logisti-
cal services.
Ensures compliance with statutory pro-
visions affecting logistics policy and
procedures except where specific ex-
emption has been or may be
25X1 Conducts liaison with other governmen-
tal departments and agencies, and ne-
gotiates support arrangements for their
providing logistics support to Agency
domestic and overseas facilities.
Monitors and controls logistical support
provided other government activities.
Manages the Single Transportation Al-
lotment (STA), which provides for the
movement of material (excluding em-
ployees' household effects) in support
of worldwide operations.
Manages the Standard Level User
Charge (SLUG) funds for direct reim-
bursement to the General Services
Administration for maintenance and op-
eration of Agency facilities within the
United States.
Office Of Logistics
and Training
Support Staff
Maintenance ands
Printing and
I Photography I
I i
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
and Fiscal
New Building
Real Estate
Logistics Management
Directs and supports the personnel as-
signed to the Logistics career service
and to the staffs and operating divisions
of the Office of Logistics (OL). Five
staffs and the executive office provide
policy and procedural advice in the
areas of contracting, industrial security,
personnel, special programs evaluation,
finance, records, energy conservation
and centralized control of ADP applica-
tions; and operate a contract informa-
tion system, perform security inspec-
tions of contractor facilities, monitor
and control the OL budget and pro-
curement allotments, handle all person-
al property claims by Agency employ-
ees, and monitor equal employee
opportunity within OL.
New Building Project Office
Provides the conceptual design and
planning for consolidating Agency Met-
ropolitan Washington area facilities.
Provides centralized management for
all aspects of the New Building includ-
ing development of a space assignment
and interior layout plan; a management
plan to control schedules, and budgets
associated with communication, ADP,
and security systems; an integrated lo-
gistics support plan for operation and
maintenance, and working hour and
parking management strategies neces-
sary to the operation of the expanded
Headquarters facility.
Approved For Release 2007/01 f66MP90-007088000600070001-6
Headquarters Operation,
Maintenance and Engineer-
ing Division
Provide administrative support to
Agency facilities in the Headquarters
area. Functions include mail and courier
services; motor pool operations; classi-
fied waste disposal; distribution of sup-
plies; space planning, design and allo-
cation; renovation and relocation
services; food services; furniture main-
tenance; Agency parking program; ve-
hicle armoring; and monitoring of ser-
vices provided by contractors for
operation, maintenance, and engineer-
ing on the Headquarters compound.
Printing and Photography
Agency requirements for intelligence,
cartographic, pictorial, and administra-
tive printing and photography are met
through the operation of a central print-
ing plant that ensures high quality, rapid
delivery, and rigid security control.
Functions include maintenance of a
general purpose printing and photo-
graphic facility; audio visual and tele-
production support; technical planning
and guidance for Agency printing and
photographic requirements; artistic
support to Agency components for
graphics and visual aids; and adminis-
tration of an Agency-wide copier man-
agement program.
Procurement Division
Exercises technical staff supervision
over the procurement of equipment,
supplies, and nonpersonal services re-
quired to support Agency activities. Ef-
fects the acquisition of all open-market
purchases of general supplies and
services, major production items and
services, and ADP equipment and serv-
ices. Provides contract and procure-
ment guidance to Agency field stations,
as required. (C)
Supply Division
Provides materiel support to Agency
operations; formulates and administers
policy for the management and opera-
tion of the Agency supply system
worldwffide_ including contingency -
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-007088000600070001-6
Real Estate and Construc-
tion Division
Acquires, manages, and disposes of all
official and nonofficial real property re-
quired for Agency operations world-
wide. Provides architectual and engi-
neering services including contract
negotiations for real estate, construc-
tion, and maintenance to support Agen-
cy domestic and overseas require-
ments. Coordinates legal, cover, and
security aspects of real property trans-
actions with appropriate Agency com- 25X1
ponents. (C) 25X1
Office of Medical Services
Overall Functions
Plans, develops, implements, and di-
rects the Agency domestic and over-
seas medical support program.
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Office Of Medical Services
Registrar and
Environmental Health
and Preventive
Medicine Officer
Chief Psychiatric
Special Programs
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Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of the Director
Provides direction and control of Agen-
cy medical programs. Directs, reviews,
evaluates, and adjusts the foreign and
domestic medical programs as neces-
sary to meet the Agency's operational
requirements, including furnishing medi-
cal personnel and supplies and provid-
ing medical facilities at foreign and do-
mestic stations.
Develops and implements new medical
programs and policies in support of
Agency activities.
Exercises policy control over medical
support programs and personnel for the
Provides an organizational, technical,
and physical environment in which a
high quality of comprehensive health
services programs can occur in a re-
sponsible, dignified, and efficient
Environmental Health and
Preventive Medicine
Serves as the designated Agency
Health Officer and is tasked with re-
sponding to employee occupational
health complaints, as well as with iden-
tifying, evaluating, and developing OMS
policy on broader health problems with-
,n the Agency.
Responsible for the evaluation of ongo-
ing medical programs within OMS and
the formulation of policy on examina-
tions, immunizations, and other aspects
of general preventive medicine.
Chief Psychiatric Advisor/
Special Programs
Acts as the principal psychiatric advisor
to the D/OMS. Supervises all special
programs as directed by D/OMS.
Registrar and Support
Provides the traditional administrative,
financial, personnel, logistical, registry
and records management support to
Provides medical administrative support
to OMS and the Agency, which includes
the development, analysis, mainte-
nance, and use of medical records.
Serves as the focal point for requests
for medical information under the FOIA
and Privacy Act.
In coordination with ODP, develops and
supports the medical and administrative
ADP functions of OMS.
Field Operations Division
Provides medical support outside the
Washington area and overseas. Ar-
ranges special medical evalua-
tions/care abroad
vival. Coordinates and manages all
medical evacuations to CONUS. Acts
as the cable secretariat for OMS.
Coordinates and arranges training for
OMS personnel. Trains Agency person-
nel in first aid, CPR, and special proj-
Clinical Activities Division
Conducts comprehensive programs in
clinical medicine, health education,
emergency health care, and clinical di-
agnostic and preventive psychiatric
care. Provides emergency medical care
for on-the-job injuries and illness, in-
cluding diagnostic and treatment pro-
cedures when appropriate. Conducts
physical examinations, e.g., PCS and
TDY, fitness-for-duty, and other special
medical evaluations on employees.
Provides immunization services, includ-
ing allergy desensitization injections for
Supervises the medical and administra-
tive functions of all dispensaries/ health
units in Headquarters and other select-
ed Agency buildings.
Provides alcoholism prevention and re-
habilitation services to employees and
their immediate families.
Psychiatric Operations
Selection Processing
Conducts comprehensive clinical and
psychiatric evaluations on all applicants
and adjudicates their medical eligibility
for Agency employment. Evaluates all
dependents who are returning from
overseas or who are projected for future
overseas assignments and updates all
Executive Officer
Provides executive management, direc-
tion, and coordination for OMS. Assists
D/OMS in implementing administrative
policies and procedures.
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Conducts daily sick call and desensiti-
zation injections on a scheduled basis.
Psychological Services
Conducts a program of psychological
services and research to support and
enhance the Agency's utilization of its
human resources.
Provides a full range of psychological
support through assessment and test-
ing, counseling, organizational consult-
ing services, job-performance research,
and human factors support to
codeword project.
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of Personnel
Overall Functions
Develop and recommend Agency poli-
cies, standards and procedures for po-
sition management; guide and evaluate
personnel management programs and
actions by Career Services and operat-
ing components; authenticate, record
and report Agency position require-
ments and personnel transactions; op-
erate an Agency recruitment program
nationwide; and operate central bene-
fits and services programs of common
concern, including supervision of and
guidance to the Agency Credit Union
operators. v
Special Activities
j Credit no
Deputy for
Office Of Personnel
Personnel and Career
Management Staff
Equal Employment
Opportunity Staff
Central Travel
Deputy for Employee
Benefits and Services
Deputy for Policy,
Analysis and Evaluation
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Executive Officer
Responsible for Office of Personnel lo-
gistical and financial administration;
budget formulation and coordination;
program planning and review; and day-
to-day management of the Office of the
Special Activities Staff
SAS is responsible for providing advice
and guidance to Agency officials re-
garding the applicable policies and pro-
cedures for handling problem cases,
including cases of marginal or unsatis-
factory performance, surplus cases,
suitability and disciplinary cases, and
such others as may result in "adverse
actions" as far as the employee is
concerned. SAS is also responsible for
representing the Director of Personnel
on the Overseas Review and the Appli-
cant Review Panels as well as acting as
Executive Secretary to the Personnel
Evaluation Board.
Equal Employment Oppor-
tunity Staff
Develops and manages the Agency's
equal employment opportunity and af-
firmative action programs.'Implements
Agency policy to prohibit discrimination
based on age, color, handicap, race,
national origin, religion, or sex. Devel-
ops and manages special emphasis
programs for the recruitment and ad-
vancement of minorities and women.
Manages a discrimination complaints
system for all employees and
Central Travel
Responsible for a centralized employee
travel, relocation and travel accommo-
dating function including both pre-travel
processing and post-travel financial ac-
counting and auditing.
Responsible for the recruitment, proc-
essing, and entry of Agency employees,
both full- and part-time. Operates overt
recruitment offices in a dozen major
cities across the Nation, maintaining
year-round contacts with college place-
ment offices and faculties and advertis-
ing Agency personnel needs in universi-
ties and in leading newspapers.
Coordinates its field operations with re-
cruitment activities of Agency
Employee Benefits and
Responsible for program management
and administration of employee bene-
fits and services, retirement-related ac-
tivities, allowances, personal services
contracting. Included are several key
statutory and Agency-unique benefits
programs, e.g., the CIA Retirement and
Disability System (CIARDS), the Fed-
eral Employees Health Benefits Act
(FECA), the Federal Employees Health
Benefit Program (FEHBP), the Federal
Employees Group Life Insurance Pro-
gram (FEGLI) and the Agency's over-
seas medical program. Services encom-
pass insurance, casualty assistance,
protocol and awards, employee recrea-
tion activities, and employee assign-
ment assistance and exit processing.
Personnel & Career
Management Staff
Responsible for providing advice to OP
management on issues relating to the
personnel management of the MP Ca-
reer Sub-Group. Selects candidates for
OP/Personnel Management Committee
(PMC) and consideration for staffing of
MP positions Agency-wide; provides
administrative support to the PMC and
nine evaluation panels; maintains liaison
with OT & E and DDA/CMS regarding
internal and external training programs
and the selection and enrollment of
participants, and provides information,
guidance and counsel to personnel
Policy, Analysis, and
Responsible for administering the
Agency position management, classifi-
cation, and compensation program, in-
cluding the conduct of periodic surveys
to ensure the currency of individual
position evaluations and the position
structure as a whole. Developing and
recommending policies, standards, and
procedures for personnel management
in the Agency; conducting research and
making statistical and analytical studies
pertinent to Agency personnel manage-
ment. Advising and assisting Heads of
Career Services and Operating Officials
on matters of personnel management;
evaluating the personnel and career
management programs and activities of
the Career Services. Maintaining official
current and historical personnel records
and a reporting system to serve Agency
managers. Administering the Senior In-
telligence Service (SIS) program.
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of Security
Overall Functions
Develops, maintains and conducts
worldwide security program to protect
Agency personnel, facilities, information
and activities against hostile penetra-
tion in the U.S. and overseas.
Provides security guidance and services
of common concern to other Intelli-
gence Community agencies.
Office Of Security
Deputy Director
for Physical, Technical
and Area Security
Security Services
Deputy Director
Policy and Management
Information Technical Special Security
Systems Security Security Records
Security Group Division Center Division
Overseas III Interagency I I III Security
i W
I Security Tralning Policy and
of r ! ! ! Education
Groups Center Plans croup Group
Area Information
Security I Review
Officers Group
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Deputy Director
for Personnel Security
and Investigations
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: :vCD N DP90-00708R000600070001-6
Deputy Director For
Physical, Technical
and Area Security
Headquarters Security
Services Group
Provides for the security protection of
Agency facilities and personnel in the
Washington Metropolitan area through
oversight of the GSA Federal Protective
Service in the outlying buildings and by
direct supervision of the CIA Security
Protective Service at Headquarters and
NPIC. Maintains the 24-hour, 7-day a
week Security Duty Office, Badge
Office, visitor control, and escort and
safekeeping equipment programs.
Information Systems
Security Group
Conducts the Agency's computer and
micrographics security program.
Overseas Security Groups
Provides comprehensive security sup-
port to overseas Agency installations
and personnel. (C)
Technical Security
Designs, tests, evaluates and installs
systems for the safekeeping of official
data and for entry control of sensitive
areas. Conducts a worldwide technical
surveillance countermeasures inspec-
tion, detection and prevention program.
Interagency Training
Operates, for the Intelleaence Co
nity, a center 71
Area Security Officers
Security Officers are assigned to select-
ed Agency components to provide on-
site policy guidance and support assist-
ance on security matters.
Deputy Director For Policy
And Management
Logistics Staff
Provides general logistics support to
the Office of Security.
Personnel Management
Provides general personnel and career
management support to the Office of
Security Records Division
Operates the central file facility for the
creation, processing and maintenance
of security records and for the con-
trolled dissemination of information
contained in them to Agency compo-
nents and other U.S. Government
Security Education Group
Conducts a comprehensive briefing and
training program aimed at raising the
level of security awareness of Agency
Information Review Group
In response to the Agency's Information
and Privacy Coordinator, processes for
release security information which has
been requested pursuant to Executive
Order 12356, the Freedom of Informa-
tion Act and the Privacy Act.
Physical Security Division
Conducts a comprehensive protection
program for Agency personnel and fa-
cilities worldwide. Conducts appropri-
ate security inspections, surveys and/
or audits of Agency facilities and of
major Agency industrial contractors'
Special Security Center
Supports the Intelligence Community
concerning compartmented information
security matters and assures implemen-
tation of related policy standards.
Policy and Plans Group
Provides staff support for the coordina-
tion and formulation of security policy
and plans. Provides finance support
and budget guidance for the Office of
Deputy Director For
Personnel Security and
Clearance Division
Performs security evaluation of appli-
cants for Agency employment and
other individuals being considered for
CIA clearance or approvals.
Security Analysis Group
Operates a counterintelligence research
program to inhibit, prevent or detect
any penetration or provocation from
foreign intelligence organizations
against Agency employees or those
persons having access to Agency clas-
sified information or facilities. (C)
Security Support Division
Provides briefing and guidance pro-
grams as well as an immediate re-
sponse capability for a variety of securi-
ty and cover-related problems incurred25X1
by Agency employees involved in both25X1
official and relevant personal activities.
Conducts the Agency's reinvestigation
program. (C)
Polygraph Division
Conducts the Agency's polygraph pro-
gram as applied to applicants, employ-
ees, industrial contractors, facility ac-
cess cases 25X1
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office of Training
and Education
Overall Functions
Develops, coordinates, and conducts
courses and programs which range
from orientations to advanced skills on
subjects of intelligence analysis, area
studies, management, administrative,
information science, agency systems,
operations, and foreign languages. OTE
manages the Agency's Career Training
Program, Executive Development Pro-
gram, Guest Speaker Program, Lan-
guage Incentive Program and the after-
hours Off-Campus Program affiliated
with the University of Virginia.
In addition to the approximately 120
(excluding language training) internal
courses, OTE administers Agency-
sponsored external training and ensures
that requests for training at non-CIA
facilities comply with Title 5 of the U.S.
Code. The Training Selection Board ap-
proves and funds the nomination and
attendance of qualified employees at
senior officer schools and certain exec-
utive leadership programs. Visits by
25X1 non-Agency groups to CIA for specified
briefings and orientations are coordi-
nated through OTE.
Approved For Release 2007/01/gPCF -RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Office Of Training And Education
Carr I I Intelligence Management & I I Language I I covert
Trainee Training i ...ining I I Training I I instruction
Division Division Div Division Division
Management Professional tlL!anch Managemen Romance
Branch velopmen Training Language
Branch Department
Corrrrkriication L N. East and
Trairrng Asian
Brar>ch Lang Dept
Computer Based
Study of
Slavic and
Lang Dept
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
I F Computer
F Skills
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
Executive Officer
Responsible for the effective general
management of OTE on a daily basis
and supervises the activities of the
Training Support Division, Administra-
tive Division, and Plans Group.
Administration Division
Responsible for the support functions of
OTE: personnel, security. to istics, and
budget and finance.
Manages the TE Library and
the CIA Self-Study Center. Provides
video and multi-media resources and
support to OTE training courses.
Training Support Division
Handles the administrative support for
all CIA external training and the
Agency's Off-Campus Program. Main-
tains the computerized Agency Training
System, training, statistics, and central-
ized registrations for all OTE-conducted
courses with the exception of language
training. Allocates OTE classroom
space and publishes the training cata-
log, course schedules, and Notes to
Training Officers.
Plans Group
Provides planning support to the
Director of Training and Education.
Serves as a focal point for OTE-wide
special projects, strategic planning,
systems development, information han-
dling and budget preparation.
Assistant Director of Train-
ing for Curriculum
Develops and evaluates OTE's training
programs and is responsible for sub-
stantive liaison with Agency and Intelli-
gence Community training elements.
Chairs the Curriculum Committee, the
Directorate Senior Training Officer's
meetings, and the inter-directorate
computer-based training group. Super-
vises the OTE Computer Based Training
Executive Development
Conducts instruction designed to en-
hance the development of the Agency's
senior managers. Presents a Core
Course for all new SIS officers, plus a
series of short seminars and
Center for the Study
of Intelligence
Publishes the Studies in Intelligence,
sponsors research projects and confer-
ences which focus on the profession of
intelligence, and manages the Agency's
Guest Speaker Program and the Inter-
directorate Seminar.
Career Trainee Division
Administers the Agency-wide Career
Trainee Training Program. Conducts in-
troductory training for all Career Train-
ees and arranges other training appro-
priate for each Career Trainee's
developmental needs. Arranges interim
assignments in offices throughout the
Agency to provide on-the-job training
experience for Career Trainees. Moni-
tors each Career Trainee's progress
throughout the year-long program and
provides advice and career guidance
during the course of their training.
Intelligence Training
Conducts training activities which range
from orientation and general courses for
new, middle- and senior-level employ-
ees; to specialized training for overseas
assignment. Presents an extensive pro-
gram in analysis training as well as a
variety of courses which focus on area
Management and Adminis-
trative Training Division
Responsible for conducting instruction
designed to enhance supervisory and
management skills of Agency employ-
ees. Courses cover technical subjects,
administrative procedures, interperson-
al skills, management skills, oral and
written communications, and records
management skills.
Language Training Division
Provides full-time and part-time instruc-
tion in more than 20 foreign languages.
Implements an extensive language pro-
ficiency program and works to establish
national and governmental testing
standards. Administers the Agency's
Language Incentive Program.
Covert Instruction Division
Presents tutorial operations training for
individuals who cannot attend the for-
mal training programs offered by the
rlncratinnc Traininn Division. Primary
Information Systems
Training Division
Responsible for Agency-wide computer
skills training for non-data processing
personnel. Teaches basic word proc-
essing skills to new Agency employees.
Conducts courses on various special-
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6
ized computer-based management in-
formation systems for the Agency and
Intelligence Community. Presents semi-
nars and short courses on special com-
puter-related topics of interest to users.
Supervises the activities of the Cham-
ber of Commerce Data Access Center.
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-007088000600070001-6
Directorate of Administration
Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP90-00708R000600070001-6