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Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610 , 080038-7 Cits"C 64-5610 MEM0RANDUZ4 IrOlt; Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Review of Meimbership of CIA Subcommittees .Ts memorandum contains a recommendation 4UbiZted ? approval of the Director of Central-Intelligence. Such recommendation .is contained in paragraph 7. 2. We have reviewed the mainbership of the four Committees of the Congress of primary concern to the Asency in light of the elections a.,?:d other factors. For ready refereTice there is attached a listiaz cl full C011-411itt00 membership of the four Committees aG of the ,,it.'411 Li the 'attachmap.te the names of tho individuals retired, clocea.00,d or are lined throue,h. 2"lembere of CIA Sobcomalittcee are underacored. /our attachraente are: Tab A - Senate Ap, propriations Committee Tob B - Senate Armed Servicee Convnittee Tab C - House Appropriations Committee Tab D House Armed Services Committee 3. On the Senate Appropriations there is only one change,tht is the deletion of Senator Humphrey. Thus, there is no effect on the CIA Subcommittee. Further, it to assumed meetings of this Stibeommitteevr continue to be held jointly with Senate Armed Services Subcornmitteo rr the loadertahip of Senator Russell. 4. On the Senate Armed SerViCeZ Committee there are no chanGen which directly affect the Agency. appe.are probable that Senator Theo...:nor,: ? will be placed by the Republicans on this Committee particularly ziltoo there are two vacancies on the Republican side, th.ose of J. Glenn Beall and Lorry Goldwater. As of now it would seem that Senators Nowarcl Cannon and Stephen young .have won their :respective races. ( OVF:,7:1\71Ati I Ni Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 5. Prior to the end a the 83th Ccoe Mr. ;`,.ic,1-..on 13.s4 olrooey auoulned the chairrneals;thip of the tiouoo Appropriations Cononittco upon the death of Mr. Cannon. .Mr. Sheppard of our Sube4azrarliu,,.20 It had been the zeueral, practice for the caemborship 4).1 the CIA Sobco'.-.7aoic...o to be selected from the seolor members oq the Defenoe Approprio.tic Cub.. conunittee. llowever, with the retirement of Mr. Taber two yoara it watt deemed appropriate by the Chairman to select in a different and he reached. (AM for Representative Bow who woo the raaing fLealbor of the State Dopartinent Subcommittee. Thu3. there aro two VC-C4'43.CiOZ to be filled on the C/A Subcommittee. If the old preceisot of &selecting frox. senior rnenibers of the Lefense Subconalo-Attee wore follocwod thio would brinz, SAtt4 Line Robert L. r. Sliszo of :Florida a,o.d Jazolo L. Whitten of Misulusippi. Both are intensely interooted in r..o.Lional security matters and our experience would le?od kl3 to b41ieVel thZ..t both would bocotno etzninch supportero a the ,Aaency if' they were fully briefed On A5oacy activities. If the LOD Subcoatro.ittee precedent were not folloveed ar.4 the State Department Subtommittee precedent wore followed'. ao in the case of Mr. Dow, thin would bring into consideration John J. Rooney viizeo b Chairman a the State Department Subcommittee and Slhos who ia to next senior. In atilt event the question of replacements is believed 1.';o be a :matter which should be discueued carefully with Mr. 4,.16;i:Lon to aocein viewo. As a matter a information, Mr. .41:410Xli has made it cle.,artht he 'intends to hold consideraWy more detailed hearinze on the .4Vc,-1 brz4zot and has stated he would like to start these h.enrinzo GOOU au poesiblo after the converainz of the. 39th Conzress. 6. With the nuto.erous chonzes in the Nouse Azr.aoci Servicee there are a nvouber opossibilities. a. On the Republican old? M. Oew4ers who has served on our Subcoaralittee was defeated aad I would suiAest as an excellent replacement Mr. William 11. Bates. Ho is the 2.n4nority inennber after Leslie ',rends. Also -during the heorint,,,o G n the CIA retiver.oent bill. Mr. Bates exhibited an, inteuee interest in the Azoncy and intelligence 4eneral1y and was a strona advocate of Cho .ALency's viewpoint. b. With the retirement of M. Vinson, :Mr. Vivc.,..ra, of course, a.ssuines the chairczaaship. Zt la anticipated that theo will be nurnerous chanzes of Subcoaonittee Chairalen who loot year were Rivers, Philbin and 'Robert, respectively, chairiz:; Subcornniittees No. 1, 'No. Z. and No. 3. Other chairkzaashipo , 2 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 were: Porter Hardy, Subcommittee on Special Investigations; Arthur Winstead (now defeated), Special Subcommittee on Real Estate and Construction; Melvin Price, Special Sub- committee on Research and Development; and L. Mendel Rivers, Special Subcommittee on National Military Airlift. Mr. Vinson chaired the CIA Subcommittee. We believe that under the circumstances it would be to the Agency's interest if Mr. Rivers were to assign the chairmanship of the CIA Subcommittee to someone down the line. Mr. Hebert is the next senior after Rivers on our Subcommittee and generally Is highly regarded. However, he undoubtedly will have even heavier responsibilities in the next Congress with Rivers as Chairman of the full Committee. Therefore, the next in line, Mr. Price is suggested. Mr. Price has evidenced a strong interest in the Agency and has indicated his strong beliefs that the CIA Subcommittee should be far more active. Mr. Price is a responsible and capable Congressman and should make an excellent CIA Subcommittee Chairman. c. With the defeat of George Huddeston, a member of our Subcommittee, there will be one Democratic vacancy. Mr. Stratton is suggested as a replacement. Mr. Stratton has had intelligence experience during World War II and on several occasions, including the hearings on the early retirement bill, has evidenced his interest in intelligence generally and the Agency particularly. Stratton is regarded as a responsible and capable individual and should make an excellent addition. 7. I recommend that at the earliest opportunity the House Armed Services situation be discussed directly with Mr. Rivers by Mr. Warner and such other indirect steps be taken as seem appropriate after that discussion. The question of replacement on House Appropriations can await Mr. Mahon's return. On the Senate side there appears to be no C.44.0:94'110.9-9,1A3274 (2 TAPA eq) - OCC \ re - ETf -iAtts-.., C.; 4 0bize,4,1, C, and D The recommendation in paragraph 7 is approved. JOHN A. McCONE Director 41/14 Approved For Release . - 90-00610R000200080038-7 3 JOHN S. WARNER Legislative Counsel Date Approved For, Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 SENATE PROP& Carl Hayden (D. ,Ariz.) Ilichard B. Rustlea (D. ? Ca.) Allen J. Ellender (D. La.) Lister Hill (D.. Ala.) John L. McClellan (D., Ark.) A. Willis Robertson (D.* Va.) Waz, en G. Ma.VIUS013 (D., Wash.) Spossard L. Holland (D., 'la.) John Stennis (D. Miss.) John 0. Pastore (D.. R. I.) A. S. Mike ,Ivicrarorysy (D., Okla.) Alan Bible (D. Nev.) Robert C. Byrd (D., W. Va.) Gale W. McGee (D., Wyo.) a I > gi 410.- ticaorphoe .(Evi Mitro Mansfield (ID., Mont.) E. L. Bartlett (D., Alaska) William Proxmire (D., Wis.) 17I0NS COlvIMIITTEE Leverett Sviltonstall R. ? Milton '11j, R., N. Bak." KarlE. Mundt. (R., S. L'alz.) Margaret Chase Smith (R., Maine) Thomas H. iCuehel (R., ) Roman L. liruska (R., Neb.) Gordon Allot (R., Colo.) Norris Cotton (R., N. H.) Clifford P. Case (R.. N. 34 , Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 Approved Fizz'. Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 SENATE AMZ: !4chrd B. D? ? Ga. L John Stennis D. ? Mis021. Harry Flood Byrd (D. Vt.) $tuart Symington (D. ? Mo.) Henry M. Jackson (Dv, Wash.) Sam .1. Ervin, Jr. (D. ? N. C? Stv,osa-Tiairmend-(0,-.- Gel Caailt r How rd W. CannorA (D., Nev.) ?Robert C. Byrd (D., W. V.) Stephen 14. Young, (D., Ohio) Daniel K. Inouye (D., Hawaii) C0b,CMITTIL'E: Lev Saltonstall (R. ? MaGs.....) Margaret Chase Smith (R. ? Mainc) ar - Bay- Go/ dwa.tar- (Re r rida.? Clifford P. Case (R., N. 3.) oti Thurmond - It appears probable that Thurmond will be granted a seat on the Republican side Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 HOUSE APPROPRL&T Clarence -Cane(.- Moo- )- Georp H. WizhLor,..... (D.. To.) Thomas (D. , Tex. ) ,Michael 3. Kirwan (t., Ohio) .7arni e L. Whitten (D., Mi se. ) George W. Andrews (D., ) John J. Rooney (D. N. Y.) Jr -Van3lian-Gary-(D.-?--V-a.-) John E. Fogarty (D., R. ) nobort L. F. Sikes (D., Fla.) Otto E. Passrnan (D., Lag ) Joe L. EtrilID (D., Tenn.) rAlward P. Boland (D., Mss.) Willians H. Matcher (D. Ky.) Daniel 3. Flood (31, Penna.) V.finfield K. Denton Ind.) Tom Steed (D., Ola.) 4%;' Jo serA-141 - Montoya- (D.- -Ne -1401:1 ) Georze E. Shipley (D., ) jean-MI-Slack,- - tarr -Ws-Ara, ) john-Lesinsldriar f John 3. Flynt, Jr. (D., Ga.) Neal Smith (D.. Iowa) Robert N. Giainao (D., Conn.) Julia Butler Hansen (D., Wash.) -17-innepan- Char.10-s S. Joeloon (D., N. J.) Joseph P. Addabbo (D., N. If.) John. 3. McFall (D., Calif.) * Elected to the Senate 0 COMMITTEE flowei !:1-2;i0 wan -washl-) Gerald R. Ford (R.. Mich.) Iiiar -G.- ?Ostertag--(Va-,- 44. ) Frank T. Bow (is., Ohio) Charles R. Jonas (It, N. C. Melvin R. Laird (It, ) Elford A. Ceclerberz, (IL, Mich.) Glenard P. Lipscomb (It, Can.) John J. Rhodeo (IL, Ariz. ) JeihaRo PIIio (It y Wflhian E. Minshall (R., Ohio) Robert H. Michel (R., ) Silvio 0. Conte (R., Masa. ) William-IL, --Milliken- (a. ,-Pc`-?-) -Lade> Odin Lenten (R., Minn.) W-illiam-Henry-Harrison-(D.-,-;Vyos Bon Retie). (R. S. ) Lout e-Ce- Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7 TriOUS AR 4,3-&-ri --Vinson 41). , -002i L. Mendel Rivera. (D., C.) Philip J. Philbin Mass.) F. Edward Hebert (D.. La.L Alinliur Winstead Melvin Price (D. ill.) 0. C. Fisher (D.. Tex.) Porter }lardy, Jr. (D.. Va. ) Charlec E. Bennett (D., Fla..) 'ale haw cz-se -Lankftozni ?Mde) Georpe. Huddleston,- jr-; Saanee A. Byrne (ID., Pa.) Samuel S. Stratton (D.. N. Y.) Jefiery Galician (D, Calif.) krietoi. ichcroliwrt- (D :e Otis C. Pike (D.. N.Y.) gee -M. ? Kill2ore -(D.6 Tex..) Richard H. Ich.ard (D., Zilissouri) Lucien N. Ncazi (D., Mich.) Clarence D. Long (D., Md.) Zvevett C.- zuzkhattex A. "ornos-Isern (D., Puerto Rica) SiRVICES COMMITTEE Lfle C. Ari.,..-ncis (it, Wier -Norblaci -,-Orezjaa) Williaira. H. Bates (2,.. Avii -Z.- 04,:coaski- C. BraL(R. Ind.) ......**??????????? Dab 'Wilson (R.. Calif.) F?rank-C.- Ne-J.) Charles S. Gubacr (R., Calif. Frank-J.- -Becker ?N. -) Charles E. Chamberlain (R., Alexander :Arnie(R., N. Y.) Dux:yard G. no.) Donald D. Clancy (11.', Robert T. Stafford (R., V. d? Forernan-CR: Richard. S. Schwelker (R.. Z. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000200080038-7