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.4 r ';+cootein orrice/Q. coApippeApec6For I4elease 20 100/96:% e,1ifprpa.00610RGA.0100200011-3 ? 'ME SECt2r.TAll Y or trrArsi WAgifINWTON 21, ti. DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM FOR GENERAL li.A.GFCIJ DER: January 8, 19/4 For your information I enclose a copy of a memorandum sent to the President yesterday by the Secretaries of State, War and Na, enclosing a proposed order establishing a Central Intelligence .Agency. As you will note, the plan proposes a general structure and contains a statement of functions, but leaves undecided most of the questions that have been under discussion between the service departments and the State Department. ('-??/((__ (.2 Alfred McCormack Special Assistant to the Secretary Encl. (1) OSD review(s) completed. ' Approved For Release 2003106/O6Et LAA'Ru1590-00610R000100200011-3 ? Approved For Rilease 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100200011-3 fir?71r;-17-11.1,3 ? Janual7 7, 1946 Ey' dear ;Ir. President: Pursuant to your letter of 7.2-eptemticr 20, 19451 addressed to the Secretary of State, we have constituted ourEelves en inter-' eparta croup to forirrolLte a palm for yourap,;:roval for e conprahensive and coordinated foreign int ellizence pron.= for ell * federal age-mice octicerned with the, type of Ketivity. After extensive study, TO have unanktously agreed to re,corz-end to you the pi= :ditch is attached horete? This plan taker: the fon% of a directive establishing a liational Intelligence Authority, cemposed of the Secretaries e State, War and the Navy, venich i3 charged with the rer,lomibility for such overall intelligence Planning and developreryt end su..-:1 inspection and coorednetion of en Fa-dera.1 interlicerce agencies az to assi.:xe tho most effective ?accom-pliement of the intelligence _mission minted to tht national iieturitro .7.The dir.ective ferther pr-ovides that tho liationa1 Intelligence Authority shall establish a -Central Intellience Itgency, headed by a Director to be appointed The FrIstident Theltite liouso Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-R1790-00610R000100200011-3 ? v. . *I? i? Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100200011-3 by tha PrecideIt on the recoarendAtion of the National IntelIii:enco Authority. The Director is to be edvised by an intelligence Al....Tie- ory Beard, consistina e the Isews of the principal militanr and civil?iintellicencf:t ageileita twang functions related to the natiorral serca'ity. You will note thLt the pT1 ect forth in the directive cante- platys that Vo Authority-4, asFisted by the er;irectoi? and the Intelli- gence Adviscx7 Board* 'will prepare r.:nd submit to you for your app-cvsi a basic orw.ltiss.timal plan in accordance with t1.- principles set forth in On directive. It is believed to be desirable that the da- tailo of the creanization should be worked out in the first instance by the eficials who will be reonsible for its performance. Accordingly, we rece=ancl that you sign the attached directive. Feithfully yourro secretary of f:'.tate tetinz Secretary of war Secretary of the navy SA- ?':cC ujg 11/7/46 Approved For Release 2003/0-635 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100200011-3 , Approved For Release 2003tp.Ty6 ciAtawfsbAb61 oiVooi 00200011-3 DrenTITE RFOADMO TE i COORDINATION CE Irria.LIGEVC3 In order to provide for the development and coordination of intelligence ectivitice reltd to the national security* 1* A National intelligence Authority composed cf tho Lecre- teries of Ltate? War and the Navy- is hrxeby eetabliehed and charged with respomitiIity for euch overall intelligence ph :ming and devolopeent? and sueh inepreotion and coordination of all kederal in- telligence activities, as to assure the coat. effective accomplish- ment of tho intelligence mission reilated to the netional security._ 2. To astiet it in that task the National Intelligence Actlorly shall establieh a Central Intelligence Agency heeded by Director- ILLEGIB Itto ehall be appointed or removed by the President tht recceemenee- tion of the Vational Intelliceece Authority* The Directer of the Central Intelligence Agency Mall be reaponeible to the rationel In- telligence Authority-and shall it az a non-voting member thereof* 3. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall be advised b.7 an Intelligence Advisory Board consitting of the heads of - the principal military and civilian intelligence agencies having function related to the national vecurity, as determined by the Natioval Intelligence Authority* 4. The first duty of the rational Intelligence Authority, el:misted by the Director of the Central intelligence Agency and tYe Intelli- gence Advieory Board, :alafl be to prepare and subnit to the President for his approval a basic organizational plan for implementing this dteeetive in_accordanco with the concept set forth in tht following paragrapher (Thire.plan vholad include drafts_of..allnecessary_legle- lation*5 5. Subject to the dirrcticn and eentrel of the Natio:lel Intelli- gence Authority, the central intell ,ence Agency shell: ILLEGIB (a) Accomplish the she sin and evelcation of departeentel intelligence relating to the national secority sne._cther iufgrmation_collected_by_it and the eppropriste dincemi- nation within the government of the resulting dtretegic and national policy intelligence. Approved For Releasen 90-00610R000100200011-3 .4. Via Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDp90-00610R000100200011-3 (b) Plan for the coordinetion of tho activities of all itteI1F-- gence agencies of the government having functions re- lated to the national secuoity and recommend to the National intelligence Authority the eostablishment of such overall policies and objectives ce will assure tho wort effective accomplishment of the national intelligence tdesion. (e) Fcrform? for the benefit of depertmntal intelligence agen- cies, such services of eemnen concern cs the Eational In- tclWence Luthority determines onn bo more efficiently acomplished by a cormon agency, including the direct pro- curement of intellifzence* (d) Forform ouch other functions duties related to intelli genet, as the President and the ;,:tion,31 InteUire Auttor- ity miq ftom. time to time diroot* - 6. The Central Intelligenco tgeney ehall have no police or 1rs enforcement functions* 7* Subject to oordination by the Vational IntollitTnee Autherfty, the existirr; intelligence agencies of the covornment shdl centime to collect, evauste, t,,futhealso and eissominate departmental optrot- ing intellizence? herein definP1 am that intollif,ence required by eovelol departments and indepeadent aLcnoics for the performance of their proper functions* Such departmentol operating intelligence or desienoted by the National Intelligeneo Authority ehall be freely able to the Control Intellicenco ACenoy for tynthosis* Ls a7arovc by the Vational Intelliganco Authority, the operations of the deportrontal intelligence sgencion shalt be open to inspection by t1. Central In- telligence Agency in connection, with its planning functions. In the: interpretation of this peran-ph the qttionsl Intellicenco At.ther.-11;y and the Central Intellioenee Acency will be responsible for fully pro- tecting intollil;coce sources aria methods 'Thiel-, doe to tl-oir nature, have a direct aad hizhly importvnt bearing on militery operz=tions. 8. 'wide and personnel for the National Intelligence Atthortr emil be provided by the departments participrting in the notional Intolliones Authority in amount and proportions to he ezreed upon by the rAmbors of the Authority* ;1,thin the lirlts of Ow funds M.SZC.IR tValPUle to him the Director of the Control Intellicetee lo:oncy employ neeto:cary pomennol and moke provident; for nec.I.Fcary eop:tiol, facilitioe and eervioes. 'Aith too approval of the Nzitionnl intent- ones tuthority, he may call upon departments and irriApPndent agencies to furniah such spesialists es ray be required for eupervitory an,a IL funotioaa poaitions in the Central Intelligence Aconcy, LE GIB the tssignmont of milittry and naval personnel* Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000 100200011-3 Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100200011-3 JOINT PROPOSAL OF THE SECRETARIES OF STATE, WAR AND NAVY FOR A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY As a result of the various criticiEms the McCormack plan was entirely eliminated. On 7 January the three .Secretaries submitted their unanimous recommendation to the President, together with a draft directive for setting up the National Intelligence Authority and the Central Intel- ligence Agency. The directive differs from the proposal put forward by the Joint Intelligence Committee almost exactly one year earlier only in the regard that the latter recommended an independent budget for the NIA, whereas the draft directive proposed that funds should be drawn from the departments participating in the NIA. The reason for this difference has already been pointed out. ? Approved For Release 2003/06/06 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100200011-3 22_